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[SP - F5] Raider of the Lost Dungeon

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Beatbox had explored the fifth floor once more, and boy did he forget how much he hated this floor... he had wrapped a cloth around him preventing from sand from getting into his clothes, even though he could feel sand going down his boots... he shook his foot to bring the sand downwards to at least feel comfortable walking through this floor. He breathed very lightly, the last thing he also wanted to do was to breathe in sand, even though it wouldn't matter in this game it was still rather tedious to have that happen to one. He only came to this floor for one purpose and one purpose only... and that was because he had purchased a dungeon map from Itzal to explore, he wanted to get the SP and the SP is what he was going to get, one way or another. Even if he had to fight his way through a sandstorm, he would do it.

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Beatbox had followed the map that he was given, it was only a matter of time till he had found a switch hidden somewhere in the area, he placed the map back into his inventory and explored the barren wasteland that was the desert of the floor 5. His familiar Ocarina had nuzzled into Beatbox as the sand had bothered him as it had continuously gotten his eyes and body... which was something foxes hated. Eventually he had eventually found the giant rock that penetrated the ground and with a bit of exploration he had found the lever when pulled, the ground would open the stairs downward to the dungeons that lead downward, he took a deep breath and looked down to the sand that had felled down the sides of the walls down into the depths of the dungeon. He removed the cloth from him and then descended down the staircase, it was about time that he had gotten out of the sand, he extremely hated the sand and would have done anything to get out of it. And here he was... in the entrance of the dungeon with the sounds of wind hanging above him. He shrugged and moved through the next door that lead to another.

-1 Beginner Dungeon Map [Floor 5]

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Beatbox had grabbed one of the two torches that was on both sides of the door that lead into a hallway and used it as his source of light when he had explored the dungeon, this was only a beginner level dungeon sure, but it was still a pain to explore at times. He had cut through the spider webs that had formed around the area and make his way through the many hallways that felt like a maze as he had passed through, however it wasn't hard to make his way through... it barely was even a challenge. Then from behind him he had heard something crawling... however it felt like it was a group of monsters as he had reached the room that would lead into the boss. Beatbox turned around to see four giant spiders crawling this way torwards Beatbox, Beatbox smiled and threw the torch at the spider webs that grew on the walls setting it on fire and unsheathed his sword ready to fight them in the blazing inferno of the fire.


Beatbox: 935/935 - 92/92

Giant Spider x4: 500/500

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Beatbox had smirked as his sword had fully charged up and he sprinted forward towards the group of the four in center on the hallway of the blazing inferno of the flames that engulfed it. He had struck them all with the dark force of Shadowed Explosion one by one and dealt a impressive amounts of damage, they all had shown Beatbox their fangs before hand then jumped one by one like wolf spiders and bit Beatbox in unison like they were trying to poison him... however he didn't feel poisoned... like at all. He brushed off the minimal damage that they had dealt to him and he stood proudly above them with the presence of his strength being very superior to theirs. Beatbox chuckled and raised his sword and twisted the sword 90 degrees that the reflection of the fire's brightness would reflected off of it and onto their eyes blinding them of only a split second.


ID: 75146 - BD: 7+4=11 - MD: 10

Sword Art Used: Shadow Explosion [Damage: 14*9=126]

Beatbox: 931/935 - 74/92 [-18 EN / -4 HP]

Giant Spider x4: 374/500 [-126 HP] (Damage: 50+2-66=1*4=4)

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The spiders had tried once more to attack Beatbox, one by one they had taken a leap of faith hoping that they would eventually sink their fangs into Beatbox's flesh. However, Beatbox had gotten more smart about their attacks and had gotten out of the way of their attempts on fighting him for the moment. Beatbox had smirked as he charged his sword up once more as he unleashed the shadowed darkness that came from the eerie blue to all of them dealing more and more damage to their eventual downfall. The spiders had stumbled a bit and gotten a little off balance as they tried to keep themselves upwards. Beatbox had inspected their HP values... they were all at the yellow meter, and with a smile he had taken a step back and placed his sword behind him while bringing a hand upwards to heart "En garde." he exclaimed.


