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[F01 - SP] A Day in the Life of a Sugar Glider <<Training Your Friend>>

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Yumi woke up slowly. It had been a long day yesterday. Yuki and Tala went out on a boat, and he got to play with both of them, so he had been really tired. But after a long sleep he was ready to wake up and play again. Yumi stretched and slowly squirmed in his pouch. It was nice and warm, but he knew he'd have to leave it to go play. Maybe if he could get Yuki to come get him Yuki would keep him warm. 

A loud, barking noise came from Yumi's pouch, just a few feet away from Yukiro's cot. He sleepily rolled over and checked the time. 

12:36 am.

With an audible groan Yukiro sat up and reached into Yumi's pouch, promptly flopping back down once the sugar glider was in his hand. 
"Yumi, please let me sleep tonight," he moaned, the tiredness overtaking his face. Yumi nuzzled himself in Yukiro's hand. 
Yukiro rolled over to the side and closed his eyes, letting Yumi snuggle his hand. "Thank you." 

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Yumi was finally ready to go outside. He started to struggle a bit and managed to wriggle free of Yuki's hand. Maybe he should wake Yuki up? Nah, Yumi can explore a bit on his own. There's a whole wide world just waiting for him!
The sugar glider dashed across the shop's floor and looked up at the forge. The warm thing. But Yuki never let me get close. Yumi started to climb up the wooden platform that held the thing up, only to discover at the top tat it was way too hot! Why would he have something this hot? It would hurt to play with it! And so Yumi climbed back down. 
The next thing to explore was... the big metal anvil! 
Yumi hopped over to the big, black thing. He could never figure out what it was supposed to be for. He tried to climb it, but it was too hard and smooth. But if it wasn't for climbing, what was it for? 

Edited by Yukiro
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Maybe he just had to jump on top of it. But it was so high up! How was he supposed to get up there? 
Oh! I have an idea! 
Yumi hopped over to the wall and started to eagerly climb up it. It was just rough enough that he could get a hold on it. Up and up and up he went until, when he looked down, he could see the whole shop! A little more searching and he found the big black thing. He didn't see anything on it... 
But that's just because he wasn't close enough, of course! Where else would Yuki hide the treats? 
Alright, all he has to do is jump down and glide onto the big thing... 
Just jump down... 
Yuki! Help me I'm scared it's so high up! 

Yukiro woke up to loud barking once again. He sleepily sat up and checked the time. 

1:20 am

With a heavy sigh, he sleepily looked in the direction of the barking. His eyes widened a bit when he found the sugar glider on the wall, almost at the ceiling. How did he get up there? 
Gah, Yukiro was never going to sleep. 

Edited by Yukiro
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Yukiro stood up and walked over to the wall where the sugar glider was hanging. What did he want? Did he just need some attention? Yukiro reached his hand up, reaching up to pet the little critter, and Yumi immediately bounded from the wall and latched onto Yukiro's hand. Mildly surprised Yukiro brought Yumi back down to his chest level. That's when he noticed that the sugar glider was shaking. 
Was he... 
...Scared of heights? 
Yukiro let out a heavy sigh. He didn't have the energy to think about it. He teetered back off to bed and laid back down. Yumi jumped from his hand to his chest the instant Yukiro had laid on his side and quickly hid it'self inside his shirt. 
"...Alright. Good night, Yumi. Please." 

Yumi shivered inside Yuki's shirt, still recovering from the terrifying experience. 
Thank you, Yuki. I'll never go exploring without you again. 
Five minutes later, both of the tired adventurers were fast asleep. 

Edited by Yukiro
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