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{SP-F1} Rediscovery {Completed}

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(OoC: Since I haven't played in a while, to make the time gap make sense, Ourian will have been living among the NPCs of Horunka Village within said time. Also, the voice is NOT a split personality, it's more or less his conscience.)


I can't be a burden to others... I need to get stronger...

These words kept wandering through Ourian's head as he awoke from a reoccurring dream. Though he has been stuck in this world for quite some time, he hasn't done much training or fighting, but instead chose to just live in Horunka Village with the NPCs when he could, otherwise he found an Inn or tavern where he could stay, and avoided other players when possible. Lately, however, he found himself getting more and more restless as the little voice in his head kept calling out to him.

Why are you here, Sosuke?

"I don't know..." Ourian would tell himself as he kept a hand on Dark Steel, a sword that he had obtained long ago on the third floor and one he had not used since. He was determined to let the others handle the situation and beat the game so he could leave. Sure, he was excited at first since he could run and fight without getting tired as quickly, something that he could never do in the real world due to his illness, but after about a month he soon realized what his new body's price was... and that price was his life if he messed up even in the slightest. His run-in with the wolves terrified him and let him know right away that he was not without limitation in this world. 

But as of late, the voice just kept getting louder and louder, and he couldn't help but agree with the voice... Why WAS he here? It's been so long, that he had completely forgotten why he picked up the Nerve Gear and SAO, aside from regaining full motion and use of his body... Putting those thoughts to the back of his mind, he left the village to wander the grassy fields of the first floor.

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Continuing to wander, he found himself thinking about the real world. Although it was hell growing up, getting bullied every couple minutes and unable to do much of anything without assistance, the end result was not that bad... He was a doctor's assistant and was working towards becoming an actual doctor, had some great friends at work, and was living rather well for himself. So why did he give all of that all up... Why was he here... 

Brooding on those words over and over, he didn't realize that he had wound up at the Field of Crossroads. Keeping a hand on the hilt of his sword, he kept an eye out for wolves, which this particular area was known for. Scanning the horizon, he found a lone wolf. Since it was still a good distance away, Ourian backed away slowly, not taking his eyes off the beast should it find him and decide to give chase. 

Realizing what he was doing, Ourian stopped and stared at his sword.

Since when do you back down?! The voice called out, filling him with disappointment in himself. Truth be told, he had gone so long without fighting that he was now afraid of confrontation. Still, there was that one part of him that couldn't help but stay firmly rooted to the spot. 

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He couldn't explain it... He typically became accustomed to avoiding conflict, yet here he was, rooted to the spot with a wolf in his sights, and his body was refusing to run.

Why are you here?

He heard the voice again... Only this time, it was demanding, not asking... Shaking his head, he looked back down to his sword, then to the wolf. For the first time in a long time, he didn't know what he wanted to do. Should he stay and fight, or leave? His mind was a battlefield as he tried to make the decision. 

Where is your heart?

"I..." He started, but quickly changed his tone as he saw the wolf had noticed him and began running towards him. Hesitating as the wolf charged, he kept a grip on his sword, but eventually unsheathed it and got ready to fight.


Ignoring the voice in his head for the moment, Ourian braced himself and did his best to shake off the fear growing within him.

Ourian Wolf    
HP: 80/80     Energy: 8/8 HP: 4/4                             
Damage: 2 Damage: 10     
Evasion +1                


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Standing his ground, Ourian prepares for the wolf as it sped towards him, its teeth bared and snarling. Once it was close enough, it leaped at Ourian's throat, but Ourian was anticipating the leap and side-stepped to the left, slashing at its hind leg and managing to cut it. As soon as the wolf hit the ground, however, it spun around quickly and latched on to Ourian's leg with a rather deep bite.

"NGH!" Ourian groaned as he repeatedly bashed it in the head with his free foot. Once the wolf released its grip on Ourian, it leaped back a few feet, baring its teeth and growling as it watched Ourian get to his feet, his sword at the ready. Again, the wolf leaped at him, but this time it was a little higher, throwing Ourian off. Thinking quickly, Ourian swings his sword up and around from his side and smacks the wolf in the head with the flat of the sword, deflecting the bite just a couple inches to the left of his face before it fell to the ground, shaking its head. 



