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[SP - F1] Anew Beginning << First Few Lessons are Free >>

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Kairi had looked around moving her arms from side to side looking around, she had gotten her new equipment and she had felt... bored, she really wanted to put them to good use... however she was just... scared to really fight anything, the last thing she wants to do is to die because she was a little too cocky. She had went back to Zachariah's store in which he was puzzled on why she was back, however he basically gave her the same run down on what to do, Kairi had nodded her head, turning back she was met by a male player which had ran into her, however none of them had fell onto the ground, the male had chuckled and said placing his hands in front of him stating out to her "Oh... sorry, didn't see you there. I assume you are taking the beginner quests as well?"

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Kairi had looked up to the man and saw it was a man with green hair and greenish hair, she had said out to him with a smile and said "Yeah, I am looking to grow in levels... just trying to get out of this game... and I spent too much time being afraid I guess..." she had placed a hand upon her shoulder looking up to the man. The man had smiled and put a thumbs up towards him as he had let out a smile towards her placing his other hand on her shoulder "Hey don't be too afraid, its not hard at all to get up in levels. Here let me help you, I may not be too impressive myself however I know my around." he offered to her with a smile. Kairi had looked up to him with a smile and said out to him "Really! I would really appreciate it! I don't really know my way around here..." she giggled placing a hand behind her head. He had stood up and turned 180 degrees the other way looking behind him saying out "Well? Are ya coming or not?"

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Kairi had nodded her head and said out with a cheery voice "Yup! I am right behind you!" she had followed behind the man, she had looked up to the man which had stood taller than him and asked him "Soooo... what is your name mister?". The man had chuckled as he looked behind him and said out to her saying "Well I go by many names... Handsome, Beautiful... but you can call me Emerald." she had tilted her head, she didn't know why someone would ever call their name after a gemstone... it seemed like that would be a dumb idea if you asked her. Regardless she had said out to him "I'm Kairi! Thank you again for helping me!" the man had let out a chuckle "Its no big deal, I am a sucker for cute ones. I am taking you to a spot that typically always helped me get materials." she had smiled when he had called her cute, she really liked to hear that many agree with her beliefs that she is truly cute. Upon arriving on the scene she had tried to find materials, however she had only found one corrupt one, turning around she stopped her foot and said out "Hey! I though you said there were materials here!" she puffed out her cheeks.

ID: 90148 - LD: 1
Materials: 0/5
Post: 3/20

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The man had let out a laugh saying out defending himself from the wrath of Kairi "Hey hey! I said it helped me find materials! I never said that there would be corrupted materials or some days it might not be hard to find! Other players can come here too you know!" Kairi had squinted her eyes and grumbled as she had looked back around looking for some materials, through searching and looking she had eventually found one to bring back to Zachariah, she had turned around to Emerald and said out with a victory pose "I take it all back, I found a material!" she giggled. The man also chuckling he had clapped his hands as she had found a material "That's good! One down, four more to go. You are doing well so far. If you can find the other 4 in a good time maybe I can help you learn to fight." he chuckled out once more.

ID: 90150 - LD: 11
Materials: 1/5
Post: 4/20

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Kairi had smiled as she had placed the material in her inventory had had nervously chuckled when he had stated out that he would help her when it comes to combat, she was worried that she might die or do something wrong in front of him... she had shook her head and said with a nervous giggle "Alright I'll try my best... heheh..." she turned around with a saddened look worried. However she shook of the thoughts and went back to looking for materials, after a moment of looking around she had spotted one more, with a smile she had taken it into her inventory, she turned back to the man and said out to him "another one down! Three more to go!" the man opening his eyes looking impressed he had spoke out to her "Well done, see? You didn't even need me to help you out here." he had chuckled out.

ID: 90151 - LD: 11
Materials: 2/5
Post: 5/20

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Kairi nervously giggled out again and said out to him "W-well... you did help me by bringing me to a good spot to find materials, if it were up to me I probably would have found myself in a terrible spot." the man responded with a laugh and said out to her "Well, there's not many actual spots that are really bad. It really comes up to RNG in different places... at least that's from what I've heard. I could be wrong." he said shrugging. Kairi had smiled and turned back to find materials, it was weird to her living in world like this now... ones where its man created out of 1's and 0's... one's where we all have to live upon RNG to get our next meals... it certainly was a... different place to live rather than the real world, in this time thinking she hadn't had found anything, even if she did she probably saw it and walked over it forgetting it.