ID: 75419 - BD: 2+4=6 - MD: 7-3=4

Sword Art Used: Shadow Explosion [Damage: 14*9=126]

Beatbox: 931/935 - 57/92 [+1 EN / -18 EN]

Giant Spider x4: 248/500 [-126 HP]

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The spiders had heard his voice and all nine of their eyes had sparked red as they screeched out creating a weird sound that had exclaimed outwards throughout the hallway and they all had stabbed Beatbox with their fangs and they had leaped forward with incredible speed. One by one Beatbox had felt their fangs awkwardly in his body, but shook them off of him with the sword art he had been preparing sending them onto their backs squirming around trying to get onto their feet's. Beatbox had taken a deep breath and he grew a sweat with the lack of energy and the combination of the fire, he looked around to the fire and noticed that it was dying... the flame would soon dwindle away soon... he had looked back to the spiders as he watched them slowly crawl towards him... they weren't that smart in all honesty. 


ID: 75435 - BD: 6+4=10 - MD: 9

Sword Art Used: Shadow Explosion [Damage: 14*9=126]

Beatbox: 927/935 - 40/92 [+1 EN / -18 EN / -4 HP]

Giant Spider x4: 122/500 [-126 HP]

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Beatbox had looked down upon the group of four spiders that had slowly crawled towards him in hopes that they would soon attack the player, however Beatbox was not going to have their crap today, Beatbox had charged his sword that shifted from a eerie blue to a pitch black as he unleashed the shadows that were inside of him. The spiders suffered a strong strike mark that had hit all of them, and one by one they had all perished. However, when the rewards had appeared in front of him, nothing had shown up except a little bit of materials. He took a deep breath and moved over to the left of the boss door and sat down there, he didn't want to challenge the boss just yet... he didn't have the energy for that sort of thing... so for now he would sit down and keep himself busy with his own thoughts.


ID: 75435 - BD: 10 - MD: 2-3=1 - LD: 6

Sword Art Used: Shadow Explosion [Damage: 14+2=16*9=144]

Beatbox: 927/935 - 23/92 [+1 EN / -18 EN]

Giant Spider x4: 0/500 [-144 HP]

Loot: 4 T1 Materials

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Beatbox had taken a deep breath... he kind of missed the times where everything was much more simple... he missed his original guild... Silver Moon. He leaned on the wall and moved his head upward looking the singed roof that was the dungeon, sand went through some of the bricks, but it didn't really bother Beatbox... he wondered where they all were, where they all are right now... he took another deep breath, he kind of missed the times where he could go out and train with any of them... Hasai, Cho, Golden, Scarlett... however he didn't miss Scarlett, he had loved her and she did not give a care or messaged him at all since his disappearance. It annoyed him that she had just went up and did that. He growled at the thought it was simply stupid of him to do honestly.



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Beatbox looked at his sword, saw his own reflection in the light of the torch that was above him, he grabbed the handle and the blade a little, he looked down upon it and thought about the time that he had spent here in Aincrad... becoming one of the best DPS' he possibly could for the front lines risking his own life to protect those that are in need for it. Which is about everyone in this game, yet no one takes the moment to honestly really think about all the hard work that we put into this game. Damage, Evasion, Accuracy, Col, EXP, Skill Points... they all mean nothing if no one appreciates the hard work you've put into it. And it was players like Beatbox that had came to realizing that fact, he too felt that way before hand, however he is more respectful and will show his respects to those that are stronger than him, even if they are good... or bad.



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Beatbox had stayed silent for a while, thinking about his time here and the lack he suddenly grew to society, forced to believe that everyone here has lost their faith in humanity... but no more, Beatbox would soon learn to stand above all who defy him, he would soon learn how to truly stand for himself... how to challenge those whose lost their sense in friendship. He smiled at that thought, gaining the power to extinguish those who strives to kill upon others... becoming the hero this world desperately needs... however he figured that might be hard since the evil minds always has a escape or a route around from being killed. He sighed at that thought and stood up from the sandstone and looked towards the boss room door, he placed a hand upon the door, then kicked the door in. Seeing the center of the room a mummy coming to life before Beatbox, he smiled and pulled out his sword wrapping his hands around the handle of it.


[3/3] - Monster Energized!

