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[PP-F1] Consolation from a Stranger (Hestia)

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Christmas had come and gone, and along with it, the festive mood that usually accompanied the season. It was currently December 31, five hours from the start of a new year, and the Christmas lights and banners that adorned the Town of Beginning's buildings had already been taken down. A few decorations, like the ice sculptures and snowmen that some creative players had crafted for the season still remained in display.

Saige, having spent the earlier parts of the day grinding for levels, sat alone at a table for two in her favorite cafe. She looked out of the window, watching snowflakes fall from the sky, while she sipped from a cup of hot chocolate. "Five hours 'til New Year," she murmured thoughtfully, swirling the remaining hot chocolate around her cup before putting the cup back on the table and resting her chin on her hand. It's been more than a year since the day they were first trapped in SAO, and the frontliners had only cleared 21 floors. With that type of progress, how many more Christmases and New Years would she have to spend in this hellhole? Not that Saige was criticizing them, she'd barely done anything on her part. Of course, she was planning to do something to help them this time (instead of moping around in her lodge like she had done the past year), but she couldn't help but think, how far would everyone have gotten if I had decided to help them in the first place? It was hugely presumptuous of her to think someone like her would've actually made a big difference if she were in the front lines, but still... Why did I have to be such a big coward?


Edited by Saige
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I walk calmly through the first floor wearing a nice little jacket that stops at my midriff, and a grey shirt underneath it along with long black pants that just stops before my shoes. I smile as i pass by the buildings that once had lights and festive cheer everywhere. The place almost seeming empty and dull without such cheer and life that had been a rather welcoming sight for this usually dreary floor. The floor of misery and despair do to this being where players hide until they can gain confidence to leave, and try to fight against the demons that this game holds for everyone. I look over towards the little in game timer that says the time and date as i smile a bit sadly. Almost the start of another year....another year without family. I say softly and sadly as i continue walking through the floor feeling slightly miserable since this is a year without family to celebrate it with. The usual laughs and stories, the cuddles on a couch to watch a rather good movie. Then finally the clock striking midnight as we all cheered happily for another year. I smile a bit sadly almost able to hear my little sister's voice.  "Come on Ember~ I can hear her say as she looked up at me with those innocent and happy eyes. One more movie pleaseee. I want to be with you as the new year starts. I remember smiling and nodding my head at her. Of course Raven just one more movie, and it can even be your favorite one. I tell her in a loving manner since she is my little sister. Practically my everything at this point since i worked every day to try and help pay bills alongside their mother, having helped her with homework whenever. Made her meals and many other things. Having been the best big sister i could be."

I get shaken out of my thoughts by my familiar as he nudges my leg a bit as i stop and looks down at him with a soft sad smile. I nod my head knowing he must be hungry since it is about time to give him something since we sorta skipped dinner from having helped a player with one of the beginning quests. I walk into the nearest cafe shop since it was the closest place that sold food. I notice another girl in this room by herself and just walks over to that table with a small smile. Can i sit with you please. I ask in a polite tone of voice my familiar looking at the girl. The familiar that of a lion with fur of pure white, and wings as black as the night.

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Another player enters the shop, followed by a peculiar-looking familiar. Saige curiously eyes the familiar a bit: a relatively smaller-sized lion with pure white fur and black wings. It was surprisingly...cute. She wasn't sure if petting it was a very good idea though. Having settled that, she refocused on the view of the snow-covered street outside the cafe's window, remembering the day (Christmas day) she forgot her worries for a few hours and played in the snow with another player. It was fun, she appreciated the company, and she missed having snowball fights, but it could've been better if it were one of her loved ones throwing snowballs at her. Snowball fights with them were the most fun, even though she lost all the time.

