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[PP/F4] <<Avalanche>>

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Level: 15

Health: 300 | Energy: 30
EVA: 1 | MIT: 28 | ACC: 3
DMG: 9



Combat skills: 


Weapon skills: 
 Rank Five, Dagger +5 DMG


 Armor skills: 
♥ Rank Two, Light Armor +10 MIT


Extra skills: 


Utility Skills: 





 [Equipped] [Perfect] Death's Grip: +3 DMG 
 [Equipped] [Perfect] Black Swan: +1 EVA, +2 MIT
 [Equipped] [Perfect] Blossoming Wind: +3 ACC


Battle Ready:

 Starter Healing Potion (Heals 50) x3
 T1 HP Potion, Uncommon (Heals 40) x5
♥ [Empty]
♥ [Empty]


The fourth floor... Kityuisa found it simple. It was rather snowy here, cold too. Kityuisa didn't feel the snip of the cold however, she had always been good with the cold. The forest Kityuisa was surrounded by was supposedly well known for it's massive evergreen trees. And Kityuisa could see why. This snow coated forest was definitely breathtaking. Kityuisa had Willow by her side. 
Kityuisa snapped herself back to reality, she had to try her best not to get distracted. Her reason for coming here was simple, she had a purpose. There had been a giant field boss on this floor, in the form of what was told to be a giant ice elemental. Apparently it dropped an alchemical concotion. Kityuisa wanted it. She didn't know when she would need it, but she wanted every rare drop she could get her fingers on. Call it greed, Kityuisa just called it business. She could probably sell it to a merchant if she didn't find use to it anyways.

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Ike had heard of this field boss. It was very much like him to fight all the monsters, so it was only natural for him to work his way over to the snowy biomes of floor four. His minty eyes spotting Kityuisa. Her blonde hair moving slightly in the wind. Ike covered his face, shaking his head. Of course she would be here... She's always looking for a challenge. Ike chuckled to himself before moving closer to her.

"Well if it isn't Kityuisa. Seems you had the same idea as me. Fighting this Avalanche?" His eyes looked up at the monster that was within the trees. They were both far enough away to not obtain the monster's aggro. Ike nodded, "If you are, then feel free to join me, if not, then let me take care of this thing so I can get the drop." Ike dashed forward, his giant straight sword aimed for the monster.

Party Passive Effects: N/A
Enemy Passive Effects: N/A
Roll: ID# 119676
BD: 2 + 1 = 3


     ♥   Kityuisa | 300/300 HP | 30/30 EN | 9 DMG | 28 MIT | 3 ACC | 1 EVA
     ♥   Ike | 20/20 HP | 0/2 EN | 5 DMG | 1 ACC


     ♥   Avalanche | 100/100 HP | 40 DMG

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Kityuisa could feel the dark presence of the floor boss that was right in front of her, even from over a mile away.The area surrounding her was filled with thick trees. It was nothing like the clearings she usually fought it. But the trees would provide her enough cover to dodge the attacks, but it would also make it harder for her to attack the dumb thing. Kityuisa cursed lightly. Either way, she would kill it. Either way she would end its life, just like every other floor boss she had attacked thus far. Kityuisa's thoughts got distracted as a voice called out to her. Her eyes turning, it was none other than Ike... Before she even had a chance to reply to him, she watched as Ike launched himself at his target, failing miserably as he had miscalculated how the trees would affect his attack. As soon as his sword got caught in a tree, Kityuisa dashed forward. Her dagger shining. Her body moving faster than the speed of light as she cut individual marks along the beast. She moved swiftly back to Ike's side. "Nice going, by the way. Getting you sword trapped in the tree.." Kityuisa chuckled, "Good to see you, Ike."

