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[PP-F04] Ice breaks but steel doesn't (Sonya)

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(OOC: This combat is RP no reward will be given by this)

Mace was standing eye to eye with two wolves. Wearing a white scarf and a dark blue winter jacket with brown fur around the hood. With two white steel wings like a Valkyrie on her head and a 4 feet shield with an imprint of two golden wings and a Mace. While welding a Warhammer in the other hand. The two wolves seemed to be getting low while Mace seemed to have no damage dealt with her at all. With no fear in mace her eyes at all, she swung her Hammer at one wolf letting it fly as it seemed to get hit into the red. as the other wolf moves up to attack as well Mace puts up the shield knocking the wolf back. But then from behind the other wolf attack dealing almost no damage to the girl before it got a hammer to the face and exploded into polygons. "Your friend is dead, your next," Mace said with no emotion at all.

The wolf moves up to attack but takes a side step and attacks from the side clawing at the shield Mace holds in her hand. Mace swings her Hammer at the thing but does not seem to hit it at all, trying to push the wolf of the shield Mace feels a great push from the wolf and gets pushed into the snow. Mace Dark blue hair got covered in snow and the wolf kept clawing at the shield dealing no damage at all as it was just trying to attack failing to hit Mace apart from her shield. Looking a bit to her other hand she sees that she dropped her Hammer and tries to grab it but it is getting hard as the wold keep clawing away at the shield pushing Mace more and more into the snow, "I won't let you," Mace grunts trying to grab her hammer.


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As she popped out the gate Sonya shivered, even now she felt it was odd how certain things like pain but chills still rang through but only ever so faintly. More so though as she wasn't the type who had gone through quests yet to help on her travels. The white hair flowed down her back, her outfit she had decided was a simple vanity piece a ball gown of sorts as it rarely go tin the way of combat. The only issue was she hadn't started to test the combat mechanics at all. "Well Sonya, you have to make sure to keep safe both from players and creatures as this floor will be slightly stronger then the starting ones. I can't believe that such a beautiful winter wonderland could exist even in this prison." A sigh and breath of cold air blew out leaving her breath to nearly crystallize upon expulsion.  As she  shivered though the sound of combat began to echo over the icy tundra which caused her hair to stand on end and body to buckle up as she freaked out. "S-someone is killing people?"

Sonya sprinted off toward the sound of the heavy warhammer slamming down, but as she grew near she stopped only to notice as the heavily armored woman was not a pker or someone in need of defending from pker's. Instead the wolves seemed to be in dire need for assistance if anyone here was. Held withing her clutches was the assault spear that buckled with nerves before eventually calming down as she would slip back giving her some space. She figured the girl didn't want her butting in on her kill as some people were extremely territorial about slaying beasts.


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Mace was trying to still grab her Hammer until she got it and once having the Hammer in her hand it began to glow Blue and she hits the wolf and with the first contact shattered into crystals and then a hard cling came out from the hammer hitting the shield. It was loud that it made some birds fly off and at the snow, you could see some air pushed the snow around her. "Arg Got you," Mace said before starting to laugh a bit as she opened her menu to look at her stats. Mace lets her arms rest in the snow and looks up "See Itza, your Little twin sister is not weak, And It also seems she is not the noob anymore. I Hope I will see you again, Maybe I could even show you the new shield I got and what your sister can all do with this Hammer," Mace said with a smile until her eyes spot a female player as then her smile and entire face turns annoyed.

She still sitting in the ground looking at the player, It seemed like the player was a green player and for sure they would not harm her but never can be sure, "Who are you!" Mace said quite demanding, "Did you hear what I said," She said to the female player wanting to hear her answer. She was kind of hoping she did not hear what she said to the sky about her twin brother Itza. She knew that is looking a bit crazy to be talking to the sky and all but still she believed that it was something that the people could see. Mace stood up cleaning off the snow, "Come on Lost your tongue, SPEAK!" Mace said sounding a bit angry.


