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The life of the dead (F1-OP)

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Atzo sat in the town square, the breeze softly blowing through his fiery hair ruffled. He was watching everyone as they passed by, silently. He took in what was said, the bits and pieces of those who walked by. "We need to get to the market" He heard one lady say as she seemed to pull a man along. "Mommy, where do we go now?" A young boy asked his mother. He sat with a sly smirk on his face. "People walk here like there is nothing to fear, and maybe there is not” He said softly to himself allowed before licking his lips “But in this world there are either prey or predator and I do not intend to be prey.” He chuckled slightly and looked around. It seemed that most people we not noticing his existence but he didn't mind. He accepted the shadows and the loneliness. After all he chose the life he lived. It did make him wonder just what it was that led others to chose differently.

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A man, truly puzzled by the information he was given, was walking around the city in circles, his mind following with a flurry of thoughts. He held his head, puzzled by the game system. He did not even know what a game was, let alone why they would be able to leave the game thing in the first place. Either way, he could not find his original friends that brought him into this mess, and now he was stuck with no explanation. Dominion paced, his 12 foot long double edged great ax was held with ease. He put his left hand on his chin as he walked, wondering what he would do without anybody to give him any information. He stopped where he stood, several feet from entering the town square, holding his head in his left hand. Somehow, everything would turn out fine, but he needed to find people to talk to in order for him to begin fitting in with the community. He found it strange that he stood next to a blue haired guy, several inches taller than himself. However, Dominion had kept walking, since he was already so flustered.

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Solomon stood, waking up from nothingness. It was as though the light had split the darkness. Nothing could be as magnificent as this moment for the people of Aincrad, but they had yet to learn of his future strengths and weaknesses. This also was the case considering he was physically unlike anyone in that community. Solomon looked around, his first thought being  *As I look down at my cloths and feet, only one thought enters my mind. Who am I?* Some people who were just passing by Solomon tried to greet him friendly. "Ah hey Solomon" Solomon's eyes seemed to widen as he heard the name. *Solomon, is that really my name... wait, why do I recognize it from somewhere?* Solomon remained quiet as he pondered the idea in his head. He couldn't come up with any answer at all. It was as though he had forgotten something that he could never get back.

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Looking around Atzo took in his environment. Suddenly his eyes locked onto something familiar. He stood and quickly walked over to a man who looked utterly lost. “Solomon…. Solomon is that you? I had been hoping to find you. How are you doing?” Atzo spoke with genuine concern. Solomon was a friend of his back in the real world, Atzo remembered when he got the concussion. The doctors, not sure if he could make it, called in Atzo and Ren. The two of them decided to try to put him into nerve gear so he could learn easier. It was nice to find someone as familiar as Solomon, seeing that Ren was still missing. But at least he could try to help his friend out. There was nothing else to do after all. It was amazing how that he was able to find his long lost friend after so long. It wasnt every day that you found a friend from the outside world.


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Solomon stared blankly at the buildings in front of him, worry beginning to build in him. He turned to someone whom he did not recognize, his red hair seemed to spike back. Solomon could feel something on his back and reached behind his head to touched it. What came to be held in his hand was his long blue hair tied back. Looking up and to his right, Solomon saw that the other guy, and everyone else who walked around them had a different style, for better or for worse. Solomon looked over to this guy sitting on a bench. Then he moved his gaze to a blond haired dude with the giant great ax. Solomon remained silent, trying to remember. He couldn't remember a thing. *who is that? and who is that? and why does he know my name?* Solomon turned his head to face around the entire perimeter. This place seemed like a fortress, but much more lively. He returned his gaze to man, his face showing that his gears were turning, but no response came from his lips. @Atzo

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"It’s me, Alexander. Though they call me Atzo on here. You were hit in the head pretty hard weren’t you? Come sit with me, let's talk about your life… or what i know about it.” Atzo smiled at Solomon. “I hope that he isn't too scared, hopefully i can calm him down and aid his memory.” Atzo motioned for Solomon to join him as he walked back to the park bench. He looked at the other man “Hey, it's not nice to stare, just come sit down and talk” Atzo let out a slight snicker remembering what he was good at. For a moment he remembered when he would sit in coffee shops and eavesdrop on those in the shop. He was always trying to learn something, didn't matter what or who. In fact the blonde haired man seemed most intriguing but that was a challenge for another time, or so he hoped.



