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[PP-F3] Of Quest Grinding (Lessa)

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Obiltus made his way to the Third Floor, in search for quests, hoping only to not be so god-damned weak anymore. It was a long story, his time here in Aincrad so far, one that we won't go into terrible detail of, but atleast touch the subject. To summarize; It was one of boredom, from his usual busy life in the world outside, and one that he wasn't particularly fond of. The Young adult had no such dreams or wishes to live in the world of a Game, having only played them as a hobby, and mostly focusing on games of the likes of the old MOBAs. RPGs were new to him, especially the concept of VR, but, with his birthday having come near the day of the release, Obiltus couldn't resist the desire to beg and plead for one from his parents. Little did he know, he'd get caught up in this extreme mess, one he wanted nothing to do with. It wasn't fear he felt like many, it was mostly a sort of mundane attitude, one that spelled of "Why this [censored] right now, and why me?" of course being a rhetorical question. Obiltus knew that it wasn't necessarily directed at him, nothing of this sort ever was, as sometimes the more egocentric people like to think. Nonetheless, it had happened, not only to him, but to many. While Obiltus hadn't exactly played Video Games on the Hardcore level and rarely sought an ambitious feat like "Being the Strongest", seeing that as extremely bland and mainstream, he certainly didn't want to get grouped with the little pub shitters that couldn't hold their own.

So, with all that being said, he ventured to the Third Floor of Aincrad, having head immensely about a relatively easy quest that produced fairly high rewards as a first action to take. With his default clothing and rapier equipped, the yellow-haired boy ventured up to that level from his quiet little spot on the first floor, having reached there in literally, no time at all, given the usefulness of the Teleportation Gates. As Obiltus approached the just-now-mentioned Quest Quota, he realized that maybe Fifty Hp might have been a bit out of his price range, and was largely unsure of how he was going to proceed, stopping to quietly think to himself how he would go about this, or if he should give up now.

Edited by Obiltus
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The third floor was a strange sort of hybrid. Unlike the first floor, it was not teaming with level one players, content to remain in the Town of Beginnings, and unwilling to put their lives in danger. It did not boast the unique features of floors like the fourth, unless you were partial to seas of dandelions. Whereas even low-level players ventured to Snowfrost Town, eager to experience the Christmas-like atmosphere, the same could not be said about Delilah Village. So, generally, the individuals who milled about on the floor were either at-or-above the floor's recommended level, the latter most likely visiting for the easy material gathering, or the array of shops.

As such, Lessa was startled to spot a player dressed entirely in starting apparel, his beginner weapon dangling from his hip. The expression he wore made his confusion as clear as if he had been shouting it. A frown played across her features, as the same-old war began to wage within her. Go help him, her bleeding heart urged, prompting her closer to him. He is so lost. You were lost too. Everyone needs someone.

But that someone does not have to be you, a second voice countered hotly. You do too much. You spread yourself too thin. Stop doing everything for everyone, or you won't make it. It was a compelling argument. Some days, that voice of reason won out, and she simply walked the other direction. But as she eyed the blonde a moment longer, she felt her resolve growing weaker. Just a simple question, to ensure he was alright. What harm could it possibly do?

Long strides closed the distance between them. Though she had grown used to the heavy armor she wore, she was still far more comfortable roaming in simple blue jeans and a colored blouse; today, the garment happened to be a vibrant sea-foam green. "Hey there," she greeted from a few paces away. She had found that it was always better to call out before approaching, so not to frighten the player. "You look a little turned around. Do you need help?"

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He sat in his  own silence for a second, thinking of a million ways he could probably go about this, the most prominent of which being that he should probably take him and his rapier, go back down to the first floor, and start killing the little shitter boars down there. This would allow the man to gain col, and by extension, use that col to get better accessories and weaponry, and by even more extension make him more qualified for this quest. The conflict with that whole plan; time. Though he had no idea how fast the frontlines progressed as a team, he could only imagine a group of Mid-to-High level players with the best gear to date and organization of that to be matched only by a few other groups would be getting along floor after floor fairly quickly. Again, Obiltus had no actual idea of what it was like up there, and for all he knew, that whole spiel was wrong and they're literally just a mismatch of different players who can't tell their arse's from a hole in the ground, sludging along in the progression.

