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{F3-SP} Can't <<Escape>>

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It took him a bit to find his old cloak under the heaps of items he had gathered. Well, maybe not heaps - but his inventory was definitely cluttered with more junk than useful stuff. He should really organize this stuff... but eventually, he found it. With a tap of his finger, his shoulders flashed bright blue as a long, raggedy and heavily worn black cloak appeared around his shoulders. It went well below his waist and a little past his knees, before tearing up into shredded pieces of fabric that looked so neat and aesthetically pleasing it may as well have been apart of the initial design. Pinball threw the hood up, letting it obscure his features. Indoors, his Cursor would be hidden anyway, but the cloak certainly added to the mysterious vibe he might be putting out. His rusty weapon didn't stick out of the cloak as much as he thought it would, and it wasn't as horribly noticeable as one would think. Maybe he wore it at a weird angle? He didn't know. Pinball kept walking, stopping with a short sigh when he heard the approaching footsteps of what he only assumed could be Bandit Guards. 

Equipped: T1 Clothing - Cloak of the Harbingers: +3 LD

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Without giving them any time to speak - or giving himself time to speak, for that matter - he whirled around, drawing his blade in an instant. He Charged, throwing out his blade in four quick, consecutive slashes. Energy ripped through the air, then ripped through the Bandit Guards ripping big red gashes through their avatar's mesh. They didn't have time to do much other than heft their weapons and run for him in a reckless and sluggish retaliation, but they weren't quick enough. They shattered in a flash of bright blue light, and then were gone. Pinball snorted, turning, sheathing his sword, and letting his cloak fall back over his shoulders. With the buffs, he was blowing through these quests. And he didn't like it. It made him very uncomfortable. Pinball's shook his head. You've come this far. Keep going. And with that resignation in mind, Pinball kept walking through the seemingly endless maze of cells and locked doors. 

Action Taken: Sword Art - [Vertical Square] [-8 EN / +1 EN]  / Charge! +5 DMG and Bull Rush! 
Bandit Guard 1: ID#109411  BD: 3+3= 6 (Hit!) MD: 2-4= -4 (Miss!) ~ 13+5= 18*4= 72-20= 52 DMG + STUN
Bandit Guard 2: ID#109412  BD: 8+3= 11 (Hit!) MD: 2-4= -4 (Miss!) ~ 13+5= 18*4= 72-20= 52 DMG + STUN 

Pinball: 894/900 HP | 54/90 EN | 13 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA 

Bandit Guard 1: 0/30 HP | 30 DMG | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | 20 MIT
Bandit Guard 2: 0/30 HP | 30 DMG | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | 20 MIT 

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Walking through the paths, Pinball was only just now coming to terms with the sheer size of the place. It felt like he had been walking for hours, when in reality he had only been walking for about thirty or fourty-five minutes. Pinball brushed a hand along the pommel of his sword, slowing down the speed at which he walked. It looked like he was trapped here, and there was yet to be any signs of hope to escape. Pinball felt an inclination to check the doors again as he walked. He tried pullling open a cell. This one gave way, but he'd need to spend time breaking it open like the cell he had initially broke down. He leaned his shoulder, and, pushing his weight in the door, felt to make sure that it was actually possible to do. It was. He glanced around the room he could see through the gate, seeing if there was really any point to breaking in. He saw nothing, but maybe there was something hidden in there? It was the first cell other than his own that wasn't sturdy.

Rolling to Escape: ID#109420  LD: 5+3= 8 

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Pinball took a few steps back - few being as many as he could before hitting the wall parallel to the cell. He rolled his shoulders, tucked his head, hopped in place, and charged, slamming into the gate at a blistering speed. WHACK! He hit the iron hard, and the whole thing leaned backwards, a clump of dirt that had coalesced on the edges falling free as he did. The gate rattled loudly before settling. It was now hanging inwards at a weird, slanted angle. Looking at it, Pinball figured another few slams should do the trick. He was getting ready to throw himself into the gate again when he heard the heavy footfalls of the Bandit Guards approaching. Pinball groaned. "God. Damn. It." He drew his sword, pulling the rusted blade from its leather hoop, turning to where he heard the sounds coming from. The echoes stopped, and in front of him stood two bandana wearing, spear toting bandits. "Alright," he sighed, taking a single step back. His voice was tired, annoyed, and a bit sad. 

