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[OP-F3] Hero for Hire (Mercenary: Open for Business)

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On the third floor of Aincrad lies a small town called Delilah Village. Its appearance was quaint, almost a pastiche of the olden days of medieval history. The third floor's climate was that of a prairie, and the air felt warm and crisp as the village NPCs and burgeoning Player population started to go about their day. The dandelion fields that bordered the town were visible through its gates as Kane walked into the town, having been wandering to and fro, lending aid to up-and-coming players in need.

His dirty blonde hair slightly unruly, Kane sat on a wooden bench near the town gate. His <> armor was slightly dented, having taken a large blow for him in the last Quest he'd undertaken. Underneath his breastplate, his dark emerald tunic showed some signs of wear, as did his <>, one of which was slightly damaged at his left knee. He'd sustained a grievous wound to his leg during his fight with a Minotaur, but it had all been worth it to obtain a legendary <> pendant. Kane sighed deeply as he unslung his massive Two-Handed Greatsword, <> from his back, planting it point first in the ground, letting his back feel some relief from carrying the incredible blade. Though it was made of lightweight Mythril, the weapon was still large enough that he enjoyed the chance to rest after having carried it for so long.

Kane could see the gate of the city clearly, and anyone coming through the gate could see him. He had come to this booming settlement to put his skills to good use, so he went ahead and began setting up a simple wooden sign beside his bench, clear for all who passed him to see:

Blade for Hire:

Bodyguard, Trainer, Guide, Mercenary.

Can help clear tough quests, fight difficult field bosses, provide protection.

Inquire for Rates.

Kane sat back on the bench, waiting. It was killing two birds with one stone; he wanted to help the lower level Players survive and he needed fresh materials and Col to repair and upgrade his arsenal. Taking some jobs in this town would solve both of those problems.

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Daeron walked over to the player at a stand. "Alright let's get one thing straight... you're not a protector for me... Alright? Good. Now that I said that, my main point. My goal is to fight a high leveled field boss, therefore I need a somewhat of a meat shield as I go to strike it. The reward for it will be based solely off your performance. Probably the col reward as there is a material drop from it that I'm looking to get. If you accept meet me on Floor 7, tomorrow at noonish. (Thread will be made later)" Daeron had then left the player unable to answer on the spot, instead he wanted to see if he would show or not.

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Kane was ready to reply, but the man walked off. He sighed, shaking his head. "Well," he muttered aloud, wondering what sort of monster(s) he'd be facing, "a job is a job is a job." He would meet his new employer on the 7th floor tomorrow, where he'd define his terms of agreement. At least this beat begging.

(OOC: All Players, this is an unofficial business. Think of this post as a "shop".)

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