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[SP-F01] Fetch Quests! <<The First Few Lessons Are Free>>

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Again Cosi chopped up the onion trying to get it into smaller pieces this time. In his concentration he nicked his finger. A whine went off in his head and he saw a green bar in the corner off his vision diminish by a single point. He inspected the wound. There was no blood just glittering turquoise code swirling in the cut. 

"Keep going Lad," Zachariah prompted, "All wounds heal with time" 

Cosi nodded and went back to work , his brow furrowed in concentration. He took the diced onion and added it the bottle, stirred it and then added the other herbs. He waited, looking to Zachariah for when he should take it off the heat, then stirred it once again. he crossed his fingers and hoped it would work this time.


Roll ID: 103885

Result: 10- Success

Cosi watched as the potion turned a bright, clear red color. He grinned and turned to Zachariah. 

The old man patted Cosi on the back, took the potion and stoppered it the set it aside. 

"Well done Lad," he smiled 

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The man the shuffled off behind his shop counter and rummaged in his cupboards for a spell- not literally, it was just a figure of speech Cosi liked to use- and returned with some potions.

"Here, for helping this old man," and Zachariah handed them to Cosi. 

"Oh yes there is one more thing you could do for me" Cosi sighed internally but nodded. The old man again went behind the counter but this time returned with a simple brown paper package tied up with string.

"Please take this to Lyle Tealeaf. He's a blacksmith not far from here" Zachariah handed the package to Cosi

"of course," Cosi set off to the blacksmith shop, he thought he remembered it from when he left the Town of Beginnings, as Zachariah waved goodbye from his shop.

He reached the Blacksmith's shop no problem. Lyle the blacksmith was busy hammering away at a great-sword blade. 

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Cosi stood politely by, package clutched to his chest, waiting for the smith to finish. Lyle took the red hot blade and doused it in the water bucket. A great hiss sounded as steam erupted from the water. Lyle set the blade aside as he caught sight of Cosi.

"You lookin' for a new blade?" He said wiping sweat from his brow

"No, sir," Cosi shook his head," Zachariah told me to give this to you." he held out the package. Again with a pop the thing disappeared from Cosi's grasp and reappeared in Lyle's.

"Thank ye', I've been expecting this for some time. Has Zachariah got you doing his errands?" Lyle chuckled, "Anyways thanks for this, it was sorely needed" 

"No problem, Sir"Cosi said. 

"I'll bet you want something as a reward," the Blacksmith said and reached back by his forge. 

"Here ye' go" as he handed Cosi two more potions. 

"Good Luck, Kid!"

Cosi waved goodbye as he left. Time to go monster hunting...


Quest Summary:


- 5 Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP)
- 1 Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage)
-1 Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP)

2 Additional Skill Points

1 Skill Point and 400 Col for 1 completed page of rp


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