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[F01-PP] I've Come to Rescue You

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James suddenly spawned in the middle of the first floor city. He looked around. Visuals were stunning. It seemed almost real. Hm, I wonder how much I can feel in this game? he thought to himself. He touched the cobblestone path underneath him. It felt hard and cold. Wow. These mechanics and amazing. His eyes went wide. Next, checking inventory. He clicked open the inventory tab on his display and put a basic set of light leather armor and equipped the two handed battle spear that he had chosen. "Woah!" he exclaimed as he nearly dropped the heavy weapon. How am I supposed to swing it? It's so heavy! He would figure out the attack and sword art mechanics later. 

He shook his head clear and set out to find the one he had come here to find: his sister, Joanne Hawke. But there was just one problem... he had no clue where she could be. He pulled up his map to find any shops where she might be. He decided on the tavern. It seemed around noon. Hopefully some patrons would be there who could tell him where his sister was or if they had seen her. If he was super lucky, he might even be able to find her in the tavern. 


James: 20 HP | 2 EN | 5 MIT | BLEED | 

Does total of 2 damage

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In the forests outside of the first floor city's front gates, Joanne was busy practicing her swordsmanship skills. She was still trying to get used to the sword arts and other game mechanics. To better hone her skills, she had decided to try and find a few boar spawns that she could easily take out and use to level up. While walking down a shaded path, she spotted a boar trotting along the path in front of her. Joanne decided to take this chance to attack while the boar hadn't noticed her. 

Sword raised, she charged up behind the beast and slashed down its spine, creating a deep cut where bone was slightly exposed. Leaping back in order to dodge a possible attack, she assessed the damage that she had done. The boar had fallen away to the side, crying out in pain. However, it still had a bit of health left, so it got back up and began to raise its head and shake it side to side, a sign that it was about to attack. 


Basic attack vs. boar
Roll ID#: 126831
BD: 10 (+2 crit)
MD: 2 (fail)

Rank 1

  • [x2 AoE] Rage Spike (2 Energy +2 per target hit) - Strike each target in the vicinity twice in a blinding fit of uncontrolled rage.
  • [x3] Snake Bite (3 Energy) - The user quickly strikes the target with three brisk angled slashes.


Joanne: 20/20 HP | 1/2 EN | 2 + 2 = 4 DMG | 9-10 BLD (1/2) | 9 MIT


Boar: 50-(12 + 4) 34 = 36/50 HP | 10 DMG 

[T1 Uncommon Heavy Armor] <<Aurora>> 9 MIT

[T1 Uncommon 1H Straight Sword] <<Mercy>> Bleed (Natural critical attack rolls of 9-10 (1 slot) deal (12 * Tier) unmitigated bleed damage each enemy turn for 2 turns. Bleed damage does not stack, but can be refreshed.

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Waling into the tavern, James went unnoticed by most of the patrons (despite his tall height of 6 foot 4) and made his way up to the bar. Stepping to the side of the bar, he motioned for the barkeep to come over. The NPC walked over and asked, "May I take your order, sir?" James quickly shook his head and asked the man if he had seen his sister. He gave a brief description of her, cursing himself that he couldn't have brought a picture of her with him into the game. 

After a few moments of thinking, the barkeep's eyes lit up. "Ah, yes! I have seen that tall woman! She just had breakfast her today." 

Relieved and excited, James quickly asked, "Do you know where she went?" 

"Hm, well she said she was heading out of the safezone to practice fighting. Try heading down the path leading out of the North part of the city. You may find her in the fields over there," the barkeep replied. 

James quickly thanked the man and hurried towards the gates of the city. 

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In a fit of utter rage, the boar raced towards Joanne. She attempted to an attack then dash once more, but the boar was a little too quick for her. Instead, the boar glanced off her breastplate armor with its razor sharp tusks. Joanne was pushed to the side and landed several feet away. However, while the boar had attacked her, Joanne had managed to get a solid cut into the beast's neck. Another wound only made the beast angrier, urging it to attack again. 

