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[PP-F1] Second Step

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It was the day after the first where he would meet the player who would end up getting some sleep after defeating the boar that they did yesterday. Sey promised to come back tomorrow, and if the guy leveled up by then, that was when the safety could be ensured and the new player can be helped. It would help him get enough col to have good items for the future. The future that was more fighting boars and gaining more things. While doing so, he would also gain skill points and be able to fight out of the system that forced him to stay on the first floor. Then perhaps help the players that were new to fighting below him as well. It was a chain that Sey was trying to start. But that all watered down to whether or not the guy wanted to arrive to the borders of the safe zone, where the snow-haired player would be located. He'd lean against one of the walls and place his hands in his pockets, having his eyes closed as he would wait for the other player to arrive.

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Astric got up from his Inn room and was ready to finally start the day of more training. He excitedly realized that he was level 2, an improvement that he wasn't expecting to see but it happened and he couldn't be happier about it. He felt like there was a spring in his step as he left his room and almost ran to the meeting point for him and Sey. Okay lets face it, he ran. He even excitedly realized that he had gotten some col from the boar fight yesterday. That made him smile to be able to keep staying in the Inn he is in at the moment. He saw the white haired player with his eyes closed and leaning again the wall. "Hey!" He perky said with a smile. "I see you are here already. You ready to go?" He was pumped. He didn't think he was going to be this excited but he definitely was.

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