Edited by Mace
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It wasn't her first time meeting another player, but that was the first bit of combat she had watched within this game as she now squeaked and raised her hands. Her spear then dropping in the snow as she saw the girl angrily pointing the hammer her way as she now realized that wasn't the best way to keep oneself protected from strangers. Her gaze shot back down to her weapon as she laughed a bit hesitantly. "Please I didn't mean to start anyone here I just heard you shouting and fighting but once I got here you obviously had yourself all handled I was a bit relieved to be honest. My name is Sonya I'm just a clothing designer and am seeking out my own brother is all and I thought maybe I would get lucky and find him but he probably is already far ahead in the floors."

"I see you are also seeking out your brother? And he's a twin to from what I heard so we both are searching for roughly the same thing I suppose ... er ... I probably shouldn't have been listening in but it was kinda hard with the way you were projecting." Sonya gulped and slowly bent down, her sleek gown was quite pleasing on the eyes till her fingers curled into the snow with a shiver. Her body  quaking a bit as she then looked up both hands on her weapon now as she asked, "How about we go back to town and I get us two rounds of hot cocoa?"


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Mace looks first confused at the green player as they seem not to walk in on them. Mace still hold her hammer with a tight grip until the player confirms that she heard all the things Mace said, and at that moment you could see a  shift in emotions But still quite angry looking, "Forget that... NOW! No need for you to know," mace said fast as the grip on her Hammer shifted to a tight to a quite lose one. Mace did not want anyone to know her weak spot and well Now the woman knew it quite a bit. Then as the woman got the guts to keep talking to the quite aggressive looking Mace asking if they wanted to go back to town and get some Cocoa. "What the hell, Are you mad, How can I trust you," Mace paused a bit before going on, "Okay I will come, But not because you asked to. And the name is Mace, Not that you should care," Mace said walking up to the woman and more of like taking the lead back to the town holding an eye back to the woman behind her.

"What brings a low-level player here anyways, NOT THAT I CARE!" Mace said trying her best not to sound interested in what Sonya had to say. Also, they seemed to be trying so hard it was quite easy to see that Mace was quite a Tsun. Mace placed her shield on her back and the Hammer on her hip as it moved slowly around there, It seemed Mace was quite tens in her movement and also her Dark blue hair was still a bit covered in snow. She seemed to be into something that made her act like this even tho speaking to the sky hoping to one day be seeing her brother again in the real world where he is and she was not.


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Sonya gulped, the nerves of this girl and her rather commanding fashion seemed less like the usual person she thought who played video games she acted much more like a drill sergeant from this side of the snowbanks. As she was told that it wasn't her place to know, Sonya sighed, she wasn't wrong about it the fact that she had been here to listen to anything was a bit fishy as she didn't normally go running off least of all into dangerous floors. "I mean no, I'm not mad but I understand why it would be hard to trust someone that just came up to you so suddenly but I am by myself and I'm even less experienced then you in combat to be honest I barely manage to hold this Spear in both hands let alone keeping it off the ground."

As she agreed though Sonya felt disheartened by the reply, it didn't sound like the friendly voice of someone who had agreed to join and sit down talking over a coffee as two friends. It seemed like she cared less and less about her only spiraling Sonya down that path of self pity, perhaps it was her depression that often sowed the seeds of doubt and misery but even a girl as young as Mace seemed to find her own standing in this game. Sonya paused at the next question, she didn't want to admit that she just wanted to see the snow. "I umm was told by a friend that the fourth floor was a wonderland of winter and to be honest I was hoping to meet her here but I got a little bit to anxious so I decided to just check it out myself first."


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It was clear to see that even if Mace said that she did not care, she seemed to have a great listening ear as you could see that she was doing that. As Sonya said about that she wanted to look for a friend that maybe was here Mace got out a small grin but kept her face away from Sonya so she did not see it. "It is pretty here for sure, great places and few here wanna see them," She said as you could hear a sudden shift in her voice that sounded happy and calm. But then it went back to the toon from before, "Not that I wish to show you around... a Low level like you should not be alone here," Mace said sounding just like before a bit angry and pushy as well. But you could hear that Mace did like it here quite a lot, one because not many people came here and two because she loved the snow.