Party Passive Effects: N/A
Enemy Passive Effects: N/A
Roll: ID# 119677
BD: 10
MD: 8 - 1 = 7


     ♥   Kityuisa | 288/300 HP | 24/30 EN | 9 DMG | 28 MIT | 3 ACC | 1 EVA
     ♥   Ike | 20/20 HP | 0/2 EN | 5 DMG | 1 ACC


     ♥   Avalanche | 34/100 HP | 40 DMG

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Ike struggled to get his blade free watching as Kityuisa whizzed past him. Damn, she's good. Ike smirked, he would prove to her that he wasn't useless! Ike freed his sword and as she made her comment he simply ran forward, slamming his sword down on the back of the Avalanche.

He leaped back to Kityuisa, "How was that for you?" His lopsided grin peeking through as he tossed his head, his hair shifting out of his eyes. 

Ike glanced back up at the Avalanche it had seemed to grow pissed off. Two consecutive attacks? Unheard of! Ike actually landing on his target? Unheard of! 

Ike knew he would rather use his skills to heal Kityuisa of the damage that the Avalanche had inflicted, but he did not have the healing skill yet... He would just have to keep working hard to get it. Then he could become the true support he always wanted to be.

Party Passive Effects: N/A
Enemy Passive Effects: N/A
Roll: ID# 119678
BD: 6 + 1 = 7


     ♥   Kityuisa | 288/300 HP | 24/30 EN | 9 DMG | 28 MIT | 3 ACC | 1 EVA
     ♥   Ike | 20/20 HP | 0/2 EN | 5 DMG | 1 ACC


     ♥   Avalanche | 29/100 HP | 40 DMG

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Kityuisa chuckled. At least when she missed her target she didn't get her dagger stuck in a tree! Kityuisa dashed forward again, hoping to land the killing blow on the ugly. But, the Avalanche just ducked behind a tree! Kityuisa ran into the space that the Avalanche had been in, running straight for one of the very trees that Ike would have gotten his sword stuck in! Kityuisa leaped into the air, pushing off the ground and then pushing off the tree to land on her feet, twisting in the air so she would be facing the Avalanche. Watching as it attacked her with its ice. Kityuisa stumbled lightly, before regaining her balance.

She would for sure kill it in her next blow. And she knew Ike, based on his last attack that he couldn't finish it off. If he could have, he would have already. The sooner that this field boss was killed, the sooner Kityuisa would be able to go home. The sooner she could get rid of Ike's company.

Party Passive Effects: N/A
Enemy Passive Effects: N/A
Roll: ID# 119679
BD: 2 + 3 = 5
MD: 7 - 1 = 6


     ♥   Kityuisa | 276/300 HP | 20/30 EN | 9 DMG | 28 MIT | 3 ACC | 1 EVA
     ♥   Ike | 20/20 HP | 0/2 EN | 5 DMG | 1 ACC


     ♥   Avalanche | 29/100 HP | 40 DMG

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Ike chuckled as the Avalanche moved last minute for Kityuisa, she had just scolded him about getting his sword stuck in that darn tree! And then she had missed! but his chuckle fell short as she maneuvered herself to correct herself. Her body landing, facing the avalanche as it bore its fist down on her. Ike's eyes widened, she was taking his attacks full on, unafraid. 

He watched as her health pool dipped a small smidgen. He wished his health pool was that high.. One hit and he would be done for. It was dumb of him to think he could kill it on his own...

Ike shrugged, what could he do about it? He would just be more careful in the future. Ike ran at the Avalanche. His sword charging forward as he swung it around his head, hitting the Avalanche and landing a critical hit. 

Ike moved backwards, "Switch?" His gaze landing on Kityuisa. Knowing full well she could finish it off. He had dealt a nice amount of damage, he was proud of it. Seven hit points? Easy. Killing this field boss? Easy. Nothing was too hard for Ike.

