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[PP-F02] This is the last time, OK! <<Return of the Queen>>(Bahr)

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And then it finally appeared. The Queen Bee. Bahr had half been expecting her to show up, or another batch of Bee Minions to populate. What he hadn't counted on was both happening at the same time. Not good. 

The next several minutes were spent dipping and weaving the various attacks that were leveled against him. Considering how ferocious they were being, it was an absolute miracle that Bahr had come out unscathed. Like, seriously, seriously lucky. There was really no reason he should have been able to avoid all of that. But one way or another, for better or for worse, he had. What a time to be alive.

He retaliated with a strike of his own, but managed to miss the Queen. Crap. At least he had managed to hit the three other mobs. It was a good start. If he could just manage to hit all of them with Tempest next, he could knock out the mobs and Paralyze the Queen to buy himself some time.


Encounter: The Queen
HP: 500 | DMG: 200 | MIT: 75 
Bloodclot: Immune to Bleed
Paralytic Immunity: Immune to Stuns and Paralysis
Matriarch’s Sting: On a CD of 6+, The Queen comes and sting’s the player with the most hate, causing Paralysis and 24 Bleed Damage for two turns

Encounter: Bee Minion 6
HP: 250 | DMG: 125 | MIT: 25

Encounter: Bee Minion 7
HP: 250 | DMG: 125 | MIT: 25

Encounter: Bee Minion 8
HP: 250 | DMG: 125 | MIT: 25


Bahr: HP: 680/680 | EN: 66-18=48/66 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 48 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | 

Bahr used [x12] Calamity Disaster-12 EN 

Bee Minion 6: HP: 250-179=71/250 | DMG: 125 | MIT: 25 | ID: 124501 | BD: 5+3=8, Hit for 17x12=204-25=179 DMG | MD: 3, Miss | -2 EN
Bee Minion 7: HP: 250-191-24=35/250 | DMG: 125 | MIT: 25 | ID: 124502 | BD: 9, Cit for 18x12=216-25=191 DMG | BLEED
Bee Minion 8: HP: 250-179=71/250 | DMG: 125 | MIT: 25 | ID: 124503 | BD: 6, Hit for 17x12=204-25=179 DMG | MD: 2, Miss | -2 EN
The Queen: HP: 500/500 | DMG: 200 | MIT: 75 | ID: 124504 | BD: 1, Miss

The Queen Attacks Bahr:
 ID: 124506 | MD: 1, Miss


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And so he used Tempest. And to his delight, he managed to strike the Queen and its three Minions all in one fell swoop. But something was wrong.

As soon as the other combusted into blue clouds of blue polygonal fractals, Bahr expected the Queen to lock up for a moment due to the Stun and give him some time to plot his next course of action. But no such Stun occurred. In fact, based on the damage he had done, he could have sworn that he had landed a critical hit against the thing, but it didn't have the Bleed status affliction either. How bizarre. Was it immune to these statuses.

Well, that changed everything.

When it came in for the next strike, Bahr was so taken off guard by the sudden realization that he barely managed to avoid the thing. He only managed to do so because he slipped whilst trying to get out of the way of the monster's oversized stinger.


Bahr: HP: 680/680 | EN: 48+1-16=33/66 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 48 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3
CD: 5 (No extra energy recovered this turn)

Bahr used [x8 AoE Stun] Tempest-8 EN 

Bee Minion 6: HP: 71-111=0/250 | DMG: 125 | MIT: 25 | ID: 124507 | BD: 7, Hit for 17x8=136-25=111 DMG | Bee Minion 6 defeated | -2 EN
Bee Minion 7: HP: 35-111=0/250 | DMG: 125 | MIT: 25 | ID: 124508 | BD: 6, Hit for 17x8=136-25=111 DMG | Bee Minion 7 defeated | -2 EN
Bee Minion 8: HP: 71-111=0/250 | DMG: 125 | MIT: 25 | ID: 124509 | BD: 6, Hit for 17x8=136-25=111 DMG | Bee Minion 8 defeated | -2 EN
The Queen: HP: 500-77=423/500 | DMG: 200 | MIT: 75 | ID: 124510 | BD: 10, Crit for 19x8=152-75=77 DMG | -2 EN

The Queen Attacks Bahr: ID: 124511 | MD: 7-3=4, Miss


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As he scrambled to pick himself up after the fall, the Queen rounded and came in for another pass. Bahr sidestepped it and began charging up his blade, knowing that another pass was inevitable. When it flew within range yet again, Bahr was ready, and swung his sword with the force of galaxies behind it. The blade cleaved into the overgrown insect and scored a considerable amount of damage. But it was far from over.

