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[SP-F01] Trimming Plants «Secret Medicine of the Forest» [COMPLETED]

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As Hazado walks around on floor 1 an NPC walks up to him "Adventure Help me, I need your help"  The NPC says as he walks up to Hazado. Hazado jumps a bit as this happens because even if it was an NPC it still looked like a real person "Calm... Calm ... Calm, Explain" He said as the NPC comes to a rest and looks at Hazado again. "My village needs a medicine but to get the medicine you need to kill a monster, And we can spare any guards at this time so please Sir can you help us." The NPC says as he explains it. Hazado's nature couldn't leave this be, People needed help and because of his kind heart, Hazado wanted to help. It would not be easy to defeat the monster he talked about but still, It would be good time to show some skills to himself. "Good, Where?" He said as he looks at the NPC who looks a bit weirded out by the sort answer of Hazado but luckily the NPC got what he meant. The NPC pointed at some trees not far off into the distance as Hazado left the NPC alone and walked off to the place where the NPC pointed at.

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Hazado started to walk that was not that far from him, he heard something about this quest being a field boss and how strong it was for weaker players. Even if Hazado was a tank he still would have a hard time trying to this quest as it as was always advised to be in a group if you did a field boss. However, Hazado did not want any of his friends to get involved in things he started. This was because he cared for them and not lying about it, this was a part of his recklessness. Hazado saw the trees slowly come into view and as he walked closer to it he saw two Nepents walk around, the task was to kill two off those things to get out the field boss and make it drop the item. He kneeled down just before he got into range with one, Looking at them how they acted without him interrupting anything. Weird, they seem not that strong even though it is a field boss event. Well, I don't have a choice here.  He thought as he stood up walking up to one of the Nepents.

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He walked up to the first monster and as soon as Hazado came into range of the monster it locked onto him and got ready to attack. Hazado got his spear just wanting to attack the monster and get this finish with. As he stood into his fighting pose and as his armor started to move slowly he readies a sword art. He lifts up his spear and slashes it across the monster's torso with his spearhead. "Got you, Now we just wait for you... WAIT, A CRIT NICE" He says as he hit the Nepent with his sword art. The Nepent looked really pissed at him and charged at him with all the speed he had. Hazado gave a little smile as the monster charged at him and attacked him, He stood completely still and even lowered his guard. The Nepent swung his Attack and soon after that the Nepent falls back and turns into pixels. "Oops, Wanted to warn you about it, this flower has thorns," He said with a smile and tried to see if the other  Nepent gas agro'ing. 


ID: 102207

BD: 9 (crit 1+)

MD: 8 (hit)


HP 160/160 Energy: 14 (-2 En | 3 - 7 = 0 DMG )


HP 0/7 ( 1 *2 =2 DMG + Thorn 18)



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He smiled a bit as he walked over to the next monster to get killed, As soon as he got into range The Nepent got Agro. Hazado was thinking and stood there walking slowly with his spear aimed at the Nepent standing in front of him. Then Hazado took three fast stabs and a little jump at the end of it and with full trust his weapon into the Nepent. As he hits it but just barely, as it moves back. "Sorry, Not Sorry." He said as he stood on both of his two feet again. The Nepent attacked but somehow as the monster looks into Hazado's eyes and stops his Attack "Really, What, scared this flower will cut you?" He says as he looks at the Nepent


ID: 102208

BD: 6 (hit)

MD: 1 (Crit Fail)


HP 160/160 Energy: 14 (+1 -1 En || Mist)


HP 6/7 ( 1 DMG)



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Standing calmly in front of the Nepent Hazado gave a slow slime to it. Was the Nepent scared for Hazado or did he just got a critical miss and stopped moving. It was true Hazado did not try to move out of the way from the attacks the monsters gave him, even so, He always stayed still. "Looks like it is my turn to attack then, prepare to die and sleep tight."  He says and takes again three big steps to the Nepent and jump into the air striking it from above. However, it did not work as the Nepent jumped out of the way and made Hazado strick at the floor. Taking out his spear of the ground, out of the corner of his eye he sees the Nepent charge his attack. Hitting Hazado on the back was a dirty move but the moment as Hazado turned around to see the monster it disappeared into pixels. "Attacking in the back still won't help you from killing yourself" As he smirks a bit at the pixels.


