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[F2 - SP] Blade meets Bear <<Matt Farming>>

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Gryas grabbed some provisions and set out, heading to the teleportation gate in the town center of Floor 4. His destination was a farming spot he was told about 2 floors lower in the second floor where he could safely farm for materials and Col on the monsters there. He had 5 Healing Potions and hopefully that would be enough for what lay before him. He thought about sending a message to someone from his guild to let them know where he was off to but decided against it, if anyone required assistance they could message him and Gryas did not think that he would require any from anyone else. He hoped. 

Stepping through the gate he arrived at Urbus, the main town on the second floor. It was a quaint town, modeled after towns known to once have existed throughout medieval Europe. It was a rather calming place with a rustic design and set Gryas at ease. 

Leaving the towns gates and heading South into the mountainous Gryas passed many different sights as he walked, from plant life to monsters of various types,wolves, elk, some large insects. The ones he hunted this day however was a rather rare mob that spawned on the second floor high in the mountains. There was a dire bear that roamed the region, and was known to be one of the strongest mobs that spawned here. They would be a trialing but reasonably safe monster to farm in this region, Gryas had to make sure however not to bight off more then he could chew. 

Enemies fought in topic: 


Bear:   HP: 80   DMG: 24   Acc: +4

Locked in gear and stats:


Level: 8            HP: 160           SP: 16            2 Base Damage,   40 Damage Mitigation,  Thorns 2 (14 dam on attack),  Taunt +1

Battle Ready Weapons/Equipment:
» Resilience [Heavy Armor: Mit 3]

» Spiked Ivory Guardian [Shied: Thorns 2, Taunt 1]

» Emerald Harbinger Cape of the Bjorn [Cape: LD +3]


Name: Resilience
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 9
ID: 84646
Roll: 10+1=11
Item Type: [Heavy Armour]
Tier: [1]
Quality: [Perfect]
Enhancements: [Mitigation 3]
Description: [This silver Full Plate Armour is lined with black trim and embossed on the chest piece is an image of a of a dragon taking flight. The forearms are each formed like the jagged claws of a dragon, returning some damage to those that attack the wearer.]
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1065-shop-f1the-blazing-typhoon-rank-9-master-blacksmith-closed-for-material-stocking-open-for-pickups/?do=findComment&comment=517632


Name: Spiked Ivory Guardian
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 9
ID: 84884
Roll: 11+1=12
Item Type: [Shield]
Tier: [1]
Quality: [Perfect]
Enhancements: [Thorns 2, Taunt 1]
Description: [A steel heater shield reinforced with Ivory and the image of an ivory dragon embossed on the front. Twin dragon claws grow out the sides of the shield and wrap their way down to the bottom, when used correctly the defender is able to reflect damage back towards their aggressors.]
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1065-shop-f1the-blazing-typhoon-rank-9-master-blacksmith-closed-for-material-stocking-open-for-pickups/?do=findComment&comment=517968


Name: Emerald Harbinger Cape of the Bjorn

Your Profession: Tailor

Your Rank: Rank 4

ID: 85953

Roll: 11 + 1

Item Type: Clothing
Tier: 1

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: Loot Die +3

Description: A intricately designed emerald green cloak with the Emerald Harbingers symbol on the back. A large bear claw mounted on each shoulder clasping the cloak to the heavy armour.

Post Link: post

Battle Ready Items:

» 5 x HP Potions (+40HP)

» 1 x Over Health Potion (50HP)

» 1 x Damage potion (+1 Damage)


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It took just over an hour to get to the place that he had been told about. Look for an open plateau with a single forked tree, at the end of the plateau before the rise of the next mountain lies a grotto beyond the mouth of a cave. Well this looks like the place." Gryas said triumphantly as he pushed passed an overgrown cave entrance. The cave was barely 5 meters long as it quickly ended and came out to a medium sized clearing that was open to the sky. Full of trees with a stream that ran through it it was actually quite a beautiful sight. What was more appealing to him however was noticing that the rumor had been correct as he could see his prey already, milling around the stream was what looked to be a family of bears. 2 of them were marginally larger however the 2 small ones were still good size, and as Gryas approached he looked at the HP bars above all 4 and they seemed to be of similar level. 

With a small little battle cry which was more like a cheer as he rushed forth Gryas let out some steam as he charged headlong in to them. He hit the first one with force and it went flying, completly missing its retaliation. The other 3 bears however landed satisfying thuds against his shield and his thorns did some good damage to them. As Gryas had thought, his damage mitigation prevented any harm that the bears could do. 



