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[PP-01] <<TFFLAF>>

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Solei stretched his back as he left Zackiriah's shop. He was finally going to do something that would help others! He was going to level up! Sure, he was helping the little kids with getting back on their feet for two years but he could help everyone now! He jumped off the steps childishly as he landed on two feet almost perfectly. He nearly stumbled to his butt but his foot caught him just in time. Thank God for legs, am I right? 

He walked almost childishly through the town, almost getting lost once or twice, again. How could you get lost in a town, especially after you've been living there for two damn years? The bluenette sighed as he thought about that over and over again. He had the worst memory. Heck, he couldn't even remember what he ate this morning. Did he even eat anything this morning? Who knows? Some things just remain a mystery in this world.


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Hydra was busy packing some things for her little trip into the fields again. She was quite confident for sure as the level of the floor was not that high at all and with her being level 15 already she was quite confident that she would have no trouble encountering any hostile mobs out here. "What should I get, let's see let's see," She said low standing on her room of the church she was the helping with the orphanage that was set in here. Taking the items she needed she walked out of the good and without any notice, two kids stood waiting for her to come out. A younger boy and girl from the age of 10, A boy with very darkish red hair and a small bandage on his nose, and a girl with brighter and longer hair. The boy was called Eito and the girl Emi both were brother and sister or twins to be sure. "Bonjour darlings, what is it I can help with," Hydra asked them as she stood there. The Girl smiled and took her brother's hand, "Can we come with you miss Aris-san, Eito overheard you will be going out for a bit and we wanted to see some of the outsides too." Emi said to Hydra with a smile as her brother nodded with her as she spoke. Letting out a sigh she kind of knew that if asked these two would not stop asking until an answer was given to them that would benefit them both. "mon amie, my Friend. How to please you both. Well I see no harm in it, but I want you two to remember anything dangerous and you two use the teleport crystals I have," She said to the two kids before taking both their hands in her hand and moving out of the courtyard into the city.

Getting past the gate now Hydra looked at how both the kids their face light up as the saw the menu change saying <Leaving Save Zone> Hydra could nothing else but give a little giggle. Walking for a bit She looked at Eito, "Chéri, Darling, Eito... you have a dagger right, and your sister a mace?" She asked Eito who looked up to her, "Yep, Sis has a mace she can barely hold up in real life and I have this little thingy," he said holding out a dagger that was quite big for the kid. "I can hold it up Eito, NO WAY YOU NEVER TRIED," Emi said as a response to her brother. "Well, why you protect your sister with that and I will promise to bring you here more often," Hydra said to Eito with a smile as his face light up even more. Hydra stopped and smiled before sitting down on a hill with the kids not far from the path to the main settlement. Overlooking the area a bit as flowers left and right grew quite a bunch, it was here that Hydra completed her First quest. Letting the kids play with an item and a ball Hydra sat there looking at them in happiness as the sun shined on her and wind blew into her hair. From a distance, you could mix her up with an NPC or something.

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Solei squinted at the blonde in the distance with two tiny kids dancing around her. He chuckled to himself, knowing only one person who would bring two kids out of the safe zone. 

He casually walked up the Hydravion and tipped his imaginary hat. "How do you do, Hydravion?" He mused, looking over to Eito and Emi. "I'm surprised you woke up this early just to get them out here. I'm pretty sure you were still back at the church by the time I had left," Solei chuckled, crouching down to eye-level with the two siblings. "And how are you two doing? Not getting in trouble, I hope?"

God, he loved being around kids, a big reason why he wanted to be a teacher in the first place, in fact. Plus, they were just so cute! It reminded him of Skye so much! Gah, she must be these guys' age by now! Man, he felt so damn old!

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Looking to the kids a bit as they played together Hydra looked around to the voice from behind and a smile grew on her face, "Bonjour Chérie, Darling. How convenient we run into each other again, Thought you went for a quest," She said to Solei as he walked up to her. "Ooh I was just packing for a small little rest on my own, I heard you wake up, but you forgot something as the kitchen was still the same as last night like I left it," She said getting a sandwich out her inventory and giving it to Solei, "Sometimes you are way too forgetful, mon amie," Before she could say anything else Eito and Emi turned to Solei and Ran up saying his name at the same time.

