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Username: Cayde-6
Real name: Cayde Whisket
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 1"

About: History/personality


At a young age, around when children would be entering grade school, Cayde was spending his time toddling around on the local playground, trying his hardest to make friends with the local children. However, Cayde was trying to make friends with the wrong children. The children that Cayde was trying to befriend were both bigger, and stronger than him. When they got an idea of how weak he was, they decided to bully him a bit. Soon, they learned he came from a more privileged family than them, and noticed he had some valuables worth picking. Figuring he was a vulnerable prospect, the children beat him up, took his belongings and left him on the playground crying. Cayde figured he'd done something to offend them, so he shook off this event as bad luck. When Cayde told his parents about what happened at the playground, they told him he was bullied and robbed. He stuck to his guns and disregarded the word of his parents.

A few years later, when Cayde should have been going into middle school, he spent his time wandering the streets looking for ways to keep himself occupied. Often times he'd kick cans or tap the walls of buildings as he'd walk down the street. Sometimes those were his "most exciting" days as he would say. When something particularly exciting would happen, it usually pertained to challenging kids that hung around outside smoke shops that he knew were particularly no good. Sometimes he'd get caught and get the snot beaten out of him, and other times he'd get away successfully, leaving the kids chasing him winded. The only thing he ever got that he would call a reward out of these endeavors was a good thrill. He didn't care about getting a few bruises. It was the chase that was the fun part. One day, Cayde made a friend who was about the same age as him. They got along relatively well. They got together and hung out every day, and even hung out at Cayde's house every now and then. Cayde's father told him that he didn't trust his friend, but Cayde ignored him and carried on. Around age fifteen, Cayde was led into an alley by his friend after he had taken something from him. They were both laughing, so Cayde thought they were playing chase or something. However, when Cayde turned the corner he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He slowly looked down and saw that he had been stabbed. He moved his gaze upward to see that his assailant was his friend. The knife was pulled from his stomach and Cayde fell to the ground. His friend proceeded to tell him how stupid he was and that he was dumb for trusting him so easily. Cayde didn't hear any of it because of tinnitus. Cayde's ex-friend continues to rob him of whatever he has on him, which isn't much, and left him the alley to die. He struggled home, desperately trying to stop himself from bleeding out. Cayde burst through the doorway and fell to the floor. His mother rushed to the door and saw Cayde lying on the floor. Before he could bleed out, she rushed him to a hospital to get him immediate medical treatment. To this day Cayde has a scar on his lower abdomen.

A year later, Cayde kept to himself while keeping to his old ways. He found ways to entertain himself and helped his mom around the house, but he felt like that wasn't enough. He felt like he needed something a bit more. One day while he was out on one of his walks, he saw a group of people standing near a flaming barrel, quietly conversing about something. Cayde was curious, and knew that approaching them would go against his better judgement. Regardless, he approached the folk. As soon as he drew near, they ceased all talk of their conversation. They all began to give him looks, questioning why he had very suddenly approached them. After some conversing, they learned he was simply curious. They allowed him to stay a bit longer and talked with him some more. They asked Cayde who he was and he told them his name. They asked him to tell him what he'd been through so they'd have an idea of what kind of guy he was, so he told them just about everything. About how he was bullied on the playground, how he was chased through the streets, how he was almost killed by his ex-friend that robbed him and left him to die in an alley, and everything else that led up to where he is at this very moment. The people around the barrel exchanged looks, and huddled together and began whispering to each other. After a moment or two, they broke up and turned to Cayde. One of the shorter few spoke up and said to Cayde they were members of a local gang called the "Pit Vipers". He then offered Cayde a place in their gang. Of course, there was an initiation but it was an offer all the same. This is what Cayde needed. The change that would freshen things up a bit.

Two years later well after Cayde has become a fully fledged member of the Pit Vipers, he walks down the street with two members of the gang. The two members of the gang were talking about previous jobs, asking Cayde about details. Every now and then he would give responses and give his input, talking about his own part in jobs, but more or less was off in his own world. He had a hard time occupying him self, the situation being he was currently on a job and had to go somewhere. He didn't have too much time for screwing around. He remembered he had a knife on his hip. He pulled it on and started spinning it in his hand. The rest of the walk, he was more focused on the knife then what the people on his sides were talking about. When they got to the job site, things went relatively well. Cayde didn't see anything. He stayed outside while his crew members went inside, because one of them could tell he wouldn't be very focused. A few minutes and gun shots later, they walked back out with a brief case and hastily returned to their hideout. A few days later, Cayde had series of fumbles at home and at the Pit Viper hideout, earning him the nickname 'Butter Bean' among his peers.

On Cayde's ninteenth birthday, Cayde sat in his parents' dining room. Along with him and his parents, members of the Pit Vipers are there as well. At first, his parents were uneasy, but after a time they grew more accustomed to their presence. After everyone had finished their dinner and the people who wanted it had eaten desert, they moved on to the presents. There was only one present, which everyone chipped in to buy. Cayde unwrapped it and unveiled a Nerve Gear. He very carefully looked over it. Everyone was urging him to use it. Very anxiously he slipped the Nerve Gear onto his head and uttered "Link start.", and before he knew it, he was swept away to a world of wonder. Or so he thought.


