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[PP - F1] New Beginnings <<First Few Lessons are Free>>

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Time had passed certainly, Invious had only been counting down the time before someone... anyone could beat this game, even though she likes to define herself as a strategist and stays calm, cool, and collected... she didn't have to risk the fact that she could die out there in the frontlines or die out there trying to gain the EXP needed to level herself up to even do it... however, things are going too well and we have only made so far in the time that we have all spent in here... she had heard about some beginner quests being discovered after so long of it being ignored, and now that she knows the task's needed to gain the levels, she could stay on track to getting to the frontlines to help them all out. However... on the other side she knew she couldn't really talk to anyone... she herself was too shy, and even with these beginner quests she doesn't want to do it alone. Wearing her mask she had looked around the first floor in hopes that someone out there is also looking for someone to take the quest. She didn't want to do this alone, but then again she really couldn't ask anyone... looks like she's stuck between a rock and a hard place.


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'Okay Estelle, nothing to worry about!' The blonde-haired girl gave a nod of her head. "Today you're going to do a quest!" She spoke quietly aloud, continuing to try to rally herself to action. Standing in the middle of the main plaza in the Town of Beginnings, the girl with the username Telrenya stood alone, eyes flickering nervously between the various players, NPCs, and other business that would catch her attention. "But...where to start?" She mumbled in a defeated tone. Taking in a deep breath, Telrenya steeled herself. Putting a smile on her innocent face, the girl set out to approach any player who would listen to her request.

Several minutes and at least five failed attempts later, Telrenya hadn't given up. Puffing up her chest once more, the blonde spotted a figure in white robes walking through the plaza alone. Jogging up to @Invious, Telrenya tilted her head slightly in greeting once she had approached. "Hello! I'm looking for any quests here in town. Would you be able to help me?"

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Invious had looked back and forth to the moving people, and she didn't really say anything or asked around, she was a little too shy if you asked her, sometimes she likes to say keeping to yourself is a blessing, yet a curse... mostly because if you don't want to tackle things alone, keeping to yourself isn't going to be solving anything. She had let out a sigh and turned around her noticing a blonde figure coming up to her, she remained cool despite her coming up to her from as if it was no where and said "Why hello, looking for something miss?" then had listened to her speak, then was informed that she was looking for a quest partner, while this was cliche as she couldn't really ask around for help, this was also a blessing because this could save her some time in the long run when looking for a questing partner she had nodded her head and said politely "Why yes, I am looking for someone to help assist me with the beginner quests that were recently discovered." then she had bowed before the player "I wont give real names, but my in game name is Invious, its nice to meet you today miss."


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"Ah, wonderful!" Telrenya clapped her hands together in front of her chest with a beaming smile. The other players she had approached thus far had mostly shrugged her off or given an apologetic smile as they turned her down. Relief came over her as she concluded that the woman before her--though a bit reserved and oddly-dressed--was rather friendly. Giving a nod, the blonde laced her fingers and let her hands fall. "Right, I'm Telrenya. I'm a bit new to all...this," She gave a quick look around their environment, as if to signal that is was the world itself she wasn't accustomed to. "so thank you for your help." She offered Invious a kind smile before looking out over the plaza and watching the other players and NPCs for a moment. "You mentioned quests for beginners, right? That sounds perfect. Do you know where to find it?" She gently prodded with her question, hoping she wasn't coming off too talkative or overwhelming the masked woman.

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This character had seemed a little too eager it had seemed just to party up in this death game, but she didn't believe that it would be a bad thing either... positivity is the greatest strength she supposed. Although... it was great and refreshing to see a player eager to party up with someone, even if it's just a stranger. "Telrenya. What a nice name, however do you mind if I call you Tel? It would be simpler and nicer on the tongue." she asked politely. Afterwards, she had thanked her for her help, even though she hadn't completed anything yet, it was still a nice thing to say, with a smile she had said "Its no problem, I needed the help anyways." she had let out a chuckle then lead to a question in which she had knew but Invious was surprised that Tel didn't know where the quest was... she must be getting out here instead of waiting too she supposed "I do, it should be in a alchemy store nearby, I don't know where it is exactly but the store is run by a NPC named "Zackariah" it should be nearby, I'll lead the way." she had said politely and calmly moved forward down the street.