Party Passive Effects: N/A
Enemy Passive Effects: N/A
Roll: ID# 119680
BD: 10


     ♥   Kityuisa | 276/300 HP | 20/30 EN | 9 DMG | 28 MIT | 3 ACC | 1 EVA
     ♥   Ike | 20/20 HP | 0/2 EN | 5 DMG | 1 ACC


     ♥   Avalanche | 22/100 HP | 40 DMG

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Kityuisa grinned as she watched Ike hit a critical. He seemed only too confident in himself. Kityuisa rolled her eyes. She dashed forward, leaping off the Avalanche and swiping her dagger in a triangle shaped pattern. As soon as she landed her last attack, the sword slashed began to glow a dark red hue. Kityuisa grinned as the Avalanche burst into pixels. She landed on her two feet, turning towards Ike, "Just like that. I could have killed it in one hit now that I think about it... I used an attack that I learned back when I was just rank three. Now i'm maxed out on my rank." Kityuisa grinned, walking over to Ike. 

Kityuisa watched as a screen popped up. She had gotten the rare drop, and by the looks of things, so had Ike. Kityuisa was done for the day, "I'm honestly pooped out. I'm gonna go back up to my shop..." Kityuisa turned away from Ike and began to walk away, Willow lifting her head and trotting after her. "Feel free to come with me if you want some tea or something." 

Party Passive Effects: N/A
Enemy Passive Effects: N/A
Roll: ID# 119681
BD: 5 + 3 = 8


     ♥   Kityuisa | 276/300 HP | 17/30 EN | 9 DMG | 28 MIT | 3 ACC | 1 EVA
     ♥   Ike | 20/20 HP | 0/2 EN | 5 DMG | 1 ACC


     ♥   Avalanche | Dead

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Ike watched as Kityuisa landed the final blow. Her sword skill causing a glowing triangle to appear, glowing in such a way to take the appearance of blood. Ike shuddered and watched as it burst into pixels. A window popped up, he had managed to deal enough damage to get a drop as well? His eyebrows raised. 

Kityuisa began to leave him in the trees, but Ike moved fast enough to catch up with the quickly retreating figure. "Yeah, i'll come. You got the tea?" Ike smirked, following Kityuisa to the town teleporter. He got on and offered a hand to her. "Come on, slow poke." Ike joked around with her. 

Ike himself wanted a pet! Kityuisa had Willow, and Willow was adorable! Ike would ask her about it when they got back to her shop. If it was a quest... He might just have to do it anyways. Despite his hatred for quests, he would do anything to get a familiar.

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Kityuisa rolled her eyes as Ike went ahead of her to get on the teleporter. "You can sight see on your own when we get there, but I want to go directly to my shop." Kityuisa shouted, "Floor 22! Coral!" And the three of them disappeared and reappeared on floor twenty-two. As if the weather spoke with Kityuisa, they appeared on floor twenty-two. Rain was pouring down. Kityuisa shuddered, she loved the rain but at the same time she hated it. Lightning stroke down to five feet away from them. Willow let out a hiss, and Kityuisa jumped ten feet in the air, "Jesus. Let's hurry to my shop!" She began running, trying to get out of the rain as fast as possible. Her cat kept hissing before she let out the loudest meow Kityuisa had ever heard, "Stop being sassy Willow, just run! If you want to be carried, see if Ike will carry you!" As Kityuisa kept running, Willow now meowed at Ike.

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Ike watched as the three of them disappeared a reappeared on floor twenty-two. The rain was pouring so fast that Ike figured sight seeing could wait until it calmed down. Ike watched as Kityuisa began to run and he broke into a run himself to keep up. He looked down to see Willow and Kityuisa have a fight before Willow turned her attention to Ike. As Ike kept running, he scooped down and pulled Willow into his arms.

The poor wet cat shuddered as she was freezing. Her hissing continuing. She obviously hated water. Ike covered her as much as he could as he ran, her claws clinging to his armor as if trying to act out how uncomfortable she felt. Ike felt her pain, he was never really outside in the rain. Minus the photo shoots he had done in the rain. But even then it hadn't been as bad as this! Another lightning stroke down close by and Ike picked up the pase, grabbing Kityuisa's hand and pulling her along.

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The rain was pouring even harder. Kityuisa was struggling to see. The lightning was getting worse, and her shop was still quite a distance away. Kityuisa spotted a nearby cafe, "Let's tucker in there until this rain is over. Then we can hit up my shop." 

