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[PP-NK-F1] <<Feeding the Enemy>> Finding a stranger (Dominion and Solomon) [Complete]

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Dominion had moved his spot of operations to the second floor, but he still found himself coming back to the same area in the first floor. Something was off, but Dominion didn't know what it was. Maybe something he had forgotten? but then how could he remember? Was it something I saw, because this just isn't right. Why do I think I forgot something on the second floor. Dominion looked over his shoulder as he entered onto the first floor. I have gone out in search for my familiar here several times now, maybe it was in the woods. Dominion recalled the little shack with the NPC woman. That was a strange place to live, but Dominion had no right to judge. It wasn't like his state of living was any better. So, Dominion began his trek through the city. It was, in fact, still morning for a few more hours.

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Solomon was searching the woods, the monkey had moved away, giving him some time to scout out the forest even further. Not only had he survived a day out in the woods of the first floor, he had survived several months, as none of the mobs seemed to target him. He was agile, able to move almost silently through the forest with few things able to hinder his steps. He liked to stay near the top canopy, being that he would be the focused target of ground mobs if he remained down on the ground. It was, as best could be said, very dark from the ground point of view. He could still remember a few of the players he had seen on the first day, but he doubted any of them made it out alive, or even past the first floor before committing suicide, or even showing courage against the greater mobs.

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The city, busy with the morning traffic and loud as could be, was as impressive as ever, considering the town of beginnings was the metropolis of the first floor. It was so large, yet Dominion would run that several times over. He ran every other morning, which kept real world memories alive in his mind. As Dominion reached the exit, and turning to the North East, he would equip all his items. That would include his fist weapons and newly bought Monkey Ring. Dominion, once he had done a check to make sure everything was in top shape, began to head toward the forest lining. Looking to his left and right, he could see much more people out today than on previous days. Some would just lay around, relaxing on such a great day, while others fought vigorously to level themselves up. Those types of people Dominion found to be distinguished from the rest.

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Solomon shifted his body atop the branches, being quick and light on his feet at the same time. He was quick to make steps, but he was careful not to apply body weight where it would be most detrimental. Solomon, once he had gotten to the end of the branch, would either jump to a higher branch and use his strength to climb or grab a nearby vine and take his chances. He never seemed to grab an incorrect vine, seeing as every one that he grabbed was able to sustain his body weight. He only made it a few trees further than his previous mapping before he caught sight of a Nepent. Solomon did not fear the Nepent, although, he knew that he didn't have the correct corresponding skills to deal with the monster. Solomon didn't know where he got that information from, but either way Solomon just simply hid in the shadows for the Nepent to pass. Solomon had all day to adventure and map out this forest.

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It took a fair amount of time for Dominion to reach the tree line, as that would be the first step to finding the appropriate familiar. This familiar would not be common in the slightest, so he would need to keep his eyes open. Dominion was wearing his armor, which allowed the breeze to circulate. This, added to the heat from the sun, felt great. He moved his hands from his pockets to interlock behind his head. His elbows were pointed out, as this was a rather relaxing position for him. As Dominion stepped up to the tree line, he moved his head left and right, looking for any people that would follow him. He didn't think anybody would, but Dominion had become curious about some of the motives for certain players in this game. Dominion took a large step into the tree line, after he had lowered his arms and placed his hands in his pockets.

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Solomon could not comprehend the amount of time that he waited in order for that Nepent to move away from his hiding location, but after a while the Nepent did move away. Solomon took his chance immediately. He took a sudden step forward onto the branch and bent his torso slightly. The next action was not visible to the naked eye, as he suddenly took off, one step, two steps, off the branch. He leaps into the air, his arms up to grab the first branch possible. By the time he felt the branch against his hands, he seized the branch with a mighty grip and pulled his body up. He pulled his torso up onto the branch and pushed up to allow his leg the space to get a footing. Once he was atop the branch, Solomon quickly made his way around the trunk of the tree, leaping and grasping any branches that could hold his weight.

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Dominion took rather long strides to make the direct path through the sparse trees as fast as possible without exerting unnecessary energy. Almost immediately, Dominion found himself having to walk around trees, partially causing Dominion to lose his sense of direction. The light rays formed from the sun were being blocked by the canopy of leaves from above. Dominion knew how to deal with this, but he would have to find a vine first. Dominion walked around a tree, and found that there was a sizeable branch about eye level. This branch will work, Dominion thought as he reached up to grasp the branch. He quickly swung his body up and, once his legs were on top of the branch, he jumped to the next accessible branch from above. Dominion grasped the next branch with ease, being that he trained his body for this sort of environment in the real world.