Even though he had scored a good hit, an eye on his Energy gauge suggested that he wouldn't be in a good position toward the end of the battle. He could probably need to spend some time recovering Energy in the middle of the fight, which was never a good thing to have to commit to. If only Hazado had stuck around, he would have been able to rely on him for at least some damage. Seeing as that wasn't the case, Bahr would simply be forced to make due with what he had.


Bahr: HP: 680/680 | EN: 33+1-13=21/66 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 48 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3
CD: 5 (No extra energy recovered this turn)

Bahr used [x13] Galaxy Destroyer-13 EN 

The Queen: HP: 423-146=286/500 | DMG: 200 | MIT: 75 | ID: 124512 | BD: 4+3=7, Hit for 17x13=221-75=146 DMG 

The Queen Attacks Bahr: ID: 124513 | MD: 1, Miss


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And so he did. As he had done before, he charged up his blade and carved into the creature when it took its next pass at him. Unfortunately, this wasn't the sort of mob that one could just bat away like a fly. When it came in, it came in with the velocity and inertia necessary to ignore any outside forces acting upon it and carry through with its original trajectory mostly uninhibited. Because of this, its stinger found its mark, and Bahr was struck for the first time since he had started this endeavor.

When it did, Bahr felt a heat. It was true that the pain sense in Aincrad was dumbed down, but heat was still heat. And it was coursing through his entire body. And suddenly, he felt like he was unable to move. Beyond that, his HP was slowly dwindling away now, akin to a Bleed status affliction. The bastard had hit Bahr with his own medicine, doing exactly to him what he had planned on doing to it earlier.


Bahr: HP: 680-154-24=502/680 | EN: 21+1-13=9/66 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 48 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3
CD: 1 (No extra energy recovered this turn)

Bahr used [x13] Galaxy Destroyer-13 EN 

The Queen: HP: 286-146=140/500 | DMG: 200 | MIT: 75 | ID: 124514 | BD: 6, Hit for 17x13=221-75=146 DMG 

The Queen Attacks Bahr: ID: 124515 | MD: 10, Crit for 202-48=154 DMG | CD: 9 |


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Being Paralyzed was such a strange sensation. It was actually only the second time that it had ever happened to him. It was one of the least pleasant experiences that Aincrad had to offer.

It felt like your entire body was trapped in a vice. You could command your muscle to move your body, but they would struggling in vain against some sort of unseen force. It made you feel helpless and weak and claustrophobic all at once. He could still move his eyes, and he studied what the creature was doing. It ended up flying away, just so it could come back toward him with more velocity than before.


Bahr: HP: 502-24=478/680 | EN: 9+1=10/66 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 48 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | PARALYZED
CD: 3 (No extra energy recovered this turn)

Bahr used [x0] No Action-0 EN 

The Queen: HP: 140/500 | DMG: 200 | MIT: 75 | ID: 124516 | BD: x

The Queen Attacks Bahr: ID: 124517 | MD: 3, Miss | 


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The Paralysis was broken at the last second, and finally the straining that he was putting into his muscles to move his body out of the line of fire sprang into action. It wasn't a graceful maneuver, by any means, but he did manage to narrowly escape the stinger for the Queen's biggest attack yet. Not that it had seemed overly impressive in comparison to the attacks before it.

Speaking of, what the heck was up with that? How much must it suck to be a bee? Just flying toward your opponent with your butt hanging out in front of you? Sounds horrible. Of all the things that Bahr could have been, he was really happy that he hadn't turned out to be a bee. In fact, being a human was pretty awesome. Even if you did occasionally end up trapped in man made virtual constructs in which everything wants to kill you. But hey, at least you got cool powers and other stuff while you were there.


Bahr: HP: 478/680 | EN: 10+3=13/66 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 48 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 
CD: 6 (2 extra energy recovered this turn finally dear freaking lord)

Bahr used [x0] No Action-0 EN 

The Queen: HP: 140/500 | DMG: 200 | MIT: 75 | ID: 124518 | BD: x

The Queen Attacks Bahr: ID: 124519 | MD: 3, Miss 


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That being said, Bahr's Energy had finally recovered to the point that he was able to counterattack. His Recovery procs hadn't been working properly the entire fight until recently, and it had given him just enough to go in with everything he had. So rather than sitting on the defensive and waiting for the bee to come to him, he decided it was high time that he took the offensive.

