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[SP - F8] Moar Dungeon Raidz

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And with that... with his new found determination... with his new found confidence he had stood up proudly as he unsheathed his sword and pointed it into the air with one arm as he pointed his chest outward in front of him and yelled out "This victory shall be named out for the Knights of the Blood Oath! May my battle bring me victory!" he then lowered his sword and walked in front of the boss room door, his blood was pumping more than usual as he waited for this last seconds to refill his energy, and as he saw his energy fill back up he had taken a deep breath as he stepped inside the room seeing in the center of it a extremely bulky monkey wearing a red cape and a royal crown, its eyes opened and sparked red on the sight of Beatbox as the surrounding lights had lit up activating the boss fight.


[3/3] - Monster Energized!

Beatbox: 923/955 - 94/94 [+20 HP]

Monkey Lord: 600/600 - Damage: 200 - MIT: 24

Loot: 2500 Col - 11 T1 Materials

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And so the Boss had stood up on its two legs over him all buff and bulky as all hell getting ready to punch the player with his own two bulky hands using what it seemed to be Martial Arts, however Beatbox wanted the first attack so he had taken a step forward and lunged forward with incredible speed dashing towards the boss in a blink of an eye swinging his sword against the monkeys chest giving it a slash after slash and blow after blow dealing more and more damage towards it keeping the pressure and giving the edge to Beatbox in this battle. The monkey then activated its own sword art swinging a fist around like a superman punch and Beatbox and dodged out of the way using a ducking maneuver... he then stood back up ready to strike the boss once more.


ID: 75682 - BD: 7+4=11 - MD: 2-3=1

Sword Art Used: Meteor Break [Damage: 14+4+3=21*11=231-24=207]

Beatbox: 923/955 - 83/94 [-11 EN]

Monkey Lord: 393/600 - Damage: 200 - MIT: 24 [-207 HP]

Loot: 2500 Col - 11 T1 Materials

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The boss had charged up its fists once more and then tried to swing his arms downward to hit Beatbox from above, however Beatbox was smart and always looking around for the bosses maneuverability then moving from behind him. The boss hit the ground and then cracked the ground in front of him then looks up to the player that had been charging his sword back up and then lunged back forward to swing his sword hacking, slashing, and punching away at its HP bringing down the HP more and more and more... he had looked at the bosses HP and had noticed that it had a little more HP to survive the next assault of the Meteor Break, Beatbox had grinned but he had looked forward knowing that he would still win no matter what would happen, he stayed determined and stayed strong, and continued to apply the pressure without stopping.


ID: 75686 - BD: 5+4=9 - MD: 7-3=4

Sword Art Used: Meteor Break [Damage: 14+4=18*11=198-24=174]

Beatbox: 923/955 - 73/94 [+1 EN / -11 EN]

Monkey Lord: 219/600 - Damage: 200 - MIT: 24 [-174 HP]

Loot: 2500 Col - 11 T1 Materials

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Beatbox had shook his head, he had been thinking for too long, he needed to keep applying the pressure to win the fight, this being said he then charged up his sword once more and lunged forward hacking and slashing the bosses HP downwards once more sending it close to its own demise, however as the combo had ended it sounded like the boss... was laughing, he had taken a step backwards with a worried look as the boss had punched forward against Beatbox's skull then his chest dealing a good amount of damage, Beatbox had widened his eyes in surprised as he flew back to the door and slammed against it "Damn, he got me pretty hard... I knew I should have done that stun Sword Art..." he thought to himself as he picked his sword back up and stood up once more to continue to fight.


ID: 75688 - BD: 3+4=7 - MD: 9

Sword Art Used: Meteor Break [Damage: 14+4=18*11=198-24=174]

Beatbox: 727/955 - 63/94 [+1 EN / -11 EN / -196 HP]

Monkey Lord: 45/600 - Damage: 200 - MIT: 24 [-174 HP] [Damage: 200+50-66=196]

Loot: 2500 Col - 11 T1 Materials

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The boss had jumped up and tried to strike him from above, like some sort of aerial attack however he had quickly moved over to the side JUST in time for the boss to just barely miss him and brake the door open, "Now's my chance!" he thought to himself with a spark of determination in his eyes, and lunged forward performing one last Meteor Break against the boss... bringing its HP to zero. With a deep breath he had sheathed his sword as he had finally cleared the dungeon, of course he had only gotten a fair bit of col from the dungeon along with a fair amount of materials... the boss didn't really give anything special either. It was rather underwhelming "Welp... I better get home." he had said to himself as he then decided to walk forward away from the dungeon to get home.


ID: 75692 - BD: 8+4=12 - MD: 8-3=5 - LD: 3

Sword Art Used: Meteor Break [Damage: 14+4=18*11=198-24=174]

Beatbox: 727/955 - 53/94 [+1 EN / -11 EN]

Monkey Lord: 0/600 - Damage: 200 - MIT: 24 [-174 HP] [Damage: 200+50-66=196]

Loot: 2500 Col - 12 T1 Materials

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