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[SP-F1] Into the Dark <<The Third Lesson, Is Just As Free>> (COMPLETED)

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As Hazado Looks into his inventory he spots the package that he needed to deliver to a young artisan named Hannah,  Lyle said she can be found in a grove of trees inside the city. He walks to the place where Lyle pointed at not knowing what he will find there. talking to himself Hazado starts "Maybe this world isn't so bad after all, peaceful, calm and nobody to order me around. I like it" And he keeps walking with his head in his own mind. The Grove of trees is not far more and Hazado sees it from his location already, taking up the speed a bit he walks to the grove. A bit humming to himself and singing some songs from the real world in his head one of them sounding more recognisable than the others, this song was called 'Shatter me'

Edited by Hazado
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Hazado reaches the Grove of trees, and as he walks in. he spots a young girl sitting there drawing something, that must me Hannah. As he approached her she looks up from her drawing at Hazado "Good day there young warrior, what is it that I can help you with?" Hannah says to Him. "Ooh yea.. I'm Hazado I just came from Lyle and... he asked me to bring you this" Giving Hannah the package she happily accepts the package. once she looks at it she looks even more, happier than before. "thank you Hazado really thank you, I have been waiting on this for some time now." She stands up from where she was sitting and shacks Hazado's hand. Hazado looks about to move away again but then he gets stopped by Hannah.

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"Before you leave Hazado, Can you do something for me." He looks back at Hannah who just stopped him from walking away "Uum... Ask away, Hannah... " She nods her head and says  "OKay thanks again, But Hazado seems you are a Warrior can you retrieve something for me. A Gemstone from a cave not far from here, can you please do this for me?" It hearing of the word Cave lets Hazado's eyes go wide open the time that he last time he was in a situation like this was when he got stuck in one of the lower caves on floor 1. Making react like this but still knowing he was still going to accept the quest was lingering on his mind "Sure I can do that." He said and not even thinking about it he left the Grove, to seek this Gemstone.

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As he walks off he starts hitting himself on the head. "What was I thinking, A CAVE, A DAMN CAVE... Why did it say yes to that, I don't even like dark places at all."  As he mumbles this to himself, He keeps ignoring everything now just thinking of a solution to this situation, even he knew his fear of the dark will get him no matter what the cost. But knowing this he tries so hard to get stronger and over winning his fears is one of them to become stronger.  Hazado kept hitting himself on the head trying to find the solution on how he was going to enter the cave without any light on him. Then the thought came to him a torch maybe, but who knows what he will find.

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Heading out of the center of the city he reaches the last ring of the city. Still trying to find out why he said yes to something he fears, he walks looking down at his own feet not knowing where or what was next to him. "I'm so stupid WHY DID I SAY YES ... I ... I don't ... know, I just want to go home at this point stay in the light forever, never see the dark again." He starts going down with his own feelings and he can't hold it in any longer, no matter what his fear as over won him not the other way around. When he looks up at the sky he sees the sun burning down on him. Knowing this his optimistic personality got the best of him and he went on standing in front of the exit of the city.

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He leaves the city and on to the road that was right in front of him. Hazado kept his head high, looking onto the grassy field in front of him. "This place does look better than around my home, never seen so many trees in one place, so many singing birds." He keeps walking looking at everything making him smile from time to time. As he makes little hopes from time to time he picks up some small rocks and then throws them away as he used to do in his basketball games hitting a tree from time to time.  As he throws one rock into a tree a little blue bird flies out. "Maybe one day I will be as free as him there," he says looking onto the bird that is flying away.

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The area he walks in looks so calm not seeing any monsters isn't something you get in a day, the monsters are hiding from him or are not even spawned yet. Just taking his time Hazado starts thinking about the last time he had a good meal instead of some dry bread, and yes the water was good but the last time he had something else then water would also be great. Just wandering to the cave Hazado zooms out a bit thinking about the real world. what could be going on there now, what are his parents doing, and where is his body located at right now. and on that, he starts to think about the friends who left him because of this game and the friends he will never see again like his team from basketball. Rubbing his head he thinks about it for a time and comes to the conclusion that it is maybe for the best they left him, having someone to carry every time was hard for them. And maybe having friends here is also not a good idea, just because you want to be friends that means you need to protect them in this world and He can't even stand a simple cave. 

