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{SP-F1} Tutorial Guy does Tutorial Things <<The First Few Lessons are Free>> COMPLETE

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Pinball gulped. From what he's seen, making the potion itself wasn't too hard. However, whether or not the potion takes an effect was largely up to luck, and so far, Pinball's luck hadn't been too great. Nonetheless, he continued. He had come too far to give up over something as easy as a potion. From the moment he started, Pinball knew something was off. He just had the this is going to fail feeling that gamers sometimes get. He was correct, as a message soon popped up that said "POTION CREATION FAILED".  Pinball sighed and turned to Zackariah, who chuckled softly. "Don't worry, boy, you don't always get it on the first try." Fresh new ingredients materialized on the table. "Here," the alchemist said in a sympathetic tone, "try again. On the house." After thanking him, Pinball turned back to the table, hoping that he can get it right the next time. 

*** ID# 87231 *** 

CD: 4 - Fail

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Pinball breathed in, breathed out, calming himself. He had a good feeling about this one. He started the potion crafting. Mash the ingredients, mix them all together... It becomes a liquid-y substance, but it wasn't yet a health potion. The liquid started to glow a bright red. If it was successful,  it would be a health potion. If not, it would just be trash liquid. "POTION CREATION SUCCESSFUL!' The liquid took on a red color, though not as bright as it was in the crafting pase. Zackariah was beaming. "Great job! Not many people get it done on the second try," he praised. "You have a real talent for this, young man." Pinball knew he was programmed to say it, but he couldn't help but be embarrased by the old NPC's praise. He had finally done it. Pinball had gathered materials, and succesfully crafted a health potion. So why wasn't there a "Quest Complete" notification? "Actually," the old man continued, "there is one thing." 

*** ID# 87232 *** 

CD: 9 - Crafting Succesful!

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"I have a bit of a favour to ask," Zackariah continued. "I have an old blacksmith, who lives in a village not far from here. I'm supposed to deliver this package, but I'm far too old to wander out in the wilderness myself." Zackariah held out the package, asking without words. Pinball understood. "I'll take care of it, don't worry." Pinball accepted the package, and put it away. He hadn't expected another task, but he wasn't especially bothered by it. "Oh, bless you," the old man said, embracing Pinball. "Thank you so much." Pinball smiled. "Not a problem. Take care of yourself." With that, Pinball turned and exited the house, into the city's dark streets. He had heard of the village in question, and Zackariah had informed him of the Blacksmith's name and where to find him. It was easy enough. He walked out of the city, into the dimly-lit wilderness.

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The walk was long, and avoiding mobs was all too difficult. But Pinball managed, despite the odds. He didn't have to fight any mobs yet, thank God. If he had, Pinball wasn't sure he would have been able to manage. Especially not at night. But after a long and arduous walk, he arrived at the village. He asked around, talking to the odd NPC's that were up at night. The blacksmith was still in his forge, from what he heard. Finding him didn't take to long, as the village wasn't as large and complicated as the starting city. It was night, and the few streets the village did have were mostly empty. He was lucky to find what NPC's he could. Well, the one Npc he could.He came up to the forge to see a man with a blacksmith's apron on, hammering away at a glowing piece of metal. Pinball called out to him, and the blacksmith responded to his call with a polite wave. "I have something for you, sir," said Pinball.

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Lyle Tealeaf, the blacksmith, gratefully accepted the package. "Why thank you," the metalworker said. "I had been expecting this, I really appreciate you delivering it, lad." Pinball nodded. "Not a problem," Pinball replied. As the blacksmith talked about his friend Zackariah, Pinball's mind wandered to the rewards he would be recieving for finishing the quest. Probably some kind of potion, he reasoned. Really though, he was excited for the experience that came with finishing a quest. The words "I could use some help myself, if you have the time," cut through his daydreams. Pinball nodded, half-surprised. He hadn't expected a follow up quest, though the information was well recieved. He knew what he was going to do next, though he decide he wanted to do the next quest with someone else. "Will do," Pinball said. The quest rewards popped up, along with a level up notification, and Pinball walked away from the smith and his forge, happy to be finished with it. 

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