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[F7-SP] Search for the Beast <<Event Boss Search>> - Complete

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Floor Seven, home of the highest ranges of mountain that had been discovered so far. Sitting on the peak of The Eye -the tallest peak of the floor, Husky was searching for the rumored boss that had been speculated to be scuttling around the peak. So far, no such luck. "Well... I guess it's all for nothing climbing up here." The Warrior let out a long sigh. Woofles was still sleeping soundly on his shoulder without a mind. "At least it have a nice view here." Husky had to admit, the peak gives him a vantage points of the entire floor. The whole place almost looks like the real world, with the vast horizon stretched seemingly without end. Sat upon the peak, Husky enjoys the wind breezing through him. His hair flow along the breeze of the mountain, and from the peak, Husky could see the whole floor beneath him. To him, this view is all he would ever wanted to experience in real life. Cherish the moment where you overcome yourself, to see the real world with your own eyes. That... is living.

However, his time daydreaming was cut short. Beyond the forest area, Husky could see tremors within the trees. As if they were shaken by something. Normally, he wouldn't be able to see these events if he were down at ground level. Maybe the rumors isn't all false. "Woofles! We got ourselves a job!" The Brunette nudged his pet, looking toward the place with ambitions. Maybe he could add this monster to the collection of his grand crusade for bosses. Sprinting down the trodden trail leading down the mountain, Husky rushed for the area, hoping he isn't too late.

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Descending from the mountain, Husky was rushing pass a few monsters on the way, monsters he would regularly take down. However, one appeared behind a corner where Husky was trying to descend from. A massive Rock Golem, standing as big as he is tall. It swing the massive rock hand around, nearly smashed against the warrior's head. Luckily, Husky had ducked just in time before the monster could strike him. Seeing no other way, Husky readied his fist. If he can't go around, the quickest way, is to go straight through. Charging forward, his gauntlets glowed a bright red color, his Sword Art charged to full, readied to strike at the beast. One hit after another, with Woofles helped pointing at where he would hit, the health bar of the monster plummet. However, while fighting, the Warrior let himself vulnerable for a strike. The golem punched at him square in the middle. The fist nearly pushed Husky off the mountain, however, he kept his balance and pulled back.


ID: 80857
BD: 7+1=8 (Hit)
MOB: 7 (Hit)

Husky: 350/380 HP | 28/38 EN | 10 DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG | 1 ACC | 1HM | ( -( 60 -30 MIT) = -30 DMG)


Stone Golem: 130/200 HP | 60 DMG | 20 MIT ( -(( 10 *Acupuncture: 3x3) -20 MIT) = -70 DMG)

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Husky returned to battle. He and the golem trade blow for blow, neither backing off. But the golem were certainly losing, pieces of its body fallen onto the ground, bursting away to nothingness. The <<Acupuncture>> continued smashing bits and bits away from the golem. Husky's attack is fierce and unrelenting. His fang perked as his mouth curved a disturbing expression, almost like a feral wolf. With one heavy punch, the golem once again pushed him away, this time slammed him against the stone surface of the cliff. The Silver Warrior quickly rolled aside once he saw the monster raised its large hands and cleaved down onto him. Repositioned back a few step, Husky readied his fist. At this rate, Husky would not only have to worry about the monster, but the ledge as well. Already he was nearly pushed over the cliff; therefore, he'll need to be extra careful, now knowing falling damage is a real threat.


ID: 80862
BD: 9 (Critical Hit)
MOB: 10 (Critical Hit!)

Husky: 318/380 HP | 19/38 EN | 10 DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG | 1 ACC | 1HM | ( -( 62 -30 MIT) = -32 DMG)


Stone Golem: 51/200 HP | 60 DMG | 20 MIT ( -(( 11 *Acupuncture: 3x3) -20 MIT) = -79 DMG)

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However, playing safe wouldn't accomplish much. With his momentum, Husky rushed toward the monster. His Sword Art struck at the monster's core. He leaped into the air, his leg extended. The <<Leaping Crane>> Sword art connected; the kick sealed the deal; it slammed straight to the core of the monster's body. As the attack ruptured the Golem's core, making the monster burst to million of fragments, all soon eroded to thin air. Brushing some small sweat's droplet from his forehead, Husky got back to his normal composure.