She detected a pair of footsteps heading in her direction and distractedly looked in the direction of the footsteps. The same player who had entered the shop awhile ago. Saige returned to staring out the window and reminiscing about the past Christmases she had spent with her family, half-empty cup of chocolate forgotten. Then the footsteps stopped and she realized that the player--a tall girl with silver streaks running through her dark hair--had stopped in front of her table and was asking for permission to sit with her. "Of course," Saige replied with a small, polite smile. She briefly looked around the cafe and, noticing that most of the tables were full, looked back at her new companion. "You don't seem like a regular here." Then, realizing that the player could easily take offense from her previous statement, she stuttered, "I-I mean...uh, I go here often, and it's my first time seeing you here." She offered the other girl a smile, though it seemed a bit forced this time. Then as if to cover her embarrassment, she picked up her cup and sipped from it. She should really brush up on her skills in talking to strangers.

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I smile as i am allowed as i happily sit down at the table with this girl and starts to look through the menu right away with my familiar just laying by my feet. I hear her words and just smiles, and then has to fight back some chuckles at the quick catch of her own words. Knowing that the first can be assumed presumptuous and such. It's fine miss i understand what you were saying the first time around. I say with a small chuckle as i smile kindly at the girl. This is my first time being here honestly. My familiar wanted to be somewhere a bit more warm for the moment, and we were kinda hungry from being on patrol all day. With that thought we just entered here for a nice bite to eat, and to drink something warm up do to the slightly nippy weather this floor has for the season we're in. I say with a small chuckle and a smile upon my face as i speak to you.

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"Grinding for levels even on the day before New Year?" Saige asked with an amused smile. "Though I have to admit, I did the same thing earlier too. Anyways, since you're new here, do you mind accepting a few suggestions?" she offered. Ending the conversation at this point would be awkward, since she was planning on staying in the cafe for a bit longer. Maybe after two more orders of hot chocolate. The largest size. Or maybe she'd just wait for New Year here in the cafe...

The silver-haired player leaned over the table, just close enough to see the upside-down view of the other girl's menu. Having spent so much time in the cafe, she knew exactly where each drink's name was placed on the menu, so looking at it upside-down wasn't much of a problem. "Something warm..." she hummed thoughtfully. After a few moments of thinking, she began to speak pointing to each drink's name as she mentioned it. "Their cappuccino is way too foamy in my opinion, so you could either start with a Cafe au Lait or a Latte. Or you could always try the classical hot chocolate with marshmallows." Having finished speaking, she sat back down on her chair and sipped from her hot chocolate. She'd have to order another one soon. "Of course, those were just suggestions. You can get whatever you want, since most of the drinks they offer here are good."

Edited by Saige
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I grin a bit at this girl who seems rather kind all things considered, and just wishing to help out. i relax happily as i set the menu down onto the table ,still facing me, after being offered to hear a few suggestions. Then go right ahead miss connoisseur of this fine establishment what are these suggestions. I say in a playful tone of voice in the way of being slightly over dramatized. I smile as i see you point at the names with absolute ease as i grin knowing you have to be a regular for certain if you can find the names that quickly while reading it upside down. Seems like you really know your stuff miss, but i don't like calling you miss way to formal. I saw with a slight wave of my hand as if dismissing the concept of formalities. The name is hestia, and the lion that is relaxing at my feet is Kuro. I'm a tank style of player the shield of the players that they can get behind to rise to strength if they wish for my aid. I say with a small smile just giving myself what i view as a joking intro. Slightly hoping in the back of my mind that i don't sound arrogant or anything of the like. Umm...sorry if that sounded arrogant i kinda like to make fun of this whole game things, and how some players have titles. Don't mind me with my silly antics. I say with a small chuckle and a small blush of embarrassment appearing.

After a bit a waitress comes over noticing myself as a new arrival as i smile at her. I would like the seasonal hot chocolate with those marshmallows please. I say kindly to the woman who nods her head as i raise my hand before she leaves to look back at me. And i would like something for my familiar also. He is a bit thirsty. I tell the lady who then nods. Right away be right back. She says and then heads back to get my order up.

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The girl introduced herself as Hestia, and her familiar as Kuro. Appropriate names, Saige thought as she recalled Hestia's warm smile from earlier and Kuro's black wings. "My name's Saige," the silver-haired player began. "Spelled as 'sage' with an extra 'i' in the middle. I haven't really decided on my play style yet, but I'm leaning more on a tank-DPS hybrid. I want to be the type of player that can take as much damage as I can deal. Like the warrior class in video games!" Upon saying the words 'video games' her demeanor immediately brightened. It was evident to the other player that Saige loved playing games very much. So much that it brought her to this godforsaken world.