Though both these scenarios also made another idea of his pop up. He thought about, If they are rushing through floor after floor, killing boss after boss, then why did Obiltus have to worry? If they were so fast, why didn't he just say "ah screw it" and head back down to the first floor, cozy back up in a bed in one of the inns and just lay there until it was all over? Then there was the second conflicting thought Lets say I do my fair share, and pull my own weight, what difference will that make? Any at all? Probably not.

He could go on forever debating this in his own mind, but, much to Obiltus's luck, a voice quickly snapped him out of it, the question instantly returning him all the way back to the current issue at hand. He heistated for a second, scanning the woman who had asked and then the surrounding area, looking back to her. "A little is an understatement. I am more 'turned around' then a fish without eyes. I do need help, but to ask someone, randomly, off the streets of the Third floor would be extremely odd of me. Though if you're offering, that would be very nice, except I have no way of repaying you, so the point is moot."

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The young woman laughed, a soft yet melodious sound that drifted from deep within her. Where had I been hiding that? she mused silently, humor lighting her eyes. When the boy simply stared back at her, a crooked smile consumed her expression. "Sorry," she countered, waving her hand a bit. What was so funny? That he thought that he needed to pay her? That he offered at all? That she could not recall another player making such an effort, despite the countless hours she had spent providing aid? "No, please. You don't have to repay me. Don't even worry about it." She swiped at a small tear that clung to the corner of her eye, a sure sign that she had needed such an outburst of emotion.

Still grinning, she offered a hand. "I'm Lessa, by the way." Another chuckle bubbled up from inside her, and she fought to keep it down. "Sorry, geeze, please don't take offense. I just don't think anyone has ever offered to repay me. It's nice. It's actually really refreshing." Her words were genuine, and she delivered them in a way that suggested as much. Eyes the color of the cloudless sky caught and held his gaze, as she added, "now that that's out of the way, where is it that you're heading? I don't know everything, but I should know enough to get you started, at the very least."

Suddenly, as an afterthought, she spoke again. "And you don't have to worry about being odd." She snorted, and concluded with, "I mean, look at me."

Edited by Lessa
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Her laugh kind of lightened his tenseness, now made clear to him that her attention was not to mug him. Though thinking on that, the thought was a dumb one. Why would anyone, especially someone with the capability to do so, would select a low level with literally nothing of value, who was standing at a low leveled quest quota, doing nothing but that; standing there. It was such a costly target, and would yield no results Obiltus honest to god had no idea why he even had that thought, if only for but a fleeting moment. That being said, her chuckling and giggling being nearly infectous, and causing the man to be unsure of whether or not it was a good or bad sign.

Regardless of either, he was never one to be rude and shook her hand as she offered it. "Well. Good day to you, Lessa. The User, I believe that I have," He had to look at his Health bar to double check that what it said was the same thing as his Username, not quite used to RPG games, especially not this one in particular "Obiltus." The statement that followed the introductions perplexed him even more, and he blinked a few times unsure. The people here were strange, very much so in the fact that none seem to accept any payment for their services.

"If you insist, but I feel guilty say that. And, uh. I guess I am headed to find a Wasp? I guess? As for being odd, aren't we all a little odd, at the very least, a bit strange?"

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At his words, the humor drained from her features. Her expression hardened. "Wait," Lessa began, her voice low. "You're looking for a wasp?" There was only one quest that matched that description, and had heard it discussed often enough to know the dangers it posed. This sandy blonde, with his bewildered expression and starter gear, could not have been more than level two, if he had managed even that. There was also a youthful innocence about the player, in the way he spoke, the way he walked, and ultimately, the way that he held himself. Even the most well-mannered and even-tempered veterans still carried lines of worry around their eyes, and black bags beneath them. He lacked both of those traits, and she was in no hurry to watch him adopt them.

"Are you talking about Long Live the Queen?" she asked, working to keep her voice level, so not to scare the boy off. Her worry for him could easily backfire, and she would do her best to keep that from happening. Her lips drew into a thin white line as she stared up at the boy. "Look, that's not an easy quest, especially if you're still relatively new." Here we go again. "If you insist on doing it, will you at least let me come along? I won't help, I'll just watch. I'll be there in case you need anything."

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