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[PP-F1] A Lesson For Sure <<First Few Lessons Are Free>>

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To: @Symphony

"Hey love~. It's Leru, and I was wondering if you were still down to give a sucker like me an assist with material hunting! See, I find myself to be quite inexperienced and saddened by the fact that I am unable to obtain materials without a lovely chatting partner. So that is where you come in! If you are down, meet me by the gates at around noon, I'll make sure to have talked to the NPC old man by then so that you don't have to go through insufferable levels of filler text. Let me know what you think!


And true to his word, he would await a response, waiting for her at the gates by noon. Regardless of her arrival, he would then look out towards the fields with a gleam in his eye, clear interest in obtaining materials was shown. This was the time for him to invest in his actual build, level up and reach his brother using natural leveling methods.

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Symphony was busy crafting in her shop when she received Leru's message. She quickly read it over and yelled to her familiar, Cloak, "Time to go! We have a quest to help with!" Cloak cawed happily and flew along after his partner as she raced out of the shop door and down the road, heading towards the gates that separated the Safe Zone from the wilderness. She quickly changed clothes into her blue leather armor and gear as she ran. 

As she approached the gate, she saw Leru and waved to him. "Hey, Leru! Good to see you again!" she called. A little out of breath, she stopped right next to him and paused to regain her composure. "So, are we working on the first quest then? Ah, easy gathering," she said once she was able to breathe normally again. She remembered doing this quest with Pinball. The orange player had left her mid-quest. She would not make the same mistake today though. She would stick with Leru all the way. 


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