ID: 90152 - LD: 4
Materials: 2/5
Post: 6/20

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The man with a chuckle had said out to her "Hey, you alright out there? You seem to be lost out there in thought missing a material like that." Kairi had looked up with a squeal looking behind her seeing that she had indeed ignored one material, she had looked up to the man with a nervous chuckle and picked up the material. The man smiling towards Kairi said out "So you were lost in thought, do you mind telling me what is on your mind? In a world like this letting thoughts pester your mind only leads to depression, don't feel afraid to speak out to me Kairi." Kairi had shook her head and said out to him placing her arms behind her back saying on her tippy-toes "Well... I just have been thinking how weird it is to live in a world where its a computer and we can freely think and move like we could in the real world... and have to rely on a random number generator to get us our next meals and clothing. Its very... different from the real world." she giggled.

ID: 90153 - LD: 15
Materials: 3/5
Post: 7/20

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The man letting out a chuckle he had said out crossing his arms "You could say that again, this world certainly is a dream come true, yet our worst nightmares. Hoping RNG doesn't kill us and all. I suppose it is rather different, but to me this world has similarities to our real ones however yes... its much much different." he had looked back to Kairi and shrugged to her "But I digress, back to finding materials missy." he chuckled. Kairi had giggled and saluted the man "Yes sir!" and she turned 180 degrees to try to find one more material, she had already found 3 she just needed two more to complete her quest objective. Eventually she had found one, she had kneeled down and picked it up, she had smiled and placed it into her inventory. She stood up patting her skirt and looked back to the man and said out "One more to go!" she smiled.

ID: 90154 - LD: 14
Materials: 4/5
Post: 8/20

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The man had smiled wider and looked towards Kairi still with his arms crossed and said "You are doing well, still need one more. Get to it Kairi." he said trying to comfort her. Kairi had saluted him once more, and turned around looking in every direction for one more material, however with enough time she had found the last material she needed. With a quick movement she had plucked the material and jumped in the air a couple of times "I did it Emerald! I found the last material I needed!" the man had clapped his hands and walked towards Kairi and looked down upon her and said with a chuckle "Alright, time to teach you some combat wouldn't you think?" Kairi had looked up nervous however she had nodded her head agreeing to do it. Eventually the man had turned around again and Kairi had followed up behind him.

ID: 90155 - LD: 18
Materials: 5/5 - Completed!
Post: 9/20

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The man had taken her to a field where boars could be found, he had looked down upon her and said "Alright, I am going to teach you how to fight in this game, its not actually that hard... all you have to do to release a sword art is to concentrate on the enemy and let it burst out." Kairi had looked up at the man rather confused, however she had taken her Buster Sword from her back and looked at the Boar walking up towards it, the Boar had let out a snort and its eyes had glowed red as a HP bar had appeared and charged against her hitting her on the ground. Kairi had let out a noise and fell on the ground, Kairi with determined eyes had grabbed her sword and looked towards the boar, her sword had glowed and she had moved forward jumping into the air and slashed down on the boar ending its life. Kairi blinked, she didn't think it would be this easy, however this is a level 1 mob. She had smiled and raised her hand in the air.

ID: 90157 - BD: 8+2=10 - MD: 8-2=6 
ID: 90159 - LD: 4

Kairi - HP: 19/20 - EN: 0/2
Boar 1 - HP: 0/10 - DMG: 3

Sword Art Used: Straight [Damage: 7*2=14]
Materials: 5/5 - Completed!
Loot: 30 Col
Post: 10/20

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The man had looked down and patted her on the back for her first mob killed, "Look out world, we got a badass over here. However if you look to your energy bar it has been emptied. You should be gaining 1 soon, and don't worry you can just swing your sword for one of your energy. Meaning, no matter how much energy you have depleted... you can always deal damage! So for the next boar I want you to try to kill it using only basic attacks." he said out to her trying to teach her that sometimes she just wont have enough energy for some sword arts and she might need to resort to other attacks even basic attacks to kill monsters. Nodding her head and gaining a energy back, with new found confidence she had ran up to another boar and swung her sword upon the beast. the boar had moved out of the way and rammed her, she had fell onto the ground surprised about what had just happened.