Joanne checked her stats. Three points of health had been knocked off. Luckily she was wearing heavy armor that protected her from most of the damage. Not too much health lost, but it was the most she had lost since beginning the game. She frowned, taking note that she was not perfectly protected by enchanted armor. Breathing in, she calmed herself and prepared for another attack. 


Basic attack vs. boar
Roll ID#: 126852
BD: 6 (success)
MD: 10 (+2 crit)

Joanne: 17/20 HP | 1/2 EN | 2 + 2 = 4 DMG | 9-10 BLD (2/2) | 9 MIT


Boar: 34 - 14 = 20/50 HP | 10 + 2 = 12 - 9 MIT = 3 DMG DMG

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While passing by the front gates, the guards waved high at the blonde haired man beneath him. James tried to make himself as small as possible, but to no avail. He just walked quicker past the guards, not wanting confrontation. Once far enough from the gates, he reached a split path. He remembered to head down the path that headed North. After a few minutes of walking, he could hear some fighting near by. He raced forward. Could it be his sister who he hadn't seen in 2 years? Would he finally be able to apologize for all that happened? These thoughts pressed him ever quicker onward towards the noises in the distant field. 

He was so focused on finding his sister that he nearly burst out into the clearing and gave his position away. He managed to skid to a halt at the edge of the forest surrounding the clearing. Taking cover behind some bushes, he watched the battle between a heavily armored figure and a large boar take place. 

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The boar reared up on its back legs, its eyes growing red. It was riled up and angry, sensing that this was a battle for life and death. With a long death howl and a charge, the beast came racing up towards Joanne again. She tried to hold up her sword and block the twin tusks heading for her, but she only managed to block one with her shield. The other banged against her chest plate and knocked her back a few fate. Joanne grimaced, getting every more serious. She had taken another point of damage. She was losing her advantage, which made her just a little worried. She knew that level 1 players had died to even weaker beasts before. It all came down to the luck of the game and your own skills. Even the builds could matter at times. If you're build wasn't tight or didn't work well together, you could easily fall prey to minor beasts. 


basic attack vs. boar
Roll ID#: 126853
BD: 5 (fail)
MD: 6 (success)

Joanne: 16/20 HP | 0/2 EN | 2 DMG | 9-10 BLD | 9 MIT


Boar: 20/50 HP | 5 - 9 = 1 DMG

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James' eyes opened wide as he saw the boar land another attack on the person in front of him. Should he jump in to help? He wanted to, but he also didn't know the person in front of them. What if they were cruel and hurt him after he came to their aide? Besides, why do something for someone you don't know if your life is on the line? Still, he could not draw his eyes from the fight or turn away. 

While watching, he began to notice the movements of the player in front of them. The movements and swing patterns reminded him of someone. Wait. No. It couldn't be, he thought to himself as he began to realize who the armored figure was. Though the armor gave off the blocky shape of a man, he knew his sister was protected underneath it. But he didn't know how much longer it would protect her. He gritted his teeth and decided that if his sister fell to 10 health, he would jump in to help her. 

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Joanne decided to step up her seriousness a little bit. She dug her steel boots into the ground and launched herself into a sprint towards the boar. With one swift thrust, she had managed to cut the boar's right front leg off. The appendage fell and immediately burst into pixels upon hitting the ground. The boar reared its head and cried out in pain as it realized what had been done to it. It tried to make an escape, but kept falling due to a lack of a front appendage. 

Joanne stepped closer and looked down at the boar. She felt pity as he had fought bravely for a boar. "I will make this as quick as I can," she said softly to the beast in front of her. "Just stay still." 


basic attack vs. boar
Roll ID#: 126854
BD: 10 (+2 Crit)
MD: 1 fail

Joanne: 16/20 HP | 0/2 EN | 2 + 2 = 4 + 12 = 14 DMG | 9-10 BLD (1/2) | 9 MIT


Boar: 20 - 14 = 6/50 HP | 5 DMG

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James winced but did not draw his eyes away from the scene as the armored player in front of him slashed one of the limbs off of the boar in front of him. Such power! he marveled to himself. He looked at the players level. Only level 1?! He couldn't believe it. Then he looked down at his own hands, pondering the possibilities. Maybe he could learn how to attack like that even at his own level. But then that would also mean that anyone higher in level would grown increasingly strong as they progressed. He could hardly begin to imagine how powerful he would be in the tier 2 levels. 