Kityuisa grinned at Ike, "If that's alright with you. You can once again do whatever you want, but you have my cat so at least come inside with me!"

Kityuisa entered the cafe, the warmth seeping into her shivering skin. The bar tender saw what the cat had dragged in and went back to fetch a few towels. Kityuisa walked over to the fireplace and placed her hands out, trying to warm up as much as she could. The rain was pouring, lightning was striking and it was freezing cold. Kityuisa felt miserable.

Kityuisa glanced at the entrace, waiting for Ike to enter with Willow in his arms.

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Ike could barely hear Kityuisa over the sound of the pouring rain, but followed her nontheless into the cafe she had just entered. Willow jumped out of his hands and ran over to the fire, sitting on the floor, she shook her pelt before beginning to run her tongue through her pelt. Ike grinned, making his way over as well.

"This is really quite the storm." Ike glanced out the window, the rain wouldn't seem to let up any time soon, "Might as well get to know each other yeah?" Ike nudged Kityuisa with his elbow. The bar tender coming over with three towels. Ike took one and began running it along his skin, ruffling his hair, drying it.

His clothes were still soaking however so he stood next to Kityuisa, warming himself up by the fire that was flaming and bringing about warmth. Ike let the warmth seep into his skin as his platinum blonde/ white tinted hair began to dry.

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Kityuisa graciously accepted the towel, dropping one down on the floor. She took the second towel, scooping up Willow in the middle of her bathing and wrapped the towel around her, rubbing her skin delicately. She unwrapped her cat and set up the unused towel perfectly in front of the fire. She then set Willow down on the towel and watched as Willow nuzzled deeper into the towel, and continued to bathe herself.

Kityuisa took the towel she had just used on her cat and began drying herself off, "You want to get to know me? Really?" Kityuisa raised her eyebrows. Ike had seemed uninterested in her, but here he was asking her if they ought to get to know each other. "I'm Japanese, I came into this game and I am a DPS based build." Kityuisa nudged towards her dagger, "That's about it, really. What about you?" Kityuisa motioned for Ike, giving him his turn to talk.

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Ike laughed at the way Kityuisa replied, "What I mean is like, what did you do before you joined the game?" Ike realized how blunt and risky it was to ask a player, one that could easily kill him in a single hit... About her personal life, so he decided to go first. "Well.. My username has been Ike for as long as i've played games. I am an online high school student, and I am currently eighteen years old. I came here when I was sixteen. So I suppose when I go back i'll have to catch up on school. I am a single child, and I used to stream a lot.. Though I doubt my presence will still exist by the time i'm back.. For if it does, it won't be the same." Ike left out the part about being a big time streamer. Along with the fact that he was a millionaire. 

Ike nudged Kityuisa, "That's what I meant. It's your turn now. Oh! I am also trying to be a support build. I wanna support people, heal em up. That sorta thing. It just sorta feels right here. I don't want anyone dying on me." 

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Kityuisa listened to what Ike spoke of, her own shoulders shrugging, "Healing, okay. I can roll with that. Though you didn't heal me in that past battle. Seemed like you were going tank or dps.." Kityuisa squinted at Ike, "Ike, hmm.. Streaming? Is that why your face seems kind of familiar?" Kityuisa thought for a moment, "I already graduated... So I suppose when I get back my first step will be to go to college. Are you wanting to leave this game that badly? Go back to your old life? Isn't here ten times better?" Kityuisa blinked back her tears. She had left a lot of her personal information out of the equation. She held back the fact that she was a murderer. Kityuisa grimaced lightly. 

When will these lies end? Kityuisa just wanted to stay in this game forever. What was the point of going to the real world? This world she felt powerful... Here she was safe from her old life... Here she didn't have to worry about bringing food to the table.