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As he walks over a small hill he sees the cave entrance not far from him, he slowly walks over to the entrance not knowing what to find. He stands now in front of the cave a bit shacking on his legs, looking into the cave he just sees pitch black and nothing at all. Looking around for something to throw inside he spots a black little rock, He picks it up and throws it inside, the sound of the rock echo's and then he hears nothing. Looks like there are no monsters in there at all,  as he sees a stick on the ground he gets a great idea. He picks up some cloth that he still had in his inventory and a charcoal from the ground, He binds them together and it becomes a torch. Lighting it on fire the cave entrance becomes more lit  "Well here ... we go then, I WILL FACE MY FEAR." 

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He walks into the cave lighting up his path, hearing nothing but only his footsteps makes him a bit calmer. as he walks on the light of the entrance is now gone seeing only the light of his torch doesn't help the fact that his fear and heart are racing all over the place. "It is just me in this cave nothing more, It is just me and the cave.." A sound of a little bat was made and Hazado Jumps into the air almost hitting his head against the top of the cave "Aaaw... ooh phew it was just a small bat, nothing to fear right." As he moves deeper into the cave he finds himself on the wrong turn. "DAMN DEAD END, NOPE NOPE NOPE, I can't do this."  As he turns around his eyes play jokes on him something only he sees in the dark a shadow of something big moves past and Hazado jumps against the dead end. his fear taking the best of him be stumbles to the ground on his knees a low sobbing sound comes from Hazado as he sits there.

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Hazado sits there for a time sobbing a bit, " I can't ... I Can't ... DO THIS. ANYMORE!!" He then looks up and starts hitting himself with one hand saying to himself "Come on Ruben, Sees when a game become so real. dry your tears and go on, if you want to survive you have to become stronger." As he stands up from the floor he looks around drying his tears he looks around. As he walks back to the part where he walked wrong, he starts to follow the other path. As he looks around he ends up in a big pitch black area. Looking around he spots something shining, he runs to it and looks at it. It looks to be the Gemstone Hannah was talking about this must be it, as he picks it up he hears rocks stumble down. As Hazado jumps from the sound and looks around he sees a monster A Cave Guardian, as fast as Hazado turned around he grabs his spear as well. dropping the torch on the ground. The torch is giving enough light for close combat but once it hits the floor it disappears and now only the eyes of the Cave Guardian can be seen. 

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ID: 100028

BD: 6 Twin Thrust


Hazado [HP 100/100] [Energy 5/10]

Cave Guardian [HP 18/20] STUNNED

As Hazado saw only the eyes of the Cave Guardian he launches a Sword Art on the Cave Guardian Called Twin Thrust.  Hazado looks at the eyes of the Cave Guardian and without anything else, he uses the attack on the Cave Guardians legs. As Hazado sees the glowing dots fall over he knows what to do next as he jumps back readying for another attack, standing free from the Cave Guardian he looks around to see if any other monsters have come to attack him, but as far he can see there is nothing. "That... WAS AWESOME!" Hazado yells as the Cave Guardian stands back up.

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ID: 100029

BD: 10 CRIT (Heft)

MD: 6 Succes

Hazado [HP 58/100] [Energy 4/10] [50DGM First hit -MIT8 = 42DGM]

Cave Guardian [HP -4/20] [18Thorn +CRIT1 +Heft*2 + Base1 = 22DMG]

As Hazado looks as the Cave Guardian stands up again He walks up to it and uses another Sword Art this time he uses Heft, As he holds the spear up and pushes it down with full power hitting the Cave Guardian on its head. As it the two glowing eyes look at Hazado it gets ready to attack, No way of avoiding his attack Hazado gets hit for the first time by the Cave Guardian. Hazado almost flies back into the wall because of this and checking his HP bar he sees that he is almost up to half of his HP bar. grabbing his spear real tight he looks over to the Cave Guardian who is now stumbling back and as he does so falls to the ground disappearing into nothing. "Ouch, That must hurt him, thanks again Armor for saving my life."

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Hazado stays completely quiet to hear anything any other monsters. but as he does this he only hears the water dropping from the cave, knowing this he never dropped his spear. Hazado now being full of energy and the kick of combat got to him he starts walking to the exit of the cave once more. Ignoring the dark now completely he backtracks to the Exit speaking to himself once more "I did not suspect that thing to jump out, maybe it was protection the gemstone. to bad for him then now I have the gemstone... WAIT WHAT" As he says this he the kick of combat goes and he realizes he is still in the dark, and as fast as he was saying Wait he grabbed his spear again holding it real tight. as his fear takes him again he starts to walk real slow. Step by step he tries to find the way he came from.