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"Oh, sure!" The blonde perked up when Invious had decided on a nickname for her. If the woman would be so friendly to her as to address her informally, it was only fair that the blonde do the same. She gave a thoughtful frown, her pupils drifting up as her head tilted slightly to the side. 'Invious, Invious...' The gears in her mind turned, repeating the name in her head.

"Ah, how about I call you Invi, then?" She gave the masked woman a kind smile. Once their pleasantries had been exchanged, Invious had explained that there was a quest for beginners in an NPC alchemy shop. She led the way, Telrenya following after as they made their way towards the shopping district. Once they had arrived, the girl's eyes traveled across all of the wares that lined the shelves, admiring the different sizes and shapes of vials filled with all kinds of liquids.

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She had given Telrenya a smile, little did she know, Invi was her name. Invious had nodded her head and stated "Yeah, that name will do Tel. Just don't wear it out." she had chuckled before walking down the streets, she had both her arms in her sleeves as she walked down, she had her mouth covered with her jacket and wore her snake mask as she looked back and forth, some had laughed at the get-up, some had felt intimidated, and some felt neutral towards it, however Invious didn't care less on how they had felt towards her. Then they had arrived to the potion shop and the man Zackariah was friendly and invited them in before asking them the task, it was simple get 5 materials a piece and help him make a potion, simple, got it. She had looked back to Telrenya and said out to her "Is that going to be enough for you Tel?" she offered her a friendly smile as she had asked the question, it was better to be friendly towards her than being skeptical of peoples behavior.


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Telrenya followed after Invious, walking beside the white-robed woman as they made their way to the alchemist's shop that she had described. The blonde had to admit that Invi's appearance had her curious. Telrenya had gone for a 'knightly' feeling with her equipment herself. Judging by Invious' appearance, she felt more like a magic-user, or perhaps an informant. Someone mysterious that disguised themselves for whatever reason. Telrenya had been a bit disappointed after The Announcement, when her avatar changed to display her physical features from real life--she had been a bit excited to customize her appearance in virtual reality, just like in other video games. 'Maybe she just doesn't like how she looks? Or she's really shy...' The girl contemplated.

When they reached their destination and the NPC alchemist greeted them, Telrenya reactively smiled and nodded towards him. The girl absorbed the information he gave them regarding the quest's details, asking them to gather materials and return to assist him with crafting a simple potion. Invi had turned and asked the blonde a question, leaving a slightly puzzled expression on her face. "Err... This quest? Definitely!" She tried to answer confidently, despite being unsure of what the masked woman had exactly meant by her question. "Mm, I'm ready to leave when you are!" She nodded with a small smile.

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"Well then, let's be going then. Let's try to find a good spot where we can find some materials." she had offered a smile towards Telrenya as she had turned out and made sure that she was following her, now, this was her first time leaving the walls of the town of beginnings other than looking around to the main settlements of the other floors, but she was never outside the safety area. She had felt like she was hiding behind a never fading wall, but strategically, it was a smart play when she really didn't want to die. However, she can't do this sort of thing anymore, she now realizes the importance of doing things. As they had arrived at a safe-ish place, Invious had looked back and forth through her mask to make sure that no monsters or boars were around, however when the coast was clear, she then started to find some materials... and so far, not so good. "How are you doing over there Tel?" she had asked still looking for materials.



ID: 85304 - LD: 5

Materials Gathered: 0/5

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'Finally leaving the city! Telrenya thought with excitement, a smile on her face the entire way to the city gates. She followed beside Invious, allowing the masked woman to guide them through the city streets. She had never been great with directions, something she was hoping to improve on whenever she could. The existence of floor maps, quest markers, and the unmistakable landmarks Aincrad seemed to like to utilize would do well to aid her. 

Once the two reached the outside of the city, Telrenya took in a deep breath through her nose. Disappointingly, the air didn't smell much different from inside of the safe zone's walls. Unsure of what she was expecting, the girl quickly dismissed the thoughts from her mind. She spotted Invious a few paces ahead, her head moving back and forth as she looked around for materials. Nodding to herself to do the same, Telrenya searched the area before finding some lootable berries growing on a small bush. "Ah, not bad!" She called back when she heard Invi's voice. "I've found one over here, so far."


