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[F1-PP] A Time for Change

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Although a hardworking perfectionist at heart, Aurelius held onto a firm grasp of passiveness towards confrontation in any form, whether that confrontation involves argument or initiation of combat. Mainly, he had to come to terms with the latter. A concept so foreign and so valueless garnered an ounce of value when Aurelius first brought himself to his feet. When he first decided to move along with the rest of the progressive crowd. Weapons - verbally or physically - hardly fit with his ideologies. And scarcely in the palm of a trembling hand. Though the boy would acknowledge the somewhat enticing wisdom surrounding weaponry, he simply couldn’t dig any deeper than that to find willpower for fighting. 


Motherly, caring, sweet-natured: Aurelius knew no other world than one of a comforting shoulder for others to cry on. To put oneself out there for the sake of collecting materials or clearing floors, and for any other reason really, left him either afraid of change or afraid of losing. Perfectionism ran throughout his veins, after all. Without a teacher to guide his actions, there’d undoubtedly be a crushing sense of loss in his heart if he were beaten out on Floor 1, at a low level. Or nothing at all if he died. 


Seeing as death gave the boy - who aimed to once again reunite with his siblings, seen more so as children - cold chills, he preferred losing and running instead. It provided a comforting situation versus never seeing the light of a virtual day again. Since Aurelius nodded his head in the direction of stepping stones lead to bravery, he moved. Not only with courage on the mind, but a location in mind: the grass fields. Basic enemies found in this area would give a challenge. And perhaps, he thought out of desperation, a lack of population would mean a lack of potential hecklers around to see him fail.


Failure and stubbornness and fear may have plagued his mind. Aurelius’s ability to tackle issues to progress as a person happened to be quite small and challenging to address. Yet, his legs carried him out into the open world - one never explored. Left behind by his terror after the announcement of the game’s entrapment of its players. Left behind by his heart and brain frozen in time. Building up from the past, Aurelius aimed for improvement and thus allowed that aim to take over any negativity looming overhead. 


Action proved to never be too far within Sword Art Online. At least that, in a sense, could present the game in a better light. Attentive, blue eyes settled on another player in the distance. With impressive skill (especially to such a noob as Aurelius), and seemingly a wide range of knowledge worth seeking, Aurelius admired from afar. Admired because he could barely hold his own weapon. Admired because there truly were those who learned to overcome their fears. And admired, because he wanted to be that person. An image painted in his mind, alongside enough motive to shove the stubborn boy onto an ambitious path, allowed Aurelius to pursue the concept of combat - but, with another person. If first, they’d let him aid in the small fight occurring. 


Without so much as a second thought, he belted, “May I join in? You could teach me-”


Pink brushed across his pale cheeks. He quivered, before stiffening and gripping the spear in his hands tighter. 


“And I can learn to do this. Finally. I’ll do my best... if you’ll let me."



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“May I join in? You could teach me-- And I can learn to do this. Finally. I’ll do my best... if you’ll let me." The new player gripped blushed a bit. Hm. He seemed new. 
Jeez, he really was meeting a lot of beginners lately. He should start charging them for his help or something. 
"Hm. I suppose you can join me. What's your name?" Yukiro asked, turning to face the shorter boy. A quick scan told him all he needed to know.
His slightly hunched posture and slightly scattered speech told him that he was shy. The somewhat plain gear and weaponry was clearly that of a beginner. He must have needed a lot of courage to approach him.
Yukiro changed his posture to appear more friendly, giving him a kind smile. 
"Is there anything I can help you with in particular?" he asked as warmly as he could manage to speak to a stranger. It was admittedly fairly difficult.

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“Aurelius,” the boy brushed black-white hair from his face and smiled brightly in return. The interaction could’ve gone differently... He let his whims take hold (which rarely if ever happened), and felt fortunate for the fact that this stranger wouldn’t mind aiding a newbie on a path towards greater success. 


A friendly, welcoming aura surrounded the other player. Aurelius’s hand stretched out. Though his handshakes might’ve been weaker than the typical man’s, he felt it was a gesture to replicate. Athena - the girl he’d recently met - did the same thing, rather than a bow. Thus he felt a universal greeting would be most appropriate while making friends in Sword Art Online. Intricacies of socialization never truly bothered the homebody. After all, dealing only with younger siblings would certainly wipe that concept away for anyone. 


Coming to terms with the abundance of loneliness weighted upon sensitive shoulders hit Aurelius strongly. Yet, at the moment, he shrugged that emotion away to allow a newfound enthusiasm for personal growth to flourish within his soul. “Honestly,” he breathed deeply, determined. “I could use any help that you’ll give me. And I’ll work really hard to get better! It’s a little late, I know, but I wasn’t ready before like I am now.”


Less jittery, pink, and ashamed: Aurelius nodded towards the stranger in appreciation for dealing with the more negative aspects associated with low leveled players in the same situation as himself. Empathy struck his heart. For anyone else out there, struggling. Aurelius’s determination stemmed from desires related outside forces - they triggered his actions more than anything else. Now, he held another goal to pull him in the right direction should he fall back into the constraints of depression or hopelessness or overwhelming fear. 


“Your name is...?,” he questioned, head tilted curiously. A loving smile still painted on his soft, pale face.

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