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Solomon had crossed 6 trees from main area of operations. He drew a map on one of the tree trunks using a rather sharp stick from the area. Having labeled the map with a compass using the sun and focusing from the starting point "x", He would memorize the path in his mind, retrace his steps using landmarks which he had left, and would gather them as he returned. Once Solomon would be standing on the sturdy branch, facing that tree trunk, Solomon would draw out the landscape, any optimal places of dwelling, which he had yet to find. Also in the opposite direction was a waterfall, and beyond that waterfall, when and if a player traveled through, he could find a small but open cave. He didn't dare enter it unless that weird monkey was gone, because it would just keep returning at noon every day. This allowed Solomon to keep track of the number of days that had gone past since his arrival that day.

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Dominion swung his way to the midsection of the tree. He loved the forest environment, besides the mobs that infested the bottom and middle layers. It was more uncommon to see Nepents that had made their way up trees, but it was most certainly not impossible. Dominion was careful of the vines he would pull, remembering his other two attempts to find the familiar. With the trees so pact together, it made it easy for him to grab random branches and make his way to the top layer of the trees. This part, being so high up, was a challenge to his tree climbing abilities. He would proceed with caution and possibly just stay on the level he was most comfortable on... Just kidding. Dominion purposefully took the challenge with no thought of safety whatsoever. He climbed to the very tops of the tree, making great leaps to reach the next fragile branches in his way.

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Solomon finished making his next map and pivoted around. As he moved his head around, he could see movement from behind him. However, once he got a good look at whatever was behind him, there was nothing but the sound of shifting leaves. That monkey is unnaturally fast. Solomon was quick to follow the beast, as he had not yet made the mark in the cave. The time to do so was running out. Solomon had no conflicts in front of him, which he guessed could have been the monkey's doing. Solomon took a large stride to get his footing on the next branch over. This once clearly wouldn't hold Solomon's weight, but he decided that the snapping would lower him to the correct level that he needed to be on. He allowed the branch to snap, and used the momentum to propelled himself safely onto the branch he needed to be on. He had another possible way to go about lowering his level, but it would prove to be much more difficult than it needed to be.

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He grabbed one branch, which beneath his body weight split immediately, and caused him to fall. Except, Dominion was accustomed to this. He quickly grabbed the next branch down, bent his lower body toward the trunk of the tree and propelled from there. He exerted a great deal of energy doing this, but he found it very stress relieving. It was not every day you could just travel through the trees with such ease. He placed his hands on the more sturdy lower top branch and pushed his body upward. His legs wrapped around the branch above and he tightened his back muscles to lift his torso up like a push up. He now was planking his body parallel to the ground, but he was only gripped to the branch intertwined by his legs. He looked out, placing his hands over his eyes to get the best view of the tree tops. He could not see much else from where he was perched.

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Solomon traveled fast, making sharp and precise movements to quicken his pace. He was, in fact, ready to make that mark and dart away from that stupid cave. He had only a few minutes left, which put some pressure on him. Nearing the clearing to the waterfall, Solomon jumped out of the tree and came down to the ground. He easily made the landing, folding over his legs and running directly through the water. It was very cold, and it felt like several pounds of force were being applied to his body, but he didn't complain. He was on a tight schedule, and one that must not be messed with. He definitely didn't want to become the target of the monkey, as it was on a completely different level than him, puns intended. Solomon moved his wet blue hair onto his back as he quickly followed his path of marks, starting from the right side. He would only need a glancing check to make sure that the marks hadn't ended yet, until of course he came to the mark from the day before. He lifted his hand and a charred stick materialized. He used this to keep the days in the cave, since the sharp wood did nothing to the stone. 

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As Dominion remained gazing into the distance with his feet around the solid branch, his torso floating in the air, he could hear the sound of rushing water. He turned his head, keeping his hand over his eyes to block out the light, to look at the tree trunk. Written there on that tree was a weird circle with a, arrow thing pointing up. It had some weird symbols that resembled hieroglyphs. He remembered his travel to Egypt, one that was rather short lived. He could remember how symbols stood for real world things. Dominion curled his body forward and moved his body around the branch so not to be upside down, and to be kneeling on the tree branch. There, Dominion read the map to the best of his ability. He looked at the squiggled lines near the main x sign, most likely resembling a creek or river. Dominion took off immediately, finding the next map, and then the next as he soon would approach the clearing.