The hues of his irises became imbued with the colors of multilayered nebulae dotted with countless white specks as a multicolored light flashed into his sword. He dashed toward his opponent with speed that surprised even himself, closing in on the creature within a fraction of a second. Once there, be brought the blade down on the overgrown bee with an overhead slam, ripping the monster into two halves, each bursting into clouds of azure dust beneath the weight of his mighty swing.


Bahr: HP: 478/680 | EN: 13+3-13=3/66 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 48 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 
CD: 8 (2 extra energy recovered this turn)

Bahr used [x13] Galaxy Destroyer-13 EN 

The Queen: HP: 140-146=0/500 | DMG: 200 | MIT: 75 | ID: 124520 | BD: 8, Hit for 17x13=221-75=146 DMG | The Queen defeated


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It was finally over. But that didn't mean that Bahr was. He had something else in mind to fill the remainder of his time, that being the clearing of some mobs before the day was done. He knew of one such place that was optimal for this sort of thing, and it wasn't on this floor. So he set off toward town after dismissing the loot panel that populated and approach the teleport plaza there. His destination was the eleventh floor - a heavily wooded area that had another type of insectoid mob that had dropped great loot for him in the past.


As he stepped off from the teleport gate, he cupped a hand over his brow and looked toward the position of the sun. It was still high in the sky, but it wouldn't be terribly long before the sun set and he would be wanting to get home. And so he opted not to waste any time, setting off right away so he could reach the desired spot with time to spare.


Bahr: HP: 478+30=508/680 | EN: 3+1=4/66 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 48 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 


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And he did reach the spot relatively quickly. By the time he arrived, there was still plenty of daylight remaining. Which was great, because something about the fight against the Queen had really rubbed him the wrong way, and he wanted to blow off some steam. Hard to do that when you're sitting at home, alone and bored. At least here, he would have the Antmen to keep him company, and he could kill as many as it took to make him feel better before night descended upon Aincrad.

That was, if there were any Antmen around, that was. He didn't see any when he entered the clearing that served as his usual hunting spot. No problem, he could wait around for a few to pop up. It wasn't at all uncommon for them to not be around right away in nobody had been through the area in awhile to prompt their spawn. After all, did you expect mobs to be roaming every part of Aincrad 24/7? That would be foolish. The system would crash for sure.


Bahr: HP: 508+30=538/680 | EN: 66/66 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 48 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 


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It didn't take very long for them to spawn, though. Within minutes, there were four skulking around the area, apparently not tipped off to his presence yet. Probably because he was standing so still. He bet that the moment he moved a muscle they would be upon him like flies on you know what. And that's exactly what happened. He twitched a muscle, and suddenly all of their... eyes? Were those eyes? Anyways, they gleamed with a red glint, and all at once the four of them began running his direction, their razor sharp pincers out in front of them as they charged forward.

Bahr ripped his blade toward them, but only managed to strike two. The others he had to maneuver around manually, which wasn't really all that hard to do. Two hit, drained to half health or lower, while the other two remained with full and completely intact health bars. Not optimal, but not terrible either. At least he had made it out unharmed.


Encounter: Antman 1
HP: 408 | DMG: 99

Encounter: Antman 2
HP: 408 | DMG: 99

Encounter: Antman 3
HP: 408 | DMG: 99

Encounter: Antman 4
HP: 408 | DMG: 99


Bahr: HP: 538/680 | EN: 66-16=50/66 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 48 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | 

Bahr used [x12 AoE] Calamity Disaster-12 EN 

Antman 1: HP: 408-228-24=156/408 | DMG: 99 | ID: 124522 | BD: 10, Hit for 19x12=228 DMG | BLEED INFLICTED | BLEED INFLICTS 24 DMG | MD: 1, Miss | -2 EN
Antman 2: HP: 408/408 | DMG: 99 | ID: 124523 | BD: 1, Miss | MD: 7-3=4, Miss
Antman 3: HP: 408-204=204/408 | DMG: 99 | ID: 124524 | BD: 4+3=7, Hit for 17x12=204 DMG | MD: 8-3=5, Miss | -2 EN
Antman 4: HP: 408/408 | DMG: 99 | ID: 124525 | BD: 2+3=5, Miss | MD: 8-3=5, Miss


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At least, he had until he had made that stupid mental comment to himself. Speak, and it will happen. One of the Antmen somehow managed to get behind him and sink its pincers through his light armor and into his back. It wasn't a horrible amount of damage, but still damage that he would have rather not taken if he could have helped it. But it's not like he could now. He just had to roll with the punches and fight back.