Material Gathering:

  • ID#: 85447
    • LD: 17 - Success!
  • Invious: 0/5
  • Telrenya: 1/5


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Well, it seems that Telrenya was having a great start, however she knew that statistically, if she continued to look in her spot she would eventually find the materials needed... but was she gonna risk that it might take forever? Well, she didn't want to ruin Tel's luck by starting to look over there so she would remain nice enough to stay here to look "Good job! Just keep on looking!" she had said with a smile before turning back to try to find some of the materials needed for the quest... how many did the guy say they needed each? 5 or so? Five seemed about right in Invi's head, but she wasn't going to stay too bothered about it, more than likely it was going to be five... out of the corner of her eyes in her own self doubt about it she managed to find a material, well... it was a start to say the least.



ID: 85463 - LD: 18

Materials Gathered: 1/5

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'Hmm...' After depositing the item that she had received from the berry bushes into her inventory, there didn't seem to be anything else that she could obtain from them. Disappointed that her find only yielded a single material, Telrenya gave up on the shrubbery and placed her hands on her hips as she walked around the area. She scanned around her for more lootable objects, and while nothing was making itself visible to her, the woman didn't care for the silence that began hanging over them. "Soo Invi," The blonde started, only hoping that the masked woman didn't mind her chatter. "Is there a certain profession you're after?" She hoped that her small talk didn't sound too forced, but Telrenya was genuinely curious about the woman. She would have liked to ask more personal questions, such as the reason behind her mask and robes, or if she was partial to other video games before Sword Art Online. There was a clear line of politeness and respect, however, when it came to talking about the real world. Telrenya wasn't eager to cross it.

Material Gathering:

  • ID#: 85464
    • LD: 3 - Fail!
  • Invious: 1/5
  • Telrenya: 1/5


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"Hm?" she had hummed out as Telrenya had called out her name as if she was going to ask her something, then she was prompted by asking if there was a profession that she was after. She looked down for a moment "I... uh, never really thought about it. To be honest, I was going to wait out this entire game, however with words being exchanged from Information Brokers and Information Papers... things were looking bad really quickly. So here I am... kind of, blind to the world I suppose." she had said as she went back to looking for more materials "Artisan or Alchemist doesn't seem too bad, as potions and crystals are in a huge demand nowadays... not to mention Artisan's are very low right now. I suppose I just want to help out the cause more than anything at the moment." she gave Tel a smile as she looked back to her. "Are you looking for any profession in particular?" she had asked her back with essentially the same question.



ID: 85514 - LD: 3

Materials Gathered: 1/5

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Telrenya found herself distracted from her task while Invious explained her thoughts. The blonde watched the robed woman as she spoke, intrigued by her honesty. It was surprising to hear so much detail from her, given what seemed to be her shy nature. Perhaps the 'mystery woman' feeling only lasted so long around other company. "Mmm..." Telrenya mumbled out, shifting her weight and bringing a hand up to tap an index finger on her chin. "Well, I think I've more or less decided..." She started slowly, as if she was still mulling over her answer. "I think Tailoring has the most options when it comes to clothing. It would be really fun to design outfits and stuff like that. Plus I can make my own gear." She gave a sheepish grin and rubbed the back of her neck. "Although it's a much more selfish reason than yours, I think."


Material Gathering:

  • ID#: 85522
    • LD: 1 - Fail!
  • Invious: 1/5
  • Telrenya: 1/5


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Invious had chuckled at Telrenya's response to her own question, sure... it was a rather selfish answer, helping yourself first is not bad at all, in fact almost a necessity in this game. She had waved a hand in a silly motion towards her "No, no... in this game its not selfish at all, I can see where you are coming from. In this game its probably better to help yourself first to keep yourself alive. This is a death game after all." she had given her a smile before going back to try to find some materials... it did take a moment but eventually Invious had found another material that she could use towards the objective. More-so on the lines, she also wanted to do this quest to see how it feels to craft potions... she was rather intrigued by the profession in fact... today was going to be a good day, that's for sure.



