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[SP - F1] Not For Me. <<Redemption>>

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Today was the day, yet he felt like that he had gotten this cursor for a short time... it was inevitable that he would have to change it back to green. He thought of Hakai and the new connection that they decided to share... he didn't want to disappoint her, he wanted her to love him the way that he does with her. But he figured the only way for him to do so is become strong, become one with his evil side and join together with his good side to make an absolute power house. Beatbox snickered, it felt like yesterday that he made the wrong decision and kill someone... but in the end it felt rather bizarre, not only did he kill Hakai's ex-wife... they're together now? It seemed even more bizarre at that thought, he never guessed that killing someone's wife would get someone to be connected with you, he shook off that thought and walked forward into the statue that the information broker once spoke for redemption into the dead city and graveyards that surrounded the area. Once he had met the statue in the center it started to come to life... it was time... for redemption.

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Without a second thought, without another second... Beatbox drew out his stained sword "Sharpened Stardom" on final time against the Repentance to get his redemption, he lunged forward to the boss with a war cry and performed one of his final sword arts that he had received for maxing out his One Handed Straight Sword skill and hit it for an incredible amount of damage. However the boss had looked down upon the orange player and struck him with incredible power dealing an insane amount of damage in comparison to the other bosses he had fought... it even ignored Beatbox's mitigation. Beatbox smiled evilly and said to the boss "So sorry there... but vengeance is mine today..." then giggled with wide eyes as it was time to finish the boss off and turn his cursor back to green. He shook off his worries and looked at his old sword with a grin... it was clear after he was done with this battle he would go out to get a new sword and never look at his sword again.



ID: 71579 - BD: 7+3=10 (Non-critical) - MD: 9

Sword Art Used: Nova Ascension (14*9=126)

Beatbox - HP: 514/715 [-201] / EN: 58/70 [-12]

Repentance - HP: 124/250 [-126]

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Beatbox had struck the boss with one more sword art before the Repentance had fallen. The boss had tried to attack once more, however... it missed. Piece by piece the boss had crumbled to the ground Beatbox's cursor had faded back to its green status. Beatbox had took a deep breath as the boss had exploded into white and blue crystals that faded to nothing. Beatbox had looked over to his cursor... green. The color that it once was not too long ago, it had been two weeks since its transformation... and now it has changed, for the better to. He figured now he is now more safe from people attempting to kill him and players would never know that he was orange in the first place... and he wants to keep it that way. The boss was coming up and the next boss meeting would soon happen as well, Beatbox smiled... he was finally green once more. He looked around the area and walked off into the distance away from the area where redemption lives.



ID: 71582 - BD: 8+3=10 (Non-critical) - MD: 2

Sword Art Used: Nova Ascension (14*9=126)

Beatbox - HP: 514/715 / EN: 47/70 [+1 / -12]

Repentance - HP: -2/250 [-126]

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