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[SP-F1] Ryu, Upcoming Assassin

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I didn't do it on purpose i swear I lied to myself. I knew what i had done. I knew it was wrong. There was no way i should have done what i have. There was no reason for it. But it's too late..he's gone...forever.

What did I just do?! i asked myself shocked at everything that was just laid out in front of me.

The man stared straight at me as he drew his last digital breath before being taken away in an explosion of crystal like structures. I couldn't believe that his life...the last thing he would ever see...was the newbie, who stuck him down...the player killer killer. That's right. That's who i am. Some know me...others...fear me. As of recently, I've been seeing people kill others, for their items or just because they believe that they are superior to everyone else. It's time....it's time some one did something about it. I sheathed my sword with a grin on my face.

I will become the hero, and what villans fear most...the Black Shroud, Assassin to player killers.

This is where my story begins, this is where a new saga starts, no one in their right mind will stop me...at least...i hope im doing the right thing. Off to the market square i went, to purchase the cloak i need and the weapons i want...Tomorrow dawns...a new day...and...another victim, succumb by the evil ways,...of player killing

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There i stood on top of the roofs just sitting. No one around to bother me, it was nice to be alone in the busy portion of this game. I can hear the screams and shouts of the entire city just flowing with excitement. Then suddenly, a cry rang out in my ears. It was the voice of a girl, but i couldn't tell if it was in distress, or excitement. I followed the voice and to my surprise, it was a blue cloaked person chasing a man dressed in black. A bandit who robs people mid trade i inferred. I chased him leaping rooftop to rooftop. On one of the larger jumps, i lost my footing and fell straight to the "pavement" below falling in front of the mystery person and tripping them in the process. The man in black drifted out of site with intense speed.

"Oh no!" she exclaimed "What the hell is your problem!?" she directed it towards me.

"..." i said nothing, how could i...it was all my fault

"Well, are you going to answer me!?" she asked angrily

""I'm not sure how to answer you properly" i said very shyly

"And why the hell not?" she asked still angry

"Because i don't know how to talk to girls"

"How did you-" she started to as and then stopped, realizing when she tripped her hood fell down, revealing her long black hair and her beautiful purple eyes. She suddenly looked extremely embarrassed and suddenly covered her face in her hood. "I-I'm going to go hunt him down, You...are going to help me, since this is your fault" she said and with three taps of her menu, a party request showed up in front of me. I had not choice now...i accepted it and we walked out of the alley...the Hunt...is ON!

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The following day something seemed amiss. An entire night of tracking that...man... and there was still no sign of him. Where could he be. We entered a tavern and sat down hoping to nourish ourselves...at least to give us a false sense of such. What surprised me most was when she offered to pay for it, and the shadow sitting in the corner. It was him, i said nothing but i tried to find a table close enough to him without being suspicious.

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I slammed my hands on the table.

"Give back the item you stole, and there wont be any trouble."

He looked at me. Then he chuckled.

"Alright kid, ill play your little games. he said in a very cocky tone, and with three taps of his menu a duel request showed up in front of me. The fight will be to the death...winner takes all.

The start timer ran down, he drew is sword and i drew mine. He swung his sword at me...i avoided it, side stepping to the right, swinging my blade upward, nipping his side. He glared at me, then lunged towards me attempting to run his sword through me. I blocked it with ease, then i rammed my sword straight threw his left leg. I drew my dagger hidden behind my cloak and struck him in the side with it. He gasped, knowing he was going to lose he dropped his sword and announced his surrender. I with drew my dagger and sword, sheathing the sword. I turned my back to him...huge mistake. He swung his last attack straight to my head. I rolled underneath him and as he landed my dagger pierced through the back of his neck,...dropping his life to zero...and all the items he had...entered my inventory. As i searched through what i had received...the item of interest...

"Whats wrong?" the mystery girl asked

"...its...its not here...he didn't have it...its gone" i replied

Where could it be...? i asked myself......this is bad!

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This is terrible. A rare item suddenly vanishing before our eyes. I gave a moment to think, then i strolled over to the bar tender.

"Was there anyone in here that sat with that man previous to us entering?" i asked

He replied with a confirmation and a set of directions as to where he went. I thanked him greatly and the Blue cloaked girl and I left in a hurry. There wasnt much time, this item would go a long way and be sold for a huge profit, if its truly worth what im being told it is. By now i realized i was sprinting down the street, so with three taps of the menu i transferred the map data and directions to my blue cloaked companion.

"Continue pursuit on the ground!" i shouted

"What are you going to do?" she asked slightly scared

Immediately after she ask, i made a jump for the building on my right, and before i knew it, i was jumping between the buildings and i landed on the roof of the one on the left. From there i continued sprinting on the rooftops, headed in the direction of the area this man is. I plan on taking him down myself...no matter what.

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Faster...i need to run faster. I picked up the pace, in a dead sprint, there was nothing i wouldnt do to get this item back. I leapt from rooftop to rooftop with the greatest ease. Cant slow down, i CANT slow down. I saw them, at least one of them. I kept speeding up, i couldnt slow down, i wouldnt allow myself to, if i slowed down i would lose them, i cant afford to lose them. Moving swiftly, but silently i was within arms reach, then suddenly they jumped and i didnt...i missed the gap and fell....i fell straight down...straight to the walkway. I blacked out...i failed...i...i may as well have died....everything went dark.

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I tried opening his eyes but they wouldnt obey me. Have i died...is this..what death feels like. i asked myself in my head. I dont want to die, please dont let me die....i cant die now, i need to...help...i need...to get back home...i need...to see....my sister once again..before i die.

After a moment i opened my eyes. I wasnt in the alley way any longer, i was on a bed...a fairly comfortable one. I put my hand in front of my face and through the blurry vision my hand came into focus as did the rest of the room. The ceiling was made of wood and there was a light in the corner of the room. I tried to sit up but his muscles strain as I placed my arm behind me to attempt to brace myself. I fell back to the bed with a thud.

"Where....where am i?" i clearly was asking myself because no one was in the room with me. Just as i said such the door opened up, and a girl with pitch black hair and bright purple eyes walked in. It was her, the one missing the rare item, i almost didnt recognize her, she was wearing something different. A blue tank top with a purple over shirt with golden sleeves, a knee high skirt also in a darker blue, white socks and slightly dressier shoes. Why was she being so casual now...why was she here? Why am I here.....where in Aincrads name am i?

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I stared at the ceiling, trying to figure out what had happened. I...I cant seem to grasp it anymore, it just vanished like a bad memory. I tried to sit up but the girl wouldnt let me.

"You need to just lay here and relax ok?" she said in a calming voice.

So i obeyed, I laid there staring at the ceiling trying to relax but it was too hard. I opened my inventory and unequipped my my cloak. My silver hair falling over my left eye and my black long sleeve shirt and pants appearing on my body.

"This is a different side of you Ryu-kun" she said gleefully

"How did you-?" I started to ask but the looked in the top corner of my screen. Our names were there for being in a party together. It was that simple, i could have learned her name so much easier if i had just looked up.

A-ya-mi....Ayami-san? i said with much curiosity "Is...is that how you pronounce it?"

She giggled "Yes, it is silly.

I finally knew her name..it was different, not having to hide myself away, not having to put my life on the line to protect the innocent. I could finally relax. Tomorrow i need to finish this job...im behind schedule

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