It really took not long for them too to enter the safe zone again and it was quite a big area around the settlement as well. Mace was quiet the whole time as Sonya was walking behind her she could see that Mace was walking less aggressive and more like to her age and body, like a real woman and girl now. A small stone gate came into few and a few feet away from that was a shop with the name 'Frozen Gemstone' an artisan shop. But it seemed like the shop was closed at the moment as the owner of this shop was quite busy a lot, "That is Miss Enna's Shop, Just outside the settlement but still in the safe zone." Mace said pointing to the nice looking building with a glass dome on top. As they then walked into the main Settlement.

Mace walked a bit as Sonya followed her behind again Mace became quiet, before going into a small shop operated by NPC's. Mace walked up to a table and sat down as her shield and Mace disappeared into her inventory. "So, Why did you want to drink," Mace asked wanting to know why a random wanted to drink with her, not that she was really bothered by it but more of why people trusted others so easy. "I came here just to make sure you got here safe, Just make that clear okay. It was not that I was worried or something but I ... Eyeah," Mace said breaking her own words before she said more.


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Sonya nods in agreement, it was gorgeous nothing quite compared to the strange sights that Aincrad had brought not less you had gone to see the spectacular marvels that were spread far and wide through out the earth. The pyramids, great wall of china even the grand canyon were all miraculous in the eyes of the beholders. Mace was certainly difficult, if she didn't know better, she would have assumed that this bratty exterior. Perhaps that was all that was to her this  crusty annoyed individual who didn't wish to deal with anyone else or their problems. It made sense lots of players continued forward leaving the weak and scared far in behind in their wake uncaring of those younger children who had never been away from their mother or father for even a fortnight.

Sonya sighed as she then nods her head, "I do apologize if I had some affect on your current state you seem quite agitated to a point that shocks me as I thought I am generally a pleasant person to be around." She slowly looked over though as a familiar name came out of her lips only to smile. "Oh I didn't know that you were also friends with Enna." She giggled, "She helped me early on when I was first getting my gamer legs on the first few quests. Small world I guess."

Sonya then smiled hearing her excuses once more, "Got it just keeping the weakling safe on their journey."


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Mace looked as two cups of hot cocoa came up to them, Mace was quite fast and paid for her own drink. As then she took a few sips from it and looks to Sonya was they apologize for something Mace did not understand at all. What state was the player talking about, it was not like she saw someone die of is scared of losing someone, as the one she cared about was not even in the game and was safe from all bad things that happened inside the game. Then they spoke about being friends with Miss Enna, "I... no... I not a friend with her... She helps me but I, not a friend," She paused for a second She sounded worried and became even a bit red, "I have no friends and I have no need for them," Mace said then. Even if she denied it you could see she was not telling the truth.

As then Sonya smiles and says that she was just keeping her safe, and it sounded like she was not meaning it, "N...no I mean it, What are you T...thinking you... I...Idiot" Mace said getting a bit red again before taking quite a few sips from the hot cocoa as she then stopped she had a chocolate Moustache. "N...not that I was trying or something!" Mace said trying to show off even if her age was nothing to believe from as she was just 17.


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"Well it isn't quite that polite to talk to others in the fashion you have been, if you want to actually get far and have someone miss you if you are gone from this world I suggest you actually show a little compassion toward others? I mean you are calling me an idiot when you have been referring to companions who generally have met me with genuine kindness such as Enna." The girl now sad down upon the ground as she would start to look over toward the girl before smirking more amused but not chuckling to loudly so Mace wouldn't realize that she was making herself a chocolate mustache as she then stretched in her seat and shuffled herself in as she took her own mug into her hand and start to sip and blow at the hot fluids. "Well I suppose I just assumed that people got lonely in this game and perhaps that is why you were talking to the sky for such a long time because you were ditched by your prior ones. Even my own brother left me in the town of beginnings so you can't blame yourself."

"Either way I suggest making a few friends they will keep you safe who knows even beyond their own lives some are actually willing to risk everything for someone who endows themselves in a sleight fashion." Now yawning as she looked back, "Oh and can I have a couple of marshmallows for me and my companion miss?"