"Solei-san where were you this morning, I wanted to convince Miss Aris-san to take us with her... I mean play with you," Emi said to Solei as she walked up, her brother holding the ball stood behind her as most of the time as he was shyer out of the two. "Solei-san, what are you doing here, I know Aris-san wanted to get some alone time in this place full of pretty flowers, but what are you doing here?" Eito asked Solei as they both waited for his response. Hydra looked at Emi with a smile look on her face "so that is what you always do when Solei asks me something what I already said no too," She said low as Solei already knew she was an out-loud thinker. "Well les jumeaux, the Twins are more than eager to know. Solei I didn't you say you would be getting stronger for all of them?" She said with a smile on her face to him.

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"Well, I am on the quest right now," he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Ah, I see. Well, thank you," he said gratefully, taking the sandwich from her with a grin. "One of the best traits about me," he joked.

"I was doing an errand," Solei blinked at her and ruffled her head with a small laugh. Okay, maybe he wasn't the best teacher? When Eito came up, he raised a brow and looked at Hydravion. "Alone time, huh?" He chortled and crossed his arms as he gave the blonde a pointed look. "I'm just running a few errands, don't worry about it, Eito."

He chuckled nervously and nodded his head. "Yeah. Stronger. That's right." Well, damn. He knew he couldn't even compare to the people who actually fought, but he'd rather stay on the back line, making sure everyone else was safe, like some kind of healer!

ID: 120860

LD: 3+3=6, Fail

Total Mats: 0/5

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Hydra got out a laugh as he said it was one of his best traits, "I would say you almost wearing your shirt inside out, but that is not possible here." She said to Solei with a smile on her face. "Gathering materials I presume, for the old man," Hydra said low thinking to the first lesson quest. Her level was a bit too high now to do the rest but at least she knew herself and how she would get around.

"Solei getting stronger then Aris-san, let's GO!"Eito said with a cheer almost throwing up the ball into the air. His sister was more of a puff as soon as he said this. "No Aris-san is always stronger, Look at her, she has the pride of a ... ship... carrier..." she said before getting close to Hydra "What does your name mean again?" She asked not whispering. With a smile, Hydra smiled, "Well Toshiko means agile and clever, child. Yasmine means Jasmine, Like this flower," She said picking up jasmine out of the field, "Aris means... well I have never asked that one, but it is France like my father, and Hydravion means Seaplane in France, you would love to see one they move so nice in the air," She said with a smile. Emi did not pay attention much and smiled "She has the pride of a France woman!" She said fast as it seems she did not fully hear what Hydra was saying.

"No Emi, Solei-san is stronger and will be, I know it," "NOOO, you dumb dumb, Aris-san is already stronger and will be stronger," the kids said with a smile. "And we both are strong together as the best people around this world we find ourself in, together as one strong moving... um... moving person," Hydra said too the twins with a smile but she did not get their attention fully yet.

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"I wouldn't be surprised if I somehow broke the game and did that, though," he mused, laughing for a few split seconds. "Yeah," he drawled, his voice rising a few octaves. "Should be too hard, though. It's just some simple gathering and all."

He sweat dropped and patted Eito's head with a goofy smile. "Ah, I think Aris-san is just a tiny bit stronger than me," he said, pinching his hand together. "-- for now, anyway," he added, giving Hydravion an innocent wink. 

"Settle down," he chuckled, ruffling both of their tiny little heads again. "We're both strong. What... Aris-san said," he stumbled on his words. He wasn't used to using Japanese names that well. He pretty much just kind of used them on relatives and that was it. He would much rather just call Hydravion-- well, Hydravion. It was the names they introduced themselves by, and it felt just kind of weird that he would call her anything else.

ID: 120865

LD: 5+3=8, Fail

Total Mats: 0/5

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The twins looked up as both spoke about being strong together and it seems both of them peeked up thinking of the same thing as well, "So if we work together we can be as strong as you two?" Eito asked the two adults. Hydra looked at Solei for a bit, "I don't want them to get hurt," She said low thinking out loud again. Maybe it was for the best to keep them close, "Hey, Solei-san, Aris-san. can you tell me about your life's a bit, I know you both big kids teachers and I heard even that Aris-san has big kids in this game!" Emi said to both with a smile.