Beatbox: 935/935 - 92/92

King Tut: 650/650 - DMG: 100 - MIT: 20

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Beatbox twirled his sword a couple of times in the air and caught it while charging his sword using his charge skill and dashed towards the mummy with a battle cry, hitting the boss with his strongest move along with the added bonus of his charge skill. He struck the boss with attack after attack and blow after blow, he had dealt an impressive amounts of damage to the boss, he had smirked at the progression that he had made, however his smile turned to a grin as the boss had groaned out like a dead body would and struck him with a swipe to the face dealing a good amount of damage back, good being floor 5's standards at least. Beatbox smirked, this was going to be some battle huh? He chuckled and looked back forward to the boss and charged his sword once more "Looks like you've got a little bark to your bite? Too much it wont mean much."


ID: 75452 - BD: 3+4=7 - MD: 10

Sword Art Used: Meteor Break [Damage: 14+3=17*11=187-20=167]

Beatbox: 899/935 - 81/92 [-11 EN / -34 HP]

King Tut: 483/650 - DMG: 100 - MIT: 20 [-167 HP] (Damage: 100+2-66=36)

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Beatbox had laughed as the Mummy had groaned once more and tried to attack him once more, Beatbox had dodged it swipe to attack him and swung back with Meteor Break dealing more and more damage to the boss. Swing after swing he had been attacking the boss dealing more and more damage to the boss, he had gained an angered look and continued to keep the pressure going and the damage flowing. Eventually needing to take a step away from it as the combo ended... he couldn't have an infinite combo going off, that wouldn't make too much sense at all would it? Beatbox smirked at that silly comment at the top of his head, heck even gave himself a little chuckle from that thought, who knew he could make himself laugh like that, even in a game like this. He looked up to the boss and charged his sword up once more.


ID: 75455 - BD: 9 - MD: 4-3=1

Sword Art Used: Meteor Break [Damage: 14+1=15*11=165-20=145]

Beatbox: 899/935 - 71/92 [+1 EN / -11 EN]

King Tut: 338/650 - DMG: 100 - MIT: 20 [-145 HP]

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Beatbox had watched the mummies movements as it was slow and sluggish, he had only assumed that its movement speed was bad, but its attacks were fast and powerful. Beatbox looked up with a smile, and had dodged out of the way of the mummies strike against him, Beatbox had charged his sword and swung his sword and somehow had missed the mummy. "Huh...? How'd did I...?" he thought to himself with opened eyes, he simply could not believe the fact that he had missed just now. He shook his head violently and stared up to the mummy "Come on James... stay focused, you can do this..." he growled to himself in his mind as he stood his ground as he spread his legs to sprint forward to hit the boss with his strongest sword art once more. He then smirked, this was no challenge, he knew that he was going to be able to strike it down without much time and practice.


ID: 75463 - BD: 1 - MD: 3-3=1

Sword Art Used: Failed Attempt.

Beatbox: 899/935 - 70/92 [+1 EN / -2 EN]

King Tut: 338/650 - DMG: 100 - MIT: 20 [-145 HP]

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Beatbox as he had thought to himself to get himself back into the game, the mummy had drew closer and closer to him and then eventually attacked and swiped against his face. He placed a hand over his mouth in pain then eventually shook it off and dashed towards it and performed the same combo over and over again dealing more damage after every hit and every punch dealt to the mummy. Its HP dropping quickly and steadily without a second thought in his head he knew that eventually this mummy has to fall over dead, there was just no way around it he thought. He smiled to himself and raised a sword up to the air to strike again, he needed the SP and he wanted to see if he could find another dungeon while he was still up and about this floor just to be able to see himself get to level 50 before the next boss fight.


ID: 75464 - BD: 5+4=9 - MD: 10

Sword Art Used: Meteor Break [Damage: 14*11=154-20=134]

Beatbox: 865/935 - 70/92 [+1 EN / -11 EN / -34 HP]

King Tut: 204/650 - DMG: 100 - MIT: 20 [-134 HP]

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The mummy had grew closer and closer and attempting to swipe his hand against his head, however getting out of the way was as simple as moving to the back with a couple of easy steps. Beatbox had smirked once more and leaped forward to attack the boss once more with ease, swing after swing cuts began to form on the boss bringing it closer to its doom. The mummy had yelled out in pain, but Beatbox didn't mind the minor pain in his soul that he had to do this. He shook his head and looked at the boss' HP... it was red... he took another deep breath, the battle was nearly over. "Alrighty James... one more combo and the boss is history and the Dungeon bonus is all yours, you've got this!" he thought to himself in his head giving him a spark of determination. He gripped onto his sword harder and and charged it up one more time... it was finally time to finish this.


