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[F01 - SP] An Ashen Glow <<Feeding Your Enemy>>

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140 HP | 14 EN | 6 DMG | 18 MIT | 3 EVA | 1 ACC | 1 REG

2H Straight Sword - Rk 1


  • "Cross of Regret" - Two-Handed Straight Sword (T1 - Rare) ACC - Gain +1 to the BD when attacking. Cannot be used to cause a critical hit, DMG Gain +1 base damage per slot.
  • "Nightmare Overcoat" - Light Armor (T1 - Perfect) MIT x2 Prevent 18 damage from successful attacks against you | REG x1 After taking damage, gain Regen at the beginning of your next turn. Heal (5 per slot * Tier) every turn for three rounds. Damage over time effects (Bleed, Poison) will not trigger Regen. Does not stack with Battle Healing. Taking damage while Regen is active will refresh it to its full duration.
  • "Ravenfeather Treads" - Light Armor (T1 - Perfect) EVA x3 Reduces the die value by 3 on an enemy’s attack against you. Cannot be used to avoid a critical hit.

"Cloak of Twisted Worlds" - Light Armor (T1 -  Rare) EVA x2 
"Leggings of Shattered Torment" - Light Armor (T1 - Rare) 18 MIT 
Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP) x3
T1 Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP) x5
T1 Damage Potion. (+1 Damage) x1
T1 Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP) x1
T1 Safeguard Potion (can only be used in the quest 'The Third lesson, Is Just as Free'. Safeguard blocks the damage from the first successful attacks that hits the player) x1

It was nearly sunset. The light was just beginning to fade and floor one would soon be engulfed in darkness. An optimal time for Yukiro to go out and fight something; as many somethings as he could before heading off to bed. He strolled down the open street. Players and NPCs were beginning to evacuate the outdoors. NPCs went into houses and shops. Some players headed towards bars and restaurants; others were going home for the night, and a small number of players were going out into the field like Yukiro. 
"Excuse me, young man." Yukiro turned to see an elderly woman speaking to him. "Would you be willing to hear an old woman's tale?" 
Yukiro, compelled by chivalry, couldn't deny such a request. But he found it odd that an NPC would be inviting him to come and listen to her story. 
"Of course, I'd be happy to listen," Yukiro smiled. It was a false smile, but he wanted to appear happy to hear his elder out. The old lady guided him to a nearby bench and gestured for him to sit down beside her. Yukiro did so. 
"You see, when I was younger," she started. This once certainly got to the point. "I loved to make friends. But not with people, no..."
The elderly woman paused. 
"If not with people, then who would you become friends with?" Yukiro inquired.
The old lady looked him in the eye. She had a certain glint in her eyes. "Why, with monsters, of course."

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Now that got Yukiro's attention. Being friends with the monsters? The idea sounded ludicrous, yet so very appealing. Yukiro began to listen more eagerly as the woman continued.
"People were always so arrogant, so rude. It frustrated me to no end! So I started to go out into the more secluded parts of the wild, the places where wild creatures lived. Eventually, I started to bring food with me, and the animals loved the food I brought.
"After a while, I realized that some of the critters that lived out there had grown quite fond of me. It was such a happy moment," the old lady closed her eyes for a moment as she reminisced about her youth. Eventually, she opened her eyes and smiled at Yukiro. "Thank you for listening to an old woman's ramblings. I only wish I had some way to repay you... Ah!" the lady exclaimed, reaching into a small purse-like bag she had set next to her. She pulled out a carefully wrapped object and unwrapped it just enough that Yukiro could see the contents. It looked somewhat like a piece of bread that was over-saturated with chunks and bits of various meats. 
"As a thank you for listening to me, I'll lend you this. It's what I found to be a certain critter's favorite snack," she instructed Yukiro. A mischievous gleam sparkled in her eye.