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"The only thing I have to now is to find the exit out of here and get a move on. I CAN DO IT, YES  I CAN..." as he walks on just five seconds later he starts to panic once more, "WHERE IS IT WHEEEEERE IS IT. I CAN"T DO THIS ANYMORE." His fear gets the best of him again and he falls on his knees once more. Hazado sits there in fear with his spear right next to him. Not knowing where to go he jumps up because of a sound from a bat. It was the same bat as before and Hazado gets an idea, as he follows it. As the bat stopped Hazado saw the exit he ran so fast to the exit he didn't pay any attention to the things around him.

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Hazado comes out of the cave almost falling over his own feet. As he comes to a stop he looks up, the sun is still shining and nothing has changed at all. Looks like time did not pass that much when he was in there. As he walks out to the fields before him he looks into his Inventory as he looks he sees the Gemstone, out of happiness he jumps into the air. Full of happiness he jumped out and started to do a dance of some sorts. "I did it, wow I just did it, Damn that was really something." As he tries to grab is breath he looks back into the cave holding up his middle finger up to the cave entrance.

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He starts walking back the way he came when he walked to the cave. once again he didn't find any monsters on the road, somehow something was wrong, if there aren't any monsters then it is just wrong. "On one side of having not to deal with monsters is that I can't die from any," Hazado said to himself and walks over a small hill. Jumping over some fallen trees and branches. As his feet get stuck behind a branch he falls over hitting the floor and five seconds the pop-up sows 'Immortal object' Knowing he hits the ground face first he gets up and hits of the dust of. He looks around to see how far he has to walk and thinks about one hour or something.

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Hazado was walking for some time now and still didn't get to the city yet.  Looking around he sees some players grinding, fighting boars. that moment he sees it the wall of the city. He takes up the speed a bit and keeps walking in a fast-paced tempo. As Hazado walks to the city he sees still the players in the distance grinding there LV, But as Hazado knows himself Boars are not the best way to grind at all. He finally gets to the gate on the city walking in makes him feel so relaxed and calm again, knowing he is back into a safe zone.  While he walks into the entrance of the city he spots an owl sitting on the roofs looking down on him. Not giving it any attention he just walks on.

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Walking in the city and clearing a cave by facing his fear made Hazado act a bit opener somehow. greeting some players and NPC's as he walks past some stores he looks to the windows from time to time to see what they sell. Looking at his Col he knows he needs to make some more money before he can spend it on weapons, But money was not the only thing he needed. he knew from deep inside that he needed someone to talk to otherwise we will become a hermit And hermit is something he doesn't want to become. Hazado kept walking to the tree grove in the city passing more and more players. Hearing something from the frontline and other floor and how they look so different from floor one. And one day he will be on the frontlines somehow but not today.

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As Hazado gets to the Tree Grove Hannah was at, he spots birds singing two of them. seeing this the thought of needing friends keeps coming back to him no matter what. Moving on he sees Hannah still sitting in the same spot. As she turns to Hazado she waves him to come, and so he does. Walking up to Hannah somehow makes him happy again, and not knowing what to do Hannah starts to talk "And? Did you do it Hazado, I want to hear please don't leave me hanging."  As Hazado sits down next to her "Well I got your Gemstone, But I had to kill a Monster first. It was Strong kind of protecting the Gemstone" Hannah looks at Hazado to see if there are any scars.  "Did you get hurt." She says shocked. "no I'm not hurt bit low on HP but for the rest I'm alright, my armor protected me from his hit."  Hannah leaves a sigh of relief.

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Hazado Gives the Gemstone to Hannah, so he can finish the quest. "Here take this, it's yours now Hannah its what you asked for." He says this as he gives it to her. Hazado then leans back a bit to look into the sky, Thinking about many other things. "You know what Hazado, you can have this you really helped me out here and I can't thank you enough " Giving Hazado an Amulet. Not knowing how to react Hazado just looks at it. "No need to thank me, you did something for me so I need to thank you Hazado." Hazado looks at Hannah still trying to Thank her for the Amulet that she just gave him, but she keeps in saying the same thing that she needs to thank him. 

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