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[F3-SP] Minos' son's fall <<Search for the Hoya>>

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I grin as i enter the inner sanctum of the tomb and finds a pendant. One that has a black onyx gem in the center, with two bull like horn engravings into the metal. The metal that holds the onyx gem being a silver color. I pick up the gem and puts it into my inventory to show off later, or to give to someone later as a nice gift for them to have. I grin knowing this quest has been completed as i make my way towards the exit of this tomb. Holding my head up high with a grin. The goddess of hearth having slain the mad beast of the minotaur in this tomb with her own strength, and skills. Being a nice little part in my story. I think to myself with a grin. I can only wonder what else life has in store for me, and what else can be thrown my way that could be a fun challenge to face.


Rewards: 400 COL, 3 SP,  Hoya of Minos (a pendant)

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