ID: 85531 - LD: 15

Materials Gathered: 2/5

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Watching Invious pick up another item and drop it into her inventory, Telrenya perked up as she realized she had gotten side-tracked from their objective and caught up in the conversation. The blonde turned, walking along slowly and keeping an eye out for any more useful items she could come across. "Hmm, well I suppose so," She said quietly in response to Invi's justification. Sword Art Online felt like an odd contradiction of game types. It was an MMO that promoted teamwork, party compositions, and tactics, but at the same time the last-attack drops, lack ranged-based combat, and linear skill sets made it feel very much like a game built for solo players. Telrenya grew a small frown, resting her hand on the hilt of her rapier. Feeling the metal underneath her palm, the woman gave another sidelong glance at Invious. "Come to think of it..." She mumbled before raising the volume of her voice. "Hey Invi, which weapon do you use?" She asked, unable to spot an equipped weapon on the robed woman.


Material Gathering:

  • ID#: 85555
    • LD: 8 - Fail!
  • Invious: 2/5
  • Telrenya: 1/5


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Invious had went back to finding materials as she had listened to Telrenya, she was... a little more quiet than expected, however it was something she really needed to think over. Eventually, she had asked her what weapon she uses, she had looked down to her sheathed basic rapier and look back to Telrenya with a smile "I have a rapier, however I am more looking to be a supportive character. I am not really wanting to put myself up there to fight. I'd rather make sure players don't get killed." she had said before looking back to find some materials, after successfully finding yet another material she had looked back to Telrenya and asked back "So... Tel, what weapon are you currently using? Any build you looking to progess to?" Invious wanted to get more information about this girl, she wants to know if she is being sincere.



ID: 85575 - LD: 11

Materials Gathered: 3/5

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Telrenya had knelt down in front of a few wild flowers, her HUD indicating that they were items she could pick up and use towards the quest objective. She gladly did so, the bundle of flora vanishing into her inventory a moment later. Her attention turned back up to Invious as she explained her desired build path, causing another smile to grow over the blonde's face. "Ah, me too! The rapier part, I mean." She clarified. "Mmm, I think I'm going to just put my skill points into damage, and maybe some defense later on." Still kneeling after collecting the flowers from the grassy field, Telrenya rested an elbow against her knee and propped her cheek up against her knuckles. "I actually...don't know much about these kinds of games." She admitted, averting her gaze. "So I'm just kind of winging it."

Material Gathering:

  • ID#: 85577
    • LD: 16 - Success!
  • Invious: 3/5
  • Telrenya: 2/5


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"Hm?" she had exclaimed, Telrenya had claimed to not really know anything about these sorts of games... is this... her first RPG? Typically she would want to call a impossibility as this game appeals to many MANY rpg'ers... however its still a possibility. She had offered her a smile as she had exclaimed out to Telrenya "I am sure that you'll find what you fully want to do as time progresses Telrenya, before you know it you'll get the hang of this sort of thing." then she had turned back hoping to find another material for the quest objective. And loan behold results were going to prove themselves and she had found another material with ease... she had started to get the feel on finding these materials, she had one left to even find! She had taken a deep breath of relief, she was relieved that she is starting to get the hand of certain mechanics of the game.



ID: 85618 - LD: 19

Materials Gathered: 4/5

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"Hm?" Telrenya echoed back. Invious seemed surprised when the blonde admitted she wasn't very game savvy. That was probably very odd, wasn't it? A ground-breaking new VRMMORPG, and here she was taking part, having hardly played games herself. 'It's not like I had really planned on playing...' Her thoughts would've sounded more like a pout as her mind felt the need to justify herself. 'I mean, brother was ridiculously nice enough to get it for me... But still, I would've liked a tutorial or something.' She fought to keep an audible sigh from escaping her. She still wondered whether or not James knew that she was here in Aincrad. 'Hopefully he's okay.' The woman was almost positive her brother was here in the game, somewhere.

"Mmm, anyway," She pulled herself back into the conversation. "Thanks, Invi. I'm sure you'll be a great supporter, too!" The blonde gave her companion a wide grin with a thumbs-up.


Material Gathering

  • ID#: 85619
    • LD: 8 - Fail!
  • Invious: 4/5
  • Telrenya: 2/5


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