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Solomon applied pressure to the charred stick, etching another tally mark for yet another day. He quickly lowered his pivoted his body to face the light from the cave opening and charged through. The sheer force from the water atop his head again was like the sky falling down on him, especially when he leaps through it really quickly. Solomon, once he had passed through the water, ran to the side, giving him a better chance not to be spotted by the monkey. He, once he had reached the nearest tree, grabbed the first branch and lifted his body up, his torso slightly over the branch. Pushing from there, he was now sitting on the branch, very near to the trunk. He pressed his hand against his first map of the forest, which was now expanding in layers. He had done quite a feat, to say the least. Turning his head, the monkey jumped out of the forest and onto the ground of the clearing.

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Dominion, before he finally could hear the rushing water crash down on the rocks that trailed some 35 feet below, came face to face with a giant monkey. It was so large, honestly it was even bigger than himself. It simply towered over him, as it stood like a human. It had a white mane of fir, down the length of it's back. The strangest part of the humanoid monkey was the cloths. It was wearing human clothing, stuff seen by agile fighters. It had a white mane, almost resembling that of a human. He was stunned by the sight of this creature, majestic in its own right. He reached out to grab it, but the humanoid monkey slapped his hand away and jumped, bursting through the thick trees into the open area. "HAY?" (acronym for how are you), Dominion called out to the monkey. He jumped after him, bursting through the trees.

ID# 77621 LD:18(+3) 21 Success!!!

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Solomon was in no way expecting a player to burst out of the trees following this monkey. What was this guy thinking? It was clearly a mob of greater strength and height than himself, and most certainly more agile than himself. That was not something that could be easily taken for granted, but still, this guy followed the monkey. Solomon was now standing beside the tree, completely bewildered at this sight. Solomon realized that the head of this player was vaguely familiar to one he had seen on the first day. It was the blond haired guy that walked in front of him that day when he showed up the other player. Solomon took hold of the trunk and began to climb down slowly. There was still a good chance that this blond haired player wouldn't see him at all. Once he reached the ground, he began to sprint, taking quick to the wind. He intended to be out of sight from this guy, so that he himself wouldn't get caught up in this mess.

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Dominion turned his head, hearing a rustling of leaves. In the distance, he could see the blue hair move through the first layer of tree trunks that created a barrier around the clearing. Dominion had to ignore whoever that person was for the time being, since he himself stood face to face with a giant monkey on the ground, an environment that was not superb for Dominion's favored martial art style. Dominion slowly moved his had to his bag, not knowing if the monkey could actually match him for agility or strength. Dominion scrolled down his inventory searching for the bananas that he had gotten from his first search for the familiar. This monkey was not what he had in mind, but he wouldn't complain as this was far cooler than anything he had dreamed of catching... at least hopefully. He handed the bananas slowly over to the monkey, which seemed reluctant at first to take them from his hands.

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Solomon had gotten to the ground, when he broke off into a run. He knew that he made a lot of sound, but he knew that player would be much to preoccupied to care. He needed to find a place to hide until that player had left, which meant he needed to stay somewhat nearby. He looked from one tree to the next, until he had moved far enough and jumped up. He grasped a branch and lifted his weight, perching above a natural gateway leading to the shack for the NPC. Solomon did not know where the path lead to, but he wouldn't investigate it until he was back in his usual routine. He was award of his surroundings, keeping an eye for any mobs that neared the area. He wouldn't last very long if he didn't fight random mobs out in the fields or while hidden in the forest.

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The giant monkey stood like a human and looked down at his offering, waiting to see if Dominion would do something. It wasn't as though Dom would try any tricks on something that was notorious for playing tricks, according to legends that he had heard. Dominion smiled, his hand beginning to shake. To Dominion's lack of knowledge about this mob, he was also reluctant to do much else. What if this mob could literally one shot me? Am I really willing to risk "death" for trying to persuade a familiar like this to join me in this game? I must at least try, because this is not something that happens every day. So while keeping a good attitude, Dominion was able to steady his hand and arm from shaking. The monkey took one banana from the bunch and peeled it. It ate it, which was hopefully a sign of peace. Dominion would not lower his arm until he got some sort of sign from the monkey that he wouldn't kill him immediately.

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Solomon crouched atop the gateway of trees, awaiting some sort of sign that the player ran for his life or that darn monkey eliminated him from this "game". He was listening, placing one ear against the tree and the other out toward the clearing. Hopefully some sign would come to him. He didn't move as he listened, but as he did, he heard a mob approaching. He would have to delay his search and hide from the upcoming mob. Solomon made sure that his head was low to the branches beneath him, as the mob was somewhere in the area above him. These trees went up a ways, which made it possible for the mob to be in the upper level. Solomon grabbed his hair and made sure that it lay directly on his back and that it didn't overhang down into the gateway path. He held his breath for what felt like forever, until he could make sure that he mob had passed by. 

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