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Yukiro looked between the food item and the old lady. Was she really going to let him take this? 
"Are you sure you're willing to lend me such a thing?" Yukiro asked for clarification.
The elderly woman waved off the question. "Of course I am. Otherwise, I wouldn't be offering it to you." 
A fair point.
"But! You must be sure to bring it back when you're done. It's my last piece of bait," she said with a wink. Yukiro held out his hands and the old woman place the food in his hands, carefully wrapping it back up. 

"You have my thanks," Yukiro began, but he was cut off by the woman.
"Thank me after you manage to make yourself a friend," she told him, "Now, off with you! And remember to bring back my animal feed!" she ordered conclusively. 
Yukiro stood up. 
"Yes! Of course! Thank-- I'll look for you here once I've... made a friend." The final words made it feel like a sudden, crushing weight had fallen on his shoulders. 
Yukiro shook it off and turned to head into the field. It was time to find himself a friend!

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Yukiro wandered out into the field. There were still a ton of boars around. Should he try to tame a boar? No, if he was going to be making friends with something he wanted something special. 
That said, he could still kill time fighting something. No, if he was going to find anything beyond boars and, once it got dark, wolves, he'd have to go further. 
Yukiro began to walk away from the city walls, out into the wilds of the first floor. Surely there was something he could tame. As he got further and further, Yukiro found himself near a large forest. The trees were tall and green, and the grass was a little longer here. The sun was starting to set, making the trees cast long shadows into the forest. Yukiro had never been here before, and the unfamiliar biome was somewhat daunting for him. But the fact that he' never been here also meant that there might be something that he could tame in there. 

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Giant Mantis: HP 10 Dmg 5
ID# 126834 | BD: 5 (4+1) MD: 1 (4-3)
Yukiro: HP 140/140 | EN: 12/14 (-2)
Mantis: HP 10/10

Yukiro began to treck into the forest. It was a little dark, and the light was fading slowly, but the forest area had a certain feel to it. It made Yukiro feel like he was having a true adventure. He couldn't say why such an area would make him feel that way, but it certainly made Yukiro a little more excited to explore the unknown area. 
Eventually, Yukiro came across what appeared to be a large praying mantis. Not much to think about. He drew his sword and activated a sword art. Lunging towards the big bug, Yukiro brought his sword down upon it. 
The mantis made a fast leap to the side. The incredulous insect must have a dodging ability. 
How annoying.
Yukiro stood up straight and faced the massive mantis. This wasn't going to be a very high-stress enemy, he decided. Not something I'd want as a partner.
Yeah. Better to slay this and keep moving. He didn't want to be out when it was too dark.

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Giant Mantis: HP 10 Dmg 5
ID# 126850 | BD: 3 (2+1) MD: 1 (3-3)
Yukiro: HP 140/140 | EN: 11/14 (+1-2)
Mantis: HP 10/10

Yukiro took a few slow steps back. He was planning on getting some distance between the two and ending the fight with a sword art, but the trees made it impossible to get enough room to make a lunging attack. 
Might as well try anyway.
Yukiro triggered the sword art and bent his legs to lunge at the menacing mantis. The big bug just stared at him. Or, at least, he assumed it was staring at him. It's eyes didn't give away any insight on it's plans.
Leaping forward, Yukiro attempted to make the severe swing strike the large, long-legged larva. But it was to no avail. The insect moved aside the path of Yukiro's blade, and neither managed to strike the other. 
That was the problem with sword arts. They had good enough damage, but they were ridiculously easy to predict. If only he could direct the sword arts a little more...
Oh well. No use in wishing for what he couldn't accomplish. 