Suddenly, the wind brought a sweet whisper of what Joanne had said. His eyes opened wide, his heart skipping a beat. He knew that voice. It was the one that he had heard every day of his childhood. It was his sister's!


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Joanne stood still as the boar attacked her a final time. She knew the hit would never land before the passive effect on her weapon took action and kill the beast. At about a foot away, the beast burst into pixels that scattered about Joanne's armored figure. Joanne knelt in front of where the creature had been defeated. "Thank you for your sacrafice", she said softly. She raised her head and opened her eyes once more, looking down at the ground in front of her. It seemed as though the beast had dropped 140 col for her to collect. She thanked the boar once more before picking up the loot drop and standing up. 

That's when she felt as though she was being watched. She looked around. After realizing there was no one out in the open, she began to search the bushes. That was when she saw a pair of eyes. "Who's there?" she called out, cautious of who this stranger might be. 


boar attack
Roll ID#: 126855
MD: 6 (nullified by bleed attack hitting first)


Loot roll
Roll ID#: 126856
CD: 4
LD: 4

Joanne: 16/20 HP | 1/2 EN | 2 DMG | 9-10 BLD (2/2) | 9 MIT


Boar: 6 - 12 = 0/50 HP | 5 DMG

Loot collected: 

-80 col + 60 = 140 Col

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When she spoke again, calling out and asking who was there, James face lit up and he dashed into the open towards his sister. "Joanne!" he shouted while racing towards her. He couldn't believe that after two years, it was really her standing right in front of him. And with the way she had defeated the monster, it seemed like she was adjusting well to the game; it wasn't too hard or challenging for her.

Finally enveloping her in a hug, James let himself sigh and brace himself on his sister. "This is all my fault. I am so so sorry," he began to apologize as he tried to hold back tears. The emotions were overwhelming him at this point. "We all missed you back home. I should have been there. Then none of this would have happened. And then you would be back home and safe and I would be in here. Then everything would be okay." 

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As Joanne's brother threw his arms around her neck, no words could come from her mouth. She was speechless. Was this all a dream? Would she wake up soon back into the horrible reality of SAO? Suddenly, her protective shield fell, and she began to cry into her brother's shoulder. "I never thought I would see you again!" she cried out, holding him closer to her. There were a few minutes of silence as they just stood in the field, holding each other close and hoping that this all wasn't some sick, twisted dream. 

Finally, he began to talk, and she responded. "None of this was your fault, James. And never think that it was! I was curious and decided to put the head set on. This was all my fault." She looked up at him, her eyes red. The man standing in front of her was only two years older than when she last saw him, but he looked nearly the same; his hair was just a little shaggier. Then she suddenly realized the serious action that her brother had made. He had chosen -- willingly -- to come into this hell. But why?!

Her eyes suddenly grew worried and concerned. "Brother! Why did you come here?" she asked, a pleading tone creeping into her voice. "You should have stayed at home where you were safe. It's my job as the older sibling to watch out for you." She sighed and stepped back, holding her head in her hands. "What type of sister am I if I can't even keep you safe . . .?"

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His eyes grew fierce when he heard his sister blame herself. "This is none of your fault." He sighed and continued, "I guess both of us are to blame in this case." 

Then she began to chastise him for coming to her aide. I was just trying to help! he thought to himself, exasperated. He was just trying to do the right thing and save his sister. His tone grew more serious, his voice going lower. "Stop, Joanne." He put his hands on her shoulders. "I came to save you. You may be older, but that doesn't mean that you have to do everything alone. You don't have to keep things hidden from me. We're siblings. You can trust me now. I promise I'll step up and take your safety as a top priority." His tone softened. "And mom and dad were worried about you. And so was I. I couldn't just leave you here by yourself. At least now we have each other." 

