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[PP-F6] Hunting the Blue Tiger (Kane/Miaki) CLOSED

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Kane's cooldown was just about over from his previous technique, and he dashed in towards the Blue Toger, hoping to surround it and put himself in a tactically useful position at its flank. They needed to hamper its movement somehow. "I'm gonna try targeting its legs!" He called out. Hopefully on the next swipe he took at the beast, he could force it to lose some mobility.

Kane: 18/19

Miaki : 33/33

Silverwing : 28/28

<>: 9/28

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Blocking and redirecting the <> toward Kane gave Miaki enough time to finish his sword skill cooldown. His stamina was back and he was ready for this fight to be over soon. 'Almost got you down beastie.' He thought to himself. Not wanting to test his luck with another sword skill and starting to get a little tired from releasing one after another, Miaki tried nothing fancy and just charged forward. Silverwing flew in first clipping the jungle cat in the back of it's head. Getting struck like it did caused the animal to flinch and get on it's hind legs leaving itself wide open for Miaki's katana. "Hyaaaaa!" He shouted as the blade made contact with the beasts underbelly. He watched the health bar drop well into red.

Kane: 18/19

Miaki : 33/33

Silverwing : 28/28

<>: 4/28

(<> adds x2 attack. Ex: Roll 8 = 2 HP loss; Roll 9 = 4HP loss)

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The Blue Tiger was enraged, its fangs bared as it looked from Kane to Miaki, then back again. It would have been wise for the immense feline monster to weigh its options, but no benevolent creator had given it the ability to think rationally in the state of frenzy it was experiencing.

It streaked towards Kane, ready to maul him in its blind fury!


Its claws slashed through Kane's unprotected leg as he tried to jump backwards, grunting as crimson pixels dripped from his wound. It wasn't debilitating, but the phantom pain troubled him as his hit points dipped.

Kane: 16/19

Miaki : 33/33

Silverwing : 28/28

<>: 7/28

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Kane grit his teeth hard as he drew a bead on the monstrous Blue Tiger, trying to keep the frenzied creature between himself and Miaki. They'd be able to take this thing down eventually, but he'd rather do it quickly to avoid any more damage! Charging his hand with emerald light, Kane used a <> technique as he blocked the beast's latest attempt to gouge him. Using his blade's width as a shield against the snapping jaws, Kane drew back his hand, intending to strike the beast's throat.

(1 Turn Cooldown)


It wasn't enough to harm the beast, however, and Kane withdrew his hand, pushing the field boss away, and assuming a defensive stance.

Kane: 16/19

Miaki : 33/33

Silverwing : 28/28

<>: 4/28

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"Time to end this." Miaki said with a blood lust grin. "Silverwing! Now!" Miaki shouted in a commanding voice. Soon as he said that Miaki brought his katana back to his left hip, hoping that with luck he'd be able to repeat the sword skill <> as he had earlier. The BGM Miaki could hear in his head consisted of drums and horns that were making a slow build up. The katana named <> began to shine brightly as it did when he first used the sword skill. He could feel a vibration in his hands from the weapon as the humming emitting from it reached its peak. Silverwing dove ahead of Miaki, drawing the attention of the <>. The beast roared and raced towards them as Miaki charged forward. The two rushed towards one another, both with a furious look in their eyes. When they came to about two meters from each other, the <> pounced forward going for the <> face. Miaki swung his blade diagonally from the lower left running up to the right. As he swung, Miaki kept the momentum and ran past it. He was about 4 meters away before he stopped. The <> froze in midair and it's roar was cut short as the monster explosively shattered in to millions of bits.

(OOC: Roll 7 on battle dice to successfully attack with sword skill dealing 4 bonus DMG not including Silverwing or Silvershard.)

Kane: 16/19

Miaki : 33/33

Silverwing : 28/28

<>: 0/28 - Defeated

(<> adds x2 attack. Ex: Roll 8 = 2 HP loss; Roll 9 = 4HP loss)

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Kane grinned as the creature dissolved into a legion of pixellated crystals, pleased that the battle had been won. Planting his great-sword in the ground, he leaned on it as he closed his eyes, concentrating on regaining his HP by <>. "Pheww, well that was fun. Big blue won't be chowing down on any more innocent people."

He finished healing, and returned the war blade to the hook on his harness. Wiping the dust from his gauntlets, he cracked his neck, enjoying the feeling of being at full hit points again.

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Miaki stood there silently as the last of the data vanished away. He felt the battle fury and blood lust that rose within him near the end of the fight slowly begin to fade away. As the energy and emotion began to fade away Miaki felt slightly empty. He was still in the position he was in when he dealt the final blow to the field boss. The grip on his hilt was still as firm as it was when he was fighting. With no idea how long he stood there like that, Miaki causally stood up straight and slowly returned his katana back to its sheath on his waist.

"Pheww, well that was fun. Big blue won't be chowing down on any more innocent people."

Looking up at the sky, Miaki calmly answered. "I suppose." Silverwing fluttered around and landed on Miaki's left shoulder. He turned his head and his body rotated in suit. "I kinda was expecting a little more from it honestly. Well until that last part of the fight really." His mind was still reminiscing the energy he felt in those last moments of the fight.

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Kane rotated his left shoulder reflexively. In the real world, he'd suffered a stress injury to his shoulder ligament, and he'd been holding his sword in a certain way for years when he'd done western martial arts back at his college Historical Combat club. In Aincrad, the memory of the injury was the only pain left, but it was still odd to feel his shoulder flex normally.

"I kinda was expecting a little more from it honestly. Well until that last part of the fight really."

Kane smiled genuinely, running a hand through his dark blonde hair as he thought about the fight. Huh. I guess that just means we're getting stronger. Might have to take aim at bigger beasties next time!"

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"I suppose." Although it was hard to see things from where they stood in the jungle you could still see the upper part of the dungeon leading up to the seventh floor. "Maybe......" His mind was still distracted by the last few moments of the battle. He shook the feeling away and brought his mind down to Aincrad. Almost instantly things for him began to clear up. The post-battle menu came up listing the Col, EXP, and item drops.



Looking at the drop Miaki considered his options. "Okay how about this, we split the pelts taking one each and I'll keep both of these orchids. I'm opening a alchemist shop soon and I can use these to make potions. In exchange for letting me take them both I'll give you a free potion that I make. Sound fair?" He said looking up from the display.

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Miaki accepted Kane's handshake and returned it firmly. "Likewise. Look me up on the next floor if you feel the need to take something else on." He looked around at the colorful green jungle around them. "You'll probably find me there or maybe I'll open my shop around here soon." He shrugged and started to smile. "Whatever happens you know how to reach me."

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