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Giant Mantis: HP 10 Dmg 5
ID# 126851 | BD: 7 (6+1) MD: 9 
Yukiro: HP 139/140 (-1) | EN: 10/14 (+1-2)
Mantis: HP 0/10 (-12)
Regen starts next turn

The giant mantis swayed a bit. It was reminiscent of a swaying leaf; at least, it reminded Yukiro of a swaying leaf. That was probably a signal that it was going to do something. 
Yukiro didn't want it to do something. He just wanted it to die. 
As quickly as he could manage to do so, Yukiro activated a sword art and lunged toward the mantis. As his strongly glowing blade approached the mantis it stood higher, lifting itself up on its thing legs. It raised it's claw-like arms slowly, bringing them higher and higher.
A counterattack!
Yukiro raised one of his arms above his head, effectively blocking the insect's incredulous blow. His other arm brought his sword down in a devastating, driving attack that cut completely through the oblivious organism. The mantis shattered shortly thereafter. 
Yukiro took a deep breath. That had taken far more effort than it should have. It was still light out, but it wouldn't be for much longer.

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ID# 127130 | LD: 11

Yukiro wandered around the forest. It was expansive. He wondered how many people had gotten lost here before. It wouldn't surprise him if it was more than a few. Nor would he be surprised if it was more than ten. Or twenty. 
The woods all looked the same to him. Everything was getting repetitive. He was pretty sure he'd seen the same tree and rock well over nine times. The light had set low enough that the forest had gotten too dark to see very far ahead.
In other words, he had gotten very lost. 
Finally, Yukiro came to the conclusion that he should simply keep going in one direction until he found something that would lead him in the right direction. Or until the sun came up. Either way, he didn't really have that many other options. 
He started to wander off to his right. Not like going straight would have been any different.

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ID# 127451 | LD: 5

The darkness was getting a little suffocating. It was finally night. It was the time when most players were in bed and asleep. It was the time when some players were in bars and at parties. And it was the time that some idiots were getting lost in forests where they thought that they would find something interesting, wandering into the dense population of trees and shrubs right when it was getting so dark out you wouldn't be able to find your way back.
Yukiro was clearly an exceptionally brilliant mind. 
He wandered by a large rock. Figuring it couldn't hurt, he hopped up onto the rock and laid down, because there was no way a nap in the woods at night was dangerous. Especially when said woods were populated by wolves and large predatory insects. 
Clearly an exceptionally brilliant mind. 
He laid down on his back and closed his eyes, resting his head on his hands.

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ID# 127458 | LD: 11

As Yukiro slept, he had a dream. 
A small light was glowing in the distance. Yukiro had an unexplained urge to go and catch that faint orange light. It looked like a small flame, flickering in the distance. It made him think it might be a candle of sorts. But as he got closer, the light seemed to become less clear, more and more blurry. As he got closer he was getting less and less able to make out what it was. After reaching where he though the light would be, he got so close that the blur was so great that the light disappeared. He was alone and lost in complete darkness. Nothing in sight but an inky void that surrounded him. 
After a few moments of being wrapped up in darkness, Yukiro woke up. It was still dark out, and he was still in the forest. Nothing had changed. Or so he thought...

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Yukiro sat up and rubbed his eyes. He stretched his arms upwards, stretching out his arms and back. Then he looked around. Small footprints dotted the ground around him. Something had been there while he was asleep. 
He examined one of the small prints. It seemed catlike, and upon further examination (specifically, he touched one of them) he found that the little marks were made of ash. It was certainly a strange occurrence. The mobs he'd encountered thus far hadn't even left footprints, even including the bulky manticore. And that was not even considering that these ones were made of ash. The ground below them wasn't charred, so there was no heat produced from whatever had walked here. It had just had ash on it's feet. Or something like that. 
Yukiro stood up. Perhaps he could follow the little creature to find out what it was. The manticore had supposedly been the strongest mob on the floor, so he probably wouldn't be in significant danger. 