Gryas     (2 Base Damage,   40 Damage Mitigation,  Thorns 2 (14 dam on attack),  Taunt +1)

HP:   160/160

Energy:   15/16  (Basic attack on Bear 1)

Bear (1)    ID: 106902      BD: 7 (Hit)     CD: 4        Loot: 19      MOB: 1 (Crit Miss)

HP: 78/80   (Dam: 24)

Bear (2)    ID: 106903      BD: 5             CD: 7        Loot: 8        MOB: 8+4 (Hit)

HP: 66/80   (Dam: 24)

Bear (3)    ID: 106904      BD: 6             CD: 9        Loot: 8        MOB: 4+4 (Hit)

HP: 66/80   (Dam: 24)

Bear (4)    ID: 106905      BD: 10          CD: 12      Loot: 10      MOB: 4+4 (Hit)

HP: 66/80   (Dam: 24)


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These bears were no match for his defenses. Even though Gryas could feel 2 of the bears land critical hits on him neither had even scratched his gleaming armor. He had turned as the first bear charged and landed a perfect strike, taking a small chunk of health out of the bear. Gryas laughed to himself, even though it had been a perfect strike he barely did any damage to the beast. Thankfully the armor he wore did all the work for him. Gryas could even go "afk", close his eyes and take a nap or open a chat with someone and just chill as these bears clawed and bit at him until they all died. He had to admit it, this felt pretty good. Knowing how much catch up he had to do to actually reach the front lines Gryas knew that he would have to kill many of these boars. Hundreds of them even. Well suppose this was a great place to start, a few more attacks and he would start dropping these bears and could find more game. 


Gryas     (2 Base Damage,   40 Damage Mitigation,  Thorns 2 (14 dam on attack),  Taunt +1)

HP:   160/160

Energy:   15/16 (Basic attack on Bear 1)

Bear (1)    ID: 106906      BD: 10 (Crit)     CD: 6       Loot: 3      MOB: 2+4 (Hit)

HP: 60/80   (Dam: 24)

Bear (2)    ID: 106907      BD: 5             CD: 5         Loot: 10        MOB: 2+4 (Hit)

HP: 52/80   (Dam: 24)

Bear (3)    ID: 106908      BD: 7             CD: 3        Loot: 5        MOB: 10 (Crit)

HP: 52/80   (Dam: 24+2)

Bear (4)    ID: 106909      BD: 1            CD: 2        Loot: 18       MOB: 10 (Crit)

HP: 52/80   (Dam: 24+2)

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Gryas ducked and riposted the first bear that came at him and landed a satisfying stab into the bears thick fur. It took of another decent chunk from its hit points and sent it stumbling to the side, completely missing its attack. That was actually not in his favor, it was slowing down the fight every time one of these beasts missed him and this first one has done it twice now after Gryas himself had landed a decent hit. The other 3 crashed against his shield with claws and fangs, but this shield bit back! Watching their health drop even lower Gryas continued the battle. 
So far Gryas was not too sure if this was a profitable way to farm, with a bit of luck you could rake in the materials just from gathering and you could do that safely without any combat. This was slower, but the drops themselves could prove better then just picking mushrooms over and over. 


Gryas     (2 Base Damage,   40 Damage Mitigation,  Thorns 2 (14 dam on attack),  Taunt +1)

HP:   160/160

Energy:   15/16 (Basic attack on Bear 1)

Bear (1)    ID: 106910      BD: 9 (Crit)    CD: 3       Loot: 2      MOB: 1 (Cit Miss)

HP: 57/80   (Dam: 24)

Bear (2)    ID: 106911      BD: 7             CD: 5        Loot: 5        MOB: 7+4 (Hit)

HP: 38/80   (Dam: 24)

Bear (3)    ID: 106912      BD: 1             CD: 8        Loot: 12       MOB: 2+4 (Hit)

HP: 38/80   (Dam: 24)

Bear (4)    ID: 106913      BD: 10           CD: 9        Loot: 2      MOB: 7+4 (Hit)

HP: 38/80   (Dam: 24)


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Gryas fell in to rhythm, striking at foes, blocking with shield, turning and throwing out a shield bash as an enemy past. Over and over again, it was mechanical. He missed this, why had he stayed away from it for so long. The feel of the armor, the weight of his weapons, the thrill of battle. He should not have stayed away from it for so long as he had become complacent. THIS was what life was about! 
He had let the bears crash into his shield time and again as he moved with them, almost like a dance, a dance of death. Their health was orange now, getting ever closer to red. It would not be long until they had expired against his shield wall, his impenetrable defense. Wishing for luck as he fought he hoped that this was all going to be worth his time. Well the day was early and he intended to stay here until he could fight no more.


