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[PP-F9] Warm and Fuzzy <<Feeding the Enemy>>

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Rin had no idea what type of familiar she was seeking, all she knew was that deep down she knew she needed someone to protect her a task that she wasn't going to be capable of doing on her own. After losing her boyfriend and the disappearance of friend after friend she was lost uncertain even of whether or not she was meant to have associations.Today she hadn't decided to wear her cat suit, instead it was a rather sexy leather blouse and her collar that gave her a bonus for searches such as these. She whimpered as her hand slowly slid up to her cheek wiping away the tears before stepping through the portal. It wasn't her intention but as she appeared on the other side she realized how boring this would get, or how she wasn't capable of slaying the monsters that were of no use if they approached her viciously.

Her mind reacted as she quickly flicked through the menus pulling up the messenger system and clicking on a couple of names whom she had decided to send invitations of assistance to.


@Itzal, etc.

Excuse me for being so rash but I was hoping you could meet me on the ninth floor, it sorta scary and I was hoping to find myself a familiar. If you get this and are interested just show up I guess.


Edited by Rin
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Itzal was taking a nice stroll through the forests of floor one, taking the opportunity to not leap through the trees and just walk.  It was nice and peaceful though it could use some company.  That's when he received the message.  As he read it he smiled as he recalled Rin.  They only had a few encounters but they were fun ones.  She was the one who made his second Niger Natio.  But what was she doing on the ninth floor by herself?  If she got caught he wasn't sure she'd be able to escape in time.  He sent a reply telling her he'd be there in a minute or two and turned swiftly, dashing with all speed towards the teleporters.  When he arrived at the ninth floor he realized he actually hadn't been here before.  Wearing his Twilight cloak which naturally provided him warmth, he actually found himself a bit too warm.  He took off the coat and inserted that into his inventory, leaving nothing but his brown pants and silver vest.  He scanned the area for Rin and when he didn't spot her he used detect.  When his eyes landed on her and when he saw his outfit his face reddened just a touch but not much.  He was getting better at handling things like this but it still made it a tiny bit awkward for him.  He shook it off and approached her with a wave.  "Rin!  How are you doing?  You need a hand for finding a familiar?"


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As she stood there, nervously staring out into the volcanic scenery she gulped having heard that this was a floor that was well known for dreary scenes. Was it the tenth though she heard that was complete darkness making it a home for skeleton npc's or this one? She mewled before stopping and glancing out not sure how she was to find anything out here. After a few minutes of waiting she found herself in silence, the only noise was the random burbling of lava in the distance. It was a bit of a shock when she heard someone speak out her name causing her to jump from fright, a squeal accompanying it as she turned around to see a familiar face.

"I-itzal you c-can't just do that to a girl sneaking up and just speaking their name as if we were suppose to know you were always there." 

Deep heaving breaths  as she attempted to calm her nerves her hands now drifting up into her armpits as she clenched them tightly to herself. A rather flustered expression was over her face as she had wondered about his little guild group. It had been a long time since she saw anyone.

"Thanks for coming."

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When Rin jumped he was about to apologize when she chastised him for sneaking up on her.  He messed with a large rock with his foot while rubbing the back of his neck.  "Sorry.  When I waved I noticed you were looking outside, and the volcano sort of drowned out my voice so I figured I needed to get closer."  Itzal noted that Rin was attempting to calm his nerves and he knew that he couldn't just try to help comfort her.  He'd have to use his words in order to do so.  Rin was a delicate situation at times.  He smiled when she said she was glad he came.  "Anytime Rin.  I'm always open for anything you need.  So you want to get a familiar?  Give me a sec," he said as he opened his inventory and began scrolling through.  He pulled out a song from his shop and offered it to her.  "I've kept familiar calls in hand just in case I came across Velnia.  If you activate this you'll have an easier time finding the familiar."  He took a look out to the floor and was amazed at all the detail.  The sky and ground were dark, and yet the fire and magma lit up the place so brilliantly he thought.  He smiled to Rin.  "Alright then.  I've never been to this floor so this should be a blast.  Let's try keeping away from any monsters we might spot and keep an eye out for your familiar ok?"

Item given to @Rin:  Gerudo Valley


Name: Gerudo Valley
Profession: Performer
Rank: 1
ID: 66576
Roll: CD:  12
Item Type: Familiar Call
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Adds 1 to the LD roll whenever you roll for a familiar.  Active for the entire thread.
Description:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THdRs7grqhE


Edited by Itzal
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Rin took the performer  item that had recorded the song for a familiar, she nibbled her bottom lip and bowed feeling grateful. It wasn't like she had the largest source of income at the moment which made gifts like this all the more important and moving to her. As she had it appear in her hands she then pressed the button to play it to release the music nearby hopefully drawing forth the creatures she would want to have. His mentioning of keeping an eye out for the familiar oppose to the monster made her frown she wasn't sure what the difference was between them it their was any. Wasn't one just a mob that had the chance of being coaxed into a new life while the rest were just fowl vicious creatures.

"Right, I haven't actually been here all that often. I don't know if this was really the best of ideas to be honest. I can't imagine any creature wanting to live here for long periods of times. And those that due, I don't know if I really could convince."

As the call sounded she began to hum along, enjoying the melody very much as she now reached out a hand for Itzal's.