Hydra did not suspect this question at all and was a bit caught off guard. "Well I have no trouble to talk about it but maybe Solei does, but for starters, I will start here," She said holding her fingers to her chin and think for a bit, "Where to start where to start," she said low. as she thought both kids took place in sitting down in front of her. "Ah yes. Well let's see, Well you know who I am and you know I have nearly no shame in being who I am and how I work. My dad is a French photographer and my mom is medic in a hospital. I am fully born in Japan and have the second name from my grandmother, and now I teach kids for two years. Life in a small apartment with a friend of mine, she works as a PE teacher so I keep up in shape," Hydra says to the two kids as they look on with twinkles in their eyes.

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Solei smiled sadly at her and patted her back reassuringly. "They won't get hurt, don't worry about it."

"My life?" He mumbled, scratching his chin. He laughed out loud and scratched the back of his neck, "honestly, Aris-san might have a more interesting story than me," he chuckled sheepishly. "Well, to start off I had a really big family," he held up five fingers with wide eyes. "Ten people! I was the oldest of eight brothers and sisters," he exclaimed, bring back his hands to scratch his chin again. "That was pretty much the only interesting thing about me," he said sheepishly. "But other than that. I moved to Japan from the United States and got a teaching job for sign language."

"I was teaching for only about a year before I got stuck here," he bent down and smiled warmly at the two twins. "-- and I met you guys!"

ID: 121093

LD: 6+3=9, Fail

Total Mats: 0/5

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The Twins seems to like what the two told and Emi seemed to be surprised by how many brothers and sisters Solei had, "Oh wow, Never knew that you had so many little sisters and brothers, are they like Eito or the once my father has, being really mean all the time," She asked. Hydravion smiled and patted her on the head, "Now now, your father's brother doesn't hate him they are just brothers I guess, but where Solei shines I lack in many family members. I just have my father and Mother plus their father and mother. We kept it small I would say," Hydra said to the girl. "But I must say, I did have quite a stressed life, A lot of Ice Cream," Hydra said with a giggle. This got Eito his attention even more, "I want to be a teacher too, I want to eat lots of ice cream and help kids!" He said cheering.

Hydra could not hold her laugh and she stared at Solei as he probably knew why she would be eating Ice cream a lot, one for being a perfect food item to call the nerfs and second she was a real woman with some let's say emotional struggles when on pressure, like most would say about women. "Well I should short out that problem of eating it though," she said low holding her own belly fat a bit.

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Solei chuckled and shook his head, "they weren't mean, but they could be handful sometimes," he said fondly. 

"Yeah, I want ice cream, too," he laughed to himself as he gave a side glance to Hydravion. "Bah, bah. Don't worry about it, Hydravion. You look fine as always. Plus, I don't even think that you could gain or lose weight here," he mumbled the last part to himself as he scratched his chin. He sighed and shook his head. Did women always think they were fat when they looked perfectly fine? He was never going to understand that about women. 

Shaking his head, he turned back to Emi and EIto with a small smile. "I'm sure you would be a very nice teacher," he said casually, grinning. "Most important thing about being a teacher is being happy!" Solei said enthusiastically, pointing to the ear to ear smile on his face.

ID: 121096

LD: 17, Success

Total Materials: 1/5

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Hydra looked at Solei and smiled "Thank you dear, but you know ladies will just deny that they are not fat," She says to him with a smile before she looked at the twins again as the looked at each other as Solei did say they could be great teachers, "Naaah I wanna be a cop and stop the bad guys," Eito said with a smile getting out his dagger from his pocket and showing it off. Hydra was defiantly a bit shocked the moment the knife got out and she was a bit scared of the weapon. She still wondered how she got to level 15, to begin with, guess her cooking skills helped her a bit with that leveling. "Yeah Yeah, my brother a police officer, Nah I want to be someone who they remember, and yell my name. Like that girl from your class Miss Aris-san." Emi said to Hydra and Solei, but cathing Hydra off guard she did not really know who she meant as she had quite a female class as her homeroom.

"Lovely, great we all have dreams, I remember that I wanted to become a model and work with my father. Well I kind of am a model if you..." She looked to Solei, "If you look into the Swimsuit Miss Tokari, Magazine." She said low to make sure the kids did not hear it as the magazine was a bit for older people and not for the younger eyes to look at. "You probably have seen the Magazine once or twice Solei dear, Its very ... common to see I believe for people our age looking for something hot," she said low so the kid could not hear her because of their age, on the other note Hydra seemed to be none the wisher on the thing as she was quite calmly saying it like ist, not something special.

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