It was fortunate that his next attack manage to clock all four of them. The two of them that he had hit before combusted into clouds of azure dust instantly, whereas the two that had gotten out unscathed the first time both sustained a Bleed status that instantly began chipping away at their HP. Bahr was happy to see that his attack had been a rousing success. One more like that and these bad boys would be toast.


Bahr: HP: 538-52=486/680 | EN: 50+3-20=33/66 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 48 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 
CD: 6 (2 extra energy recovered this turn)

Bahr used [x12 AoE] Calamity Disaster-12 EN 

Antman 1: HP: 156-204=0/408 | DMG: 99 | ID: 124526 | BD: 3+3=6, Hit for 17x12=204 DMG | Antman 1 defeated | -2 EN
Antman 2: HP: 408-216-24=168/408 | DMG: 99 | ID: 124527 | BD: 9, Crit for 18x12=216 DMG | BLEED
 INFLICTED | BLEED INFLICTS 24 DMG | MD: 9, Crit for 100-48=52 DMG | -2 EN
Antman 3: HP: 204-204=0/408 | DMG: 99 | ID: 124528 | BD: 8, Hit for 17x12=204 DMG | Antman 3 defeated | -2 EN
Antman 4: HP: 408-228-24=156/408 | DMG: 99 | ID: 124529 | BD: 10, Crit for 
19x12=228 DMG | BLEED INFLICTED | BLEED INFLICTS 24 DMG | MD: 7-3=4, Miss | -2 EN


Antman 1
ID: 124530
LD: 8 / CD: 10
3264+5% (Guild Buff)=3427 col
(1) T2 Rare Trinket [ID: 124530]

Antman 3
ID: 124531
LD: 18 / CD: 10
4080+5% (Guild Buff)=4284
(1) T2 Rare Trinket [ID: 124531]

7711 col, (2) T2 Rare Trinkets acquired


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And so they were. When the next attack of Bahr's came through, the were both chopped clean in half, the various segments of their now torn asunder bodies vaporizing into blue confetti before his eyes. After looking around the area to ensure that no other mobs had sneakily spawned around him, he sheathed his blade against the small of his back and examined the loot he had gathered from the quartet of overgrown humanoid ants.

Not bad, but not great either. What he was really out here to hunt was a new weapon, and he hadn't gotten any of those yet. On the other hand, he had already acquired over thirteen thousand col, so he would take that silver lining to the bank. Literally. But not literally. That was just a joke. Just like the Bank of Aincrad. The Bank of Aincrad is a joke. Seriously, it serves virtually no function.


Bahr: HP: 486/680 | EN: 33+3-16=20/66 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 48 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 
CD: 10 (2 extra energy recovered this turn)

Bahr used [x12 AoE] Calamity Disaster-12 EN 

Antman 2: HP: 168-204=0/408 | DMG: 99 | ID: 124532 | BD: 3+3=6, Hit for 17x12=204 DMG | Antman 2 defeated | -2 EN
Antman 4: HP: 156-204=0/408 | DMG: 99 | ID: 124533 | BD: 4+3=7, Hit for 
17x12=204 DMG | Antman 4 defeated | -2 EN


Antman 2
ID: 124534
LD: 18 / CD: 6
2856+5% (Guild Buff)=2998 col
(1) T2 Rare Consumable [ID: 124534A]
(1) T2 Rare Armor Shield [ID: 124534B]

Antman 4
ID: 124535
LD: 6 / CD: 9
2448+5% (Guild Buff)=2570 col
(2) T2 Materials
(1) T2 Rare Trinket [ID: 124535]

5568 col, (2) T2 Materials, (1) T2 Rare Trinket, (1) T2 Rare Consumable, (1) T2 Rare Armor/Shield acquired


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Seriously, have you ever tried to use the Bank of Aincrad? What's the point? If you die, you're dead. One shot. You'll lose anything you had anyways. If you die and you're erased, the things in your bank are presumably erased as well. Oh, you want to put something in there in case you get mugged, that way the robbers can't steal anything from you? Good job, you just gave them a reason to kill you. You are worthless to them now. And the fact that you have nothing on you likely agitated them. How could you be so cruel? You monster. They're just trying to feed their kids, you know.

Anyways, the Bank of Aincrad always has been and will forever be a joke. There is no reason to use it whatsoever. If you do use it, you're wasting your time and should be ashamed. Seriously. Shame on you. You should be using your time for better things. Like learning algebra, or how to make the perfect quiche. Putting your money into the Bank of Aincrad is unproductive and stupid.