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Yukiro began to follow the small footprints. They lead over rocks. They lead around trees. They lead past small ponds. Yukiro had to start feeling tired eventually, but the pace and movement of the prints really caught his attention. The pints, that Yukiro assumed belonged to a cat, seemed to imply that it was moving slowly, but they covered a lot of distance. How long was he asleep? If the one that made these prints was really as small as they implied, then it must've left them behind quite some time ago. 
Yukiro was walking when he bonked his head on a low tree branch. 
He stumbled back a bit, and rubbed his head. He looked up and glared at the branch. He ducked under it and kept following the footprints.
He was looking down, so he ended up hitting his head a lot. A few big rocks and a bunch of tree branches seemed to have it out for him.

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Big Spider | HP 20 Dmg 4
ID# 127584 | BD: 7 MD: 3 (6-3)
Yukiro: HP: 140/140 | EN: 13/14 (-1)
Big Spider: HP 13/20 (-7)

Yukiro continued to follow the small footprints. They lead through the forest with deft agility. The pace and movement of the prints really caught his attention. The prints, that Yukiro assumed belonged to a cat, seemed to imply that it was moving slowly, but they covered a lot of distance.
Of course, the splendor was ruined by the constant supply of things for Yukiro to bang his head into. He ran into another tree.

He ran into another rock.
He ran into a giant spider that was hanging from a tree.
In a moment of panic Yukiro leaped away from the big bug and drew his sword, slashing at it as he moved away. The large arachnid dropped from the tree and began to close in on Yukiro.
Yes, this was a great situation. Being attacked by giant spiders. Lovely. This was all he had wanted for Christmas.
Guess he couldn't ask for that anymore.
What a shame, he'd have to want something else.

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Big Spider | HP 20 Dmg 4
ID# 127586 | BD: 3 MD: 9
Yukiro: HP: 139/140 (-1) | EN: 12/14 (+1-2)
Big Spider: HP 13/20 
Regen starts next turn

Yukiro watched the spider crawl and skitter about, gradually coming closer and closer. It's numerous legs were thin and had large prickly spines at the joints. It's eight eyes were pale and felt eerily empty. It's body was somewhat small, but the large abdomen well made up the lack of mass. It's jaws seemed a little over the top; two mandibles protruded, making grabbing motions, and two fangs behind them shuddered and flexed as well.
The spider made a jump at Yukiro. He twisted to the side to evade the attack, but the spider's legs got in the way. One of the legs pierced through Yukiro's leg, pinning him in place. Yukiro used his other leg to push the spider up and off his body. The repulsive recluse made a soft screeching noise and skittered back, away from Yukiro, a small ways. Yukiro stood up and flexed his leg. No real damage done, it seemed.

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Big Spider | HP 20 Dmg 4
ID# 127588 | BD: 6 MD: 2
Yukiro: HP: 140/140 (+5) | EN: 11/14 (+1-2)
Big Spider: HP 0/20 (-14)
Regen turn 1

Yukiro glanced at his leg. It had already healed thanks to regen. No need to worry about this fight. 
Looking up at the spider, Yukiro walked forward and raised his sword. He didn't need to slay it as much as he wanted to be rid of it's repulsive looks. 
The spider crouched for another lunge. Yukiro copied the movement, activating a sword art. As the spider lunged, so did Yukiro, and the two met midway. Yukiro's sword cleaved straight through the spider, causing it to glow for a moment and shatter midair. 
As Yukiro stopped to glance around he saw a slight glow over to his left. It was orange, like a candlelight. Yukiro gripped his sword tighter and slowly crept towards the light. 
He found a clearing, the source of the light at the center. A small black cat was sitting in the clearing, reddish-orange light emitting from it's body like a hot coal. The ashen footprints led straight to it.

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ID# 127590 | LD: 8

Yukiro blinked at the cat. The cat mewed at him. 
For a long moment they just stared at each other. Yukiro was unsure of how to react to this. He'd never run into a glowing cat int the middle of the woods before. Nor had he ever considered the possibility. Thus, until the cat moved, he simply stood there and stared.
After a few moments, the cat suddenly sprang away, leaving a small trail of ashen footprints behind it.
"Ack! Hold on, wait!" Yukiro called as he burst into a run to catch up to the nimble feline. Thus began an epic chase through the woods. Yukiro ran quickly through the woods, evading most of the obstacles that threatened to whip him in the head. Most of them, at least.
The cat weaved nimbly around and over obstacles as if it had no trouble traversing the difficult terrain. It did not, in fact, have any difficulty traversing the difficult terrain. 