 ID# 73437 

 Battle: 6 (Hit)

 Craft: 1

 Loot: 10

 MOB: 9 -1 (Crit)


Ourian Wolf    
HP: 69/80     Energy: 7/8 HP: 2/4                             
Damage: 2 Damage: 10     
Evasion: +1            

Ourian dealt 2 damage to Wolf upon successful Hit
Wolf dealt 11 damage to Ourian upon Critical Hit

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The wolf began to walk slowly around Ourian, trying to find an opening. Ourian did the same, not taking his eyes off the foe before him.

Why am I doing this... Why didn't I run when I had the chance? He thought to himself as he continued to watch the wolf's movements. He didn't want to fight at all... but for some reason, he felt compelled to do so.

Sensing his distraction, the wolf charged Ourian again, who jumped up and used the flat of his blade to push the wolf's jaw down as he did so, causing the wolf to go right under him. Landing, he spun around and swung only to find the wolf had already backed off enough to be just out of reach of his swing. 

Gotta get faster... He heard the voice say, which reminded of himself when he fought the last group of wolves with that party of players, including one whom had helped him in the beginning of this death game.



 ID# 73438

 Battle: 4

 Craft: 8

 Loot: 1

 MOB: 5 (-1)


Ourian Wolf    
HP: 69/80     Energy: 7/8 HP: 2/4                             
Damage: 2 Damage: 10     
Evasion: +1  
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"Remember what?!" Ourian shouted, startling the wolf and causing it to attack recklessly. Before it could get to Ourian, however, he kicked it in the face, making it back off. Thinking quickly, Ourian darted forward and slashed across the side of the wolf's body, causing it to howl in pain before dispersing into thousands of pixels, signifying its defeat.

Dropping his sword to the ground, he collapsed to his knees and began to pant as the adrenaline started to kick in. Hyperventilating, Ourian starts to feel sick as his vision began to get darker. He was close to passing out when he dropped to his hands as well, making great attempts to take deeper, longer breaths in an attempt to calm himself down. Slowly, but surely, his heart rate went down and his vision began to clear up, his vision restoring as well.

Remember your heart... this moment...

Ignoring the voice, Ourian grabs his sword once he caught his breath and sheathed it, walking away.  



ID# 73440 results:

 Battle: 8 (Hit)

 Craft: 7

 Loot: 20

 MOB: 1 -1



Ourian Wolf    
HP: 69/80     Energy: 7/8 HP: 0/4                             
Damage: 2 Damage: 10     
Evasion: +1              

Ourian dealt 2 damage to Wolf upon successful Hit.
Wolf is now {Deceased}

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As he walked back along the path to the village, he tried to figure out what the voice meant by "This moment."

"The hell does that mean..." He muttered to himself. He couldn't truly figure it out... 

*That night...*

As he slept, Ourian found himself in a dream where he was in the woods with several players, all fighting a pack of wolves. Without hesitation, he rushed in to assist them.

It wasn't long until the fight gradually started to tip into his favor as he managed to kill one of the wolves, then another. When there was only one left, it ran away. As he watched everyone congratulate each other and leave, Ourian felt a pit in his stomach.

I can't be getting distracted by people... I must become stronger... I WILL become stronger...

Suddenly, Ourian woke up in a cold sweat. As he sat up from the bench he fell asleep on in the village, he remembered the voice and what it was trying to tell him. 

"That moment... I swore I would become stronger..." Ourian said aloud, remembering the feeling to become stronger to help clear the floors so that everyone could escape. Getting up from the bench, Ourian walks back out of the village and turns to it.

"Guess it's time I left and fulfilled that promise that I made to myself long ago..." He said to himself as he turned and walked away, a smile on his face as he finally remembered what he had lost: His determination. 

Back at the field of Crossroads, Ourian stood near the signpost that pointed back towards Horunka Village and the other that pointed towards Starting City. It didn't take him long to find another wolf and this time, he ran straight for it.

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Running towards his target, Ourian unsheathes his sword and slashes at the wolf, who just noticed his presence and started to turn around, only to have its face cut by Ourian's sword. Snarling in both pain and rage, the wolf retaliates by leaping at Ourian and biting his forearm.