ID: 90163 - BD: 2+2=4 - MD: 8-2=6 

Kairi - HP: 18/20 - EN: 0/2
Boar 2 - HP: 10/10 - DMG: 3

Sword Art Used: Failed Attempt.
Materials: 5/5 - Completed!
Loot: 30 Col
Post: 11/20

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The man had said out to her while in the middle of combat saying out to her "Even if its just a basic swinging of a sword or stab, you still need to focus to hit it! Don't lose yourself due to a lack of concentration!", Kairi had looked back to Emerald and nodded her head as she had looked back forward seeing the Boar ram against her, critically hitting her. However she had looked up to see that she had still only taken one point of damage. She had shook her head and raised her buster sword and looked at the Boar as soon as it tried to move she had slashed her sword against the boars flesh hitting it. Emerald had smiled and said out "Yeah like that! One more attack and that Boar is bacon and history!" Kairi had looked back smiling, however looking back forward worried that the boar would hit against her again.

ID: 90164 - BD: 8+2=10 - MD: 9

Kairi - HP: 17/20 - EN: 0/2
Boar 2 - HP: 3/10 - DMG: 3

Sword Art Used: Basic Attack [Damage: 7]
Materials: 5/5 - Completed!
Loot: 30 Col
Post: 12/20

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Kairi had stood proud and bounced back and forth like this was some sort of fighting game, and seeing the boar move she had raised her sword in the ran and moved forward, however tripping onto a rock she had fell to the ground. Emerald once proud of Kairi gaining used to the combat had raised and hand to his forehead now a little ashamed of her falling like that. Kairi had looked over nervously chuckling however looked back to the boar which had charged after her, Kairi moved quickly and rolled out of the way of its charge. After the boar went past her she had grabbed her sword and used it as a cane to get up, Kairi had looked at the boar with a little bit of anger, she just wanted this boar to perish. Kairi had raised her sword and looked towards the boar concentrating to hit her target.

ID: 90165 - BD: 1 - MD: 3-2=1

Kairi - HP: 17/20 - EN: 0/2
Boar 2 - HP: 3/10 - DMG: 3

Sword Art Used: Failed Attempt.
Materials: 5/5 - Completed!
Loot: 30 Col
Post: 13/20

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Kairi waiting for the enemy to strike first, the boar had charged against her trying to deal damage to the player. However as it had charged forward she had easily moved out of the way of its charge and with a battle cry she had slashed down upon the boar and cut the poor thing in half ending its life. With a squeal it had distorted and exploded into crystals that faded into the air. She had smiled and celebrated her own victory once more. Emerald had clapped and said out to her "You did a great job, but for future combat you might want to watch where you are walking just in case you fall somewhere you don't want to." he had patted her head and said to her "Keep it up though, you are doing a really good job, plus we have the time. And you could use the materials and Col, when you grow in levels you'll need to get equipment. Maybe even soon if you are wanting to get a familiar." he chuckled.

ID: 90166 - BD: 10 - MD: 4-2=2
ID: 90167 - LD: 19 - CD: 6

Kairi - HP: 17/20 - EN: 0/2
Boar 2 - HP: 0/10 - DMG: 3

Sword Art Used: Basic Attack [Damage: 7+2=9]
Materials: 5/5 - Completed!
Loot: 60 Col - 2 T1 Materials - Rare Potion
Post: 14/20

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Kairi had looked up to the man and nodded her head, she had smiled and turned back to see another Boar. She had felt a little more confident in herself that she could fight and live forward in this world. However today she wanted to ill this one and maybe one more trying to get as much loot as she can to move forward. She had gotten a very small amount of Col, a small amount of Materials to have for herself, and even a potion she doesn't know what it does. She had looked back to the man, then back to a Boar. She had grabbed onto her sword tighter and stabbed the boar, the boar had squealed out and moved out of her sword and charged very quickly and charged the woman slamming its tusks against her pushing her onto the ground. She had looked up to the Boar and grabbed her sword once more to fight against it.

ID: 90168 - BD: 5+2=7 - MD: 9

Kairi - HP: 16/20 - EN: 0/2
Boar 3 - HP: 3/10 - DMG: 3

Sword Art Used: Basic Attack [Damage: 7]
Materials: 5/5 - Completed!
Loot: 60 Col - 2 T1 Materials - Rare Potion
Post: 15/20

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Kairi using her sword as a cane to get up from the ground, she had raised her sword and waited for the boar to attack first, this boar was extremely mad so much so it didn't wait too much time to attack. The boar had let out a terrible squeal and had moved around very weakly, Kairi had saw this as a time to strike and as the boar had moved forward and fell she had stabbed right through the boar. The boar didn't make much of a sound after being struck, it had simply exploded into pixels into the air. Kairi had taken a few deep breaths and smiled seeing good progress, she had looked up to her HP bar seeing how she was still doing very well, however she wanted to fight one more, she had picked up her sword to keep fighting. The man about to say something and move forward, he had shook his head letting her keep fighting.