There's no time to waste. Every moment pass means whatever causing the forest to shake would disappear. No way would Husky missed out on this chance. He need the exact location of the mob. Packing up, Husky rushed down from the trail, Woofles quickly followed his master's footstep. The dirt trail snaked around the 


ID: 80870
BD: 8+1=9 (Hit)
MOB: Died before action

Husky: 318/380 HP | 10/38 EN | 10 DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG | 1 ACC | 1HM | ( -( 62 -30 MIT) = -32 DMG)


Stone Golem: 0/200 HP | 60 DMG | 20 MIT ( -(( 10 *Acupuncture: 7) -20 MIT) = -50 DMG)

(Number of Monster Killed: 1/12)


ID: 80870
LD: 13
CD: 2

Looted: Rare Weapon; 600 Cols

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Once he reached the base of the mountains, it was the matter of tracing his way to where the forest is located. It's going to be an arduous journey. The way there is a lot farther from what it seemed like from the vantage point. He want to get there quick, but the monsters would pose a problem if he keep rushing. Beside, if he did encounter the monster, the monsters would gain the upper hand upon him, for he would be left exhausted from the chase. Maybe it's wise to take it easy. Slowed his speed, Husky returned to his walking pace. Woofles panting behind him, excited from the journey the two is taking. It's been a while since the little knacker get to go with such a fast pace. Maybe he could find something around the area he could use. 


ID: 80874
LD: 9 (Found nothing.)

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Flipping through the notes during his travel, Husky had wondered what kind of boss it would be. Neither the Info-broker, or the starter guide for quests written by players have mentioned of a hidden boss on the seventh floor. There must be something big, but if it's so grand, then why have no one ever heard of the beast, let alone encounter and recorded data from it. It's certainly odd to say the least. Shaking away the thoughts, Husky focused on his task. Continued searching for any hint of a hidden boss, rather than just rumors, he walked along the path toward a pin he has place where he located the abnormal activities in the forest he saw back on the peak. 

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While on his way, Husky saw a glimpse in the corner of his eye, a forest hare. Those are not so widely common, and they are a crucial ingredient for the rabbit stew; however, the critter was rare, and furthermore, it would be good if he managed to get his hand upon the material, it would be incredible. The material has some vauluable potential, and therefore, it would create a good meal with some good attribute behind it. 

Picking up a small rock, Husky took aim. He got one chance, and he needed to be precise about this. The pebble left his hand. Like a bullet, it flew toward the rabbit. A loud thud. It was a strike. The little brown hare fall onto the ground, grew limp. Collecting his prize, Husky returned to his quest. He had already wasted some time, and he will have to make up lost time.


ID: 80952
LD: 18

Found: 1 T1 Material

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While he was continuing on his task, Husky didn't expect a surprise attack. The small team of four goblins came out from seemingly out of nowhere. Each of them brandished with a scimitar and a round shield. All of them threw their attacked toward Husky in a flash. Each attack slashed at him once. With no time to react, Husky took the all of the attacks with full force. His health bar dropped to yellow, as the Warrior winced.  Knocked back, Husky quickly rolled back. His eyes narrowed, focusing on the four goblins. In an instance, he rushed toward the monsters. Husky activated his Sword Art <<Tornado Kick>. Using his momentum, he spun wildly, his leg extended, sweeping across all four, pushing all of them back. Each kick smacked at the goblins in the jaw. They flew back a few distance, slowly scrambling back onto their feet.


ID: 80953
BD: 7+1=8 (Hit)
MOB: 9 (Critical Hit)

Husky: 260/380 HP | 26 EN | 10 Unarmed DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG | 1 ACC | 1HM |( -((60 -30 MIT) *4) = -120 DMG)


Goblin 1: 140/200 HP | 60 DMG | ( -(10 *Tornado Kick: 1x6) = -60 DMG)
Goblin 2: 140/200 HP | 60 DMG | ( -(10 *Tornado Kick: 1x6) = -60 DMG)
Goblin 3: 140/200 HP | 60 DMG | ( -(10 *Tornado Kick: 1x6) = -60 DMG)
Goblin 4: 140/200 HP | 60 DMG | ( -(10 *Tornado Kick: 1x6) = -60 DMG)

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Now standing in the middle of four scattered monsters, Husky took a few step back. All he have to do is wait for the Goblins to get back on their feet, and gathered back to a group. Once they do, Husky did the exact same thing. He ran toward them, using his momentum to start a spin and sweep his leg across all four of the Goblins. The four once again pushed back, trip and fall to their back. 