"Damnit! Let go!" Ourian shouted as he hit it in the cut on its face to make it release its grip and get into a defensive position. Ourian also took his stance, his feet spread shoulder-width with his best foot forward, the tip of his sword trained at the wolf with his left hand along the flat of the blade as if to help guide it towards his target.

"You will be the first to help me become stronger." He said, smirking as he waited for an opening. He could feel the adrenaline pumping through him as he stared down his target as it slowly walked in a circle, trying to get behind him. Ourian repeated the motion. He now knew what the voice meant when it mentioned his heart: It was trying to remind him of his determination and passion, two things he lost long ago. 


 ID# 73450 results:

 Battle: 8 (Hit)

 Craft: 10

 Loot: 2

 MOB: 7 -1 (Hit)

Ourian Wolf    
HP: 70/80     Energy: 7/8 HP: 2/4                             
Damage: 2 Damage: 10     
Evasion: +1              
Ourian dealt 2 damage to Wolf upon successful Hit.
Wolf dealt 10 damage to Ourian upon successful Hit.
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For a couple minutes, both of them continued to circle each other, both not taking their eyes off the other. Nothing could be heard except the wind and the occasional growl from the wolf, who was baring its teeth at Ourian, who couldn't help but laugh.

"Aww... Is the wittle puppers getting fwustwated?!" Ourian teased as he talked down to it like a kid would a new puppy. Aggravated, the wolf snarled and acted as if it was going to leap, but stayed rooted to the spot, still baring its teeth at Ourian. 

"There's a smile only a mother can love..." Ourian teased further.

Getting tired of walking in a circle, Ourian darted forward, thrusting his blade forward as the wolf leaped to the side to successfully avoid the attack. Unsticking his sword from the ground, Ourian had just enough time to roll out of the way of the wolf as it tried to jump on top of him. 


 ID# 73454 results:

 Battle: 4

 Craft: 8

 Loot: 11

 MOB: 4 -1

Ourian Wolf    
HP: 70/80     Energy: 7/8 HP: 2/4                             
Damage: 2 Damage: 10     
Evasion: +1              
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As he rolled, the wolf quickly leaped to the side and pounced Ourian, latching on to his shoulder, shaking its head viciously in an attempt to tear Ourian apart. Though his body was virtual, the pain was still pretty real as he felt the wolf's teeth grip down tight onto his shoulder. 

"GAH!" Ourian screamed out in pain as he tried to punch it off of him, but to no avail. Instead, he reached over with his left arm and grabbed his sword and stabbed towards his shoulder and impaling the wolf's skull with a loud yelp as it shattered like its friend from yesterday. 

Standing back up, Ourian brushed himself off and walked on in search of another wolf to fight, taking the time to do some controlled breathing to prevent the adrenaline from causing him to hyperventilate. He was still not accustomed to combat after so long...

"I know there's more around here... Come on, you guys... I know you hunt in packs..."


Wolf Spawn rate:
LD 1-12: No spawn
LD 13-19: 1 Wolf spawned
LD 20: 2 Wolves spawned


ID# 73460 results:

 Battle: 6 (Hit)

 Craft: 5

 Loot: 3

 MOB: 9 -1 (Crit)

Ourian Wolf    
HP: 59/80     Energy: 7/8 HP: 0/4                             
Damage: 2 Damage: 10     
Evasion: +1              

Ourian dealt 2 damage to Wolf upon successful Hit.
Wolf dealt 11 damage to Ourian upon Critical Hit
Wolf is now {Deceased}

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Searching the area, Ourian cautiously wandered about trying to find another wolf to fight. It wasn't long before he heard one howling off to his right. Adrenaline pumping through his virtual veins, he rushed off towards the sound, but still slow enough to where he could recover a little before the fight.

"Where are you..." He muttered as he continued to search for the source of the howl. He considered howling as well just to see if it would howl back, but he quickly turned down the idea as it would likely attract more wolves than he can currently handle on his own, and that would quickly spell death for him...

A couple minutes later, he found the wolf drinking from a small pond.

"Found you..." He said, grinning as he laughed to himself, excitement building as he gripped the hilt of his sword tighter. Oh god... I'm enjoying this a little too much, I think...