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This time, Pinball didn't rush forward to meet them. He was tired of running around just to kill the Bandit Guards in a single hit. He let them come to him. One of them, instead of a spear and shield, carried a two-handed spear. He attacked with the polearm, and Pinball easily evaded, his speed even further increased by the buffs he had downed when he realized fighting each group would have taken too long. Then, another standard Bandit Guard lashed out with his one-handed weapon, which Pinball also, easily evaded. He unleashed his AoE once again, noting the drop in Energy, and ended up only killing one of them. He grimaced. He was running really low on energy - the guards wouldn't let him rest long enough to recover! That's a problem, and if worse comes to worse, he'd have to start using different arts to preserve it. 

Action Taken: Sword Art - [Vertical Square] [-6 EN / +1 EN] 
Bandit Guard 1: ID#109421  BD: 2+3= 5 (Miss!) MD: 7-4= 2 (Miss!) 
Bandit Guard 2: ID#109422  BD: 7+3= 10 (Hit!) MD: 7-4= 2 (Miss!) ~ 13*4= 52-20= 32 DMG 

Pinball: 900/900 HP | 49/90 EN | 13 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA 

Bandit Guard 1: 30/30 HP | 30 DMG | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | 20 MIT
Bandit Guard 2: 0/30 HP | 30 DMG | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | 20 MIT 

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And now, for the dude with the two-handed spear. Pinball gave his sword a twirl, flinging globs of shadow in a circular motion. He stopped in front of the Bandit Guard, who flinched as his friend faded from existence. Pinball shifted into a loose defensive position. With the practice he'd been getting with his sword, he figured it would be best if he could mock his spear fighting style, and translate that into his sword fighting. It was very rough, but he was making progress. The Bandit Guard attacked, bringing his spear down in an overhead strike that was meant to slash across his face and chest. Pinball sidestepped, easily countering with a Sword Art that ripped two slashes into his body. He shattered with a silent scream, and Pinball sheathed his sword, his cloak resting to cover his chest and arms. He started to walk again, this time back to the cell gate.  

Action Taken: Sword Art - [Vertical Arc] [-4 EN / +1 EN] 
Bandit Guard 1: ID#109434  BD: 9 (Crit+1) MD: 7-4= 3 (Miss!) 

Pinball: 900/900 HP | 46/90 EN | 13 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA 

 Bandit Guard 1: 0/30 HP | 30 DMG | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | 20 MIT
Bandit Guard 2: 0/30 HP | 30 DMG | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | 20 MIT 

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Pinball broke through the gate as the metal shrieked, and gave way in an explosion of dust and flakes of rust. It hit the ground with a slam, and Pinball rolled inwards, having been carried off his feet with the momentum. He looekd around, and immediately saw something at the back of the cell that caught his eye. That hook looks like...
He walked over, pushing past dangling chains and manacles, observing a hoop weirdly attached to the middle of the stone wall. It looked like the door handles from the big ol' boss doors in the hallway he had walked down a few minutes earlier. Curious, he gave it a tug, and instinctually jumped backwards when he started to hear something. It was the grinding of stone on stone, and Pinball watched, shocked, as the stone slowly slid down, slipping away into nothingness, revealing a hidden passageway. He could see light at the end of the tunnel. 

Rolling to Escape: ID#109435  LD: 20 (YEEHAW) 

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Finally, freedom. 
But as he walked down the path that would help him escape, he couldn't help but think: 
You deserve worse than a prison cell.

He kept walking, though, and the light grew brighter and brighter as he drew near. Pinball rested a hand on his sword pommel, his cloak parting to reveal his shirt, sword, and thin leather plate underneath it. As he walked, he heard something move. Then slam into the ground. And then laugh. 
"What's taking you so long down there, boy?! I ain't got all day!
Pinball felt a shiver run up his spine. Who the hell? 
There was a point where the path curved upwards, in a not-so-steep slope. As Pinball climbed, he began to make out the features of the man who had called him out.
Pinball stopped walking him, staring up at the giant of a man. "End of the line." Pinball drew his sword, and Zomekko's shadowy form snaked around his waist, reforming its head to stare at the NPC with large, white eyes.  