"When would you ever learn..." Husky chuckled, mocked the monsters under his breaths. He couldn't really blame the monster too. The game's Artificial Intelligent isn't that hard to predict. They use the same thing over and over again. The Goblin slowly got back up to the ground. All of them began snarling toward the Warrior, their weapon brandished.


ID: 80956
BD: 9 (Critical Hit)
MOB: 2 (Missed)

Husky: 260/380 HP | 15 EN | 10 Unarmed DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG | 1 ACC | 1HM |


Goblin 1: 74/200 HP | 60 DMG | ( -(11 *Tornado Kick: 1x6) = -66 DMG)
Goblin 2: 74/200 HP | 60 DMG | ( -(11 *Tornado Kick: 1x6) = -66 DMG)
Goblin 3: 74/200 HP | 60 DMG | ( -(11 *Tornado Kick: 1x6) = -66 DMG)
Goblin 4: 74/200 HP | 60 DMG | ( -(11 *Tornado Kick: 1x6) = -66 DMG)

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While all four was down on the ground, Husky stood in the middle of the four. Spamming one single ability over and over again didn't seemed all that stylish or skillful, but it's the most effective way to deal damage to a crowd of monsters. The Warrior's Sword Art, <<Tornado Kick>> kicked the Health bar of the monsters down to red. 

Husky pouted, just after the attack. The Warrior was clearly not a fan of the fighting system. However, the Goblins did got back to their feet. Their attacks was proven to be their demise, as the thorn damage bounced back, dealing just enough damage to finish them. The Silver Knight finished the battle, as he brushed his hand, returning to his task. Letting out a sigh, the brunette brushed off the sword art. 


ID: 80978
BD: 6+1 (Hit)
MOB: 6 (Hit)

Husky: 260/380 HP | 6 EN | 10 Unarmed DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG | 1 ACC | 1HM |


Goblin 1: 0/200 HP | 60 DMG | ( -(10 *Tornado Kick: 1x6) = -60 DMG) ( -14 THR DMG)
Goblin 2: 0/200 HP | 60 DMG | ( -(10 *Tornado Kick: 1x6) = -60 DMG) ( -14 THR DMG)
Goblin 3: 0/200 HP | 60 DMG | ( -(10 *Tornado Kick: 1x6) = -60 DMG) ( -14 THR DMG)
Goblin 4: 0/200 HP | 60 DMG | ( -(10 *Tornado Kick: 1x6) = -60 DMG) ( -14 THR DMG)

Number of Monster Killed: 5/12


LD: 6
CD: 12

Looted: T1 Material; 2400 Cols

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Continued on, Husky had wondered what would happened if he found this boss. If it were to be too strong for him to handle, would he be able to get away. Without stop, the Silver Warrior scanned through his inventory. Equipping the Teleportation Crystal he has bought a while back, Husky wanted to make sure that he have everything readied just before he continued. If the boss did indeed turned out to be way out his league, he needed something to quickly fall back, or else it would be problematic. Worst case scenario, he might lose his life.

His heart began to raced about the idea that he might indeed lost his life just to catch a glimpse of what the rumored boss look like. It's quite absurd to think that. His hand started shaking. Maybe this journey isn't the best idea to partake alone. Maybe it's best if he quits now and bring some company along.

"No!" Husky stomped. "If this boss is indeed that powerful, bringing more people would only mean more possible casualty." He convinced himself. Beside that, he might not be the only one who set out to search for this boss.

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While traversing the seventh floor wasn't the most difficult task, climbing up hills is a chore, especially when he has to fight an unknown time limit that's ticking away. Maybe continuously traveling like this isn't the best idea. Maybe he should rest and let his muscle relax. Beside, fighting monsters in this condition wouldn't be best ideal. Husky set out to find a small tree, but big enough for him to climb. Woofles rest at the base, while Husky was on top. Resting on a sturdy branch, he scouted the map for further detail as to where the boss might lies. Any complicated structure, or any chasm system. Alas, there's nothing around the area but trees piercing the sky. 

Letting out a sigh, "Well... just my luck..." Husky leaned back to the tree trunk, looking toward the direction of the forest he's trying to reach. The commotion hasn't seemed to stop. That means he still have time left. Maybe he's not too late. All he have to do is to get refresh, and continue making his way there.