 ID# 73473 results:

 Battle: 10

 Craft: 4

 Loot: 15 (Wolf found)

 MOB: 9

Ourian Wolf    
HP: 62/80     Energy: 7/8 HP: 4/4                             
Damage: 2 Damage: 10     
Evasion: +1              

Ourian recovered 3 HP.

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Running in at full speed, Ourian brings his sword back and charges energy into it in preparation for his Sword Art. As he leaped forward, however, he realized his mistake as the wolf spotted him and bit down on his free arm.

"Get off me! I'm not a damn chew toy!" He swore as he kicked the wolf off his arm and charged in for the Sword Art.

"Snake Bite!" Ourian shouted as he swung the sword up and to the left, spinning around for a horizontal slash, then finishing it off by stopping his spin and reversing his sword to perform a final slash down and to the right, sheathing his sword in the process as the wolf died from the three hit combo.

Standing back up, he massaged his arm that was just bitten.

"Gotta be more careful from here on out..."  He said to himself as he walked around to keep his mind calm while still keeping the adrenaline up so he could take on a couple more wolves before the day was out.


 ID# 73478 results:

 Battle: 9 (Critical)

 Craft: 12

 Loot: 13

 MOB: 10 -1 (Total Critical)

Ourian Wolf    
HP: 50/80     Energy: 5/8 HP: 0/4                             
Damage: 2 Damage: 10     
Evasion: +1              

Ourian dealt 9 damage upon Critical Sword Art: Snake Bite. (-3 Energy)
Wolf dealt 12 damage upon Total Critical. 
Wolf is now {Deceased}

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After the brawl with yet another wolf, Ourian heard the tell-tale signs of a rapidly approaching animal. Spinning around, Ourian quickly unsheathed his Dark Steel and smacked an oncoming wolf to the side with the flat of his blade, causing it to roll over before recovering and getting to its feet, growling at him like the others did.

"Your friends did the same thing each time... that didn't get them very far..." Ourian stated, training the tip of his blade at the wolf as he took his stance once again, preparing for yet another brawl. This time, however, he lunged forward and attempted to startle the wolf, which worked as it leaped back and away from Ourian before running to the side and leaping at him. Instinct taking over, Ourian drops to the ground and kicks the wolf over him, then rolls to his stomach before getting back to his feet, resuming his stance.

"Let's see what you got..."


 ID# 73729 results:

 Battle: 7

 Craft: 3

 Loot: 19 (Wolf found)

 MOB: 1

Ourian Wolf    
HP: 53/80     Energy: 6/8 HP: 4/4                             
Damage: 2 Damage: 10     
Evasion: +1              

Ourian recovers 3 HP and 1 Energy 

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Dashing to the side, he caught the wolf off guard and darted forward, leaping over the wolf as he thrust his sword into the wolf's skull, pinning it to the ground before it could react. With the usual shattering of the wolf's body, victory was shown for Ourian once more as he returned Dark Steel to its sheath and looked up to see that it was starting to get dark and decided to call it a day, not wanting to deal with the baddies of the night. 

This feeling... This is what I missed... This is what I forgot... He thought as he felt the adrenaline pumping through him, making him feel more alive than any time throughout his life. HE remembered that it wasn't the body he had obtained that made him excited about this world... it was this very feeling of freedom and liveliness. A single tear rolled down his cheek as he came to this realization. 

Walking aimlessly, Ourian found himself at the gates of the Town of Beginnings, somewhere he hadn't been in quite some time. Taking a deep breath, he walked into the safe zone and found a tavern where he could relax for a bit. 


 ID# 73730 results:

 Battle: 10 (Total Critical)

 Craft: 3

 Loot: 6

 MOB: 8

Ourian Wolf    
HP: 53/80     Energy: 6/8 HP: 0/4                             
Damage: 2 Damage: 10     
Evasion: +1              

Ourian dealt 4 damage to Wolf upon Total Critical
Wolf is now {Deceased}

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Leaning up against the far wall of the tavern, Ourian remembers that this is where he decided to open up and make his first friend here in Aincrad: Zeri. Ourian remembered how Zeri had helped him get started in the beginning and how similar they were to one another, thus sparking their friendship.

