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[SP-F1] You gotta crack a few eggs <<Earning a Living: Cook>>

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Macaroon had been wandering the first floor considering her options for the day. She was bored and looking for something to do. She had also been considering what profession she might take up; there were many options and each had their benefits. She hadn't fully decided on one or another when she came upon a cute little bistro on a side street while perusing shops in the Town of Beginnings. The storefront was adorable and the food looked, and smelled, amazing. It reminded her of her mother, and that, more than anything, drew her inside.




"What do you want- Oh you want to learn how to be a cook! Yay! I love teaching adventures, follow me! Hurry, come on, we don't have all day." The woman basically drags the player to the back room of the restaurant they are in, pushing open doors, and entering into a large, clean white kitchen. On every stove there seems to be something cooking, and each smell is better than the last. The woman is already picking at a piece of a crepe, trying it, and smiling at the taste of it. "Now I hope you know I'm very serious about this, so I must show you how exactly to cook it. Follow my EVERY step and you'll be one of the best cooks there are, but not better than me." She said with a look and went to go cook, but realized that there are no more ingredients. "Sorry about this, this never happens, but the cooks have officially ran dry of materials. Go get me five more ingredients, then I will know you want to be a cook just like your dear Maggie here."




  • 1 Additional SP (First Completion Only)
  • <<Cook>> Profession
  • Successfully Crafted Item
  • Standard <<Cook>> Shop (Able to have a Cook thread in the Merchants & Shops section)
  • (5) Tier 1 crafting materials


  • Gather (5) materials and bring them to Maggie's Kitchen.
    • Go into the wild and gain materials through any standard means (gathering, fishing, combat). Non-combat gathering is recommended for this task.
  • Craft an item in Maggie's Kitchen.
    • Make a standard Crafting Roll (Dice Roller Tutorial). Specify the item type in the Roll Purpose (must be a Tier 1 item). Use the Crafting Die Chart for a Rank 1 Cook:
      • [1] = Critical Fail (Lose materials)
      • [2-5] = Fail (Lose materials)
      • [6-9] = Salvage (Keep materials on LD 11+)
      • [10] = Uncommon item (1 slot)
      • [11] = Rare item (2 slots)
      • [12] = Perfect item (3 slots)
    • Submit the successfully crafted item for Evaluation.
    • NOTE: You keep the item you craft as a reward for completing the quest, as well as any leftover materials. For example, your first crafting attempt has an 11 CD result. You submit a rare item for Evaluation and keep that item and the remaining four crafting materials. This is in addition to the 5 crafting materials listed in the quest rewards.


  • At least one [1] Page (20 or more posts)
  • Players must RP searching for materials and crafting their item.
  • If a party of players undertakes this quest together (as in, each player wishes to become a cook), each must succeed on their own objectives (e.g. each must gather 5 materials and successfully craft 1 item).
  • Accompanying players who are not undertaking the quest do not have to gather their own materials and are ineligible for quest rewards.




'Kismet!' she thought to herself as she exited the shop. 'I was deciding on a profession, and a profession quest picked me.' She giggled and started towards the exit from the safe zone. She allowed her mind to wander over what sort of foods she would be able to make once the skill was hers. She was most exited about macarons, of course.

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ID# 99770 results: LD 12 Fail

Macaroon made her way out of the safe zone and headed for the forested area to the north of town. She enjoyed the walk, watching the clouds drift by in the blue sky and taking in the light breeze. Mack took a deep breath and enjoyed the peace for a moment. As the vegetation began to close in around her, though, she set her mind to work. She began to scour the area for anything she might be able to use for ingredients. Herbs, mushrooms, roots, flowers, anything. She rooted around in the soil for awhile, dirtying her hands and trying to find a root or a mushroom suitable to make something with.

Mack sat back on her haunches and sighed, wiping the sweat from her brow with her arm. She hadn't found anything usable just yet, but her spirits were still high. She'd find something before too very long.

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ID# 99771 results: LD 2 Fail

Macaroon hunched back over and set to work again, digging through the dirt. She didn't find much other than little worms and insects that just wouldn't do. So she stood and made her way to another area, continuing her dirty search. 

Mack took to digging out some small plants, examining their roots and tossing them aside. 'Soon enough,' she thought to herself seeking to quell the frustration that would inevitably rear it's ugly head. She harrumphed, stood, and brushed her hands off on her skirt. "Enough of that," she said aloud to no one in particular and she began to look up into the tall deciduous trees around her. Maybe she could spot some fruit or a nest in some of the lower hanging branches. She didn't spot anything immediately, so she reached up with her spear and began poking, prodding, and shifting branches to the side to get a better view.

