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Real Name
          Ken Watanabe


Born into a once large and wealthy family, ken lived a life of luxury. That was until that fateful day where almost everyone in his household was murdered. It happened all in the middle of the night and it came out of nowhere. Ken woke up to the sounds of screaming. As he opened his door, shadows flew passed him as if he was invisible to them. Eventually, all the screaming stopped and house grew silent. He slowly crept closer to his parents room. As he opened the door, his eyes grew wide open and his mouth gaping. The walls and floor was covered in blood. Lying there in the middle of the room were the remains of his parents. Their bodies were heavily deformed, almost indistinguishable, but Ken knew that was them. He fell to the floor as tears fell down his cheeks. His mouth still agape, he silently cried, not wanting to make a sound. As he sat there motionless he felt a cold metal press against his neck. Before he could react, he hears a gunshot behind him and man clad in black fell to the ground. An unknown man walked up towards him asking him if he was okay. He gave him no words.

After that fateful night, Ken hardly ever said a word. He was put into protective custody as they investigated the massacre. Ken knew nothing, and even if he did, he never said anything. When people try to get a word out of him, they don't get anything other than his mouth opening and air.

Over the years, Ken lived with a foster family. He grew up like a normal kid in japan, but nothing about him was normal. He never spoke to anyone and never made any friends. The one thing that was normal was the fact that all he ever did was play videos and did his school work. After awhile, his foster parents had found out about the new game coming out called Sword Art Online. Thinking it could be a new change for Ken and that it could maybe make him open up to people more, they bought him a Nerve Gear and the game. Ken was skeptical at first about the game, but after thinking about it, he decided to give it a go.


Adaptable - Since the incident, Ken has been moving from place to place, living in different homes before he settled in with his current foster family. Each family was different. Ken learned to adapt with each home. Although he didn't talk much, he learned their ways.

Cautious - Perhaps it's not actually paranoia. Some people think he's got a sixth sense, or that he has sharp eyes and a keen mind. Whatever the reason, Ken has has a knack of sniff out trouble when it comes. He's always careful with everything he does and every move he makes. Call it paranoia, but to him, he's ready for anything.

Composed - Even during the accident, Ken was composed for most of it - that was until he saw his parents. You could say being calm and collected is in his nature. He tends to assess the situation before going about trying to fixing it. 


Paranoid - Because of his past, Ken is always paranoid and cautious about the people around him. He think that they're always up to something and that anything they do has an incentive. He doesn't want to step over anyone bounds and want to make sure that he don't owe anyone. It's not that he's afraid of them, he just know that there's always a meaning to everyone's little things. No one is nice just because.

Recluse - Since the incident, Ken has been a recluse. He hardly ever spoke to anyone or anything. Even when playing video games, he was quiet. He never showed his anger when he loses or his happiness when he wins or achieves something. He lived in his own world apart from everyone else. Doctors say this was an after effect from the incident but it's been so long and there showed no signs of it changing.

Stubborn - Ken have a bad habit of being stubborn. It shows prominently in how long he's stayed recluse. He's never wanted to change and become more social. Of course, he spoke when he needed, but other than that, he gave the minimum of social interaction. His stubbornness can also be seen when playing video games. When he wants to strive for something, he will work hard to get what he wants. Even if it meant sacrificing sleep.

Edited by Fate
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