ID: 102263

BD: 5 (miss)

MD: 9 (Crit)

MD: 1 (Crit Fail)


HP 160/160 Energy: 14 (+1 -1 En | 3 + 1 - 7 = 0 DMG )


HP 0/7 ( 1 DMG + Thorn 18)



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As the last Nepent was gone and defeated the boss must spawn, Looking a bit around Hazado still did not see it. But then the ground started to shake a bit and moved around Hazado jumped back and saw the Nepent Variant run out of the trees. It was big and ugly, however, it was not agro yet and Hazado stood there looking at it. Lost your friends and now you're going to lose your life, I feel a bit sad about him. He thought as he takes his spear out of the ground and looks at the  Nepent Variant who was looking around trying to find the one who killed his friends. True it was Hazado who did it but the Nepent Variant was still not agro to Hazado because he was a bit too far away.

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"Oi, Ugly, I'm here Let's fight to see how good you are."  He said floating his arms around with his spear in his hand. The Nepent Variant looked at Hazado and stood there as he was waiting for Hazado to attack first. Hazado knew what to do and charged at the Nepent Variant with sword art and all. Charging at the monster with a low cut he slashes it across the torso. but as he does it looks like he didn't do any damage to it.  Darn it, he was MIT that is higher than my attack damage.  as he jumps back just at the right moment as the Nepent Variant attacks as well.  "Really Attack at the moment I move, WHAT KIND OF AIM IT THAT." He said as he sees the attack fly by, Hazado knew that the attack of the Monster wasn't high enough to hurt him and wanted to get hit by its attacks to kill it.


ID: 102267 

BD: 8 (hit)

MD 2 (miss)


HP 160/160 Energy: 15 ( -2 +1 En = -1)

Nepent Variant:

HP: 15  ( 1 *2  -5 = 0DMG)



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Standing ready once more Hazado charged at the monster with his sword art ready, slashing at it but as Hazado does that it jumps out of the way.  "Arg, you jumped, nice movement next time you won't be lucky." He said as he was now standing behind the monster. The monster turned around and tries to hit Hazado, but out of pure instinct, Hazado jumps over the attack from the monster. It was a party of missing attacks.  Now we are even I think I mist once you... mist twice we are not even. He thinks as he lands on the ground with both feet, It was a standoff at this point because of both party's couldn't damage each other so it was only for the monster to hit Hazado to get damaged by the thorn enhancement.


ID: 102270

BD: 4 (miss)

MD 4 (miss)


HP 160/160 Energy: 13 ( -2  En)

Nepent Variant:




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Hazado was getting irritated about how the monster would try to avoid his attacks and how it would not end up hitting him. "He Plant, Still murdered your friends Don't you want revanche So COME ON HIT ME"  He yelled at the monster as he charged at the monster with another attack hoping in hitting it. again he did his sword art hoping to hit it, And yet again it jumped out of the way, "YOU BETTER HIT ME, OR YOU ... WELL, YOU" He said trying to think off something as the monster tried to attack Hazado, however, Luck was also not on his side and mist his attack just by a hair as it was out of range with its attack "Really YOU MIST!" He said and paused for a second "GOD DAMN IT"  He yelled with an English accent. Somehow Hazado became more and more Reckless and was getting into the fight and almost throwing himself at the monster.


ID: 102329

BD: 4 (miss)

MD 4 (miss)


HP 160/160 Energy: 11 ( -2  En)

Nepent Variant:




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Hazado Looked at his HP and then at his Energie, one more time Let's try it, It will miss me no matter just watch. he thought as he moved to his combat stand once more holding the spear in both hands. then he ran up to the Nepent Variant and used his sword art to hit it, And out of nowhere CRIT, he got a crit on it and thinking about it hoping he was getting to damage it but no luck. "Got you now, No way turning... " He said before he got it into the face with one of the vines off the monster and got pushed to the ground, as he opens his eyes tho, the Nepent Variant is standing above him and then disappears into Pixels "Thorn, You saved me again." He says as he gets up from the ground, Hoping the pop up came for the item Hazado sees that the popup did not come "DARN, DARN, DARN"  He yelled hitting the ground seeing that there spawn two more Nepent knowing he had to kill those to get the Nepent Variant.


