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[PP-F1] <<Feeding The Enemy>> Not so Familiar to me! (Itzel & Esper)

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The sun broke early in the morning, it's glow upon the horizon cascading through the trees like a blanket of pristine paradise. It drove certain dangerous mobs back to solitude, it brought NPC's of appropriate sorts from their homes, and invited a flourish of players to the next day of what was essentially, life. It felt all too real too, Esper had to admit, as the warmth of the blazing ball of heat drove away the crisp morning chill she had felt creeping up her arms for two hours. The girl hadn't the faintest amount of sleep anyhow. She had left the fortress of protective walls that was the Town of Beginnings quite a while ago, and found herself wandering the empty plains to substitute for the restless night prior. She had no real intention of fighting mobs, nor to harvest materials out in the more wooded areas. No, in fact, she had her mind poised on one thought, one she got just a few days ago. Actually, she had always had a notion for it, but she never really considered anything until recently. A familiar, so she knew they were called. A companion was hard to find some of the time, and there wasn't anyone who would stay by your side through everything, without regards for their own interests. Of course, she wasn't looking for that, but rather a soul to keep her company during the more lonely times, or rather, whatever this game could pass for a soul; data. 

     The reason for her motivation was simple now. She knew what she wanted to do, but had no idea how to do it. Where was this quest? She could have sworn she was told before, but darned if she could remember it when it was convenient. She was clueless, and it frustrated her mildly. Esper cast one last, single glance in the direction behind her, and began then to walk towards a thicket of woods, hopeful that she might start to remember if surroundings rang bells, or at the very least cleared her head to allow smoother thought. "............"

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Itzal made a final swing at a group of boar and they squealed before shattering into a thousand pieces.  Behind him Varx, a rather large warg now that he had connections to which required a story to explain why and how, but essentially he was fighting monsters....  Alongside monsters.  Varx looked up after the fight was won and nodded to Itzal who nodded back with a smile.  Varx led the wolf pack back to the mountain they came from and Itzal waved goodbye before sheathing his blade.  Varx was growing quite fast and was able to take on monsters that leveled with Itzal now.  It was too bad no loot came up though.  He opened his battle menu and switched back to his Twilight cloak and stretched his limbs.  He began to make his way back to the town, hoping to get a nap at his shop before he met up with his two apprentices for training.  He and Varx only hunted at night due to an agreement.  An agreement that stated they would not attack any players, and night was when less players came out, thus less chance of making a mistake.  With morning out they'd go to the mountain until night once again.  As he walked along he just so happened to spot a player actually.  One with, silver hair.  He looked closer and smiled.  Well what do you know he thought.  He waved to Esper.  "Hey!  Esper!"


Name: Centuries
Profession: Performer
Rank: 3
ID: 70242
Roll: 12
Item Type: Familiar Call
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +1 LD for rolling for a familiar
Description:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZEnQogAd8U


Will use when time is right


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Eventually, the girl came at a standstill. Her legs halted, her feet deadlocked into the soft grass. She sighed, her brows slanting into a small frown. She knew that going out into the wilderness at such a low level was dangerous, especially when consideration came to value the point that she had no idea where she was going. But just then, as she was about to reconsider her reckless desire, she heard someone call to her. She swung around, her eyes scanning for the source; the only other person near her. He was waving, of course, so she had to recognize the boy as the one that called her. And while she couldn't quite make out who he was yet, it became clear when she heard her name. Only one guy knew her name. A small shock of excitement rushed down her spine, as she raised her own hand to wave back, vigorously. "Hey Itzal!" She didn't say anything else, due to the far distance between them, but instead made for his direction, some 50 meters back.

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He saw Esper call for him from the distance.  He grinned and began to make his way over to her, running in a steady jog.  As he did he whistled quite loudly and a few moments later, Velnia flew out of the trees.  The purple little dragon hadn't changed save for that her horns and spikes were blue and she was bigger now, just under the size of a large dog.  Velnia's red eyes spotted Esper and, due to her death and respawing, didn't recognize her.  So when Itzal and Velnia caught up to the girl, she stopped in front of Esper, hovered in front of her for a moment her eyes staring deep into the girl's.  Itzal stopped, now that he reached her and chuckled.  "Brace yourself."  With that Velnia liked the girl and landed on her body, crawling over every space until she had covered it all before stopping on Esper's left shoulder and licked her cheek before rubbing her head against it.  Itzal chuckled again and shook his head from the humorous actions of his little cute dragon.  "Well, that's Velnia for you.  How are you doing Esper?"


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