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Mace was acting like she was not paying attention to Sonya but she was listening carefully to the words she said until she was done, "I never said I was friends with Miss Enna, She...  Just helps, and Second I did not get ditched, I ran away from the house because my father and my twin brother was the only one who cared about me after that," she said quick only finding out she spoke too much and she became red taking another sip from her chocolate milk and cleaned her mouth after it, "I did not say anything about that, Forget it... Please," She said not wanting to people to start caring for her as she did not want to hold back anyone she met but it seemed she did need to be loved by people as she was still quite young and all. 

Mace looked a bit unsettled now as she kind of spoke her mind in front of someone she did not know well and she never did this as she trusted no one she ever met. It was really a bit that Mace always kept, "Could you please forget what I said and just... Drink ...w...with me?" Mace said trying to sound nice while stuttering a bit sounding calm and careful at the same time.


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Sonya simply sat and listened, it was something that her brother was best at doing but it seemed like Mace may have been in a mess that she was quite accustomed to. As a long lasting member of the crippling depression club she could feel that anxiety that she seemed to have toward others. Perhaps it was just difficult for her to spit out the words that she really wanted to say. Sonya then let her speak her mind, as she was partially distracted the girl quickly scooted over around the table and planted both arms firmly about mace and tugged her down into her lap gently pressing her head into her lap. A gentle hum then taking the form of an old french song that spoke of a girl looking through life through rose colored glasses. Her voice was quite gentle and nice, if she had practiced more she could have probably taken up a job as a music artist but that was far more difficult then designing clothes.

"Shhh calm down and just rest here for a bit, let yourself be vulnerable and even cry if you want no one should have to put on a facade forever. It's not easy to lose someone who is close to you let alone your brother whether it be death or simply a separation for a short period of time. I mean I was broken up when my brother first left me but he said to not worry about it and that he would keep me safe till we escaped this world together. Well I don't think about how long it has been but I have waited here in the beginning few floors and I have decided that I have to go search him out and find my own way out of this world." She then smiled and strokes Mace's hair a few times slowly tugging her up from her lap and sitting her in her lap like a child as she held her tight a few tears running down her own cheek which she tried to conceal.

"So let's have some hot chocolate and why don't you come back to me to the church I stay at their are a bunch of children who need someone big and strong to look up to like you."


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"EEK!" was the first thing that came out of Mace, as she was getting grabbed by Sonya, at first mace was quite stive and did not move as someone would do in a horror movie. "W...what Are you doing, I'm not c...crying!" Mace said trying to hide now everything being quite still and not moving a muscle at all. This was new to Mace for sure, what was going on, why did this player care so much even if they just met. It was not like something like this would happen in the real world or so. Listening to what Sonya was saying, It seemed they got a bit off wrong quite a bit, as it seems Sonya had a brother in the game. Slowly Mace became less stive and she calmed down a bit staying quiet for a few seconds as a small tear fell down while she tried to hide it. Once Sonya picked her up again and set her down on her laps Mace seemed to lean against Sonya not even noticing it herself, She felt save just like those many years ago when her mother was still around. "I... I did not lose my brother, I have no one in this game to look after my stupid actions... I'm weak without my brother and it is the first time I'm separated from my Twin brother, He is in the real world waiting for me, I feel he is worried but I don't know why, I feel like he is right here by my side every time, always," Mace said letting go another tear, before kind of making it feel like her twin brother was by her in the real world now just by the side of her bed and kept a good eye out for her.

It was going to be something new but Mace took the hot chocolate and moved away from Sonya's lap, sitting next to her again, "Sonya, could you please not talk about this, I don't want anyone to see me so weak," Mace asked Sonya as they whipped away some tears. mace was not keen on being shown the weak side of her, It meant she was just fearing something, But in all truth Mace did not fear anything, not even dead as they did not see a reason to stay alive anymore as her mother was dead and her father abused her, and only her twin brother was still thriving and supporting her. "I go to the church with you, If you don't speak about this, I want to join a group that fights against the dangers of this world, Somone who seeks the murderers around the players," Mace said meaning that she wanted to join some police force just like her mother did until she got shot by one criminal. 