Gryas     (2 Base Damage,   40 Damage Mitigation,  Thorns 2 (14 dam on attack),  Taunt +1)

HP:   160/160

Energy:   15/16 (Basic attack on Bear 1)

Bear (1)    ID: 106914      BD: 9 (Crit)    CD: 4       Loot: 20      MOB: 10 (Cit)

HP: 40/80   (Dam: 24+2)

Bear (2)    ID: 106915      BD: 2             CD: 5        Loot: 8        MOB: 8+4 (Hit)

HP: 24/80   (Dam: 24)

Bear (3)    ID: 106916      BD: 2             CD: 8        Loot: 8       MOB: 10 (Crit)

HP: 24/80   (Dam: 24)

Bear (4)    ID: 106917      BD: 4           CD: 11        Loot: 15      MOB: 5+4 (Hit)

HP: 24/80   (Dam: 24)

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They came at him again and this time Gryas just stood still and let them hit him directly. He thought due to their size he would get knocked around a bit, or at least stumble, but no. His defense was so strong now that after they hit him they were tossed aside by his defensive auras and crashed to the ground before getting back up and charging at him once again. 3 of the bears were now in the red for their health and one in the orange and close to hitting red. One more hit like that from his thorns and at least those 3 would die and hopefully drop some decent loot. 
A notification popped up on his screen. Not feeling any threat from the monsters Gryas did a final strike against the first bear and then lowered his sword arm to open the message and check its contents. 


Gryas     (2 Base Damage,   40 Damage Mitigation,  Thorns 2 (14 dam on attack),  Taunt +1)

HP:   160/160

Energy:   15/16 (Basic attack on Bear 1)

Bear (1)    ID: 106918      BD: 8 (Hit)    CD: 5         Loot: 15        MOB: 9 (Cit)

HP: 24/80   (Dam: 24+2)

Bear (2)    ID: 106919      BD: 6            CD: 12       Loot: 20       MOB: 8+4 (Hit)

HP: 10/80   (Dam: 24)

Bear (3)    ID: 106920      BD: 9            CD: 2         Loot: 19       MOB: 2+4 (Hit)

HP: 10/80   (Dam: 24)

Bear (4)    ID: 106921      BD: 4           CD: 9          Loot: 9         MOB: 9 (Crit)

HP: 10/80   (Dam: 24+2)

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Checking the message from his guild leader Stryder Gryas smiled. It had been a long time since he had seen him and he had mentioned a large hunting expedition the guild was about to begin. This would be a good opportunity to meet the rest of the guild and to train up a bit against harder monsters then these pathetic bears. Three of the bears had lunged at him and exploded as they did, getting hit hard by his Thorns damage, the last bear however had not yet died, He would have to do something about that. The bears life was in the red and was nearly dead as it was so one more hit would do the trick. Sending a reply to Styder confirming that he will come on the col hunting raid Gryas turned to face the last bear and readied his shield for it to attack him again until it died.  


Gryas     (2 Base Damage,   40 Damage Mitigation,  Thorns 2 (18 dam on attack),  Taunt +1)

HP:   160/160

Energy:   15/16 (Basic attack on Bear 1)

Bear (1)    ID: 106923      BD: 1 (Miss)    CD: 9           Loot: 16            MOB: 7+4 (Hit)

HP: 6/80   (Dam: 24)

Bear (2)    ID: 106924      BD: 5                CD: 12         Loot: 20+3       MOB: 10 (Crit)

HP: 0/80   (Dam: 24+2)   Loot Obtained: Col = 720 Col (Base 240 + 480 Loot), 1x T1 Perfect Consumable

Bear (3)    ID: 106925      BD: 2               CD: 12         Loot: 13+3       MOB: 8+4 (Hit)

HP: 0/80   (Dam: 24)        Loot Obtained: Col = 400 Col (Base 240 + 160 Loot), 4x T1 Uncommon Consumable

Bear (4)    ID: 106926      BD: 9              CD: 8            Loot: 15+3        MOB: 9 (Crit)

HP: 0/80   (Dam: 24+1)   Loot Obtained: Col = 240 Col (Base 240), 2x T1 Uncommon Consumable, 2x T1 Material

Total Loot Obtained: (1360 Col), (2x T1 Mat), (1x T1 Perfect Consumable), (6x T1 Uncommon Consumable)

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  • 3 months later...

