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Aqua's Journal

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Username: Aqua
Real name: Aqua Josephine Velvet
Age: 16
Gender: female
Height: 5'4
Weight: 80 ibs
Blood type: O
Hair color: Bright Blue
Eye color:  Bright Blue
Speech pattern: American Accent

About: History/personality


Aqua comes from a family line of gamers. Whenever a new game came out, they tried it, and this included SAO. Her father was at work at the time SAO came out and decided Aqua should have the game in the morning, and so he bought it. When he went to work, Aqua tried it, and became trapped in the game with millions of other players. When Aqua's father arrived home, he had checked the news, and realized what had happened with SAO. Him and Aqua's father were devastated, but they were determined Aqua could make it through the game alive. Hopefully.

Aqua is usually an emotionless person, and doesn't open up. She can show fake emotions when talking to npcs as to not be rude too them, but other than that, she doesnt show much emotionIf you can earn her companionship however, you will start to see her true personality. She is quite kind and doesn't like conflict, despite the serious aura she seems to have. She isn't the best person, but she does pretty good in that aspect. She can be competitive sometimes when she wants to be, so be wary of that if you wouldent want to start any arguments.



Aqua is generally a kind person if you get to know her enough. She can prove to be a great freind and knows how to cheer you up if needed. She isn't like this with everyone though...


Aqua is pretty intelligent, which doesn't help much in a world like this, but it's a good thing nonetheless. This can lead to her being good at strategizing, and so she uses her actions wisely. She also strategizes with party members before encounters to increase chances of survival. To her, strategy can be everything. 


She is more energetic than the average person, causing her to be able to run a slightly longer distance without being tired. This can sometimes be a bad thing though, as she can sometimes be too energetic. This causes her to be more tired than normal.

She can sometimes be mildly annoying, like pestering people and other things. She does this on purpose too get on people's nerves sometimes. This behavior is reserved for people She just doesn't like.


Aqua doesn't pay attention sometimes, which sometimes results in her getting in trouble. It can range from her not realizing her name is being called, to not noticing enemies approaching her. When really focused on something, this doesn't happen.



She is oddly confident for her weight, but she knows when to stop. She sometimes gets angry when someone just says they are better at something than her, when she hasn't seen this skill herself. She will back down if she sees it, and will admit that they are better.

Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)




Weapon skills:
»Dagger finnese R1

»"DPS Package"

3 basic healing potions 

Vanity Helmet

Rare dagger







» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

Relationships (optional)

Story thus far (Optional)


Edited by Aqua
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