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Sonya's hand gently slid up her back and rested cradling her head into her shoulder as she calmly stroked the back of her head curling those slender digits through her locks of hair. Sonya herself had long lived with depression and despair after hitting high school so she knew loneliness all to well and saw it in others who tried to be strong. Her hand gently stroked up and down the back of Mace's head and neck much like one would a cat. Even the few words Mace spoke out while now tearing up only caused Sonya to empathize more with the young one in her arms. "Shh it's ok to be weak at times Mace, you don't have to put on a show to everyone you meet least of all me if you would like you can add me to your friends list and whenever you need a shoulder to cry on I can act as that till we return you back to your sibling. I promised a fair amount of people even those kids back at the church that I'm assisting in watching over that I would help them return back home safe and sound and now I know that if one doesn't act then we might be stuck here longer which is why I'm striving to be stronger in this game for others to lean on me like I leaned on my brother. I only hope that I find him ... I'm concerned what he is doing but I check for his name on the monument of life every day."

Sonya smiled at the remark on her twin being constantly by her side, "It's because no matter what they are by your side you see this." She reached out her hand and patted an imaginary shoulder the girl now hugging her close before then pointing her face to it. "He's right there if he is anything like mine we would always be by the other's side in the moment of need and if you were in the hospital in a coma while he may not spend every waking hour his mind is always thinking of you which means he will always be here in your heart." She said poking her in the chest with a giggle. "Now cheer up tears don't suit you well. And if you want to protect others then maybe I should talk with Enna and Kit. I had been thinking of building out own guild hall where we would also take in the children of this game."


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Mace cleared her tears a gave a weak smile to Sonya as she said that tears did not suit her at all, It was true as her brother also said this quite a lot to her, She was too stubborn or just to calm about things, never fear a thing. She then sat upright and cought a bit, "Yeah, Tears don't suit me, So... How about I follow you to this church and say hello to those children, I would like to see how they look up to me, I'm sure they going to like my shield," she said getting a weak smile off, but it seemed she was still not really fully up to things, but so far she looked to be okay and all. She was looking at Sonya for a bit and then she had to ask it, "Why are you so good with these kinds of things, Like why do you care about me even tho you just met me, That is not something a person does just because they can... Right?" She asked Sonya looking at her a bit "I just want to show this darn world I can do things on my own but I also want to be with Itza... Ooh Itza is my brother, Itza, and Izami, One the one is the Wall and the other the roof, Yep I'm the wall," She said to Sonya meaning that her brother was the roof.


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Sonya's hands peeled slightly away but still held onto Mace's back peeking down and offering a sleight smile, "Well my brother always was good at it, and then after taking up a job as a model I figured I ought to at least get along with people a little bit more. So after talking with a few groups expressing some pent up rage and depression that had sorta lingered in my life I guess I developed a few skills along the way. And perhaps consoling is one of them as I'm now working with kids after all, I didn't even start that when this first happened at first I was just one of those lost souls wandering through the first floors and then I met a few people and came to terms that my brother wasn't coming back for me. He probably just told me to wait because he wanted me to stay safe as he went out to win the entire game. He always did enjoy playing games and took it upon himself to try and solo all sorts of crazy mobs." She then blinked as she realized she was beginning to babble now as she rubbed the back of her neck. "Anyway you don't really care about all of that so let's go ahead and go down to the first floor as that is the church they are staying at. As much as I would like to visit this place more I am afraid I probably left Kit with a handful." She reached out once more her hand to Mace, as if indicating she was ready less they wanted to finish a few more drinks.


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Mace looked a bit weird out as Sonya began to speak quite a lot sure things did not look all to best for anyone in this game, not even outside of the game did people feel like things were going alright. Once Sonya was done talking she was stopping right away and not much was said about that anymore as she moved right on to asking if she was ready to leave now. Mace nodded to Sonya and took the cub she still and just with one good sip she took all the chocolate milk into one. "I can walk myself, But thanks," She said to Sonya denying the hand Sonya gave her because Mace did not want to look like a weak person walking hand in hand with someone older looking then you for sure. Mace stood up and did however follow Sonya to the teleporter but slowly took over the lead in the settlement of Snowfrost. "there are a few more player shops here and there but nothing more than that, this floor is quite empty because of the snow," Mace said getting onto the Teleporter stone and saying the words, "Floor one, Town of Beginners," as she teleported right away to floor one at the most crowded place ever. 

