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[SP - F1] House D.I.Y

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Beatbox had gotten enough money to finally save for a unique rumor if and when they so choose to come out, and Beatbox wanted to work towards the next best thing... a home. Beatbox grew tired of sleeping in a store that he doesn't use anymore... so Beatbox decided to head out into the plains of floor 1 to grind off of some mob's to get some col... hopefully. Beatbox yawned, he left out early in the morning that way he could secure a very good spot from other players... and thank god he managed to get there without any other players in sight. Beatbox had unsheathed his new sword and drank his last potion of vicious dragon fang and ran up towards the mobs to start mowing down some boars to get there sweet col... not there materials, but that amazing col. A group of four boars had looked back and snorted towards Beatbox's general direction warning him that they will attack, Beatbox remained unfazed and selected them as his next target.

-1 Potion of Vicious Dragon Fang (+6 Damage for Thread.)

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