I wonder... Ourian thought as he swiped the air in front of him to open up the main menu and scrolled down to his friends list to find it empty. This was where he remembered deleting Zeri from his friends list when he made his vow. Disheartened slightly, Ourian waved his arm to dismiss the menu and glanced around the tavern in an attempt to find something to do, whether it be a quest or even a source of entertainment. Finding nothing of the like, he walked outside and to the inn where he had stayed at before, hoping that his level was still low enough to where he could get a free night.

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As he got to the inn, he was thankful to see that he was still within the level range so get a free night at the inn and accepted the key from the innkeeper npc right away. Walking up the stairs to his room, he walked inside to find a small table and chair in the center of the room with a bed and nightstand next to the window. Small and cozy, Ourian felt right at home as he plopped onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling, thinking about today's events and encounters.

To think that I gave up on living... I gotta make up for lost time... Starting tomorrow, I am going to find myself a quest and get myself geared up... maybe even try to find myself a familiar... That would actually be pretty helpful right now... He thought to himself as he felt his eyelids get heavy, yawning to confirm his exhaustion now that the adrenaline wore off. 

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That night as he slept, Ourian found himself dreaming once again, only this time, he was facing a cloaked figure, their face hidden under their hood. 

"Who are you?" He asked, watching as the hooded figure reached for the hood and pulled it down, revealing the familiar face that he had always drawn growing up: Ourian himself. 

"You know me well, Sosuke..." Ourian had told him, smiling as he reached a hand out for Sosuke to grab. "Now that you have remembered your goals, let us pick up where we left off..." Sosuke reached out a hand to grab Ourian's, however he looked at his frail arms and pulled back.

"Will I be strong enough?" he asked, watching as Ourian walked over to him and rest his hands on Sosuke's shoulders.

"Alone, no... No you won't be... but the two of us together... can accomplish anything we set our minds to." Ourian reassured, stepping back and offering his hand once more. "You're not that scared, frail child you once were... Here, you are me. You are Ourian, master swordsman. Now show me you can live up to the namesake you have given me."

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Waking up from his dream, Ourian looks around to find that he is still in the room at the inn. Looking to the window, he notices that the sun has begun to rise and gets out of bed, preparing for the day ahead. 

As he walks down to the lobby of the inn, he grabs an apple, complimentary of the inn for its guests, and takes a bite out of it, savoring the sweet juicy flavor of the fruit as he walked outside to determine how he would approach his training. Sure, the wolves yesterday were helpful, but even he knew that he was lucky... Things could've gotten a lot worse should they have decided to attack in a pack... 

"I need to find a quest... Something I can handle by myself, though..." He told himself as he scanned the area for quest giving NPCs, hoping to find something easy to start off with.

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Taking a walk around the town, Ourian thought about any quests that he could think of that he could handle on his own... Currently, only about two or three immediately came to mind as he thought of the Familiar quest and two quests that requires hunting a certain target down, ending up with an Uncommon quality item as a reward. Of course, there was always the typical hunting and gathering quests available to anyone starting out...

"But what one do I want to do... Not gonna lie... the Uncommon armor wouldn't be a bad idea... same with the weapon so long as it is aligned with my skill... and it wouldn't hurt to have a familiar to assist me in battle, especially since I am a solo player..." Ourian muttered, scratching the back of his head in frustration. Once he put his mind to something, he would see it through... the problem was actually deciding on what to set his mind on at times, especially when it came to deciding between multiple, potentially beneficial options.

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As he approached the center of town where the players first learned of the Death Game, Ourian sat by a nearby fountain and thought long and hard about his next move. 

Honestly, I should gear myself up first... I'm not too worried about dealing damage at the moment, since I have the One Handed Straight Sword weapon skill... So I should honestly go for the armor quest... Problem is that it's on the third floor... Ourian thought, remembering his last experience on Floor 3 with the fairies... He wasn't exactly too keen on going back there before he was ready, but currently, he needed armor... and that was probably the best way to get it. 

"Okay... It's settled then." He told himself, standing up and walking towards the teleport stone. As he approached, he hesitated. He didn't understand why... he was determined to go through with it, however something was still nagging at the back of his mind...

What if I die... were the first thought that came through his mind as he pulled away from the stone, fear coming over him once more.

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