"I actually thing the whole title thing is cool," Saige continued enthusiastically. "I mean, I've heard about lots of players with titles and they all seemed really strong. For a low-level like me, being a high enough level to be considered strong by other players means a lot..." Being a high-leveled player was something she should have worked on one whole year ago. She shouldn't have been such a coward, she shouldn't have--"By the way, I think your familiar's really cute," she changed the topic quickly, before she got too soaked up on her thoughts. She smiled at Hestia and constantly told herself, not now"You know, like the peculiar cute. What type of creature is he? I don't think I've ever seen a lion with wings before."

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I nod my head smiling even more once i know the name of the player in front of me. As that busts down the walls of the awkward first meeting for me in my own mind. Also helps that this player seems to be very enthusiastic, and doesn't mind her own silly little antics when trying to introduce herself sometimes. Well Saige i like the idea of that build. Being both the defense, and offense of the field when possible. However, i must ask you then which will you focus first? Being the shield of the players who all take up the sword, or will you be alongside them taking up the sword of damage to slay through the darkness. I ask in a curious and calm tone of voice as i look at this girl. Wondering which will be chosen, and if she will choose a option not chosen. To not get stuck with just my words, and try to think outside of the box if the answer choices are not satisfactory.

Also thanks for liking the whole title thing i do. It's just for some laughs, but i do view myself in such a light even a tiny bit. Since well that has been all i've done and dedicated myself to once i started kicking myself into action. Being the shield to help others rise to success. Trying to follow the lesson i was given by a front line player. That since i am ta tank that means i am the first wall of defense. If i was to ever back down, or even buckle for a moment then that means i've doomed others since i am meant to be the first wall to try and protect them. To try and carry those hopes into the future that will be conquering these floors. I say with a nod of my head having a determined look in my eyes. Smiling a bit at remembering the painful, and useful lesson from the player. Hoping that the Celestial is doing alright with whatever he is doing. I then get shaken from my thoughts from your question as i look at my familiar. Hmmm i don't know exactly. I do vaguely remember the idea of a lion with wings came from some middle eastern mythology like area, but i don't remember exactly what. However, i am glad i got a lion with wings as that is really cool. I say with a very bright and happy smile at that. Also i'm sure he appreciates being called that even though not entirely. He is a lion a warrior of pride. I say with a small chuckle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Saige drained the last of her hot chocolate thoughtfully. She dismally noted that the drink was already cold, she had taken too long in finishing it. Raising her hand, she attracted the attention of a nearby NPC waitress. "Another hot chocolate, please. The largest size," Saige told the waitress as she neared. The NPC quickly noted down the order and rushed back to the counter, almost colliding with another NPC who was holding a tray. Saige watched the NPC for a bit longer, taking in its frazzled appearance and nervous movements. It was acting like it was completely new to the job, and it was a bit amusing to her.

She refrained from making any comments in the presence of her new companion.

"Survivability's good, but I'd rather focus on 'taking up the sword and slaying the darkened' first, as you say it," Saige responded to Hestia's question. "The best defense is a good offense, as they say. Also, a good defense, as in defense in the form of mitigation, can be easily acquired through armor enhancements; unlike damage output, which needs lots of skill points and dedication." She rested her elbows on the table and laced her fingers together with a smile. She didn't mention her other reason, which was the fact that she was planning to solo most of the game's content so she would need a decent damage output to survive. "Well, that was just based on what I currently know about the game's skills and enhancements. I'm not all too acquainted with the game's system to make a final decision or anything."