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"I'm the Warden," he laughed, a deep, hearty chuckle, "and I'm in charge of putting escapees like you back in their place."
A hulking beast of a man with a cruel body. Tanned skin and thick, veiny muscles for carrying the monstrous, grotesque club he casually slung over his shoulder like a wiffle bat. The wind had evidently picked up, and brought in a storm, because the sky was dark and grey and icy cold rain poured in steady waves -- not that this guy seemed to mind. Parts of Pinball's hair whipped back and forth from the wind while others stuck to his face because of the rain. The Warden didn't have that problem; the rain rolled off his shaved head, and he didn't seem effected by the wind at all. His eyes were small and cruel, and his jaw was thick and sharp. He wore a leather shoulder pad that hooked to half a breastplate, that then in turn hooked to a leather belt with a large buckle. He looked like a Skyrim bandit - or a stereotypical barbarian. He crouched, holding his club as if he was going to bunt a pitch. "I'll let you come at me first.

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But Pinball didn't move. He took a defensive stance, holding his sword out. Zomekko's black, gaseuous form enveloped his sword in a swirling mass of fog, igniting the rusty sword in a shadowy flame. And Pinball waited. After a while the Bandit Warden huffed. "Well, you ain't no fun, are ya." He swung the club back over his shoulder. "I'll go first then. Don't say I didn't warn ya." The Bandit Warden gripped the club with both hands, swinging it at Pinball with reckless abandon. He easily evaded it by throwing himself back and out of reach, and retaliated by immediately following up with a Sword Art. He jumped, unleashing two quick slashes that pained large red lines across the Warden's exposed chest. Pinball pushed off the Warden with a kick, and landed a few feet away from him as he was forced to his knees. Using the club for support, he looked up at Pinball with a ferocious grin. "Not half bad!

Action Taken: Sword Art - [Vertical Arc] [-4 EN / +1 EN] / Charge! +5 DMG and Bull Rush! 
Bandit Warden: ID#109437  BD: 5+3= 8 (Hit!) MD: 5-5= 0 (Miss!) ~ 13+5= 18*4= 72-15= 57 DMG + STUN! 

Pinball: 900/900 HP | 43/90 EN | 13 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA 

Bandit Warden: 42/100 HP | 30 DMG | 2 EVA | 15 MIT [STUNNED] 
*Ignores MIT on Natural 9/10

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With the Warden paralyzed, there was virtually no way he could miss. He gave his sword a twirl, shook it, and stepped up to the Warden, who stared angrily at him - but there was no real thought behind those eyes. They were empty. A shell. This wasn't a real man; it was a machine trying to mimic one, and to Pinball that was too obvious. So why did he feel bad about cutting into him? 
Pinball let another quick two slashes land, dropping the Bandit Warden's health into the red. Pinball took a step back. "If I had my spear, you'd be dead already," he spat, talking to himself more than the mob. 
And isn't that the problem? 
Pinball felt his head throb. Horrible memories pressing hard against the barriers he put up, pushing to get in. But he didn't let them. Not here. And the rain fell hard, cooling his fiery emotions. 

Action Taken: Sword Art - [Vertical Arc] [-4 EN / +1 EN] 
Bandit Warden: ID# 109438  BD: 8+5= 13 (Hit!) MD: STUNNED ~ 13*4= 52-15= 

Pinball: 900/900 HP | 40/90 EN | 13 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA 

Bandit Warden: 5/100 HP | 30 DMG | 2 EVA | 15 MIT [STUNNED] 
*Ignores MIT on Natural 9/10

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This was it. The Bandit Warden's healthbar was pretty much non-existant at this point. He let the Warden stand, though, and lowered his sword. The Bandit Warden swayed, and took one last, final swing with his club at the slippery swordsman. This time the swing was notably slow and especially sluggish. Pinball had no trouble at all simply stepping out of the way of the tired swing. Too easy. He frowned, disgusted by the thought of it. But he brought his glowing sword down in two quick slashes, letting the system carry him forward. His sword carved the Bandit Warden nearly in half. He let out a short grunt as he died, before shattering, leaving behind nothing but a cloud of pale blue crystals that were quickly swept away by the storm. Zomekko uncoiled from around his weapon, reforming itself as a cat to rest along the side of his cloaked shoulder. Pinball sheathed his rusty sword, and, realizing his hood had fallen off sometime before or during the fight, lifted it. 

Action Taken: Sword Art - [Vertical Arc] [-4 EN / +1 EN]
Bandit Warden: ID#109439 BD: 4+3= 7 (Hit!) MD: 7-5= 2 (Miss!) ~ 13*4= 52-15= 37 DMG 

Pinball: 900/900 HP | 37/90 EN | 13 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA 

Bandit Warden: 0/100 HP | 30 DMG | 2 EVA | 15 MIT
*Ignores MIT on Natural 9/10

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