Cayde is a jolly soul and always has been since he was a young boy despite all the hardships he's faced throughout his life. He always had a lot of confidence and walked into many endeavors head first, although sometimes he'd feel as though he'd gotten in over his head. Cayde, whenever given the opportunity, would always try to find something to occupy his time in whatever way possible. Often times he'd do so in some peculiar ways, such as constructing cardboard planes and king furniture through the house. This would result in the eventual breaking and replacing of the furniture. Cayde is very caring, although he may not show it very much. When he's sees somebody struggling with something, he'll initially want to help them but instead urge them to try harder and persist, to succeed on their own. Only after many attempts and much failure will he be more lenient on helping. Cayde's cockiness tends to get him into trouble, but that fact doesn't really bother him. In fact, he prefers the thrill of it. During a lot of his time growing up, Cayde has found himself to be rather clumsy. Quite often, he would trip over himself or stuff around him, or he would drop things he'd be holding or bereak things around the house or in the Pit Vipers hideout. According to his gang members, truly deserving of the name Butter Bean. A lesson Cayde should have learned long ago but still hasn't come close to learning to this day is that he is too trusting. Many times he has been stabbed in the back, beaten up and robbed of his belongings. He subconsciously waits for the next moment when somebody turns their back on him to try to rob him blind. More than likely he wont do anything because he'll be too busy bleeding out dying on the ground. Or worse, he'll already be dead.


Confident - Cayde has always believed that he was able to do most things, more or less to the best of his ability. Whenever he was presented with a challenge, rarely ever would Cayde back away from it. However, that doesn't mean he doesn't know when to fold his cards. Back in his days of gang work, Cayde would often do a lot of gambling; a lot of it uneventful. Most of his sessions he'd walk away with nothing gained, but at the same time, nothing lost. Very rarely did he ever win a large pot. This didn't improve his gambling. Or his reputation at casinos.

Playful - Cayde has been playful by nature, ever since he was a young boy. He always loved playing with the other children that didn't try to beat him up or mug him for everything he had. If he could tell you himself, he would say that he liked messing around in general. He could hardly ever sit still and was always either messing around with something in his hands, or pacing around a room looking at stuff to occupy himself. Cayde would always have something to keep himself busy, and he didn't really care what it was. One of his gang members remembers him swinging around on the chains in their hideout. He wasn't pretending to be a monkey or anything. He thinks he was up there for funsies. He also thinks Cayde might have lost a paper plane up there one day and wanted it back.

Caring - Cayde has always looked out for other people. Even the ones that tried to slit his throat. Cayde's never had an impulse to leave somebody in the dust, even if it would benefit him. He wouldn't be able to eat any of his meals soundly if he did. Cayde didn't really care who he was looking out for. It didn't matter if it was his family or the members of his gang, Cayde was ready to help them out when they needed it most, but ONLY when they needed it most. Cayde would always say that people could do things on their own through some means or another, but he really likes helping people. He just feels like he gets in people's way sometimes, even if he's told he doesn't.

Cocky - Cayde has always talked a big game. More often than not that big game he was talking about got him into trouble. Before getting locked inside of SAO, Cayde ran around the streets of his home town causing a ruckus whether he wanted to or not. His cocky attitude might have been brought about from being raised by the local gang in his area, but his family believes that he was that way from a younger age, that he was always a ruffian; a delinquent. Despite all of this, his mother secretly suspected that he acted out in such ways to prevent himself from getting bullied by children that were bigger and stronger than him, and the behavior stuck with him for the remainder of his adolescence.

Clumsy - Cayde has always had a knack for tripping over his own feet. Sometimes he'd trip over a bit more than his feet. Every now and then he'd mess up his side of a job when he was with his gang, or everyday house work when he was at home. He'd spill things onto the floor random, seeming to not be spacing out in his own little 'peace-place'. The continued slip-ups around his gang earned him a change in his nickname from 'Shank', the name being earned after a prison job, to 'Butter Bean'. His mates thought that since Cayde was far too slippery to have butter fingers, he needed a more suiting name. Cayde dreaded the name ever since they gave it to him.

Too Trusting - Cayde has always been quick to trust people. He really can't help it. He's got that look on his face that says "I'm ready to make some friends, and the next person I see is next on the list. Hi, friend!". Although, most of the people that he'd try to be friends with would beat him up or mug him for everything he had and leave him beaten and crying on the playground... At one point when he was about the age of a middle-schooler, Cayde made a friend that he played with quite often for a few years... until he betrayed him... and tried to mug him... and leave him in an alley... dying... A few years later Cayde made another friend, who he was friends with for a few weeks... he... tried to kill him... in Cayde's bedroom... over a girl Cayde didn't even know... Cayde didn't make any more friends after that.

Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)





Weapon skills:
» One Handed Dagger

» Starter Dagger

Starter Clothes


Relationships (optional)

Story Thus Far (optional)

Edited by Cayde-6
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