He then took her right hand in his own, his eyes growing serious once more. "And I promise you: we WILL get out of this alive and side by side." 

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Joanne was moved by her brother's sudden seriousness. He really has been worried about me for these past two years, she thought to herself. She sniffled and turned away, wiping her nose with a handkerchief that she had grabbed from her inventory. "I know I should be more open about things, but it's just hard. I want to help others, so I put their needs in front of mine. I guess in the end, I end up forgetting about myself..." 

She felt him grab her hand, and she looked up at him. A small smile came to her lips as she wiped away another tear from her cheek with her left hand. "Thank you, James. You're an amazing brother." She pulled him into a hug and took a deep breath. When she pulled away, she was smiling once more and happy. 

"Though, how are you going to protect me if you're only level one?" she teased, patting him on the shoulder. "Don't worry. We'll train and get stronger together."

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James sighed and smiled, happy that his sister was finally feeling better. When she said that he was an amazing brother, he responded with, "And you're an amazing sister, Joanne." 

Then she brought up his level and skill. He couldn't help but flush in embarrassment. She was right. He was only level 1. He could easily get taken out by just a few well-placed hits by a measly boar. He rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Thank you for offering to help, sister. I'm sure we'll make a great team." He laughed. "I guess I'm finally taking up old-timey fighting like mum and da used to want me to." The irony was quite lovely. Only took a life and death game to get him to take up the old family tradition. 

He took out his two handed battle spear and balanced it in his hand. "Now, how about we get some practice?" 

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Joanne smiled, glad that her brother and she were both happy once more. Then she saw him take out his large weapon. Her eyes went wide. She never imagined her brother would choose such a large weapon, but she approved. Maybe he would be able to do more damage than she did for once. "Right this way," she said, motioning him to follow her. 

She led the way through the thick trees into another clearing where two boars were grazing. She motioned for her brother to stay back as she made the first move. 

She charged towards boar, her sword drawn. Slash! She cut a piece of its shoulder off. Jumping back, she motioned for her brother to take the next move, silently cursing herself for not doing more damage. 

"You get the second boar and I'll get the first one. Whoever kills their boar last gets to pay for lunch!" she called, turning this fight into a friendly competition. 


basic attack vs. boar 1
Roll ID#: 127044
BD: 4 + 3 = 7

[H: 1 | 0] Joanne: 20/20 HP | 1/2 EN | 2 DMG | 9-10 BLD | 9 MIT
[H: 0 | 0] James: 20/20 HP | 2/2 EN | 5 MIT | BLEED | 


Boar 1: 40 - 2 = 38/40 HP | 5 DMG | 3 ACC | -3 EVA
Boar 2: 40/40 HP | 5 DMG | 3 ACC | -3 EVA

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Oh it was totally on. As soon as Joanne made the battle into a little friendly competition, James began to focus. He wanted to show his sister that he could do this. He could defend himself and her, if needed. 

He lifted up the heavy spear in his hands. Time to do some killing, he thought to himself. He launched himself forward, shoving his blade through the back half of the boar. He tried to dodge out of the way, but the boar got him in the side. After landing, he checked where the boar had attacked, just a minor scratch to his armor, but nothing much. He was in awe. He expected to feel more pain, but it seemed as if the game dulled the pain to a certain point. 

As he looked over to his side, he saw the first boar run towards Joanne attacking her. "Joanne!" he called out, warning her of the incoming attack.


basic attack vs. boar 2
Roll ID#: 127061
BD: 9 (+1 Crit)
MD: 5 + 3 = 8 success

boar 1 attack
Roll ID#: 127089
MD: 9 (+1 crit)

[H: 1 | 0] Joanne: 20 - 1 = 19/20 HP | 1/2 EN | 2 DMG | 9-10 BLD | 9 MIT
[H: 0 | 2] James: 20 - 1 = 19/20 HP | 2/2 EN | 2 DMG | 5 MIT | BLEED (1/2) | 


Boar 1: 38/40 HP | 5 + 1 = 6 DMG | 3 ACC | -3 EVA
Boar 2: 40 - (3 + 12) = 25/40 HP | 5 DMG | 3 ACC | -3 EVA

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Joanne felt the impact to her hip as the boar attacked. However, her heavy armor protected her from most of the damage. She quickly sliced in front of her, hitting the boar in the side. Unfortunately, it wasn't a direct hit, so it only did minimum damage. She looked over at the health of the second boar that her brother had been attacking. Oh goodness, she thought to herself. I may well end up losing this competition. She smiled at the thought and looked over at her brother. He was doing better than she had expected, and he was actually enjoying himself. 