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Dominion didn't realize that he was gazing at the blue kid... Well, now that he got a good focus on him, is appeared as though he was several inches taller than himself. Dominion was somewhat shocked by this size difference, but that wouldn't keep him from greeting him. However, the dude walking back to the bench was telling him that it wasn't nice to stare. Dominion knew better than to do that, but he also needed to concentrate, however that would happen. He took up the red haired mans offer, walking over and greeting him with a somewhat ridiculous display. "Hey, so.... could you by any chance tell me what a video game is? I heard that big guy in the sky said something along the lines that we are all going to die. Also, how do I do anything, because I can't even figure out how to put away my giant ax." Dominion asked the man.


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During the time that Dominion had approached Atzo. He seemed to be a really nice guy, but Solomon had no real thing to base that off of. Solomon decided to give them time and looked up. Gazing up at the sky which was something that Solomon found intriguing, he could feel the breeze against his neck. That was until he saw atop a building, a woman ready to jump, probably in an attempt to do suicide. Solomon, not knowing that they were currently in a safe zone, nor in any way knowledgeable that she was trying to do suicide, stated in a voice that was rather low and projected like a enormous megaphone, which shocked both her and himself. "Do not, it will only bring pain and grief into your heart!" Solomon, so surprised by his voice and choice of words, collapsed onto his knees, holding his head. His ears were ringing, his head was seeing spots, and he could tell he wasn't totally back together by any means. The woman atop the building had halted, not moving from where she stood.


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Atzo looked to the blonde monk. “Swipe your hand down like this” He opens his menu “And Access your inventory” suddenly He heard Solomon shout, turning to him. Atzo sees Solomon on his knees clutching his head. Atzo runs over to him “Whats wrong? Are you okay?” Atzo puts his hand on solomon's shoulder “You will be alright, come on let me get you to the bench. There you can calm down. And that way you aren't out in the open.” He looked up at the girl and then over to Dominion. “You!” he yelled to Dominion “My name is Atzo, Run up there and get her down!” Atzo motion from Dominion to the girl hoping the kid would follow instructions. He turned back to Solomon. “It's going to be okay bud, don’t worry Just take a deep breath and everything will be okay." He was speaking  in a calm soothing tone, Praying that it would calm him down enough.

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Dominion was surprised by the quickness of the things happening around him suddenly. This blue haired kid yelled like a lion, it echoing through the buildings, and made a resonating noise. Dominion didn't need to hold his hands to his ears, but he could see that the woman atop the building stopped. Suddenly, the man fell down to the ground, his hands holding his head. It was clear that these two knew each other... Well at least one of them knew the other. Dominion was commanded to run up and save the girl atop the building, who was debating jumping. He turned around and bolted to the base of the building. He grabbed the frame of a window and began to climb, using his training to climb up the wall. He swiftly reached out and grasped the top of the building. He pulled up his body and pushed the woman back onto the building, keeping her from falling off. "Please forgive me", Dominion said, hoping that she wouldn't get angry.

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Solomon took about a minute to come back to his senses. His breathing began to slow down naturally, as if he was starting to get his bearings again. He could feel the immense pain in his mind subside, as if it was never there. He knew better than to believe that, but still, it was certainly strange. He could hear the guy from the bench, Atzo, who was now standing up, call out to him stating that he should breath slowly, and that Solomon would be alright. He waited a few more seconds before attempting to stand again. That was when he noticed the first random problem. He wasn't wearing shoes, or anything on his feet for that matter. The people around him wore pieces of thick leather.. kind of. He wasn't sure what to call them actually, so he remained speechless yet again. However, something caught the corner of his eye. A group of people walking through the streets. Solomon looked back up to see Dominion had pushed the girl back onto the roof, making it more certain that she would be safe. Solomon turned, having made sure that she would be alright and having stood up, moved to follow the group walking away from them.


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