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[SP-F1] <The First Few Lessons Are Free> The learning curve

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Milo sighed as he walked through one of the many streets of the Town of Beginnings, he had only been here a day and he already felt like he was just going through the motions. The terms his sister and he parted on didnt help either.

He didnt even know what he wanted to do now that he was stuck here. Should he help on the frontlines? Maybe sell weapons? Milo was sure that it would be pretty profitable due to the nature of the game/death trap. But with almost no previous experience in this kind of game he didnt know what would be the best use of his time.

Milo was brought out if his train of thought when he came across an NPC standing by a small shop a few blocks away from the town square. He decided that it was best to learn what he could and then decide what to do after.


"Exuse me. But is somthing troubling you?" Milo asked the NPC.

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The man looked at Milo for a moment before shaking his head.

"Actually its how i can help you" he responded. Milo looked confused, how could an NPC help him?

"How so?" Milo asked.

The man gave him a small smile a replied.

"I have some work i need done, and you seem to lack knowledge of how things work in Aincrad, pherhaps we can help eachother" a pop-up menu appeared in front of Milo, asking if he wanted to accept the quest.

"This is perfect!"Milo thought to himself and eagerly accepted the quest. The mans smile brightened and he shook his hand.

"Thank you, since we will be working together i shall introduce myslef, i am Zachariah."

"Milo, nice to neet you sir" he said waited for the man to tell him whar he needed.

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The man called Zachariah nodded.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance Milo. What i require is some materials to concoct HP potions, the correct materials can usually be found in the wilds on this floor. Also do not worry about monsters attacking you, as long as you dont stray too far from the town you will be fine. once you have them come back and we shall work on creating the potion itself alright?" 

Milo nodded and went on his way. As he walked through the town market he thought about what he would do now that he would be stuck here, for all he knew he would never see the the real world again so he might as well treat this one as such, the stakes were certainly high enough.


Said person turned around to see who called him

"Oh...hey sis" Milo said quietly.


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Looking at her now Lana had changed a lot dispite the little time they had been here. She now wore leather armor pretty much everywhere, had gotten herself a two handed claymore. She had also gotten much more strict and aggressive.

And she wasnt happy with him at all.

"What are you doing here? Your supposed to be at the inn!" She yelled, not caring who heard.

Milo thought about yesterday, when they had first arrived and the game master had given his speach, he thought about how his sister had dragged him off and rented one of the few remaining rooms left in the whole town, how she had told him to stay there while she went to go join those who were plotting to beat the game, and the argument they had afterwards. Milo still regretted yelling at her the way he had. But they were both stressed and scared.

They still were.

"I told you before, im not gonna sit here while you or anyone riskes there lives to get us out of here" Milo said calmly and turned to walk away.

"So thats it? Your leaving?" She said in a scolding tone.


She was silent for a moment before yelling.

"Dont expect me to help you! With anything, Ever!" And then Lana turned and stormed off in the other direction.

Milo sighed and continued on his way. He hated himself for putting her through that but....he would hate himself even more if he stayed here while people out there were dying to get them out. He wanted as many people to make it out as possible.

Milo's eyes widened when he realized what he had thought. He knew what he was going to do!

He was going to make sure that those around him made it safely home again, no matter what he had to do. So with a new determination he ran off to the town gates to finish his first quest.

He had a lot to do...


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Milo had been searching for the required materials for about a quarter hour now and he'd had more success then he thought he would in the time he had been searching.

As he progresed he couldnt help but feel exited now that he had a goal to work towards. He sobered up when he realized that he had no idea idea how to achive this goal. He knew he had to get stronger and he had a basic idea on how the level system worked (thanks to a few very nice players he talked to soon after leaving the inn) maybe he should find some of the more experienced players and ask them about combat?


(Non-combat gathering roles)

1: 18, success

2: 15, success

3: 2, fail

4: 1, fail

5: 16, success



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It had taken a while but Milo had managed to find everything he needed to bring back to Zachariah.

Once Milo had gotten past the gates and back inside the city he couldn't help but feel relieved. That was the first time he had been out in a dangerous place on his own, he was glad to see the NPC was right that there were no monsters nearby.

It had been at least an hour since he started the quest but yet when he got back he found the man in the same place as he left him in.

"Milo, its good to see you again" the NPC smiled as Milo came into his view. Milo nodded and they left for Zachariah's shop. Once inside Milo gave him the materials and the man set to work.

(Gathering roles)

1: 5, fail

2: 9, fail

3: 9, fail

4: 15, success

5: 4, fail

6: 15, seccess

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Milo watched as Zachariah shook up and mixed a few beakers and poured the contents into a tiny vile. Then turned to Milo

"This is an HP potion, you will probably see a great many of these in your time here. Take great care to always have a few handy." He told Milo and handed him the potion.

"Now i will show you how to make them"

It took a while (longer then Milo cared to admit) but by the end of it Milo had five potions to call his own.

"Thank you for your help sir, these will come in handy for what i've got planned" Milo said as he put the potions in his inventory


(Crafting roles)

1: 3, fail

2: 12, success

3: 9, success

4: 1, fail

5: 10, success

6: 6, success

7: 9, success

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Milo was about to leave when the NPC stopped him and led him to a desk in the back of the shop. On this desk was a small wooden box aboit the size the Milo's head. Zachariahh picked up the box and handed it to Milo.

"There is a blacksmith on the other side if the city who is expecting the contents of this box. If you wouldnt mind could you take this to him? I would do it but i have other dutys to attend to and its getting late." The man gave Milo the locationof the shop and looked at Milo eexpectantly. Milo (who figuered that this was also part of the quest) accepted without hesitation.

"Thank you my boy! Im sure that you will get the package to him in good condition." The man thanked him happily. Milo just nodded and left the shop.

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As milo continued his quest he thought about his encounter with the NPC, he began to wonder if the other players were like him as well. He really did need to meet somone, at very least to get an idea of what others were doing with there time here in this new world.

Milo looked up at his surroundings that were the grand city, and couldn't help but feel like he was acting in a movie or somthing. Heck he still felt like he might wake up from a dream at any moment. 

And again he wondered if it was possible to actually beat this game. It was an MMO after all. Even though he didnt play them much he still knew that they were LONG games, if they could be beaten at all.

Well the big cloaked guy had said that the way to win was to clear every floor so he would just have to go with that.

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By the time Milo had gotten about halfway to his destination he was pretty tired and it was getting dark. Shame that being in a video game could block out pain (well...physical pain) but not weariness. 

So he found a cheap inn and spent a bit of Col on a room to stay in for the night. Though once he lied down he found that he couldnt sleep, his mind to occupied by thoughts of what had happened that day. it took him about an hour to finaly start resting

The next morning Milo was up bright and early to head out for the blacksmith's shop.

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