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[PP-F5] Desert Raiders

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Miaki was spouting curses at the sky as he continued to miss.

(OOC: Sword skill cooldown (0) turn(s))

Battle result: HIT!!! 4 DMG

He suddenly hit the monster! Then started screaming, **** you Kayaba!"

Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 45/55

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#3 : 3/13

Skeleton#4 : 5/13

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"Oh damn! He's not missing anymore, guess he learned how to aim" Shanok said out loud and laughed. He then attacked the skeleton, paralyzing it again. "Alright! Good stuff!" he yelled.


Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 45/55

Silverwing : 28/28


Skeleton#3 : 2/13 -Paralyzed* Can't attack or evade

Skeleton#4 : 5/13

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Miaki was spouting curses as Shanok managed to paralyze his opponent again. Miaki was tired of this bull crap.

(OOC: Sword skill cooldown (0) turn(s))

Battle result: Hit! 2 DMG!

He turn and killed Shanok's monster. "HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT!?"

Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 45/55

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#3 : 0/13

Skeleton#4 : 9/13

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"Well well, Miaki, I didn't expect you to be a sore loser, but the thing was, that was still my skeleton, even if you killed it, I win" Shanok said to Miaki. "Now since you did that, I'll let you take care of the other" he added.


Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 45/55

Silverwing : 28/28


Skeleton#3 : 0/13

Skeleton#4 : 5/13

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Miaki gritted his teeth as Shanok took the sidelines leaving the last monster for him to kill. Miaki hoped to end it quickly and be done with everything. He charged his sword a bright blue and charged the skeleton.

(Roll 8 to hit with 3 hit combo)

(OOC: Sword skill cooldown (3) turn(s))

Battle result: Crit! 9 DMG! (3x3 hits)

He turned to face Shanok as the second skeleton turned to dust. "Well." He said with some attitude. "What now?"

Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 45/55

Silverwing : 28/28

Skeleton#4 : 0/13 - DEFEATED!

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"What now you ask... Well..." Shanok said as he looked through his menu. "We've got four bones, we could go for more, and we could try to find some Iron Skeletons to get some <>" he added. He then proceeded to the temple's next room.

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Miaki took a deep breath and followed. "Fine. But let's try and aggro only ONE skeleton at a time okay?" He said as he passed through the temple's opening. It lead into a larger chamber that lead deeper under the desert floor. He kicked a small clump of sandstone and watched it tumble down into the blackness. "Wow, don't fall." He said as he turned and began walking down a small decline.

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As they arrived at the bottom of the steep stairs. There were two Iron Skeletons waiting for them. "Ugh... Is there something that alarmed every monster in this temple? So much for aggroing only one..." he told his friend. "Well, seems we've got no time to complain about it... Let's do this!" he added as he charged towards the first enemy. The skeleton swiftly dodged Shanok's attack despite having heavy armor on.


Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 55/55


Iron Skeleton#1 : 13/13

Iron Skeleton#2 : 13/13

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He cursed under his breath as two iron plated skeletons emerged out of the darkness towards them with scimitars raised. "One at a time. I said one! New tactic Shanok! Stun on then we switch targets hoping for another stun." He rushed the second one, drawing his sword as he charged.

Battle Dice Result: Missed.......

The skeleton countered Miaki's attack


Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 55/55


Iron Skeleton#1 : 13/13

Iron Skeleton#2 : 13/13

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"That's a great idea, can't believe we didn't think of it before now" he said after hearing Miaki's strategy. "I'll try to get a stun on this one!" he said as he charged towards the skeleton. The skeleton dodges Shanok's attack again. "Damn, these things are fast!" he said.


Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 55/55


Iron Skeleton#1 : 13/13

Iron Skeleton#2 : 13/13

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Both Shanok and Miaki couldn't land a damaging hit on either monster.

Battle Dice Result: Missed.......

The skeleton countered Miaki's attack


Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 55/55


Iron Skeleton#1 : 13/13

Iron Skeleton#2 : 13/13

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"I think this game is bugged, they can't keep dodging our attacks like that" he said as he charged towards one of the skeletons. The skeleton dodged Shanok's attack again.


Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 55/55


Iron Skeleton#1 : 13/13

Iron Skeleton#2 : 13/13

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Both Shanok and Miaki couldn't land a damaging hit on either monster.

Battle Dice Result: Missed.......

The skeleton countered Miaki's attack


Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 55/55


Iron Skeleton#1 : 13/13

Iron Skeleton#2 : 13/13

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Shanok's attack finally hit the skeleton. "Take this you monster!" he said as his blade went through the skeleton.


Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 55/55


Iron Skeleton#1 : 12/13

Iron Skeleton#2 : 13/13

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Miaki parried the skeleton multiple time before attacking it again.

Battle Dice Result: Hit! 2 DMG!

Miaki's attack struck the skeleton across the chest.


Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 55/55


Iron Skeleton#1 : 12/13

Iron Skeleton#2 : 11/13

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Shanok ran towards the skeleton, pointing his sword to the right and tried to slash at it. The skeleton swiftly dodged Shanok's attack by jumping backwards.


Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 55/55


Iron Skeleton#1 : 12/13

Iron Skeleton#2 : 11/13

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Miaki parried the skeleton multiple time before attacking it again.

Battle Dice Result: Hit! 2 DMG!

Miaki's attack struck the skeleton across the chest.


Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 55/55


Iron Skeleton#1 : 12/13

Iron Skeleton#2 : 9/13

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Shanok saw Miaki deal damage to the skeleton he was fighting and ran towards the other skeleton as soon as he did. His sword went through the skeleton, dealing a little bit of damage and paralyzing it.


Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 55/55


Iron Skeleton#1 : 11/13 -Paralyzed for 2 turns- Can't attack or evade

Iron Skeleton#2 : 9/13

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Miaki parried the skeleton multiple time before attacking it again.

Battle Dice Result: Hit! 2 DMG!

Miaki's attack struck the skeleton across the chest.


Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 55/55


Iron Skeleton#1 : 11/13 - stunned

Iron Skeleton#2 : 7/13

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Shanok attacked the paralyzed skeleton, his attack was a critical hit, dealing a huge amount of damage to the skeleton.


Shanok : 17/17

Miaki : 55/55


Iron Skeleton#1 : 8/13 -Paralyzed for 1 turn- Can't attack or evade

Iron Skeleton#2 : 7/13

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