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Itzal noted that Rin appeared extremely grateful for his gift, even though he thought it wasn't much.  He didn't get any customers after all...  Well actually, there was that Domarus fellow and Jonathan, but other than them he had zip nadda.  When Rin mentioned how she didn't think this floor was the best idea and how she couldn't imagine any creature willing to join her he shook his head.  "First of all, any familiar can be coaxed, and there's always one for each individual personality.  You just have to find the right one is all.  Sometimes we're drawn to them, and sometimes we make a good guess.  I believe you may have been drawn to this floor, so I'm certain your familiar is on this one."  As the song began to play he noticed she was humming along to it and smiled.  Not only was he glad that she was no longer nervous, but she was enjoying herself, enjoying the music.  He felt like music could do wonders for the soul and that was one reason he enjoyed playing it.  Another was because it was fun.  And then he felt something touch his hand and checked.  His cheeks reddened ever so slightly when he saw Rin's hand hold his but he forced the blush back down before she noticed.  She's just enjoying herself is all, he had to remind himself.  This is nothing to worry about.  "Alright then, I guess we're set.  Let's head out and see what we can find shall we?"


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As she held herself upright once more she clung to the recording device as her hum softly trailed, one or maybe two seconds off sync. It was a beautiful melody to use and coax out those beasts be it friend or foe. It wasn't a simple matter to prevent all monsters from rearing their ugly heads due to the sound that now essentially played from her soul. It wasn't every day you took the Feeding the Enemy quest, less that you would even worry about the mobs that would usually hunt and kill you without a moment of hesitation. Rin was one of many gentle souls who deserved a familiar she could call friend, snuggle and possibly act as her guardian. The nervous Nancy was always stuttering out random gargle in the company of new players; if not that there were staggers that caused her to misstep only those acquainted with her for long periods had managed to quell those nerves. 

"I'm so sorry, I just was wondering. How exactly can you tell that the familiar is right for you? I don't kill creatures and I hate the side of something dispersing or someone. It just seems terribly wrong to travel with a companion who other players will attempt and silence if it is guarding your back."

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Itzal hummed along with Rin, turning her off sync sound into a beautiful harmony with the music.  He did this by humming a different sort of tune and therefore adding to the song itself, which helped make Rin's sound appear to be a part of the melody itself as well.  Harmony was a beautiful thing and if you could master it then anything could be music.  Then she spoke up and he turned to listen to her.  He thought for a moment.  "Hmm...  I don't think you need to kill it.  I've heard that some players ended up trying to tame them but that they just ran away.  And then they found totally different familiars that were even better.  As for which one's right for you, I guess you just sort of tell.  When I first met Velnia we sort of gazed into each others eyes and could tell we had stuff in common.  After that she tried my food and I gave her a piggy back ride, exploring the outdoors with her.  It was quite fun actually.  Don't worry, no familiar will die on my watch.  If worst comes to worst I'll just block it's attacks and shoo it off.  I'm pretty sure I could get away with a scratch or two."


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Rin glanced over toward Itzal a twinge of jealousy for him and his familiar as she continued to stroll forward each step taking them deep into the volcanic floor wondering just what type of creature lay in store for her. The heat that was once unbearable for others was normal, due to her survival skill she had no worries about the elemental effects and dangers of the environment perhaps the monsters that roamed this floor also wouldn't effect her as most of them seemed to be partially fire proof or flaming themselves. As they strolled and she listened about how people would usually feed the familiar something to further win their hearts she squeaked out nervously. "I don't have any food on me right now how am I suppose to calm them down if I don't have anything to feed the poor thing." She whimpered now squirming in different directions as if distraught that she hadn't thought about the use of food in such a quest.


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When he heard her squeak and whimper about how she didn't have any food on her Itzal held up a hand and opened his menu, digging deep into his inventory and pulled out something he wanted to save, but then forgot about completely.  Pretzels Adhae had made for him...  In all honesty he was surprised they had this much durability.  In fact he was certain the food could last a little more than a day now.  Good thing he remembered.  He handed them to Rin.  "Here you go.  Use that.  A familiar only needs food, doesn't matter what type it is.  Who knows?  Maybe your familiar likes pretzels."  He wasn't afraid to give Rin a few things.  She deserved it in his mind, even if others didn't.  As he walked alongside her he turned to her with a smile.  "Oh I almost forgot to ask!  How are you doing with a profession?  I know you wanted to become a tailor.  Did you get a shop?"


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Rin blinked and nodded her head as he asked about the profession realizing that anything that went into detail on it would lead to him knowing all to well that she was the silly cat that had made so many things for random people here and there. "I umm actually have been working as a sort of apprentice for the owner of Katz Kneadz I guess you could say we are sorta acting as our own little clothes store. That is actually where I got this collar and leather coat. She't a lot more talented then me if I must admit." A rather awkward blush on her face as she practically was talking about herself in the third person. Oh come on Rin just stop this nonsense and tell him the truth I'm sure that he will understand it far better than anyone else would understand. As she glanced back she remember her meeting with Jon which had also ended up with her little secret teetering on an awkward footing. "I really just need to find this pet, and thanks again for everything you are giving me. So the collar should be giving me a +3 bonus, the song another +1 and the food?" She groaned having issues as she honestly had no clue what this brought up her searching ability to help tame a creature.

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When Rin mentioned that she was the apprentice of the player who dressed as a cat, in the shop Katz Kneads, Itzal nodded in recognition.  "Yeah I'll say she's talented.  She made my tier two Niger Natio armor.  Soon enough I'll need an upgrade actually.  She added so much clear detail to the outfit it was unbelievable.  Hey, since you've been around her, what's she like?  I couldn't see her face but she seemed like a nice person to hang around...  Unless she doesn't talk at all.  She didn't when I was around.  Does she not like strangers?"  He listened to Rin ask about the items then groan and Itzal placed a comforting hand on her shoulder with a smile.  "Hey, no worries ok?  We'll get you a familiar no worries.  If it runs don't give up.  I can track it so we can try as long as we need.  And even if one does strike you it doesn't do much damage, and I have healing songs if you need them, though I doubt we'll need it.  They rarely do anything of the sort."


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