Once on floor one, you could see Mace her face and body was saying 'Why did I come here, Just let me go to the wilds away from here' but she did promise herself to come with Sonya for a reason to see the kids that were stuck here in this game. Waiting for Sonya to also teleport in Mace was looking at some of the people that walked in and out, a few she thought she has seen before but she clearly knew from where. She maybe stared a bit too long as they walked up to her and you could see the Hammer and the Shield Mace had materialized into her equipment items putting one of her hands on the Hammer, "So you came back to this floor, Did we not tell you, if you come here we could make sure you..." One guy said before Mace took out her Hammer again and held it up ready to hit them, "SHUT IT and Run along, I'm Not you Waifu or I'm nowhere near your Girl in the group that you keep touching for your pleasure, PISS OFF," She said to him before one guy reached out to her chest trying to hold her, but before he could do so Mace her hammer went down on his hand and he took his hand back fast, "We get it lady, But Next time we will make you come," They said before leaving again and Mace stood there looking if Sonya saw this.


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Sonya nods and slowly wandered off behind her, she wasn't sure how Mace felt about it but she seemed rather emotional in a way that reminded her of herself. However, she seemed a lot more scarred then most of the people in this game from perhaps either the separation of the hopelessness that had engulfed them here. She knew many who had accepted this life style. They seemed to all surrender the idea of escaping this living prison, but there was still some hope no doubt they would wake up with extreme muscle deterioration though. They probably would have to set up some sort training ground if they did escape to reestablish oneself in society. Sonya grimaced as she herself probably would be out of the job only to find herself being questioned by the media do to her status among the fashion community. After Mace gripped hold of the teleportation crystal she would do the same and state clearly, "Floor one, Tow of Beginners please." She smiled slowly appearing a few seconds behind Mace only to blink. She paused  as the girl was now talking to someone.

Sonya growled and then approached what is the meaning of this you jerks leave her alone else I will go seeking some legal council from the guilds that enjoy punishing such scoundrels. There was no hiding this scene as she then glared with fury, "And you never touch a women in such an inappropriate manner!" She said her assault spear soon gripped from off of her back as they started to run off form Mace's movements. You know what you should really stick with friends ... jerks like that is what makes this game so unsafe for us females."


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  • 2 weeks later...

Mace looks as Sonya seemed pissed at the two guys as well but Mace shrugged it off like nothing before turning to Sonya, "No worry, I dealt with them before, They don't like then I fight back, I once went with them to a party to fight a monster but they took me to a forest and said it was playing time for them, that moment was there I placed a lure on the ground and monsters started to attack I took the time to get out with a crystal but it seems they want me back, They can piss right off, they are just like my father jerks," Mace said without any emotion at all and before placing her weapon away and covering her mouth again, "Sorry I spoke my mind, where is the church Sonya," Mace asked waiting for a response from Sonya. As so it seemed somehow Mace was slowly warming up from her frozen heart she had.


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Sonya frowned for a bit, she felt like Mace was far more chewed up about it then she wanted to express as she then wandered over to hug the girl once more. "Here don't worry we are now friends and if you ever get in trouble or need hel with those jerks once more just shoot me a message and I will com running to deal with them." She the pulled back slightly  held up a thumbs up, "Worst case scenario I will threaten them on the brink o Aincrad if they don't start leaving you alone else they can face oblivion as there is nothing I hate worse int his world then bullies who have to think they are strong by having a bunch of minions. So with the two of us and my friend at the church we can definitely send them packing and crying home to their mommies. Anyway the church is right here, just don't mention to many things about family as some of the kids are still sensitive." She said taking a different motherly tone as she strolled forward and opened the church door as a few kids squeaked.

"Miss Sonya is back!" A few of them crowded around varying ages as she smiled and nods. As a few  would cling to her side.

"Ahh it's fine, I brought a friend I bet miss Mace would love to play a game of hide and go seek with us would she?" She said curious and looking over toward the girl.


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