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ID# 99790 results: LD 17 Success

1/5 Mats acquired

Grunting as she worked, Macaroon continued to harass the branches for several long moments before spotting it. A small nest a few branches up, nestled against the trunk. She stowed her spear as she made her way to the tree. The lowest branches were a little high, and she had to jump to gain any real grip on a branch. She swung her legs to the trunk and planted her feet against the tree. She blushed lightly and was glad she was alone, if she had brought someone, they'd surely be getting an eyeful from up her skirt. She pushed the silly thought out of her head and pulled herself up onto the branch, walking her feet up the trunk as she did so.

The climbing wasn't particularly hard work, and Mack handled it with little time passing. She eyed the little nest and glanced around for a few moments, making sure the owner wouldn't return particularly soon. Inside she found a few small eggs. "These should do nicely," she said to herself and pocketed them.

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ID# 99791 results: LD 11 Fail

1/5 Mats acquired

Macaroon sat back carefully and looked around this part of the canopy. Many of the branches and spring time foliage obscured her view, but she did have a better vantage point of what she could see. She eyed a few strange fruits and scooted along the branch she was on to get a better look at them. She plucked one from it's spot and squeezed it a little. It reminded her of an apple or pear, but it was purple in color. She gave it a little sniff, and nothing. So she took a small bite from it and immediately spat it out. Whatever it was, it wasn't ripe.

Mack tossed the odd thing over her shoulder, she heard it hit a branch as it fell. But it bounced off some that sounded softer than earth, and she heart a snort. She looked down and saw that she had thrown the fruit right onto a boar below her. She hadn't even noticed it, but now that she had pegged it with the purple thing, it was more than aware of her. "Oh great," she said, whipping out her spear and leaping down to the ground to deal with the beast.

Frenzy Boar spawned!

HP 10/10


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ID# 99792 results: BD 2+1 Fail

MD 4 Fail

Macaroon readied herself to attack as the boar snorted, dragged it's feet and charged. She timed her thrust incorrectly and buried the tip in the dirt. As soon as she saw the strike wouldn't connect, she spun around the outside of the spear's haft. The boar ran by her harmlessly. They were both unharmed for now, but Mack was out of energy. 'I guess basic attacks will have to do,' she thought, gritting her teeth and readying herself again. She squared her feet and her shoulders, aiming herself at the porcine creature.

Mack hefted the end of her spear upward, showering the spot between herself and her opponent with dirt. She berated herself for not having been more careful and getting into this mess. She quickly set that aside, though. Now she just needed to end it. "Come on, then!" she called out to the beast, taunting it and preparing her next attack to strike home.


Macaroon || Level 1

HP 20/20 || EN 0/2

ACC +1 | Thorns +1 | DMG +1 (2 Total)

Battle Ready Inventory


» Beginner's Short Spear (Uncommon 1HAS - Accuracy +1)

  • Gain +1 to the BD when attacking. Cannot be used to cause a critical hit.

» Beginner's Half Plate (Uncommon Heavy Armor - Thorns +1)

  • Successful non-critical attacks against you deal 9 unmitigated damage to the attacking enemy. Only activates on damage dealing, melee attacks.

» 3 Starter Healing Potions (50 HP)

Sword Arts

One-Handed Assault Spear
Rank 1

» [x2] Pierce (2 Energy) - One strong thrust into an opponents chest.


Frenzy Boar

HP 10/10



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ID# 99793 results: BD 2+1 Fail

MD 4 Fail

Macaroon braced herself for a second time when the boar hunched and charged at her. He tense muscles reacted rather quickly, albeit poorly. She made a side swipe at the boar, but the blow brushed along it's side harmlessly. It did however coerce the creature to the side ever so slightly, causing it's charge to miss as well. 'At least it can't hit anything either,' she thought, not considering that her Thorns enchantment would actually help her quite a bit.

Mack grunted in frustration, flared her nostrils and snorted, an attempt to mock the boar. Not that it cared, it simply snorted in reply, squealed, and began to kick up dust. She squared up again, slid her feet through the dusty forest floor and took on a new battle stance. Her off hand held out in front of her, she held the spear above her head, aimed at the boar, in her main hand. She hoped this might be a more advantageous position to attack from


Macaroon || Level 1

HP 20/20 || EN -1/2

ACC +1 | Thorns +1 | DMG +1 (2 Total)

Battle Ready Inventory


» Beginner's Short Spear (Uncommon 1HAS - Accuracy +1)

  • Gain +1 to the BD when attacking. Cannot be used to cause a critical hit.

» Beginner's Half Plate (Uncommon Heavy Armor - Thorns +1)

  • Successful non-critical attacks against you deal 9 unmitigated damage to the attacking enemy. Only activates on damage dealing, melee attacks.

» 3 Starter Healing Potions (50 HP)

Sword Arts

One-Handed Assault Spear
Rank 1

» [x2] Pierce (2 Energy) - One strong thrust into an opponents chest.


