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[PP-F3] Tank Thessues (Search For The Hoya)

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ID: 103584

Kioshi: HP 79/80 -- DMG 7 -- MIT 27 -- Energy 6/8 (Used Straight (x2)!)

Grizzly Bear: HP 14/30 -- DMG 9 -- MIT 0

BD: 9

MD: 10

The full helmet momentarily spins as the big paw of a grizzly slaps it hard, causing Kioshi to take one step back and adjusts his helmet back to its original position. Thank goodness that he doesn't receive serious blunt injuries, not only because of the quality of the armor, but because the bear is actually old. It most likely eats anything that is classified as meat in the bear's diet. Too bad it is stupid enough to try to tackle a tin man with a big sword.

Kioshi notices the bear charging towards him with a loud roar. Said roar abruptly stop when suddenly it notices the Zweihander's blade glowing in dark green for a second before it no longer feels one of its limbs. Kioshi had severed the limb and to deal more damage, he sticks the sword right into its fleshy rump. The bear roars in pain as the blade is withdrawn and Kioshi makes a steep cut across its body.

Retreating for the sake of safety, Kioshi turns around to face the now wounded bear, panting as he wants this fight to get over with. There is no thrill in fighting weak or old animals. Or maybe even humans if he has to. The frail organs and systems had done most of the work to weaken their state anyway.


Edited by Kioshi
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Asakku took a long sigh as she entered the forest, taking note of the clinging and clanging sounds of metal bashing together. Staring blankly at the sight in front of her, she face palmed. What the heck is this? Why am I here more importantly? Why is a frekin' grandpa battling a giant bear? God has too many questions to answer. For the love of Christ. She observed his fighting style, finding it weird and unusual for someone who looked so old to be doing those kinds of movements. Ah, whatever,  he doesn't look like he's struggling anyways. She huffed, biting the inside of her cheek. Ugh, my good conscious won't stop bothering me until I know why this old man is in the game. She groaned, scratching the back of her head, "hey old man." Shoot, that came out wrong, whatever. "Uhh.. you okay there?" Stupid brain, why do you do stupid things?!


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ID: 103630

Kioshi: HP 78/80 -- Energy 4/8

Grizzly Bear: HP 14/30 

BD: 1

MD: 6

As Kioshi is preparing to brace himself for the bear's charging attack, he hears a voice questioning if he is alright. He turns his head swiftly to see a female player standing at a distance at his right. Long black haired. Donned in light red armor, probably leather, gambeson, or whatever that is. 

His attention turns back to the bear after two seconds of gazing at the girl, only to see the bear already charging at an alarming speed. It is too late for Kioshi to dodge. He feels the breastplate being knocked by its thick skull like a mace, hurts like hell even though the damage doesn't effect him that much. Damn distractions. 

Kioshi manages to hold on to his footing as the bear's charge shoves him for a few meters away from where the girl is standing. He grasps its jaws and kicks it before running around it and pointing the blade at itself. The bear exercises caution as it growls and slowly makes small steps to its canned meal.


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She winced as she watched him get tackled by mother bear herself, “ouch?” Should I get involved in this? She pondered, looking over at the bears health gauge, heh. Nah. He’ll be fine. She waved off the thought and sighed. How old is this guy? He looks old enough to be my grandpa or something.

She examined his face a little bit more and shrugged, I’ll get it out of him eventually. She locked her gaze on to the bear, it looks like something I’ve seen before. She tapped her chin in thought. Was it from that movie? I’m pretty sure it was a Disney movie. Was it brother bear? The jungle book? Ack, Disney and its bears. She clapped her hands together, her face morphing into realization. No, no. It’s frekin’ Winnie The Pooh. She nodded her head. Yup, yup. That’s who I was talking about. I’ve always thought about it, does Pooh have a eating disorder? I mean it would make sense... she rambled in her head.


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ID: 103731

Kioshi: HP 78/80 -- Energy 2/8 (Used Straight! (x2) )

BD: 8

Without warning the bear stands on its hind legs, roaring as it quickly swings its strong paws to Kioshi's helmet. But at the moment it stood, Kioshi had more or less seen it coming, and he ducks away from the strike, sword glowing again. With one strong swing, Kioshi lands the blade onto the bear's right side of its hip, followed by cutting it nearly in half, its body tilted at one side as blood spurts out of the now non-existent part of the hip, meat exposed. The bone that supports the ribs was cut too.

The bear drops dead and disintegrates before Kioshi can collect whatever loot is given to him by the system.

ID: 103732

LD: 11 -- CD: 7

Obtained 90 COL as standard loot! Obtained 1 Material and Rare Weapon!

The COL and materials are of mediocre quantity to Kioshi, but at least it's better than nothing. He is a bit surprised to see a rectangular wooden case appearing in front of him. It is labeled: "Rare Weapon. Currently of unknown enhancements."

An awesome loot to those who couldn't afford better weapons, but not so to Kioshi. Regardless, he keeps this one into his inventory, planning to sell it to a merchant.

As he adjusts his full helmet a little so he can see properly through his visor, he turns around to see the girl that was watching the entire fight, and just stares....while sheathing his Zweihander.


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