From here on, the conversation took on a more serious turn. "'Being the shield that helps others rise to success,' huh? And you were taught by a front liner? You must be a pretty high level, Hestia!Saige's expression changed into one of admiration before turning into a more serious one. "The front liners...how are things going up there? It's been a year already, and yet we're still at Floor 21. I'm not criticizing them or anything. Well, I have no right to. I-I haven't been doing my part. Heck, I'm only at level 3." Upon saying those words, she turned her gaze away from Hestia, afraid of seeing the other girl's reaction. What expression would the girl's blue eyes hold? Disdain? Disappointment? A righteous anger? Or was Hestia going to be nice? Saige wasn't sure if she deserved nice. But she kept on talking. "But I can't help but wonder how many more years we're all going to spend here. How many Christmases, birthdays, and New Years? Are we...are we even going to get out at all?"

(OOC: This is where the thread's title starts to set in. Have fun~)

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I continue to drink my tea happily as i look out the window of the restaurant into the snowy weather of new year's day as i wonder what more will be brought as the new year begins. What sort of new updates will Cardinal have to either ruin or build up the players. What sort of bosses awaits us all as we continues to traverse these floors. Will new quests be released for completion. The possibilities of what such a simple program could do to completely ruin players or possibly help them is rather curious, and rather frightening to know their entire ability to fight back depends on what a program decides makes something balanced. I look over towards my familiar who rests at my feet as i just smile down at the wonderful black and white lion who is getting some rest as it is starting to get dark outside.

Upon the discussion of the build i nod my head in understanding of such a thing. Well while what you speak is true that it is rather easy to get most of the points of Mitigation from the enhancements to get the little bit extra to try and take some of the more dangerous damage is done through lots of skills also. Tanks like myself do need skills also to help us be able to keep up with you damage dealers. We got to have the energy to keep the hate on us at all times, and the skills to allow for that also. Then their is the mater of getting skills that can help us live also since we don't have lots of damage options, so we just get skills and enhancements to help with that. I say calmly to you. For myself my build is a balance of defensive offense in the form of thorns, and eventually getting parry also to help in dealing damage since again my options for that are rather low. Other then that i have to hope RNG is on my side with paralyze, and bleed at the moment. Not the best build i am certain, but it is the one that i have found that i am comfortable with doing. I say with a small shrug.

Also yeah being the shield means you got to be the one that people can lean on. To try and be the force that tries to bring inspiration knowing that they'll be safe when i am near. That is why i take my job seriously within this game, and i aim for striving to that point. And the frontliner was just kind enough to give me some pointers in regards to stance, and such to help with being better at tanking hits.My level is 30ish by the way. I say with a small shrug not finding that all impressive when compared to how far frontlines seem. Also the frontlines are fighting for our success they're going to fight the boss. It's only a matter of time till they kill off whoever the 21st floor boss is, and if you lose hope upon our rate of handling floors know that he game will most likely change to accommodate that. Supposedly Cardinal has tried several different systems already before even i got active. I say in a gentle tone of voice my eyes holding a caring and understanding look to them. I don't know how many more years we will be stuck within here. I truly don't, but i believe strongly that we will be out of here in no time able to make it back to our families and live happy lives. I believe in this because i refuse to lie down and let this game kick me. I will rise up alongside others to clear these floors faster then they can try to stop us. We will clear floors, and eventually make it back to the real world, and we'll all mourn those who get lost along the way. However, we will also remember the bonds of those that we have forged during our time here. Sine even if it is in a virtual space. The friendships that are made, the love that is bloomed within here is something that is real. I say with a strong conviction and determination.

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It had seemed that Kairi was on her own today, she had woke up in her room on floor 4 and looked around the home and didn't see either Kuro or Hestia, she had sighed hoping that she might have been able to hang out with her today, however it was okay. She had bundled up in her coats, and proceeded to walk out to the main settlement to the floor teleporter. Teleporting to floor one she had put her coats back into her inventory and looked around, there wasn't many people out today, which had allowed her to wear her Battle Princess outfit she had loved so much. She had opened her menu's and looked at her Col and saw that it was slowly building, and she had thought that maybe she could get a small meal with what little col she has now. So she had looked around the streets looking for a restaurant, once she had found one that she had liked (which is the one you guys are in) she had walked inside and waited for a waiter or waitress to serve her.


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