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The cat hopped on and over a rock which Yukiro had to take some time to get across the barrier. The cat bounced on some trees to get over a beep crack in the ground. Yukiro had to leap over the fatal cracks, and nearly fell in. 
Why did this cat seem to be so much more agile than he was? It irritated him to no end. But he kept chasing after the small black cat. The ashen prints it left behind were helpful in leading him to the small creature without much difficulty, though it did traverse some particularly undesirable terrain. As Yukiro ran, he started to feel like thing were getting easier. As far as chasing the cat went, at least. The trees seemed to restrict his movement less, large rocks and boulders became less frequent, and any other obstacle was practically gone from his path. The cat was in sight more and more often.

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Wolves: HP 10 Dmg 3
ID# 127622 | BD: 9 MD 1
ID# 127623 | BD: 7 MD: 10
ID# 127624 | BD: 1 MD: 4 (7-3)
Yukiro: HP 138/140 (-2) | EN: 7/14 (-8+1)
Wolf 1: HP 0/10 (-13)
Wolf 2: HP 0/10 (-10)

Wolf 3: HP 10/10
Regen activates next turn

As he ran, Yukiro began to realize why he was able to follow the cat more easily. The trees were actually getting further apart because he was approaching the edge of the forest! The cat had guided him back out! 
Once they managed to get to a point where Yukiro could see the Town of Beginnings in the distance the cat stopped. Yukiro stopped just a short distance away from it. The cat turned and mew at him. Yukiro took a step closer and the cat turned away. It fled back into the forest. 
One had to wonder what it was. And if he'd ever find it again. Because that was a creature he wanted as a familiar. 
Of course, he didn't end up with the time to focus on that anyway. 
Three wolves approached him from the open field. 
Sighing and drawing his sword, Yukiro activated a sword art. 
The wolves lunged at him. Two of them latched onto him, but Yukiro managed to cut down two of them.

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Wolves: HP 10 Dmg 3
ID# 127625 | BD: 7 MD: 2
Yukiro: HP 140/140 (+5) | EN: 6/14 (+1-2) 
Wolf 3: HP 0/10 (-12)
Regen turn 1

Yukiro shook off the last wolf that was clamped to his back. It flew off of his back and hit the ground harder than Yukiro had thought it would. Yukiro took a step back, away from the hairy howler, and drew back his sword, trying to activate a sword art. A soft, sharp sound similar to a high pitched wind chime announced the sword art's activation, accompanied by the bright glow of deep crimson that enveloped the blade like a fire. The wolf got to it's feet just in time for Yukiro to slash through it's flank, cutting entirely through the wolf's body. The canine didn't even get to make a noise before it shattered. 
Yukiro sheathed his sword with a heavy sigh. He supposed it was about time to get back to town and rest up. He had plenty of things to do in the coming days. He could come back for the cat later.

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Yukiro let his regen do it's thing and started to make his way back to the Town of Beginnings. He hadn't managed to tame any familiars, but he thought he might have made a friend. He passed by several sleeping boars on his way back, and stopped to wave to the town's gate guards. They stoically kept their gazes directed straight forward, not even reacting to the friendly gesture. 
Oh well.
He continued down the empty streets, thinking about whether he should go and sleep first things first or if he should get something to eat instead. The sudden pang of hunger answered that question for him. As he walked he considered his options. Odds were, nothing was open at this time of night. But he had hopes that a certain cafe he preferred would be open. He'd have to turn around to go back to it though. 
As he began to approach the town square, however, he came across the strange sight of a player searching intently for something around a bench. 

"Excuse me, do you need help finding something?"


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