ID: 75465 - BD: 9 - MD: 5-3=2

Sword Art Used: Meteor Break [Damage: 14+1=15*11=165-20=145]

Beatbox: 865/935 - 60/92 [+1 EN / -11 EN]

King Tut: 59/650 - DMG: 100 - MIT: 20 [-145 HP]

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Beatbox waited till his energy was fully charged up and then... with a burst of energy and a dash he quickly performed the combo and dealt enough HP to finally kill the boss. He had looked up to the <<Congratulations!>> and had gotten rewards for both the boss, and gotten the rewards for the dungeon, he had taken a deep breath and simply exited the boss room and took a torch that was next to it and lead himself outwards, he eventually found himself back to the entrance and he exited out of the dungeon, as he had left the secret entrance had closed and the lever simply ceased to exist. He shrugged he simply thought that simply the dungeon was finally cleared so it would despawn and spawn in another, kind of genius if you asked him... however he doesn't really know how players can easily find these things.


ID: 75465 - BD: 8+4=12 - LD: 12

Sword Art Used: Meteor Break [Damage: 14+1=15*11=165-20=145]

Beatbox: 865/935 - 50/92 [+1 EN / -11 EN]

King Tut: 0/650 - DMG: 100 - MIT: 20 [-145 HP]

Loot: 5 T1 Materials - 3250 Col

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Beatbox had looked around and pulled the cloth back out from his inventory and wrapped it around him to walk back to town through this damned sandstorm, he did not like this floor at all and this eternal sandstorm was just one of the things that added the icing to the cake on why he hated this floor in its entirety. He did not know why or how players like Itzal simply liked this floor, it was tedious and annoying, however tis to be different he assumed, he had sluggishly walked his way through the desert slowly yet surely... it was going to be a long trip back home... or at least back into town, it was times like this he simply wished that he had a teleportation crystal handy, because he simply did not want to deal with this sort of weather, it was something to keep in mind his next time needing to travel through his place.



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He had sluggishly walked through the floor, slowly and kind of painfully... not to his actual body or two his HP but his mentality he thought, he hated being stuck to walk through a blizzard or a sandstorm, it was personally extremely stupid for him to even do at any point in his life time, hopefully this was the last time he would have to do this sort of thing, he simply shook his head as he had walked through the damned sandstorm. He looked downward to his familiar that had hid behind the cloth from the sand, as he grew closer and closer he could barely see the town in the distance, he took a deep breath and thought that it was only a matter of time before he would finally be able to sit down and have a break. However unfortunately he would have to keep trucking forward.



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Beatbox had seen that his energy bar had finally fully had grown back up to full, he had grew closer and closer towards the town, however he took a moment to take a break, he had been walking a rather long time, to the dungeon and back, with the only break he had was before he even challenged the boss before hand. Life in Aincrad was a struggle to say the least, however he wasn't going to complain about growing stronger and stronger... it was just not in his personality to. He had taken a deep breath once more and looked from side to side... all he could see was the sand storm blowing the sand too and fro... and then just the sand on the ground, it wasn't a sight that he specifically enjoyed seeing, however it was still something to say the least? He didn't know, he shrugged off the topic and continued to move onwards.


[3/3] - Monster Energized!

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Beatbox had figured that enough was enough, he didn't want to push himself any further than what he needed to go, so he hand successfully gotten himself back onto his feet and dragged himself back into town. Once he had gotten there the sandstorm wasn't around due to the safe zone rules, so he had taken a deep breath and removed the cloth from him and placed it into his inventory. He had looked around town and noticed a few shady figures appear from the corner of his eye, however once he had taken a step back to see who or what it was the figure was gone. Beatbox had looked... maybe, it was nothing and Beatbox was just going crazy and seeing things. Time would only tell in all honesty. He had made it to the floor teleporter and exclaimed outwards "Teleport, Floor 11 Taft."

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