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[PP-NK-F4] do spide havv (Takao)

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It was a nice change of pace for the day, Obiltus teleporting up to the main settlement on the Fourth Floor this time, rather than the little village on the Third Floor. The man had spent more than enough time doing quests and following people around on that godforsaken Floor. While the company was generally nice and the people he got along well with, Obiltus was one of those who needed a constant change of scenery, simply for the reason that he got bored rather easily. He found himself wondering if the numbers often reflected relation and closeness in Climate and Terrain, given for the most part, the First Three floors hadn't proven to be terribly different, maybe one have some extra trees, and the other, maybe some rugged hills and mountains, but other than that, general same temperature and comfort. To say the least; that theory was crushed almost instantly upon arriving on the Fourth Floor. The Winter-wonderland theme set in pretty quickly for the largely-inexperienced Obiltus, He had heard of the place but assumed they always meant Floor Forty, which the man had only recently found out; wasn't even close to being unlocked yet. Quickly digging through his inventory, Level 1 Obiltus had no way to shield himself from the snow, cursing to himself coming un-prepared to a floor like this.

Attempting to both distract himself from noticing the cold, and move along quickly in order to ward off the dropped tempatures, Obiltus rushed forward, trudging through the know quickly, kicking huge heaps with ever kick back in order to move forward, he searched quickly for the bounty board, finding one of the easier ones there <<Avalance>>, accepting it with haste and then immediately scanning the area for anyone to pretty much do the quest for him.

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"I know, I know. Yeesh." Takao grumbled in response to his draconic familiar barking at him. The brunet lifted the collar of his jacket and hugged it tight to his neck as plumes of white smoke bellowed from his lungs, the result of warm breath hitting frigid air. He despised the fourth floor despite its scenic beauty, simply for the fact that the temperature was positively loathsome. He knew his familiar hated it too, but the only thing that the small rat-like lizard hated more than the cold was not terrorizing Takao constantly. As such, it whined and whined until Takao would take him to a small AI-managed stand on the fourth that sold smoked fish. "Every day wi'dis. S'gettin' old." He muttered through his attempts at suppressing the urge to shiver. Per their usual routine, the stand was approached and a pair of smoked fish on a stick were purchased, lightening his wallet ever so slightly for the sake of NPC-based convenience. The warmth of the freshly cooked food was certainly comforting amidst the cold wintry landscape.

His eyes set upon a player standing at one of the plentiful bounty boards, who appeared to be hastily searching through the quests and offerings until he found one he fancied. Then he began to search the area, perhaps for a friend he'd been waiting for, although it seemed much less like he was looking for something specific and rather just... something. So, curious as always, Takao approached him. "Ay," He began, still working down a mouthful of smoked fish. "Y'need help widda' quest'r some'n?"

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The boy stood by himself, amongst the white snow and bustling city about him for a few seconds, his scanning gaze eventually went from one of purpose to the Thousand Mile stare, quickly getting lost in random thoughts throughout the day. He saw people dancing about, both in the literal and metaphorical sense, wondering what the hell it was they were doing. Then his attention would dart to the freezing air, Obiltus would quickly catch himself thinking about it, Shiver, and then try once more to redirect his focus to try his best not to think about it. For a while, his eyes would focus and unfocus, being in a constant scatterbrain thought process at this moment, unsure of what exactly it was he was doing at this moment. And he would have stood there for basically ever, if a random player hadn't trudged up, and startled him out of that state of mind.

With a jump Obiltus was almost instantly refocused back on the original task at hand, but thought it would be rude to start with asking that, and decided to introduce first. "Uh, Hi?" The vlonde couldn't exactly find anythnig else to say, his mind drawing a complete blank for a moment. He sat in silence and then remembered that this strange person had asked a question. "Oh, right. Uh, yea, Kind of. Don't suppose you like killing Ice Creatures for little to no reward?"

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