"It seems you're winning brother. Keep up the good work!" she encouraged him. She wondered if he would manage to take out his boar within the next hit. If so, he could help her take her own boar out. Though she couldn't help but frown at the amount of damage she was doing. Usually, she would land more crits than this. 


basic attack vs. boar 1
Roll ID#: 127100
BD: 4 + 3 = 7 

[H: 2 | 0] Joanne: 19/20 HP | 1/2 EN | 2 DMG | 9-10 BLD | 9 MIT
[H: 0 | 2] James: 19/20 HP | 2/2 EN | 2 DMG | 5 MIT | BLEED (1/2) | 


Boar 1: 38 - 2 = 36/40 HP | 5 DMG | 3 ACC | -3 EVA
Boar 2: 25/40 HP | 5 DMG | 3 ACC | -3 EVA

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James couldn't help but let a large grin cross his face when he realized that he was finally beating his sister at her own game. She had always been amazing with swords and armor when they were younger. It seemed that this game gave him the advantage that he needed. 

Turning to face the second boar, he saw it charging towards him. As the tusks rammed against him, he slashed across the beast and gave it a laceration on the chest. The boar let out a scream and then raced back to safety, away from the sword that had stung its skin. James looked back towards his sister, watching her boar charge towards her. Come on, you got this, sister, he cheered her on in his mind.  Her boar was still at nearly full health. All she needed was one critical to bring it down to a more manageable health. 


basic attack vs. boar 2 (wrote 1, but meant 2 in roll description)
Roll ID#: 127358
BD: 4 + 3 = 7 

boar 1 attack
Roll ID#: 127359
MD: 3 + 3 = 6 success

boar 2 attack
Roll ID#: 127360
MD: 6 success

[H: 2 | 0] Joanne: 19 - 1 = 18/20 HP | 1/2 EN | 2 DMG | 9-10 BLD | 9 MIT
[H: 0 | 3] James: 19 - 1 = 18/20 HP | 2/2 EN | 2 DMG | 5 MIT | BLEED (2/2) | 


Boar 1: 36/40 HP | 5 DMG | 3 ACC | -3 EVA
Boar 2: 25 - (2 + 12) = 11/40 HP | 5 DMG | 3 ACC | -3 EVA

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Joanne decided to try and counter-attack this next attack and see how the mechanic worked in game. As the boar approached her, she raised her sword, preparing to parry. However, the boar quickly dodged around her and attacked her from the back, hitting her in the middle of her spine and pushing her forward. She attempted to lash behind her as she fell forward, but the boar had already moved out of the way. She fell onto one knee from the force of the hit. As she picked herself back up, she saw another health point tick off of her health bar and grew more determined. I'll get them next time, she told herself. 

Then she looked over at her brother's boar. The bleed enchantment was helping take down the boar quickly. She had the enchantment as well, but she hadn't been able to land any critical hits yet. Maybe she was doing something wrong. Moving wrong perhaps? She looked down at her hand and sword. She had to be doing something wrong. 


basic attack vs. boar 1
Roll ID#: 127412
BD: 2 + 3 = 5 fail

[H: 2 | 0] Joanne: 18/20 HP | 0/2 EN | 2 DMG | 9-10 BLD | 9 MIT
[H: 0 | 3] James: 18/20 HP | 1/2 EN | 2 DMG | 5 MIT | BLEED (2/2) | 


Boar 1: 36/40 HP | 5 DMG | 3 ACC | -3 EVA
Boar 2: 11/40 HP | 5 DMG | 3 ACC | -3 EVA

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