Bahr: HP: 486+30=516/680 | EN: 20+1=21/66 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 48 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 


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But back to Bahr. He was doing well. You know, as well as a guy in Aincrad realistically could be doing. He was patiently waiting for the next batch of mobs to arrive so that he could kill them get more loot. Not really much more to it. 

Why did he want more loot? Hadn't he just finished a huge hunting expedition? No, you're confused. That's in the future. At present time, Bahr hasn't done that yet. Not that you really care, though. Neither does Bahr, in all truthfullness. He just wants to kill things and get money guilt free. Although, when it's worded like that, it makes him seem a little crazy, doesn't it? After all, who could get off on all the carnage and mayhem and pillaging, if not absolutely insane? Well, he wasn't insane. Weird and addicted to combat, certainly. But not crazy.

At least, not in the traditional sense.

Well, maybe a little bit. It wasn't like there was no crazy in there. We're talking about a guy in his mid twenties who has a full head of white hair. That's enough to drive just about anybody at least a little insane.


Bahr: HP: 516+30=546/680 | EN: 20+1=21/66 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 48 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 


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Insane enough that when the next batch of mobs spawned, Bahr was eagerly awaiting. Insane enough to look them in the eyes and hungrily lick his lips, even if he found them to be totally repulsive. Insane enough to-

Man, these Antmen were a lot slower than the last batch. Like, way slower. Perhaps they were built to be more precise than the Antmen he usually fought, and they would explain their sluggishness. Though, Bahr wasn't sure if he believed that. They looked the same as ordinary Antmen, he just couldn't believe how slow they were. Totally weird.

Didn't stop him from jumping in, though. He charged up his blade and slashed into the entire pack. All four had their health bars recudes to half, dipping every so barely into the yellow. But one managed to launch a counter attack that pierced through Bahr's armor and into his chest with surgical precision. Apparently his suspicions had been correct.


Encounter: Antman 1
HP: 408 | DMG: 99 | ACC: 1 | EVA: -1

Encounter: Antman 2
HP: 408 | DMG: 99 | ACC: 1 | EVA: -1

Encounter: Antman 3
HP: 408 | DMG: 99 | ACC: 1 | EVA: -1

Encounter: Antman 4
HP: 408 | DMG: 99 | ACC: 1 | EVA: -1


Bahr: HP: 546-52=494/680 | EN: 66-20=46/66 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 48 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3
CD: 6 (2 extra energy recovered this turn)

Bahr used [x12 AoE] Calamity Disaster-12 EN 

Antman 1: HP: 408-204=204/408 | DMG: 99 | ID: 124536 | BD: 2+4=6, Hit for 19x12=204 DMG | MD: 2, Miss | -2 EN
Antman 2: HP: 408-204=204/408 | DMG: 99 | ID: 124537 | BD: 2+4=6, Hit for 17x12=204 DMG | MD: 3, Miss | -2 EN
Antman 3: HP: 408-204=204/408 | DMG: 99 | ID: 124538 | BD: 8, Hit for 17x12=204 DMG | MD: 4, Miss | -2 EN
Antman 4: HP: 408-204=204/408 | DMG: 99 | ID: 124539 | BD: 8, Hit for 17x12=204 DMG | MD: 9, Crit for 100-48
=52 DMG | -2 EN


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Not like it mattered. With how slow these things were, they couldn't dodge worth a crap. Bahr lunged in with his sword charged once more, cleaving into the lot of them and reducing them to blue azure dust pixels instantly. The loot panel that populated was a bit disappointing (especially in the col department), but at least he had finally managed to get his hands on a weapon. Considering that that was what he had come for, and the Sun was going to be setting soon, he decided now would be as good a time as any to head out. He had gotten a bit of loot and blown off some steam, which was all he had really needed. And so he turned his back to the clearing and began to walk back in the direction of town. Maybe he could hit a pub and catch a drink or two before he went back to the tenth floor to settle in for the night.


