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[SP - NK - F1] Leaving the cave << The First Few Lessons Are Free >>

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[SP - NK - F1 - Valerick]

Valerick woke up on the floor of the empty room he had been squatting in. One of the many empty rooms that dotted parts of the Town of Beginnings. Perhaps the room was meant to be updated later, or maybe it was just meant to fill out the shape of a building. Either way, Valerick had made it his own and there he stewed in silence and paranoia. Slowly but surely his head would turn to the side to observe the ramshackle barricade he had created to bar the door closed. A book case, a dresser and his boots. All wedged together as well as possible to provide him a comforting sleep, and to keep the door from opening without a struggle.

Ever since the incident when his former friends had gone Red, he had worried that they might one day come back for him. It had made for a shallow existence of looking over his shoulder and keeping to himself. 

Just then a bird began to sing outside, it's musical notes pulling Valerick's attention back to the moment. "I can't stay in here forever. This is not what I am." he said out loud, body still unmoving on the floor of the room. His gloved right hand would slap around beside him, grabbing a hold of the edgeless, hilted spike he used as a weapon. An Estoc he had heard it called. Knights would use it on horse back like an unbreakable metal spear couched under their arm. On foot they could choke up on the weapon to use it in wrestling or to work the deadly, sharp point into vital areas. In a pinch it could be wielded like a blunt long sword in similar blows and wards. Valerick chose it because it was a unique weapon, something people would not be used to. It reminded him and inspired him to become a person like that.

"I have to get up." he said again out loud. With an effort of force he rolled up onto his side and stand, still gripping the Estoc. "Let's get moving. Come on. Don't be a layabout..."

Scanning his inventory and player guide, he saw a lead. "The First Few Lessons are Free..." he saw the reward and his eye brows lifted in greed. "Health potions? Done.". With his choice made, he set out to meet the Alchemist.


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Walking through the sun lit streets of the city, Valerick kept his hood pulled up over his face and walked with a smooth, determined step careful to avoid eye contact with those around him. He liked the feeling of anonymity the cloak provided him and it also served the secondary function of hiding his Estoc. "Won't be much longer now..." he thought aloud.

Moving through the city, he ended up smelling the Alchemist shop long before he saw it; a heady mix of botanicals and pickled animals. Pushing past a variety of NPCs and the occasional player, he finally found the source of the "unique" odor. Built along a long line of shops in Merchant's row, the Alchemist was marked only by a pictograph of a potion bottle. The windows were darkened from the outside and a long plume of purple smoke rose from the chimney.

Taking a moment to adjust his equipment, Valerick pushed on the front door and it swung open with the sound of bells. The smell intensified as he zoned into the room. It was small, dark, cramped and cluttered with curios, ingredients, potion bottles and the occasional stuffed and mounted monster. Perched in the corner of the establishment was the Alchemist who looked up as Valerick entered.

"Welcome to my shoppe traveler. No doubt you have heard the name of..."

"I'd like to collect ingredients to help you brew potions like on the ad you placed out!"

"No doubt you have heard the na... Oh. Yes. I remember that. Good, good. I require the following...."

Edited by Valerick
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