ID: 90169 - BD: 6+2=8 - MD: 1
ID: 90170 - LD: 12 - CD: 3

Kairi - HP: 16/20 - EN: 0/2
Boar 3 - HP: 0/10 - DMG: 3

Sword Art Used: Basic Attack [Damage: 7]
Materials: 5/5 - Completed!
Loot: 90 Col - 4 T1 Materials - Rare Potion
Post: 16/20

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Kairi had looked around looking for a boar, it had seemed as though the fields were still recovering from the beginning days where a plentiful amount of players had slain and murder thousands of boars it had seemed. However there was still some boars to be found around here, however looking around she had found a boar. She had started running towards the boar with her sword at her side rather than in front of her, the man following her up behind making sure she's safe. And the woman had let out a cry slashing the boar sideways, the Boar had moved over and looked towards the woman and started to charge against her, however she had enough time to move out of the way of its attacks. She had looked at the boar and back to her sword, she had smiled... finally she had felt confident in herself to fight in this world.

ID: 90171 - BD: 9 - MD: 5-2=3

Kairi - HP: 16/20 - EN: 0/2
Boar 4 - HP: 2/10 - DMG: 3

Sword Art Used: Basic Attack [Damage: 7+1=8]
Materials: 5/5 - Completed!
Loot: 90 Col - 4 T1 Materials - Rare Potion
Post: 17/20

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Kairi more confident than ever in herself, not only for herself in this world, but as her as a person. She had stared down the fourth boar she had started a fight against, and was determined to strike this beast down. The boar had charged up another attack and very sloppily and started charging towards her, she had moved out of the way extremely easily and she had swung her sword once more and ended the beasts life. It had exploded into a million pieces and she had taken a breath of relief, she had never felt so confident in herself in her life than now. She had fought against four boars and barely had her HP bar scratched. The man had applauded her and he had said out "I think that's enough combat for today, I think we should head back to the man to finish the quest so you can level up and rest." he said turning around, she had looked up to him and nodded her head following behind him putting her Buster Sword on her back.

ID: 90172 - BD: 7+2=9 - MD: 2-2=0
ID: 90173 - LD: 10 - CD: 3

Kairi - HP: 16/20 - EN: 0/2
Boar 4 - HP: 0/10 - DMG: 3

Sword Art Used: Basic Attack [Damage: 7]
Materials: 5/5 - Completed!
Loot: 120 Col - 5 T1 Materials - Rare Potion
Post: 18/20

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The sun had been setting as Kairi had been fighting against boars and trying to find materials with Emerald. Eventually he had lead her back to Zachariah to finish what she had started and to gain levels. "This is where we part ways, just know to not push yourself too far. If you ever need me for the future quests feel free to message me." he said to her as she had sent her a friend request, he turned around with a wave and said out to her before walking off in the distance "See you around." Kairi had smiled and waved him goodbye saying it out as well. She had stepped inside to the store and spoke out to Zachariah saying how she had gotten the materials needed. Zachariah had nodded happily and told her that he needed her help crafting a Health Potion, she had thought this was the tutorial on how to craft something... however her first try was a success.

ID: 90174 - CD: 5 - Success!
Loot: 120 Col - 5 T1 Materials - Rare Potion
Post: 19/20

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After her success she had raised it to the air in a victory pose, after a second she had presented it to Zachariah which had congratulated her in her success and handed her a package, he told her to deliver it to someone named Lyle Tealeaf and she would help her from there. With a nod of her head and saying thank you, she had placed the package into her inventory and stepped outside, it had been... getting pretty late. She had stretched her arms and thought that was enough work for today, she had looked around and looked for an Inn, once she had found one she had stepped inside and asked to get one, thankfully they had given her one for free. Walking into the Inn room she had taken her sword out of her back and placed it against the wall and placed her Tiara on the table, then flopping onto the bed letting out a hum, she had been wanting this and she was finally relaxing after a days work.

Thread Complete!:
520 Col - 5 T1 Materials - Rare Potion
5x T1 Uncommon Health Potions (Heals 40 HP)
1x T1 Uncommon Damage Potion
1x T1 Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp HP.)
3 SP

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