Gryas pushed the last bear aside and saw another group a short distance away so picking up a rock he thew it at them gaining their attention. As the three new bears charged him down that last super annoying bear that did not die when the others before did finally crashed against him and exploded into pixelated treasure that added itself to his inventory. All three of the new bears hit him at the same time sending him stumbling. He regained his footing and saw that two of the three hits had reflected damage but the third hit did not. If that last bear didn't take any thorns damage that would mean it scored a critical hit, smiling to himself that he still took no damage Gryas turned and faced down the three new bears but still kept an eye out for a fourth that he could drag into the fight. 



Gryas     (2 Base Damage,   40 Damage Mitigation,  Thorns 2 (18 dam on attack),  Taunt +1)

HP:   160/160

Energy:   15/16 (Basic attack on Bear 1)

Bear (1)    ID: 111317      BD: 1 (Miss)    CD: 9           Loot: 12+3 = 15            MOB: 6+4 (Hit)

HP: 0/80   (Dam: 24) -18 HP (Thorns)   Loot Obtained: Col = 400 Col (Base 240 + 160 Loot), 1x T1 Rare Armor

Bear (2)    ID: 111318      MOB: 6+4 (Hit)

HP: 62/80   (Dam: 24) -18 HP (Thorns)

Bear (3)    ID: 111319      MOB: 4+4 (Hit)

HP: 62/80   (Dam: 24) -18 HP (Thorns)

Bear (4)    ID: 111320      MOB: 9+4 (Crit)

HP: 80/80   (Dam: 24)


Total Loot Obtained: (1760 Col), (2x T1 Mat), (1x T1 Perfect Consumable), (6x T1 Uncommon Consumable),  1x T1 Rare Armor

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With one bear down Gryas turned and saw another one that he could draw into the fight. This game only allowed you to hold aggro from 4 enemies at a time and because Gryas would not be taking any damage anyway he was not worried about taking on multiple enemies. Making sure he stayed in range of the 3 bears so they did not loose heat and re set Gryas went and kicked another near by bear that joined the fray. They all lunged at him but one seemed a bit retarded as it stumbled over its own front feet and fell into a pile of fur. All of the other three bears seemed competent and managed to land hits taking damage in turn and bringing their life points down. These fights were boring but were necessary to gain experience and plus materials to use in his alchemy so he can make useful potions. 



Gryas     (2 Base Damage,   40 Damage Mitigation,  Thorns 2 (18 dam on attack),  Taunt +1)

HP:   160/160

Energy:   15/16 (Basic attack on Bear 1)

Bear (1)    ID: 111321      BD: 4 (Miss)            MOB: 7+4 (Hit)

HP: 62/80   (Dam: 24) -18 HP (Thorns)

Bear (2)    ID: 111322      MOB: 1 (Crit Miss)

HP: 62/80   (Dam: 24)

Bear (3)    ID: 111323      MOB: 7+4 (Hit)

HP: 44/80   (Dam: 24) -18 HP (Thorns)

Bear (4)    ID: 111324      MOB: 8+4 (Hit)

HP: 62/80   (Dam: 24) -18 HP (Thorns)


Total Loot Obtained: (1760 Col), (2x T1 Mat), (1x T1 Perfect Consumable), (6x T1 Uncommon Consumable),  1x T1 Rare Armor

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Gryas     (2 Base Damage,   40 Damage Mitigation,  Thorns 2 (18 dam on attack),  Taunt +1)

HP:   160/160

Energy:   15/16 (Basic attack on Bear 1)

Bear (1)    ID: 111325      BD: 7 (Hit)            MOB: 1 (Crit Miss)

HP: 61/80   (Dam: 24) -1 HP

Bear (2)    ID: 111326      MOB: 1 (Crit Miss)

HP: 62/80   (Dam: 24)

Bear (3)    ID: 111327      MOB: 7+4 (Crit Hit)

HP: 44/80   (Dam: 24) 

Bear (4)    ID: 111328      MOB: 7+4 (Hit)

HP: 44/80   (Dam: 24) -18 HP (Thorns)

Total Loot Obtained: (1760 Col), (2x T1 Mat), (1x T1 Perfect Consumable), (6x T1 Uncommon Consumable),  1x T1 Rare Armor

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