ID: 102330

BD: 10 (Crit +2)

MD 8 (hit)


HP 158/160 Energy: 15 ( -2 +1 En = -1) (10 DMG - 8 MIT = 2 DMG)

Nepent Variant:

HP: 0/15  ( 3 *2 =6 DMG + Thorn 18 = 24 DMG - 5 MIT =19 DMG)

ID 102331

LD: 3 (failed) 



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Hazado moved to the next two monsters that spawned and got ready to attack them. Getting his spear ready Hazado stood there How long will this take, I don't want to be stuck here for long, he thought and attacked the first monster with his Attack getting sword art ready and with a near miss at the monster it attacks Hazado right away.  "Damn you still do not hurt, But who can blame you for hitting me and dying." He said as the monster disappears into many pixels "One down, One to go and then the big guy again, Let's hope I get it this time" He said as he looks to the next monster that was ready to fight.


ID:  102503

BD: 5 (miss)

MD: 6 (hit)


HP 158/160 Energy: 10 (+1 -2 En | 3 + 1 - 7 = 0 DMG )


HP 0/7 ( Thorn 18)



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Hazado walked over to the next enemy and charged forward with his attack, Holding his spear low and as he got close to the Nepent, he lifts up his spear and slashed the Nepent across the torso hitting it with the sword art he got ready. As he looked at the spot he slashed the monster he sees the text CRIT, a small smile comes on his face as he knew that the monster did not take lightly to that attack. but still, the Nepent looked really tired and was trying to back out but before it jumped out off the way it tried to attack Hazado, Charging at him with his power he had left the Nepent hits Hazado's chest and then backs off right away getting hit by the thorns. "they never learn do they, well If they want to damage me they need to hit harder." He says as he looks around to see where the Nepent Variant would come from this time.


ID:  102504

BD: 10 (Crit +2)

MD: 8 (hit)


HP 158/160 Energy: 9 (+1 -2 En | 3 + 1 - 7 = 0 DMG )


HP 0/7 ( 2 *2 =4 +2 =6 DMG Thorn 18)



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Hazado looked around and saw that the Nepent Variant spawned more into the woods, sadly Hazado had to go after it in order to get the quest done. Why do you need to be so far away now, I killed your friends here and not there, he thought walking over to the Nepent Variant.  Hazado then looked at his energy maybe I need to rest a bit in order to make full use of my skills. My energy is low right now so why not, he thought as he sits on a good distance away from the Nepent Variant but still able to see it from his location. as he took rest on a rock in the forest and looked over to the Nepent Variant.

+1 Energy

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As if Hazado was looking over the Nepent Variant, he sat there like a shepherd guarding his sheep, but this time he was not a shepherd but a knight in big heavy armor and the sheep was a big monster that needed to be taken care of.  Hazado smiled thinking about what people would be doing as if he was always busy or trying to move away from conversations most of the time, He knew his friends he made were doing their own thing and he would be going the same. What would Su be going now, she still has not seen me and... well maybe she is somewhere doing her own thing like most other people, he thought and picked up a rock and threw it at some tree in the distance. He looked over to the Nepent Variant that was still walking around trying to find his opponent for his next combat. Hazado smiled as he looked at it, the Stupid thing is really just blind he thought.

+1 Energy

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Hazado looked back at his Energy again and then back at the monster he was looking over. It was really weird how the monster wouldn't become tired of something and while players needed energy monsters didn't. It was a bit unfair but most monsters did just basic attacks and never used skills or sword art if they even could use them. Maybe both monsters, NPC, and players can use a sword art if they have a weapon, he thought. looking at the Nepent Variant Hazado was clear that the Nepent Variant did not use any special skills or weapons. It was just a job of him getting hit by the Nepent Variant so it hurts itself.

