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[PP-F5] Mirage Images <<Blood in the Sand>>

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That was the end of that quest. Seemed like they were going to be advancing a little bit further into the game, which was definitely great news for him. While he did not really gain much, another player did thanks to him. eventually, that was going to work in his favor. The game rewarded players for sure for doing that sort of thing, right? It was like a karma system... Right? Regardless, as much as he would like to be hopeful, he needed to guide her to the next quest. It was the Deforestation one, with the flaming tiger and the fleeing Amazons. The last time he took it, it was with Hydra, who was in serious need of the quest skill points as much as Sey was. However, he was actually able to do damage to it while Sey acted more like a healer in that regard. Oh well, now was time to make up for that stupidity.

Summary: Ivory: 4 SP, 200 Col l Sey: 1 SP, 200 Col, <<Sand Armor>> potion (+27 MIT)

Edited by Teion
Added <<Sand Potion>> to rewards
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