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[PP - F1] Continuing the Tutorial << Second Lesson >>

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Invious had looked back a bit to Shield to see that he was merely standing around what seemed to be looking for Materials, Invious shook her head a bit, surely he was protecting her with a fair eye. She had looked back to the Boar Pup in which had been hitting her pretty hard, he had hit Invi once more dealing more damage, she looked up to her HP bar and it was looking rather small as she was close on losing a full third of her HP. She had looked forward gripping her rapier tigher as she had simply stabbed the boar through its head, it had finally died and exploded into crystals, Invi had sighed as that took too long and she was taking too much damage from that boar pup, however at least she had gotten a tusk this time around from it, so it made her a little happy.


ID: 92552 - BD: 7 [Hit!] - MD: 8 [Hit!]
ID: 92553 - LD: 12
Sword Art Used: Basic Attack [Damage: 2*1=2]
Invious: 42/60 - 3/6
Boar Pup: -1/5 - DMG: 3
Loot: 1 Boar Tusk

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ID# 92597 results: Loot: 13+3=16 - Material Found! [1 total]

Shield watched as the next boar pup evaporated into shards of light and then into nothing at all. He gave a thumbs up, keeping his eyes on the perimeter of their immediate area. So far, they were safe from outside threats. He paced around the edge, seeing if he could kite a single boar from the surrounding area.

As he walked, his foot nudged something hard. He glanced down into the grass, noticing a stone of some sort by his foot that seemed to have a glint to it. Fishing it out of the brown blades of grass, he inspected it to find it was some sort of ore. He wasn't familiar with the metal, though at such a low floor, it was likely a common though useful metal. He tapped the stone and selected the menu option to store it away.

"A little rough at times, but you're doing just fine so far," he said, making another attempt to be supportive, though judging from his last attempt, he was not entirely sure how it would be met.

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Invious had looked back to when Shield had been saying some words, however so far she had been extremely mad due to how long and tedious this was taking. She had said out "I guess, its been more than rough if you ask me." However she had looked over to a Boar Pup that had been trying to engage combat with her. Shaking her head she had kept a tight grip upon her rapier, however before she could honestly get the initiative and attack first the boar pup's eyes had glowed a deep red as it had tried to attack her, sure very sloppily but it still caught her off guard as it quickly attacked. Invious had tried to attack back, however the Boar Pup was just too quick for her and jumped out of the way of her attack, Invious had let out some of a growl as she was quickly getting annoyed.


ID: 92598 - BD: 3 [Miss!]
ID: 92599 - MD: 2 [Miss!]
Sword Art Used: Failed Attempt
Invious: 42/60 - 2/6
Boar Pup: 5/5 - DMG: 3
Loot: 1 Boar Tusk

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Passive: ID# 92644 results: Craft: 5 - No Recovery

Action: Energize > Ivious [Shield: -10 EN, Invious: +8 EN]

"This is what this quest is all about," Shield said, projecting his voice over the clash of the scuffle. "You're not going to be able to hit everything, especially at low levels before you've been able to invest in accuracy buffs."

In the palm of his hand, he gathered another sphere of energy, tossing it to Invious. Despite being conflicted earlier about whether she was willing to receive such help, she was nearing the bottom of her gauge. It seemed better in Shield's mind to give it to her anyways and let her sort out her own frustrations. He continued patrolling around the edges, pulling the attention of a small pack of the pups. They charged, each exploding into light fragments as soon as they collided with the tank. One of them even dropped a tusk, but as Shield examined the item, it confirmed his suspicions by displaying the tag "[Untradeable]"

Of course...

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Invious had said after taking a deep breath looking back to him "Yeah, I am aware, however I don't have the funds and I certainly didn't qualify for one of those beginner packages strangely. So I am stuck with Vanity Items until then." she had looked forward, however she had noticed that her energy bar had gotten back up to full, she had looked back to Shield and said "T-thank you. I appreciate it." she had looked back forward and used a sword art upon the Boar Pup nearly killing it, she could come close into killing it, however she couldn't actually kill it. With a grin she did her best in dodging the Boar Pups attack which she did. Her HP was looking a little low, however she was still alive and kicking. She had moved her Rapier to her side as she had paid close attention to the Boar Pup's movements, she wanted to finish this poor thing off.