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Ike grinned, "There we go. Now, tell me more about yourself." Ike stared into the flames, "Yeah... I do want to go back.. Don't you?" Ike blinked, looking back at Kityuisa, "The real world is where all the good stuff is. Here you can die... I would rather play games that don't have that factor added to them.." Ike looked back into the fire. He did not want to experience death, like how the monsters burst into pixels. Ike wanted to leave this place. He had hope, and he wouldn't let anyone take that hope away.

"Y'know Kityuisa, you need a bit more positivity in your life." Ike grinned, "Don't you have people that make you happy?" Ike questioned curiously. He opened his inventory and began going through it. His stats hidden to everyone as he wasn't on his stat page, "We should probably order something. After all, that innkeeper gave us these towels. We owe him."  

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Kityuisa turned her face away, "The real world is [censored]." Kityuisa frowned, she kept being negative. She had to get out of her own head... Kityuisa shook her thoughts until Ike brought up needing positivity, that was where she glared. She curled her lip, "I have positivity!" Kityuisa thought of her friends when he asked if anybody made her happy. Her thoughts instantly thinking of him... Kityuisa shook the thought away, "I do have my friends--" She wouldn't mention his name. The last thing she needed was someone telling her that she liked him, just like what Bahr had said, "I have Bahr, Kirbs.. I have Willow... I have lots of people I care about. Lots of people that make me happy. But you go back to the real world, all of that is gone. People that you've lost don't come back." Kityuisa spoke for her friend Kirbs, more than anything.. She had yet to find her sister. The only thing was, she knew she wasn't dead... Kityuisa knew it, she could feel it. Plus she had checked the monument of life... Kityuisa frowned, if she wasn't dead, she knew that she would have to make a very important choice.

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Ike chuckled, "Be happy Kityuisa! You have your friends! You have a freaking cat! You literally have the world in your left palm and what are you doing with it? You're planning on fighting field bosses alone and trying to cast away people." Ike smiled, "You could do better, you know." Ike smirked, "I don't know you that well, but I think you're better than the negativity that has eaten at you. Forget about the past, move on from the people that have been lost. Don't forget them, but don't like every day in a bottle of depression because of it. As this one movie once stated, when the world turns your back on you, you turn your back on the world! You need to have no worries! Shoot for the sky! Aim for the stars. I believe in you." Ike stopped his motivational speech. He hadn't been expecting to say as much as he had. He waved the bar keeper over, "Hey yeah, can we get some bread rolls and some water..." He dropped some col in the inn keeper's palm, "And can I get a one night stay? Thanks." 

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Kityuisa listened to his motivational speech, tears beginning to stroll down her cheeks, silently. Ike was right... She had let everything get to her... Maybe they won't judge me as harshly as I think they will... Kityuisa looked at the ground. Willow noticing her change, got up and rubbed against her leg, letting out a comforting meow.

Kityuisa slightly smiled and bent down, petting her cat, "Thank you Willow..." She looked up, "And thank you, Ike. I have to take some time to think now.." Kityuisa watched as he waved the innkeeper over, "Can you make my food to go please? Thanks.." Kityuisa smiled, "And are you two sharing that room?" Kityuisa felt disgust fill her mouth, "Hell no. I have my shop, The Tipsy Witch a few blocks down. There's no way i'd stay with him." Kityuisa turned her cheek. Frustrated. How come every time that two players the opposite sex were together, everyone thought they were together!

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Ike chuckled as Kityuisa reacted the way that she did, "The room is just for me, as the lady says. There's no way i'd spend the night in the same room as her either way. Even if she begged me to." Ike smiled as the bar keeper turned to get the food and room situated. He turned back to Kityuisa, "Am I really that bad? Haha..." He shook his head, "And you can take your time thinking it over. I'll be here if you ever need to talk." He then shot Kityuisa a friend request. The bar tender came back and gave the to go food to Kityuisa, telling Ike his own food was up in his room, he handed over a key, "Well, see you around Kityuisa. Bye, bye Willow." Ike waved goodbye as he made his way up to his room, to eat, drink and enjoy a well-deserved night's rest.

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