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[SP-F1] Learning A Lesson [Able]

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The light of day had broken only a few hours ago, two at the most. The street light had began to shut off and the villager NPCs began to make their appearance known. The shops had all began to open and Able had still been asleep at this time. He was aware that questing, training, and material gathering were all key components to make this way to the front lines relatively easier, but at the rate he was going, he would be a level nine for the remainder of his time on the floor. Groggily waking up with his hair all over the place, and eyes still mostly shut, he looked around the room. Everything including his own hand appeared blurry. He brought his hand in a fist shape up to his eyes and rubbed them until he could see clearly and rose from his laying down position. Finally sitting up, he placed his arms stiff on the bed's mattress for support so he didn't fall backwards and continue to sleep his day away. Opening his menu through his right hand waving back and forth through the air, he saw the time and that it was only nine o'clock. A time he didn't usually wake up to. He finally shifted his legs so that they hang off the bed and his arms were dangling at his sides.

Taking another long moment of silence and just being hazy he managed to find himself standing somehow. Putting on the pants he had taken off to sleep and the dress shirt with only the bottom buttons done correctly, brought him to his hair eventually as well. Fixing is quickly with a few runs of his hand through it until it was all down and not all over the place. Making the bed look presentable he found his way through the door not much longer after that.

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Making sure that he shut the door fully behind himself, he was now outside where the sun struck his eyes and he had to block out the light with his hand so that he could take in the entire scenery. So many people, not just NPCs but players were already on the move, bustling all over the town, shifting from shop to shop, he made his way to the town center bulletin board, that usually contained news and quests that lower level players could choose to partake in. Finding a flyer that was pinned, he held it in his hand as he read the contents of the paper, which had informed him of an alchemist who needed help gathering material and crafting a few potions. Marking the location on his map, he had started his venture towards the alchemist's shop in no time.

Not too far from the Town of Beginnings, he found his way to be in front of the door. Not sure if he should knock, he waited casually until another person entered inside of the building without any hesitation at the door. The kind person held the door open for him and Able thanked him kindly. Standing around the shop, he looked around at all of the materials and the potions that were on numerous shelves with price tags underneath them. Some more expensive than others, he heard a voice finally follow up not too much longer after waiting. "Hello! How may I help you today?" the voice belonged to an older man with white hair and white facial hair that had grown long with age. Turning towards the man, he held up the paper and pointed to the name, "I'm actually looking for Zackariah. Do you happen to know where he is?" he asked him with a generous tone.

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The man reached out for the paper and reached for a pair of glasses with no ear pieces he held them up to his eyes in order for him to read the small print. "Hmm, curious where you found this paper, but yes I do know him. In fact, I should introduce myself." He said, giving Able a sign of relief as it would've been awkward to enter a location that was wrong and asking for the person when they weren't even there. The man reached his hand out with a super huge grin on his face and his eyes looking more friendly than ever, "The name is Zackariah, how may I help you?" he laughed heavily as he found his sense of humor entertaining not just to others but to himself as well. Able had reached out and shook his hand exchanging names with the NPC. He inquired about the materials that were necessary for him to find and luckily for him they were low quality tier material, something anybody could find on this floor. Being informed about where he could find them, they were marked on his map and the menu had appeared before him asking if he had wanted to accept the quest <<The First Few Lessons Are Free>>.

Placing his index finger on the blue circle that confirmed his request to partake in the quest. "Bring me five of these material, and I'll teach you how to craft yourself a health potion for the future if you ever feel the desire to become an alchemist, which is the profession that you require to do this. Lucky for you, you get a free trial right here after you bring me these material! Should I be expecting you back soon?" Zackariah asked him kindly with a massive smile on his face. Able smiled in return and nodded his head that he should return shortly, though he wasn't sure if he was going to be introduced to an enemy along the way, but it didn't hurt to try to search for it as soon as possible and to gain some free experience for completing a quest.

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Allowing himself to make an exit from the shop, he closed the door behind him and made his way to the plains of the floor, which were only minutes away as the shop was in the center of town, and the town itself may be large, but had very linear paths to get outside of it. Finally being out of the Town of Beginnings he was in the plains, which were open and vast as always. The grass waved back and forth in a rhythm as the wind pushed it side to side. Boars were off in the distance, which today wasn't his priority. For once he was actually able to see the floor the way it was on the first day of release. Nearly untouched, this place seemed like a nice place to spend on a walk as long as you didn't decide to get into combat while you were out here. Able had followed the waypoint on his map until he was brought to an opening where there was a small pond, a little forest and a cave off in the distance, which he didn't feel obligated to enter any time soon. 

Beginning his hunt for the material Able noticed the marker on his map had changed from a small dot, to a large circle, implying that the material can be anywhere he as long as he remained within said circle. 

[ID: 85672] [LD: 12] [+1 Material]

Walking around the edges of the circle first, so that he wouldn't have to do it later seemed to have been a clever idea because going about a quarter of the perimeter already gave him the first of five material that he needed to locate in order for him to complete this quest. He had a smile on his face as progress was looking smooth at the time being.

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Continuing his pathing around the perimeter of the circle was the remainder of his plan until he either found another one or he would complete the entire circle's rotation without finding another. But if that were the scenario, then he still had the entire inside of the medium sized circle on the map consisting of several meters that could take hours to locate the material if one decided to look in the all of the wrong places. Finding his second material about three quarters to seven-eighths of the the circle's circumference made him start to think maybe he's cut out for material gathering rather than hunting and fighting monsters. Considering professions he could take advantage of once he got comfortable enough, he had heard merchants would be a valuable asset if done correctly, wince everybody wanted to be a blacksmith or an alchemist, anybody who created materials would have it good if they became a well known salesperson or shopkeeper, but what about for the people who could locate material and had no idea what tier they were or the similar situation with the gear one could find in the wilderness.

[ID: 85673] [LD: 13] [+1 Material] 

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Sixty percent, that's how far he is into this part of the quest already. Able considered the option of becoming a self-appointed gatherer for players. Many people dreaded the thought of having to farm for material, so if he had no problem with it, why not make some profit out of doing the dirty work that most people don't want to do. Picking up the third piece he had just approached, he now had three of five material already located in a mere few minutes of searching. Not entirely sure if this is how easy searching for material went at all times, but if it was, then he'll be loaded on them in no time. He let out a chuckle as this wasn't that bad either, with the weather being beautiful and no enemies in the immediate distance, he had nothing to worry about other than casually searching for the material. Every now and then he would see a player show up to gather material and leave with all five just as quickly, but that was only two or so, at most three.

[ID: 85674] [LD: 15] [+1 Material]

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Continuing his search, this time around Able had actually nothing to show for his brief looking around. The obvious material seemed to have already been looted so perhaps it was time now that he actually tried to find the last two that he needed in order to return them back to Zackariah. The man was so kind and so cheerful, it was enjoyable listening to him give out the instructions and then being sent of with the feeling of trust. Although it wasn't a legitimate player, he sure seemed human that's how well he had been programmed. The game had a way of making you feel as if you weren't in a game at all, that in fact this was real life. If every sensation of the real world existed, perhaps people would actually be convinced as though they had never even left their lives behind and would rather live here than anywhere else. As for Able, he enjoyed being here, but nothing he'd want to keep permanent. 

[ID: 85675] [LD: 4] [No Material]

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