Bahr: HP: 546-52=494/680 | EN: 46+3-20=29/66 | DMG: 17 | MIT: 48 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3
CD: 6 (2 extra energy recovered this turn)

Bahr used [x12 AoE] Calamity Disaster-12 EN 

Antman 1: HP: 204-204=0/408 | DMG: 99 | ID: 124540 | BD: 7, Hit for 19x12=204 DMG | Antman 1 defeated | -2 EN
Antman 2: HP: 204-204=0/408 | DMG: 99 | ID: 124541 | BD: 3+4=7, Hit for 17x12=204 DMG | Antman 2 defeated | -2 EN
Antman 3: HP: 204-204=0/408 | DMG: 99 | ID: 124542 | BD: 5+4=9, Hit for 17x12=204 DMG | Antman 3 defeated | -2 EN
Antman 4: HP204-204=0/408 | DMG: 99 | ID: 124543 | BD: 5+4=9, Hit for 17x12=204 DMG | Antman 4 defeated | -2 EN


Antman 1
ID: 124544
LD: 15 / CD: 7
1224+5% (Guild Buff)=1285 col
(4) T2 Materials
(1) T2 Uncommon Consumable [ID: 124544A]
(1) T2 Rare Weapon [ID: 124544B]

Antman 2
ID: 124545
LD: 11 / CD: 12
2856+5% (Guild Buff)=2998 col
(2) T2 Materials
(1) T2 Rare Armor/Shield [ID: 124545]

Antman 3
ID: 124546
LD: 1 / CD: 4
2040+5% (Guild Buff)=2142 col
(2) T2 Materials

Antman 4
ID: 124547
LD: 5 / CD: 9
1224+5% (Guild Buff)=1285 col
(4) T2 Materials

7710 col, (12) T2 Materials, (1) T2 Uncommon Consumable, (1) T2 Rare Armor/Shield, (1) T2 Rare Weapon acquired


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The way back was quiet. Too quiet. It seemed a bit eerie than nobody was around at this time of day. The eleventh floor used to be swarming with noobs who were all vying to get ahead in the game. Granted, this place was a great place to train, so Bahr had never judged them for that. It just seemed a bit... odd that that wasn't the case anymore, apparently. He had never really thought a day would come when everyone would have graduated past this floor. And really, it probably wasn't even at that point yet. It was just a matter of nobody being around at that time of day. Which, again was odd. Was there any particular reason everyone had bailed so early? Why was he bailing so early? Maybe it was just one of those days where everyone had decided in a hivemind sort of sense that it was time to turn in, and that no more work needed to be done for the day. Wouldn't that be something?

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It was just like the first floor. No matter how much time passed, Bahr could always go to the first floor and rest assured that some noob was leaving the Town of Beginnings for the first time to embark on his adventure to the Frontlines. Hell, Bahr had been one such character only a few months prior. It was insane to think of how far he had come in that short amount of time. It wasn't like he was Frontlines material yet, but he was right there on the edge. He could feel it. A little bit better gear and he would be right as rain.

That's why he was hunting around for a new sword. The one that he possessed did indeed harbor great power, but he knew that he could still probably get his hands on something better. There were things out there that could deal more damage, and that's what Bahr needed. To hit things once and have them fall. That was all he truly wanted. It sounded morbid, but after you've fought a few hundred mobs, the sentiment just begins to grow on you.

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At long last, he had reached the settlement. But he didn't want to drink here. No, this wasn't a place for drinking. Certainly not. Well, it wasn't like there weren't placed to drink, just none that Bahr wanted to go to. He had a very particular tavern on his mind. One that belonged to the Fourth Floor - a place called the White Rabbit tavern. He went there as often as he possibly could these days. If it wasn't beer, it was coffee. If it wasn't coffee, it was something else. Cookies. Pastries. fresh burgers. You name it. They had it all there, with a comfortable, soothing and homely ambiance that wrapped it all together in a neat little bow. Well, there wasn't an actual bow on it. That would be weird. Can you imagine if you went to a tavern and there were just bows all over the place? That isn't the sort of place your average man would hang out at. Well, not Bahr, at least. Unless he had been dragged there by some chick.

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Come to think of it, there were a few things about the White Rabbit Tavern that were questionable. Nothing in particular that he could put his finger on. It just... had a particular... feminine aspect to it, if he really sat there and thought about it. Again, he couldn't name exactly what it was, it was just a sense that he had had. Something he had never really felt or thought about in the past. Weird that it was suddenly surfacing now.

The taverns on the fifth floor, though. Oh boy, you've never met a rowdier and manlier bunch than the patrons of those holes. It was impossible. Imagine the most surly soldiers, sailors, and construction workers possible and through them all into a miserable desert with terrible beer that's warm by the time its delivered to them, and you've got the regulars that frequent the bars of the fifth floor. Or, at least, that's how Bahr had always seen them.

For now, perhaps, it would be for the best to simply head home. He had drinks there. Dealing with people at the moment just... seemed like too much of a hassle.

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