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[PP-F5] Desert Raiders

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"If he would just stand still long enough for one of us to get another hit or two and were good!" Miaki swung wildly at the skeleton.

Battle result: Missed

Shanok : 12/15

Miaki : 31/33

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#2 : 3/17

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Shanok quickly recovered from the skeleton's attack and tried to attack it again. The skeleton jumped backwards, thus dodging Shanok's attack.

Shanok : 12/15

Miaki : 31/33

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#2 : 3/17

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Miaki gripped his blade and rushed forward hoping to make it his last needed move against the skeleton. "RAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" Miaki closed in on the beast and killed it in a clean blow across the chest. "FINALLY!"

Battle result: CRIT!

Shanok : 12/15

Miaki : 31/33

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#2 : 0/17 - Defeated!

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As soon as the two friends defeated the two skeletons, two more came charging at them from behind, knocking them down. "Damn it, more already?" Shanok said as he got back up and tried to attack one of the skeletons. Shanok slashed at the skeleton and saw the paralysis status icon appear beside its health bar. "Take that!" he said triumphly.


Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 55/55

Silverwing : 28/28


Skeleton#3 : 12/13 -Paralyzed- Can't attack or evade

Skeleton#4 : 13/13

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"You've got to be kidding me!" Miaki shouted as the other two skeletons rushed in. "Shanok! You keep on that one! I'll focus on this one here." He instructed as he rushed towards the second one.

Battle result: Missed

Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 55/55

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#3 : 12/13

Skeleton#4 : 13/13

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Shanok jumped on the defenseless, paralyzed skeleton and attacked him, slashing him from right to left, causing it to lose balance and fall to the ground.


Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 55/55

Silverwing : 28/28


Skeleton#3 : 10/13 -Paralyzed- Can't attack or evade

Skeleton#4 : 13/13

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Miaki activated a sword skill and attacked the skeleton. (Sword skill used - roll 5 to hit)

(OOC: Sword skill cooldown (3) turn(s))

Battle result: Hit. 2 DMG

He managed to hit the monster.

Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 55/55

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#3 : 10/13

Skeleton#4 : 11/13

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"Hey, how about we see which one of us will take down the first skeleton, sounds good?" he asked his friend, challenging him. At the same time Shanok had challenged Miaki, he was already charging towards his skeleton, determined to take it down first. He slashed at the skeleton, paralyzing it.

Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 55/55

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#3 : 9/13 -Paralyzed- Can't attack or evade

Skeleton#4 : 11/13

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"Something tells me I might lose this little race of ours. Since-" He made a violent swing at the skeleton in front of him. "MINE WON'T STAND STILL!" Miaki yelled.

(OOC: Sword skill cooldown (2) turn(s))

Battle result: MIssed (CURSE THIS BATTLE SYSTEM!)

He managed to hit the monster.

Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 55/55

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#3 : 9/13

Skeleton#4 : 11/13

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Shanok tried to attack the skeleton, hoping it wouldn't dodge his attack. The skeleton jumped back and easily dodged Shanok's attack.


Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 55/55

Silverwing : 28/28


Skeleton#3 : 9/13

Skeleton#4 : 11/13

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The skeleton dodge every attack Miaki made with the greatest of ease.

(OOC: Sword skill cooldown (1) turn(s))

Battle result: Missed...


Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 55/55

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#3 : 9/13

Skeleton#4 : 11/13

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Shanok tried to attack the skeleton again, but the skeleton dodged his dodged his attack yet again. As he now was in the skeleton's range, Shanok jumped back to avoid a possible hit.


Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 55/55

Silverwing : 28/28


Skeleton#3 : 9/13

Skeleton#4 : 11/13

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The skeleton dodge every attack Miaki made with the greatest of ease.

(OOC: Sword skill cooldown (1) turn(s))

Battle result: Pending...


Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 55/55

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#3 : 9/13

Skeleton#4 : 11/13

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"How can they move so fast? They're just bones." Shanok said in frustration as he charged towards the skeleton. "Finally!" he said after he landed his attack and saw that the skeleton was once again paralyzed.


Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 55/55

Silverwing : 28/28


Skeleton#3 : 6/13 -Paralyzed- Can't attack or evade

Skeleton#4 : 11/13

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The skeleton dodge every attack Miaki made with the greatest of ease.

(OOC: Sword skill cooldown (0) turn(s))

Battle result: Missed (why am I not surprised...)


Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 55/55

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#3 : 6/13

Skeleton#4 : 11/13

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Shanok attacked the defenseless, paralyzed skeleton. The skeleton shook a little, as if it were trying to move, but it didn't work, since it was paralyzed and it took the hit to the chest.


Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 55/55

Silverwing : 28/28


Skeleton#3 : 5/13 -Paralyzed- Can't attack or evade

Skeleton#4 : 11/13

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The skeleton dodge every attack Miaki made with the greatest of ease.

(OOC: Sword skill cooldown (0) turn(s))

Battle result: Missed (why am I not surprised...)

Miaki stabbed himself in the stomach in frustration to see if he could hit something.

Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 45/55

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#3 : 5/13

Skeleton#4 : 11/13

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Shanok attacked the skeleton, which couldn't move because it was paralyzed. "Hey Miaki, I think I'll take mine down before you take yours!" said Shanok triumphly.


Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 45/55

Silverwing : 28/28


Skeleton#3 : 4/13 -Paralyzed- Can't attack or evade

Skeleton#4 : 11/13

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Miaki was spouting curses at the sky as he continued to miss.

(OOC: Sword skill cooldown (0) turn(s))

Battle result: HIT!!!

He suddenly hit the monster! Then started screaming, **** you Kayaba!"

Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 45/55

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#3 : 4/13

Skeleton#4 : 9/13

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Shanok saw the paralysis effect wear off of the skeleton he was fighting. "It's not because you're not paralyzed anymore that you'll start dodging all my attacks, go that?" he said as he charged towards the skeleton. He slashed at the skeleton which tried to block but the attack ended up hitting its arm.


Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 45/55

Silverwing : 28/28


Skeleton#3 : 3/13

Skeleton#4 : 9/13

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