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While sitting on top of the tree, he saw yet another forest hare. Those thing are uncommon, so gathering as much of their meat as possible would be ideal, especially when he could make more Rabbit Stew. Leaped from the branch down, Husky kept his eyes on the rabbit, hoping it wouldn't run. However, as his foot touch the ground, it startled the hare. As it began running away, the brunette only have a split second to react. He dashed for the nearest pebble, and take aim. He only got one shot, so he must make it count. 

Viup! The pebble flew from his hand, only to created a Thud! sound as it collided with the dirt floor. The forest hare had gotten away. Letting out a sigh in disappointment, Husky picked up Woofles from under the belly and placed him down on top of his shoulder plate. With that, the two continued on.


ID: 81022
LD: 14 

Found: nothing.

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Along the way, Husky managed to bypass most of the monsters he see. They don't oppose much of a threat, but most of them do gathered around in a bundle of four monsters. However, in some few occasions, some does managed to get the upper hand, ambushed him from either the trees or hillside. This time were no exception. From behind the trees, pounced forward four dire wolves. Husky was surprised by the attack, therefore taken four hit, as he tumbled backward down the hill. Managed to stopped himself before tumbling all the way down, the Silver Warrior quickly sprang back up to his feet and lunged forward. Using the <<Tornado Kick>> Sword Art, he sweep through the wolves, pushing them all back. Fighting up hill isn't going to be the most pleasant thing, but against these wolves, he should be able to manage.


ID: 81062
BD: 10 (Critical Hit!)
MOB: 8 (Hit!)

Husky: 260/380 HP | 26/38 EN | 10 Unarmed DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG | 1 ACC | 1HM |( -((60 -30 MIT) *4) = -120 DMG)


Dire Wolf 1: 114/200 HP | 60 DMG | ( -(12 *Tornado Kick: 1x6) = -72 DMG) ( -14 THR DMG)
Dire Wolf 2: 114/200 HP | 60 DMG | ( -(12 *Tornado Kick: 1x6) = -72 DMG) ( -14 THR DMG)
Dire Wolf 3: 114/200 HP | 60 DMG | ( -(12 *Tornado Kick: 1x6) = -72 DMG) ( -14 THR DMG)
Dire Wolf 4: 114/200 HP | 60 DMG | ( -(12 *Tornado Kick: 1x6) = -72 DMG) ( -14 THR DMG)

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Just as Husky readied his posture, the wolves lunged forward. The feral beasts bit down onto the Warrior's shoulder. Pushed down onto the ground, Husky was pinned the four wolves. However, just as the wolves pinned Husky down, something else caught their attention. From behind, Woofles barked with a furious posture. The little pupper had managed to drive away the attention of the wolves for just a moment, allowing Husky to gain the upper hand.

The Silver Warrior sprang up from the ground, pushing aside the four wolves. Now, that he have had all four monsters off his body, Husky activated his best Sword Art. The <<Tornado Kick>> swept over the four wolves. The attack drove away the four monsters, giving the brunette some breathing room. Woofles quickly dashed under his master, his fur still standing on the edge. Panting, Husky scanned around him. The four creature's health already dropped to near red. A few more attack would do the trick.


ID: 81087
BD: 7+1=8 (Hit)
MOB: 6 (Hit)

Husky: 140/380 HP | 15/36 EN | 10 Unarmed DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG | 1 ACC | 1HM | ( -((60 -30 MIT) *4) = -120 DMG)


Dire Wolf 1: 46/200 HP | 60 DMG | ( -(10 *Tornado Kick: 1x6) = -60 DMG) ( -14 THR DMG)
Dire Wolf 2: 46/200 HP | 60 DMG | ( -(10 *Tornado Kick: 1x6) = -60 DMG) ( -14 THR DMG)
Dire Wolf 3: 46/200 HP | 60 DMG | ( -(10 *Tornado Kick: 1x6) = -60 DMG) ( -14 THR DMG)
Dire Wolf 4: 46/200 HP | 60 DMG | ( -(10 *Tornado Kick: 1x6) = -60 DMG) ( -14 THR DMG)

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Just one more hit, and all four would be gone. Husky waited for the perfect moment to strike, standing before his little wolf-cub and waited for the four monsters to jumped at him. As the four regroup, they began to circle Husky, making sure he couldn't escape. Each of them picked up their speed,  attacking one at a time. By then, the Silver Warrior has already finished charging his Sword Art. Activating the <<Tornado Kick>> Sword Art one last time, he spun wildly, kicking any dire wolf that lunged toward him. When he finish, all four lied on the ground without any motion, bursting to million of pixels after the bright glow. Wiped the sweat off his forehead, he continued onward. 


