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[F1-PP] The new meet the old.

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He makes his way through the town of beginnings being rather bored in all honesty since their isn't much out their that could entertain him at this moment of time. Just taking a small amount of time out of his schedule to see if their are any more players that have finally left their safety shelters of the inns to finally face their fears. He makes his way through the town with his hands in his pocket wearing just some vanity clothing. A simple black shirt, and long pants that require a belt. With on top of that wearing a trench coat with the collar up as he looks at all of the players spotting rather familiar faces among the crowds. Having met most of these players by this point from having been on this floor for months in terms of a living area. He knows he could've chosen any floor but floor one is a information highway at this point. Players both front liners and new players make their way back to this floor, so with that eventually the stories they carry also travel around the floor.  It also helps that it is rather easier to gain allies here then any other floor. After all the players who would be afraid or are new wouldn't expect someone like himself.

He sighs softly and just contineus on his way heading towards one of the more open plaza like areas of the town of beginnings hoping to spot someone or somebody that would be of worth to talk to, or to use for his own benefit. After all the weak are just meant to be used while the strength manipulate and continue to remain in their place.


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"Oh lordy, now that's a helluva crowd they've got there," Neo said as he walked up to the same plaza like spot Mars had been heading to. The Christmas season was here, thus meant that groups of friends and family gathered for the holidays and to spread their cheeriness everywhere.  Neo wished he had some friends to do that with. The friends he had did buy the game along with him, but just as they were about to jump on, they found out the news about how the game was a virtual death trap. Unfortunately, Neo wanted to get on as soon as he could, thus he had gotten stuck in this hellhole that mocked him in every which way of his old life. The snow, the way it trickled down from the dark sky and ticked his nose like how it did in real life, how the multicolored lights sparkled and glinted in a saddening yet lively way, and the way all the people around him had vanity equipment all representing Christmas. It made him yearn for something more. 

Something real. Much more realer than this virtual game's twisted take on reality.

Neo continued his lonely walk down the stone-bricked path to one of the main plazas. He looked over at the crowd that had gathered in the middle of the plaza and tilted his head. 'The hell's going on here? Up close, it seems like the crowd doubled!' Neo thought to himself as he circled around the middle of the plaza, trying to get a view of what was hidden in the middle. No such luck. It was like a mob, except a lot more tightly wounded up. As if they're, in battle formation? Neo didn't know, he was just making assumptions on what he was seeing so far. Curious to see what the heck was happening here, Neo began looking around for anyone he could probe some info out of. Not in a weird way, just a simple 'hey whats going on' type of thing. After scanning the outer path of the plaza he managed to set his eyes on one other visitor. He looked kinda like Neo, just without the emerald green eyes and green tinged black hair. He seemed to be looking for some company as well. Cool! Kill two birds with one stone, Neo guess as he slowly inched his way toward the guy. As soon as he was by his right side, Neo said in a friendly tone, "Heck of a crowd they've got formed up there, am I right? It's like they're waiting for Santa or somethin."

WC: 435

 @Mars  @Macradon

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  • 2 weeks later...

Closing down his shop for today, Macradon would take a stroll through the first floor before venturing up to the guildhall and do some more paperwork in the absence of Mack and the Commander. Even though he had already said no the task of taking the Second in Command title, he had unofficially already gotten it, and there wasn’t really much he could do about it, so he would just take it for now and see where it brought him. He was wearing his full suit of plate armor, he had to be able to let people know that he did not want them to stop him in his way, he had to look intimidating for the crowd to disperse around him to he could get from point a to point b as fast as he possibly could without mowing down players. Clad in plate armor from bottom to top, Macradon would be in the guild’s colors of red and white while also donning a greatsword on his back, a big chunk of steel, capable of cutting through even the heaviest of armors. Not wearing his helmet because it gave him more vision of his surroundings, Macradon would walk by the main plaza to see if there was anything interesting going on. He was right, something was going on, but not something interesting, rather a commotion. Walking with heavy steps towards the crowd, Macradon would bellow “What is going on here?” to see if anyone would take the responsibility to explain to one of the top players of the game what was going on.

@Mars @Neo

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Mars hears a voice talk to him as he turns to look at this player and looks him over and immediately views him as a uninteresting character. However, sometimes thsoe are the ones you need to look out for. The ones you can never be to sure of, or those that can blend to easily into a crowd, so he decided to entertain this player at the very least. Don't know what's going on was just passing by and saw this happening. Decided to see what was happening around here at a distance. Since you don't wish to be associated with those disturbing the peace. Can never be to sure when someone talking big, or someone big comes through demanding why peace is being disturbed.  He says using his acting skills he had developed all through his life to perfection as he talks, and how he acts. His ability to act being good enough where nobody could see past it unless he managed to slip up himself somewhere in his act. Now he uses that to make him talk like he cares and is just as curious. However, i don't think they're waiting for santa maybe their is some kind of famous player in their though. mars says to the player while keeping his hands in his pocket to try and stay warm.

Eventually though a booming voice echoes through the area silencing any rabble the crowded players could have. Of course this was his interest as he spots a player clad in red and white. 'A Knight all the way down here? What's the special occasion for this.' He thinks to himself with a grin. Look speak of the devil and he shall appear. he says in a joking tone towards the player who had started talking to him. He then walks on over towards the player in red and white putting on a sympathetic look and one of curiousness. Hiding away his excitement at meeting such a player of high prestige already, and his annoyance that it had to be a knight. Greetings sir my name is Mars, and sadly i don't know what is going on here with this crowd. However, it is nice a player such as yourself can come away from active duty to see how we are doing, and to try and make sense of this chaos. Mars says in a respectful tone of voice to the man. Making sure to keep the sarcasm out of his tone as he spoke to hide his disdain for the guild itself. The knights of blood oath, the only thing he knows is of their strict military run style. Sadly having not bothered getting much information beyond that since it wold have been dangerous. Furthermore, a military run thing he would've expected a tight ship of how things should be running. Yet here is one right here before his eyes. A knight in red and white how interesting.


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The armored Knight stood up tall as the crowd went somewhat silent from his sudden appearance and meddling. He sighed deeply as no one actually said anything to him when he asked for it. He would facepalm gently with his gauntlet clad right hand and think for himself “Is this what the lower floors have become? Spineless cowards?”. It wasn’t because everyone was in need of being heroic fighters that rushed to aide the frontlines, it was just that they made such a commotion and no one would stand up to say what was going on when he asked for it. His brow would raise as a person finally talked to him, it wasn’t someone he knew, it wasn’t someone he was familiar with, it was just … a person who at least knew how to speak.

"Nice to meet you" Macradon replied "Name's Macradon, but most just call me Mac" he said, letting his name be known. Hopefully, no one in the crowd would know much of him, or else they would be pestering either about the guild or the incident that had hapenned a short while ago. Macradon nodded agreeingly, this place wasn't at its best shape right now, it didn't seem like anything spectacular was happening, it was just a big crowd with apparently no reason of being here. "I'm not sure how I'm going to tackle this, I don't know the root to this chaos, yet ..." he said, lowring his voice as he looked around at the crowd that slowly began to talk again. He would look at what seemed like two sides, likely pitting up against each other. "If you could ... you know ... just take it outside of the safe zone so you don't look like cowards if you're going to fight in here, or perhaps go up into the arena, where people usually fight each other?" he would ask up, hoping for any reaction from the crowd.

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