Frenzy Boar

HP 10/10



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ID# 99812 results: BD 10 Critical +2

MD Success 

ID# 99813 results: Loot Die 1 Nothing Found

1/5 Mats Acquired

Macaroon steadied her breathing and braced herself a final time as the boar charged yet again. Her spear pierced it dead on, but the boar continued forward slamming into her and knocking her to the dirt. As the both fell, the boar disappeared into a cloud of pixels as her armor finished the job her spear had started. She sat up, sighing, and pulled herself to her feet. Then, she leaned over the spot the boar and fallen and looted it. "Damn," she whispered to herself as the small window showed EXP earned but no items of note. She had hoped that, by chance, the boar might drop some usable materials.

Mack stretched her tense muscles and took a moment to breathe and relax. She had defeated the her opponent and should be able to loosen up now. 'I'll have to keep a closer eye out to avoid another close call like that,' she thought.


Macaroon || Level 1

HP 17/20 || EN 0/2

ACC +1 | Thorns +1 | DMG +1 (2 Total)

Battle Ready Inventory


» Beginner's Short Spear (Uncommon 1HAS - Accuracy +1)

  • Gain +1 to the BD when attacking. Cannot be used to cause a critical hit.

» Beginner's Half Plate (Uncommon Heavy Armor - Thorns +1)

  • Successful non-critical attacks against you deal 9 unmitigated damage to the attacking enemy. Only activates on damage dealing, melee attacks.

» 3 Starter Healing Potions (50 HP)

Sword Arts

One-Handed Assault Spear
Rank 1

» [x2] Pierce (2 Energy) - One strong thrust into an opponents chest.


Frenzy Boar

HP -2/10


Frenzy Boar defeated


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ID# 99814 results: LD 6 Fail

Macaroon took another moment to breathe and steady herself before an idea occurred to her. 'Maybe the boar was onto something,' she thought. She hurriedly moved to the spot where she had originally seen the boar, using the purple fruit she had thrown as a marker. She was considering what he might have been rooting for in the dirt. She found the spot where it's snout and small tusks had been digging, hoping to maybe find some truffles or something, that made the most sense. She sifted through the soil it had loosed, finding little. She then took to the immediate area, thinking that maybe it had been on the search and had not found it's quarry. Her search bore little fruit, though, and she soon found herself wandering further into the woodlands, keeping a sharp eye out for anything she might be able to use. Before long, she began to hear the bubbling of a small brook or stream and she perked up. There had to be something around that.

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ID# 99832 results: LD 3 Fail

1/5 Mats acquired

Macaroon followed the sound of the stream for a couple of minutes before stumbling onto, and almost into, it's source. Clear water cascaded and bubbled around rocks and the roots of trees as it cut a clear path through the forest. Small fish could be seen swimming serenely downstream, and small water insects buzzed or floated this way and that. "How peaceful," she said to herself before taking a knee at the edge of the stream and using it's cool water to clean the dirt from her hands. Once they were clean she also washed her face, enjoying the feeling a few moments before drying herself on her top and taking a good look around. She didn't see much of use in the immediate area, but she began to follow the direction of the stream, hoping to find some aquatic herbs or a frog or something she might be able to grab.

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ID# 99833 results: LD 19 Success

2/5 Mats acquired

Macaroon slowly followed the path of the small stream, enjoying the sights and sounds as she went. It took long, but sharp, curve and she warily followed it around the bend, keeping an eye out for both potential mobs and potential usable materials. As the full brook came back into sight, something in the middle of it, about 30 feet away or so, caught her eye. Small white flowers and leafy greens protruded ever so slightly from the surface of the water. 'Is that... watercress?' she thought, somewhat incredulously.

Mack removed her boots and began to wade out into the water, making certain to choose her steps carefully. The cool water felt nice on her feet and calves as she moved further out into the stream. When she reached the aquatic plant, the water had come up to her knees, a little deeper than she expected, and she was thankful for the slow current the stream possessed. 'This is watercress!' she thought excitedly as she harvested and stored the ingredient in her inventory.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ID# 100600 results: LD 10 Fail

Macaroon made her way back to the bank of the stream, taking a few moments to enjoy the water as she did, and reequipped her boots before beginning to follow the stream again. She walked for a few minutes, keeping her head about her to avoid more mobs, but didn't see any materials she might make use of. She did, however, notice the sound of the stream growing increasingly louder. As she followed the sound, the stream widened a bit, and the trees parted more than they had before, revealing small rapids bubbling and boiling along the water's surface.

Mack noticed a few red bellied frogs hopping along the other bank, noting how they would do nicely, but also realizing they would flee before she was able to ford the stream. 'That's unfortunate, I should've crossed earlier instead of coming back to this bank,' she thought to herself. She pushed the idea out of her mind, though, it didn't matter now, and she continued to follow the stream.

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