ID: 81114
BD: 7+1=8 (Hit)
MOB: Died before action

Husky: 260/380 HP | 6/36 EN | 10 Unarmed DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG | 1 ACC | 1HM |


Dire Wolf 1: 0/200 HP | 60 DMG | ( -(10 *Tornado Kick: 1x7) = -70 DMG)
Dire Wolf 2: 0/200 HP | 60 DMG | ( -(10 *Tornado Kick: 1x7) = -70 DMG)
Dire Wolf 3: 0/200 HP | 60 DMG | ( -(10 *Tornado Kick: 1x7) = -70 DMG)
Dire Wolf 4: 0/200 HP | 60 DMG | ( -(10 *Tornado Kick: 1x7) = -70 DMG)

Number of Monster Killed: 9/12


LD: 15
CD: 3

Looted: 1 Rare Weapon; 2400 Cols

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With the battle sorted out, Husky finally reached the peak of the hill. Beyond the valley beneath, Husky could see the area that he needed to explore. The tree has stopped rustling, meaning the monster has either stopped, or it has moved to a different area. Worst case scenario, it has despawned, meaning he has to reset the event. Even Husky have uncertainty about how to trigger the boss, since he had only came by this event coincidentally.

"Only one way to find out." Husky told himself, setting foot down the hill, toward the vast forest standing before him. He has rarely ever gone this far out to into the wild, as for most of the time, he stays near the towns and cities in case something does happen, he could return back to town swiftly without using a Teleportation Crystal. However, now that he has gone this far, and no town was in sight. He needed to find a resting place before it got dark. Maybe he could try and locate the boss before nightfall, and rest somewhere safe nearby. If he got lucky, he could see the boss's behavior, so when the time comes, he would know what to do.

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The sky was shifting to an ambient orange color. The forest was shifting to a silent place, as less and less monster are spawning at night. With that, less animal are spawning as well. Traveling for a while, Husky couldn't find anything that he could hunt. Letting out a sigh of disappointment, Husky pressed on. Now isn't the time for hunting material anyway. He need all the time he can get to make his way toward the boss. He only hope that he wouldn't be too late. Night fall would be a pain to navigate, not to mention night monsters spawning, which increase his chance of getting ambushed.

"That wouldn't do." Husky spoke to himself. He need to hurry. From his walking to a slow jogging pace, the brunette speed down the hill, toward the forest where whatever caused the trees to shakes was last seen.


ID: 81119
LD: 9

Found: Nothing

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A few moment pass, and finally, Husky made it to his destination. The trees of this place looks a lot larger than the other woods. The emerald green foliage of the trees above covered the entire place, leaving the place shrouded in an ominous darkness. The forest seemed ever more evil under the darkened sky. Taking a deep breath in, Husky equipped the blue crystal he had prepared before hand. If anything needed, he should be able to teleport away instantly before he got himself in harms way. 

"Deep breaths... Man up... It's now, or never." The Brunette told himself, walking into rows upon of rows of trees of the ominous forest, looking for this boss he has been searching for the whole day. The place might be hard to navigate thanks to low visibility, and chances of encountering night creatures are very high, but he has gone so far. If he back off now, who knows when would he be able to find the boss again.

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Walking into the dark forest without much light source was an ambush waiting to happen. While Husky was walking, a branch from behind a tree swung forward and hit him in the head. The force was so great it knocked Husky of his feet. His body hit the ground with a heavy thud. His eyes closed for a moment, absorbing the shock on his head. Once his eyes open,  he saw the branch raised up high, slamming down on him. Quickly, the brunette rolled out of the way, springing back up again. Now that he had got a good view of the monster, he saw before him a massive Malicious Ent. He have read about these before, but these are the first time he encounter one.


ID: 81120
BD: 2+1=3 (Missed)
MOB: 7 (Hit)

Husky: 340/380 HP | 6/36 EN | 10 Unarmed DMG | 30 MIT | 14 THR DMG | 1 ACC | 1HM | ( -((70 -30 MIT) = -40 DMG)


Malicious Ent: 300/300 HP | 70 DMG

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