ID: 92695 Invalid
ID: 92696 - BD: 8 [Hit!]
ID: 92697 Invalid
ID: 92696 - MD: 2 [Miss!]
Sword Art Used: Rip Ravine [2*2=4]
Invious: 42/60 - 4/6
Boar Pup: 1/5 - DMG: 3
Loot: 1 Boar Tusk

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ID# 92703 results: Loot: 20+3=23 - Material Found [2 Total]

It was definitely interesting trying to hold a conversation with this new player. She seemed to have the attitude of an experienced player without the equipment or the stats to back it up. In short, she was very impatient with herself and expected too much at such low levels. He figured it was best to leave it alone for now. If nothing else, she had been more accepting of the energy than the last time he had given it to her.

As he continued to pace around the badlands, his foot brushed through another tuft of grass and nudged something hard. Leaning down, he parted the blades and located another of the mysterious pieces of ore. He tapped it to summon the item menu before banishing it to his inventory with the other that he had found. Straightening back up, he surveyed the area to make sure Invious was not being swarmed, noting the locations of the roaming boars that had not yet aggro'd onto them.

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Invi looking back to the man after her strike and the mobs attempt to attack he had seen that he had gotten a material, her eyes behind her masks had gotten a little more mad as she looked back forward in a bit of anger "Well, I am glad that someone here is getting things that they need here." she thought to herself before gaining a bit of a tighter grip on her rapier as she moved forward to the Boar Pup, the Boar Pup and moved its legs a bit as if it was going to move, however it was just too late and she moved forward stabbing it through its body dealing a critical hit doing absolutely overkill on the poor pup. The Boar Pup had exploded into crystals that had disappeared into the air. However her results had gotten nothing, she stood there gripping onto her rapier as tight as she can as behind her mask she was getting extremely frustrated.


ID: 92762 - BD: 9 [Crit!]
ID: 92793 - LD: 4 [Kill me!]
Sword Art Used: Basic Attack [2+1=3*1=3]
Invious: 42/60 - 4/6
Boar Pup: -2/5 - DMG: 3
Loot: 1 Boar Tusk

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Shield took a moment to assess the situation. He didn't much like the prospect of losing items that he had carried with him for so long, but he could tell Invious was getting frustrated. He strode over to her, opening his menus and selecting an item.

"This item is not to keep, but it should assist you for this quest at least," he said, transferring over Finder's Keeper trinket. "It's not going to mean immediate victory, but it should speed things up. I will need them back though."


Transferring to Invious:

Finder's Keeper
T1 Perfect Trinket - LD 3
Item Description: Small Silver Hoop Earring

With that, he took a few steps back and returned to patrolling the perimeter, keeping an eye on a small pack of boars that were getting a little too close for him to feel entirely comfortable. As soon as he took those extra steps, the boar pup leading the pack stood to its full height, its ears perking up. With a squeal, it took off running towards Shield, its whole back following in tow.

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Invious had stood there thinking for a good minute, she was wondering why she is even doing something like this if it was so hard to get a simple item such as a boar tusk. Sure, it was random whether or not she would get a boar tusk, but you would think that it wouldn't be this difficult to get all the tusk's she needs. Eventually she had over heard Shield offering her something, she had looked down looking at the item and then looked back up to Shield, before she could really say anything he had said out one more thing even saying that he would need them back. She looked down and didn't think much of it, if she needed to return them then theres no harm in borrowing them she had just said out to him "T-thank you, just remind me to return them back to you because I might forget." she took the earrings and equipped them to her ears, in the real world she loved to wear earrings however she liked big ones. However these wouldn't hurt.

Equipped Finder's Keeper @Shield

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ID# 92833 results: Loot: 1+3=4 - No Materials [2 total]

Shield gave a nod to her request of a reminder, focusing his attention one incoming boars. He held up his shield and allowed the mindless creatures to collide with it. The barrage felt as if the barrier were being pelted by dense footballs, which in his mind struck him as a little ironic, given the slang term 'pig skin.' The dad in him struggled to not have a chuckle at the thought.

Around the edges of his shield, he could see the shards of dying boars filter by, melting into the air. As the last of them perished, he straightened back up, and sighed to himself. The boars dying at his hands did them no good. Hopefully, the traded item would make the difference. Shield returned to his patrol, nudging the patches of brown grass that grew on the dry earth.

"Let's hope that makes a difference," he said aloud, his eyes still down towards the ground. "Luck favors the well prepared, but even they get shafted on occasion."

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