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[SP-F01] Trimming Plants «Secret Medicine of the Forest» [COMPLETED]

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He walked up a small hill where he met the NPC who gave him this quest, He was still there somehow and Hazado moves to end the quest. "Your Back, And do you have it!" the NPC asked. Hazado went into his inventory and got out the <Nepent's Ovule>  that was located under quest items, "Here, This is it... Make sure it gets to the village." Hazado said and gave the item to the villager and then the quest ended. It was over the quest was done and Hazado could be and take a rest for a time to heal back up and start investing his Skill points again. Hazado turned around and waved the villager goodbye before Hazado was out of reach the villager yelled "Thanks Adventure My Village will be saved because of you, I thank you many times." Hazado turned around and took a deep bow "Need no thank, Is My job" He said and walked off.

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