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Hazado jumped up from the rock he was sitting at and took a small rock, He then threw it at the Nepent Variant to get its attention. Right away the Nepent Variant turned around looking Hazado right in the eyes. Hazado smiled at it "Looking for me," he said as he took a few steps closer to the Nepent Variant but then stood still waiting for the Nepent to attack first. But it took Hazado all to low as he then charged at the Monster with his sword art ready, Lifting up his spear across the torso of the monster doing a perfect it on it once more. But as soon as Hazado saw the crit he Nepent Variant attacked but of no luck and completely misses Hazado. "You really are blind aren't you," he says getting ready again


ID:  102505

BD: 9

MD 3 (miss)


HP 160/160 Energy: 11 ( +1 -2 En )

Nepent Variant:

HP: 9/15 ( 3 *2 =6 DMG )



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Hazado tries to do it one more time and charged at the Nepent Variant with his sword art, but this time the Nepent Variant sees the attack coming and moves to the left. "Stand still would you and don't you even... " he says as before he jumps over one of the vines from the Monster "Let me finish okay, what I was going to say was Don't even try to hit me with your vines, CHARGE AT ME FULL BODY" he says then as he is taunting the monster a bit as it gets angrier and angrier. This is what Hazado looked like in battle, Calm but very very taunting like attitude. Making other people focus on him as the shows of his strength by using his opponent's strength. Hazado was never really someone that showed emotions and that was to see in is combat, as he was very reckless and taunts the hell out of his enemy.


ID:  102506

BD: 2

MD 5 (miss)


HP 160/160 Energy: 10 ( +1 -2 En )

Nepent Variant:

HP: 9/15 (



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once again both Hazado and the Nepent Variant stood eye to eye, both of them did not charge at each other, it was a staring contest. Hazado then out of nowhere charged forward but of many failers fell to the ground just as the Nepent Variant jumped over the falling Hazado and tried to hit his target while it was falling to the ground, but not much luck was there as the Variant overshot his attack and missed Hazado as well. "You don't seem to hit me, I don't seem to hit you, I really don't like this COME AM I THAT SMALL AND SLOW, IM BASICALLY A FREE TARGET HERE." He yelled at the Nepent Variant. It was true Hazado had Heavy armor and that made him move not much slower and Hazado was from himself already big so how could it miss him so easily.


ID:  102507

BD: 2 [miss]

MD 2 (miss)


HP 160/160 Energy: 9 ( +1 -2 En )

Nepent Variant:

HP: 9/15



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Hazado did not take time to make the Nepent Variant Attack him and He charged at the Nepent Variant holding his spear low and hitting it with a successful hit, but of no damage counted Hazado jumped back. "Damn forgot I can't damage you, Okay then this is all on you. AND DON'T BE SO BLIND AND JUST HIT ME" He said as he swung his spear around to make sure the Nepent Variant hits him. But the fool that he is and stands completely still as the Nepent Variant charges at him with full body, Hitting him into a tree behind him "Darn, that hurt, I was thinking you would not ..." He says as he looks at his health that dropped quite a bit after "You did damage to me, You sneaky bast..." And before he ended his sentence the Nepent Variant exploded into many pixels and into Hazado's face.

Hazado waited on the ground and waited for the loot pop up, and then it came, the menu pops up and quests update "Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YEEES WHOOOO HOOO." were the first things he said and looked at the menu with full happiness. Now end the quest and get those level up. As he stands up and cleans his knees.


ID:  102507

BD: 6 [hit]

MD 10 [Crit +2]


HP 148/160 Energy: 8 ( +1 -2 En || 10 DMG CRIT10 no MIT]

Nepent Variant:

HP: 0/15 ( 2 *2 =4 DMG + Thorn 18 = 22 DMG - 5 MIT =17 DMG)


LD: 11 +1=12 [succes]



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As Hazado walked to the location the met the Village he saw other players do the same quest, It was something really weird how they tried to move out of the way from attacks while Hazado wanted to get hit by the monsters. Maybe it is just me but I think they try to move out of the way from attacks of the monster, face your enemy head-on, use their strength to defeat them, he thought as he walked on looking around to see where the NPC was at to say that the monster was defeated and has the medicine that he needed for the quest. Hazado was happy and even happier that this quest was done, looking at his HP again he felt a bit of pain in his chest from were the Nepent hit him but he ignored it for now. Even so, Hazado was still doing his best into getting better and better in tanking things like that.

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