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(PP-F1) <<TFFLaF 1>> [Katagawa]

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Pony had just stepped out of Zackarriah's workshop, with her task in hand. She had to go out and fetch 5 materials for him, so the first part of the quest seemed simple enough. It was a beginner quest, so there wouldn't be anything too crazy to deal with. Pony was now simply walking out to the gates of the town of beginnings, heading into the fields where she had to search. But part of her was still slightly worried about going out in the fields alone where there could potentially be monsters, but Pony was feeling good for today for the most part. Even if she was safe, Pony still wanted to have some company with her, as this quest was rather unexciting in many ways. So having someone else to go along with her would be much better. So Pony stopped at the gate, standing on her tip toes to see if anyone would notice her horns and approach her.


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